Save information immediately after Google login in Azure Mobile Services (.NET Back-end) - authentication

What I basically want to be able to do is authenticate to azure mobile services (using google or some other provider), and immediately save some of the user information (i.e. email address) on the server.
I know I could call a custom method from the app after authentication, but I was hoping to have some hook to do this straight after the google login on the server side.
Is this possible? How do I do it?!

This is currently only possible in the .NET runtime. If using the Node runtime, you will not be able to do this.
For the .NET runtime, you would want to create a class which inherits from GoogleLoginProvider (I'll call mine CustomGoogleLoginProvider), and then you'll need to override the CreateCredentials method:
public override ProviderCredentials CreateCredentials(ClaimsIdentity claimsIdentity)
// grab any information from claimsIdentity which you would like to store
// If you need the access token for use with the graph APIs, you can use the following
string providerAccessToken = claimsIdentity.GetClaimValueOrNull(ServiceClaimTypes.ProviderAccessToken);
// use the access token with HttpClient to get graph information to store
return base.CreateCredentials(claimsIdentity);
Then in your WebApiConfig.cs, add the following to the Register() method, immediately after the options object is created:
The CreateCredentials() method gets called immediately before a Mobile Services token is created. At this point, the Google token has been validated, and the claimsIdentity has been populated with whatever Google sent back.
Some information will be available in the claimsIdentity by default, but you may also have information which requires you to call through to Google. You can only do this if you set the proper scopes configured.
If you did want to go the custom API route, you would just need to make a call from your controller:
ServiceUser user = (ServiceUser)this.User;
GoogleCredentials creds = (await user.GetIdentitiesAsync()).OfType<GoogleCredentials>().FirstOrDefault();
string accessToken = creds.AccessToken;
The Node version of getIdentities() is documented here.


What's the best way of web api authentication to Microsoft Graph to access emails in the service account mailbox?

I am trying to figure out which way would be better for my application. I need to perform an automatic email import triggered from ASP.NET Core Web API using Microsoft Graph mailbox access. According to the documentation, there are two options to go for:
Get access on behalf of the user (
Get access without the user (
As the import is automatically triggered by Azure Function timer I do not want to open a popup for the user credentials. So I considered to go with the second option and create a service user to do this, but then I saw a point about Admin consent in the documentation and I got a bit confused. Does this mean that if nobody is going to accept the app rights to access emails it will not be able to do so? What would be easier/preferred way to implement this kind of functionality?
--Does this mean that if nobody is going to accept the app rights to access emails it will not be able to do so?
no, that means after admin consent the api permission, then you can access any users' emails in your tenant.
--What would be easier/preferred way to implement this kind of functionality?
as you said that you are using Azure timer function to to auto import the mails, so you shouldn't get access to graph api on behalf of a user, you have to access the api on behalf the application.
But you have to check if the graph api you want to call support being accessed on behalf of the application. Let's see this api. You may notice that it supports Application api permission.
Then pls note that you have to using client credential flow to generate access token to call the graph api, you can't use other flows. Here's sample code for using client credential flow with graph SDK to call graph api.
var scopes = new[] { "" };
var tenantId = "";
var clientId = "azure_ad_appid";
var clientSecret = "client_secret";
var clientSecretCredential = new ClientSecretCredential(
tenantId, clientId, clientSecret);
var graphClient = new GraphServiceClient(clientSecretCredential, scopes);
var inboxMessages = await graphClient.Users["user_id"]

Authenticate Google access token with ASP.NET Core backend server

I have Angular2 on client and ASP.NET Core on server side. I use JavaScriptServices (aspnetcore-spa template).
For authentication I use OpenIddict and I follow example here.
Now I am on the server side in Controller class method and I would like to validate id_token because this is suggested on this side:
Important: Do not use the Google IDs returned by getId() or the user's
profile information to communicate the currently signed in user to
your backend server. Instead, send ID tokens, which can be securely
validated on the server.
And I would also like to register user (save email, profile ...) in my database through ASP.NET Core identity.
I would like to use Google API client Library for .NET to get user information and store refresh_token. Years ago I manage to do it with PHP, but I can't figure it out with .NET.
I download nuget packages: Google.Apis, Google.Apis.OAuth2.v2, Google.Apis.Plus.v1.
I am not sure which nuget package I need for this, which class should I use, how to set Google ServerKey and how to get user information from information which I get from gapi.signin2 button.
In simple:
How can I validate id_token from .NET with Google .NET Client library?
I found solution here. It is old, but it works.
var googleInitializer = new BaseClientService.Initializer();
googleInitializer.ApiKey = this.config["Authentication:Google:ServerKey"];
Oauth2Service ser = new Oauth2Service(googleInitializer);
Oauth2Service.TokeninfoRequest req = ser.Tokeninfo();
req.AccessToken = request.AccessToken; //access token received from Google SignIn button
Tokeninfo userinfo = await req.ExecuteAsync();
I didn't figure it out how to get Display name and picture on server. But it can be done on client:
onGoogleLoginSuccess(user: gapi.auth2.GoogleUser)
console.log("basic profile", user.getBasicProfile());
If someone knows more updated solution or how to retrieve basic user profile on server, please share it.
In addition I can use Google+, but careful because Google Account is not Google+ Account. I didn't have + account and get error:
Google.Apis.Requests.RequestError Not Found [404] Errors [
Message[Not Found] Location[ - ] Reason[notFound] Domain[global] ]
in code:
var plusService = new PlusService(googleInitializer);
Person me = await plusService.People.Get(userinfo.UserId).ExecuteAsync();
but it is possible to get all user information (picture, display name, first name, last name, birthday ...)

OpenID Connect server. Generate access token based on 3-rd party token (social login)

I had implemented OpenID Connect server that generates access tokens for mobile client based on username/password using OpenIddict.
My next goal was to provide ability to generate Access Token using 3-rd party tokens (social login for example), and I started from integration with Google token, but stuck as cannot find any samples/informations about how to do this.
The only one idea that I currently have is to make request to "/connect/token" endpoint and send Google token in "code" parameter, for example in "google:" format, then override OpenIdConnectServerProvider.DeserializeAuthorizationCode method:
Called when receiving an authorization code. An application may use this context to deserialize the code using a custom format and to skip the default logic using
So I have created own CustomProvider class based on OpenIddictProvider, registered it
services.AddOpenIddict<ApplicationUser, ApplicationRole, ApplicationDbContext, int>()
.Configure(builder =>
{ builder.Provider = new CustomProvider(sp.GetRequiredService<SignInService>()); }
and overridden the DeserializeAuthorizationCode method:
public override async Task DeserializeAuthorizationCode(DeserializeAuthorizationCodeContext context)
string code = context.Request.Code;
if (code.StartsWith("google:"))
string token = code.Replace("google:", "");
var principal = new GoogleTokenValidator().ValidateToken(token, null).Result;
var ticket = new AuthenticationTicket(principal, new AuthenticationProperties(), "Bearer");
context.Ticket = ticket;
context.Ticket.Properties.ExpiresUtc = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(1);
await _signInService.Login(principal);
where GoogleTokenValidator is a custom class for Google token handling (it makes call to Google User Information Endpoint and generate ClaimsPrincipal), based on "copy-pasted" code from GoogleHandler class in aspnet/Security repo.
In general it is working with some additional hacks, but I have strong feeling that reinventing the wheel...
In general it is working with some additional hacks, but I have strong feeling that reinventing the wheel...
You're not only reinventing the wheel, but you're also implementing something totally non-standard that is not supported (at all) by OpenIddict.
Here's the approach I recommend (which is the one we use in the MVC server sample):
The OAuth2/OpenID Connect client application redirects the user agent to your authorization controller (you can take a look at this controller for an example).
OpenIddict will validate the authorization request and allow your controller to be invoked if it's fully valid.
If the user is not already logged in, your authorization controller will redirect the user to the login endpoint, provided by AccountController. At this point, you're free to propose local authentication (e.g using a username/password couple) or Google authentication (you can use the Google authentication middleware for that). You can even offer 2-FA as part of this login process.
Once the user is logged in (e.g after a registration process and/or an external authentication association), his/her browser is redirected back to the authorization endpoint, where a consent form indicating he/she's about to allow your JS app to access his personal data on his/her behalf is displayed.
When the user allows your client application to access his data, the request is handled by your authorization controller, that calls SignInAsync to inform OpenIddict that an authorization code/access token should be returned to your application.

Using oauth2_access_token to get connections in linkedIn

I'm trying to get the connections in linkedIn using their API, but when I try to retrieve the connections I get a 401 unauthorized error.
in the official documentation says
You must use an access token to make an authenticated call on behalf
of a user
Make the API calls You can now use this access_token to make API calls on behalf of this user by appending
"oauth2_access_token=access_token" at the end of the API call that you
wish to make.
The API call that I'm trying to do is the following
Error -->,headline,first-name,last-name)?format=json&oauth2_access_token=access_token
I have tried to do it with the following endpoint without any problems.
OK -->,first-name,last-name,formatted-name,date-of-birth,industry,email-address,location,headline,picture-urls::(original))?format=json&oauth2_access_token=access_token
this list of endpoints for the connections API are described here
I just copied and pasted one endpoint from there, so the question is what's the problem with the endpoint for getting the connections? what am I missing?
for the preAuth Url I'm using
please find attached the login screen requesting the permissions
Switched to https and worked like a charm!
Access tokens are issued for a specific scope that describes the extent of the permission you are requesting. When you start the authentication transaction, you add a specific parameter (called scope) that requests the user to consent access to what you want (in this case their connections). If I remember correctly, in LinkedIn that is r_network.
Check their documentation here:
So, your call is perfectly ok, but very likely your access_token doesn't have enough privileges.
apiHelper.getRequest(getActivity(),"", new ApiListener() {
public void onApiSuccess(ApiResponse response) {
public void onApiError(LIApiError error) {
If you are trying to get user connections using the LinkedIn SDK for android like in the snippet above,
Check for permissions in the SDK in this class com.linkedin.platform.utils.Scope.
Make sure r_network is available when building your scope. Example
public static final LIPermission R_NETWORK = new LIPermission("r_network", "Your network");
Can now be used like this to build scope, Scope.R_EMAILADDRESS, Scope.W_SHARE, Scope.R_FULLPROFILE, Scope.R_CONTACTINFO, Scope.R_NETWORK)

Problems configuring user authentication by external API on Symfony2

I have a problem authenticating users for my new Symfony2 application.
This applications gets all the info through an API, so no database is used. When a user goes to login page, he introduce the user and password in the login form. Then, I have to authenticate him using an API call. This API call returns "false" if it's not a user, and return a token key and a token secret if its a correct user. With this token key and secret, during the user session, I can make all the API requests I need for rendering all the pages of the application. Once the user session is over and token key and secret are erased, the user has to login again.
I don't know really how ti implement that. I read this and that, and I'm still so lost... :(
Can any one help me?
Thank you so much :)
If you want to write custom authentication you have found the correct links. As an example you can see the implementation of the OAuth authorization HWIOAuthBundle. But keep in mind that this type of authentication creates a user on your system. If you do not use a database, you must make a request to the API every time user send a request.
First you need to understand that there is no magic. On every request symfony checks if url matches one of the specified firewalls (see secutity.yml). Listener that fired you can see in the firewall factory. If matches are found, the action switches to the corresponding AuthenticationListener. Listener attempts to authenticate the credewntials by creating Token, which is sended to AuthenticationProvider
$this->authenticationManager->authenticate(new UsernamePasswordToken($username, $password, $this->providerKey));
in AuthenticationProvider
public function authenticate(TokenInterface $token) {
AuthenticationProvider try to get user via UserProvider. In case of success, Token stored in the session. On subsequent requests, ContextListener comes into play first, checks the session, extract token and send it to AuthenticationProvider similar.
In general terms, the scheme looks like that. More info you can find examining the source code of Symfony Security component.
Really good starting point is a UsernamePasswordFormAuthenticationListener. It just take login and password from request and make simplest UsernamePasswordToken.
protected function attemptAuthentication(Request $request)
Good luck!