How to make stored procedure in if..End if condition - sql

I am beginner at stored procedures. I tried the following stored procedure in IF...End If condition so how to make it ... I am confused.... so anyone create it
strSql = "SELECT count(*) " & _
" FROM hist_billgen_report r, hist_billgen_header h " & _
" WHERE r.invoice_number=h.invoice_number " & _
" and h.macnum = '" & l_macnum & "' " & _
" and r.rep_type = 1 " & _
" and r.rep_call_type = '" & line_type & "' " & _
" and h.billing_job_id = '" & arg_job & "' "
'Special code for data lines for Newcore
If gcompany = "NCW" Then
strSql += " and r.rep_number not in ( "
strSql += "select distinct a.mdn from order_wireless a where"
strSql += " in"
strSql += " ("
strSql += " select c.serviceid from cust_charge_file b, service_charges c, main_company_utilities d"
strSql += " where(b.chg_main_index = c.chargeid)"
strSql += " and c.serviceid ="
strSql += " and (b.chg_main_category_id = d.utilities_id and d.utilities_type = 'CS' and (utilities_desc_short like '%FDS1%' or utilities_desc_short like '%FDS2%' or utilities_desc_short like '%FDS3%' or utilities_desc_short like '%MBS1%' or utilities_desc_short like '%MBS2%' or utilities_desc_short like '%MBS3%' ) )"
strSql += " )"
strSql += " and a.accountnumber = '" & l_macnum & "' "
strSql += " )"
End If

Putting a query into a stored procedure doesn't necessarily always mean a performance increase. Depending on the data in your tables, this query could be quite slow due to the OR LIKES '%%' in it, but you could do something like this:
create procedure [dbo].[spname]
#l_macNum int -- note, you haven't given a lot of information, create all query parameters with appropriate types here
-- more parameters
#arg_job int -- same
if (#company = 'NCW')
SELECT count(*)
FROM hist_billgen_report r, hist_billgen_header h
WHERE r.invoice_number=h.invoice_number
and h.macnum = #l_macNum
-- etc
and r.rep_number not in (
-- etc
SELECT count(*)
FROM hist_billgen_report r, hist_billgen_header h
WHERE r.invoice_number=h.invoice_number
and h.macnum = #l_macNum
-- etc
note the If and else logic are completely separate queries, as you cannot do what I think you were hoping to do in a contiguous query, without using dynamic sql. there are certain caveats to this but given you're new to sql, going to stick with that
I used -- etc as place holders for your text, as I'm not going to provide the entire solution :P
If that doesn't make sense, let me know.


Instead of 'table variable+column name =' is there any method to simplify that?

Instead of table variable+column name = is there any method to simplify that?
update [hopi].[dbo].[hdc
set dostat = 'i'
from [hopi].[dbo].[hdc] as b
inner join [hopi].[dbo].hperson as a
on b.hpercode = a.hpercode
inner join [hopi].[dbo].[hprocm] as c
on b.proccode = c.proccode
where b.dostat = 'a'
and datepart(yy,b.dodate)='" & yr & "'
and datepart(mm,b.dodate)='" & mnth & "'
and datepart(dd,b.dodate)='" & dy & "'
and a.last= '" & & "'enter code here
and a.first= '" & & "'
and (c.procdesc='prec' or c.procdesc='pros' or c.procdesc='vat' or c.procdesc='vet' or c.procdesc='pak' or c.procdesc='pren' or c.procdesc='maser' or c.procdesc='lolo' or c.procdesc='yawa')
You can use an IN clause here to avoid the repetition i.e.
AND (c.procdesc IN ('prec', 'pros', 'vat', 'vet', 'pak', 'pren', 'maser', 'lolo', 'yawa'))

Is there a way to combine all the outputs into one in MS-ACCES?

I want to make a SQL Filter in MS-Acces where I have the Option to filter all the Elements in the table. But when I make the UNION SELECT, I can show only 1 column in each row, so I made database_geräte.* to database_geräte.ID .
This works fine now, but I want all the Outputs from the database_geräte.ID select into one row, so that I can Filter all of them at once.
I tried to make a GROUPCONCAT, but that gives me an error.
SELECT database_geräte.ID, dbo.GROUPCONCAT (STRINGVALUE) FROM database_geräte
SELECT database_geräte.Gerät FROM database_geräte;
I also tried to make a count on the
But then I get the value of the database_geräte.ID select, which doesn't fit in the filter because a ID with that number doesn't exist...
The SQL Select:
SELECT database_geräte.ID, dbo.GROUPCONCAT FROM database_geräte
SELECT database_geräte.Gerät FROM database_geräte;
The SQL filter in VBA:
sql = "SELECT* FROM database1 WHERE Gerät = '" & Me.GeräteFilter & "'"
Me.sb_1.Form.RecordSource = sql
So the Filter should show an option where I can filter all the elements of the table and show it in the subform.
I just made an UNION that gives me all the data at once.
The SQL Select:
SELECT ID, Gerät FROM database_geräte UNION select "*" as ID, "Alle" as Gerät from database_geräte;
Then I made a function, that I can give to two Filters:
sql = "SELECT database_geräte.Gerät, database1.Name, database1.Grund, database1.Gerät_ID" _
& " FROM database_geräte INNER JOIN database1 ON database_geräte.ID = database1.Gerät_ID " _
& "" & IIf(Me.GeräteFilter <> "*", "Where database1.Gerät_ID = " & Me.GeräteFilter & " ", "") & " " _
& "" & IIf(Me.Person <> "Alle", IIf(Me.GeräteFilter <> "*", " AND database1.Name = '" & Me.Person & "'", "WHERE database1.Name = '" & Me.Person & "'"), "") & ""
Me.sb_1.Form.RecordSource = sql

MS Access vba query where

Simple Question.
For example, i have a Customer that have 10 Orders and each order include 6-10 Items.
i want to create a vba query that will desplay all the items of a specific customer.
My query is:
x = CustomerNum
Query = "Select OrderNum from CustomerOrderT Where CustomerNum = " & x
Set result = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(Query)
y = result!OrderNum
'(there is a lot of orders on y)
Query = "Select Product From OrderProducts Where OrderNum = " & y
Set result = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(Query)
The problem is that i only see the Products of the first order and i cannot see the products of all the orders that i select on the first query.
Need some help to handke this situation.
Thank you very much.
You can just execute a single query for all orders:
x = CustomerNum
Query = " SELECT CustomerOrderT.CustomerNum, " & _
CustomerOrderT.OrderNum, " & _
" OrderProducts.Product " & _
" FROM CustomerOrderT INNER JOIN OrderProducts " & _
ON CustomerOrderT.OrderNum = OrderProducts.OrderNum " & _
" WHERE (((CustomerOrderT.CustomerNum)=" & x & ")) " & _
"ORDER BY CustomerOrderT.OrderNum, " & _
" OrderProducts.Product;"
And then loop over all the records, noting each change in OrderNum
But beware of building SQL like this if you don't control how variable CustomerNum is assigned, as you open yourself to SQL injection attacks.

Query syntax on a large inner-joined select query linked to a control giving runtime 3071 error message

I am getting Runtime error message 3071 on the following query stating that the query is too complex. I have created queries in the past which have seemed more complex than this one. I would like to understand what generates this message:
sql_get = "SELECT tblValueChain01.IDMacroProcesso, tblValueChain02.IDMicroProcesso02, tblValueChain03.ID, tblDependencies01.ID AS DependencyID, tblValueChain02.MicroProcesso02, tblValueChain01.MacroProcess, tblValueChain01.TeamLead, tblValueChain01.LastOrganisationDate, tblValueChain01.TempiIndeterminati, tblValueChain01.TempiDeterminati, tblValueChain01.Interinali, tblValueChain01.PartTime, tblValueChain01.DailyMinutesAverage AS Minutes01, tblValueChain01.DailyMinutesHigh AS Minutes01H, tblValueChain01.DailyMinutesLow AS Minutes01L, tblValueChain02.MicroProcesso02, " & _
"tblValueChain02.DailyMinutesAverage AS Minutes02, tblValueChain02.DailyMinutesHigh AS Minutes02H, tblValueChain02.DailyMinutesLow AS Minutes02L, tblValueChain03.MicroProcess, tblValueChain03.MinutesPerDay AS Minutes03, tblValueChain03.MinutesPerDayHigh AS Minutes03H, tblValueChain03.MinutesPerDayLow AS Minutes03L, tblDependencies01.FlowDescription, tblDependencies01.FlowType, tblTeamsDepartments.Department, tblTeams.Team, tblDependencies01.Precision, " & _
"tblDependencies01.ServiceDelivery , tblDependencies01.RiskReduction, tblDependencies01.CapacityCreation, tblDependencies01.TargetCapacityCreation, tblDependencies01.Feasibility, tblDependencies01.Timeframe, tblDependencies01.Priority, tblDependencies01.Note, tblDependencies01.RedundantControls, tblDependencies01.RedundantControlsNotes, tblDependencies01.RedundantControlsPotSolution, tblDependencies01.RedundantControlsNotesSymbol, tblDependencies01.RedundantControlsPotSolSymbol, tblDependencies01.RolesAndResponsibilities, tblDependencies01.RolesAndResponsibilitiesNotes, " & _
"tblDependencies01.RolesAndResponsibilitiesPotSolution , tblDependencies01.RolesResponNotesSymbol, tblDependencies01.RolesRespPotSolSymbol, tblDependencies01.SubstandardSvcs, tblDependencies01.SubstandardSvcsNotes, tblDependencies01.SubStandardSvcsPotSolution, tblDependencies01.SubStandardSvcsNotesSymbol, tblDependencies01.SubStandardSvcsPotSolSymbol, tblDependencies01.KnowledgeGaps, tblDependencies01.KnowledgeGapsNotes, tblDependencies01.KnowledgeGap, " & _
"PotSolution , tblDependencies01.KnowledgeGapsNotesSymbol, tblDependencies01.KnowledgeGapsPotSolSymbol, tblDependencies01.ExcessiveOversight, tblDependencies01.ExcessiveOversightNotes, tblDependencies01.ExcessiveOversightPotSolution, tblDependencies01.ExcessiveOversightNotesSymbol, tblDependencies01.ExcessiveOversightPotSolSymbol, tblDependencies01.UpstreamErrors, tblDependencies01.UpstreamErrorsNotes, tblDependencies01.UpstreamErrorsPotSolution, tblDependencies01.UpstreamErrorsNotesSymbol, tblDependencies01.UpstreamErrorsPotSolSymbol, tblDependencies01.DefectsRework, " & _
"tblDependencies01.DefectsReworkNotes , tblDependencies01.DefectsReworkPotSolution, tblDependencies01.DefectsReworkNotesSymbol, tblDependencies01.DefectsReworkPotSolSymbol, tblDependencies01.OverProduction, tblDependencies01.OverproductionNotes, tblDependencies01.OverproductionPotSolution, tblDependencies01.OverproductionNotesSymbol, tblDependencies01.OverproductionPotSolSymbol, tblDependencies01.MotionTransport, " & _
"tblDependencies01.MotionTransportNotes , tblDependencies01.MotionTransportPotSolution, tblDependencies01.MotionNotesSymbol, tblDependencies01.MotionSolSymbol, tblDependencies01.DowntimeWaiting, tblDependencies01.DowntimeWaitingNotes, tblDependencies01.DowntimeWaitingPotSolution, tblDependencies01.WaitDowntimeNotesSymbol, tblDependencies01.WaitDowntimeSolSymbol, tblDependencies01.ExcessiveHandoffs, tblDependencies01.ExcessiveHandoffNotes, tblDependencies01.ExcessiveHandoffPotSolution, " & _
"tblDependencies01.ExcessiveHandoffsSymbol , tblDependencies01.ExcessiveHandoffsPotSolSymbol, tblDependencies01.RCSLABreachInternal, tblDependencies01.RCSLABreachExternal, tblDependencies01.RCCorporatePolicyBreach, tblDependencies01.RCOperatingModelDiscrepancy, tblDependencies01.RRSLABreachInternal, tblDependencies01.RRSLABreachExternal, tblDependencies01.RRCorporatePolicyBreach, tblDependencies01.RROperatingModelDiscrepancy, tblDependencies01.SSSLABreachInternal, tblDependencies01.SSSLABreachExternal, tblDependencies01.SSCorporatePolicyBreach, " & _
"tblDependencies01.SSOperatingModelDiscrepancy , tblDependencies01.KGSLABreachInternal, tblDependencies01.KGSLABreachExternal, tblDependencies01.KGCorporatePolicyBreach, tblDependencies01.KGOperatingModelDiscrepancy, tblDependencies01.EOSLABreachInternal, tblDependencies01.EOSLABreachExternal, tblDependencies01.EOCorporatePolicyBreach, tblDependencies01.EOOperatingModelDiscrepancy, tblDependencies01.UESLABreachInternal, tblDependencies01.UESLABreachExternal, tblDependencies01.UECorporatePolicyBreach, tblDependencies01.UEOperatingModelDiscrepancy, tblDependencies01.DefSLABreachInternal, " & _
"tblDependencies01.DefSLABreachExternal , tblDependencies01.DefCorporatePolicyBreach, tblDependencies01.DefOperatingModelDiscrepancy, tblDependencies01.OPSLABreachInternal, tblDependencies01.OPSLABreachExternal, tblDependencies01.OPCorporatePolicyBreach, tblDependencies01.OPOperatingModelDiscrepancy, tblDependencies01.EHSLABreachInternal, tblDependencies01.EHSLABreachExternal, tblDependencies01.EHCorporatePolicyBreach, " & _
"tblDependencies01.EHOperatingModelDiscrepancy , tblDependencies01.DTSLABreachInternal, tblDependencies01.DTSLABreachExternal, tblDependencies01.DTCorporatePolicyBreach, tblDependencies01.DTOperatingModelDiscrepancy, tblDependencies01.ECSLABreachInternal, tblDependencies01.ECSLABreachExternal, tblDependencies01.ECCorporatePolicyBreach, tblDependencies01.ECOperatingModelDiscrepancy " & _
"FROM (tblTeamsDepartments INNER JOIN tblTeams ON tblTeamsDepartments.ID = tblTeams.Department) INNER JOIN (tblValueChain01 INNER JOIN ((tblValueChain03 INNER JOIN tblValueChain02 ON tblValueChain03.IDMacroProcess = tblValueChain02.IDMicroProcesso02) INNER JOIN tblDependencies01 ON tblValueChain03.ID = tblDependencies01.IDSubProcess) ON tblValueChain01.IDMacroProcesso = tblValueChain02.IDMacroProcesso01) ON tblTeams.ID = tblDependencies01.Group WHERE [tblDependencies01].[ID]= '" & ID & "'"
Form_frmValueChainDynamic01.Form.RecordSource = sql_get
Possible typo:
INNER JOIN tblValueChain02 ON tblValueChain03.IDMacroProcess = tblValueChain02.IDMicroProcesso02)`
...perhaps should be IDMacroProcesso (missing "o" at the end of this field)?
Is [tblDependencies01].[ID] a number field? If so, then in your WHERE clause you've used single quotes denoting you're expecting to match a string; so this:
WHERE [tblDependencies01].[ID]= '" & ID & "'"
...should be written like this, if ID is a number:
WHERE [tblDependencies01].[ID]=" & ID
You've referred to most fields in your SELECT clause using the tableName.fieldName convention except for PotSolution (this may not be an issue, but it's good to be consistent!)
Some more things to try if the above doesn't work:

Syntax error in SQL query

I am having problems implementing this query in
The error message that I am getting is with the "as" in the first line.
This is a local sql compact database 3.5
cmd.CommandText = "UPDATE player as a " &
"SET starter = 'TRUE' " &
"FROM player AS b " &
"WHERE( = " &
"AND b.weight = a.weight " &
"AND b.skill > a.skill)"
Error message -
cmd.CommandText = "UPDATE a " &
"SET starter = 'TRUE' " &
"FROM player a " &
"LEFT JOIN player b " &
"ON = " &
"AND a.weight = b.weight " &
"AND b.skill > a.skill " &
Error message -
Does this work?
UPDATE player
SET starter = 'TRUE'
SELECT * FROM player b
AND b.weight = player.weight
AND b.skill > player.skill
Edited to add:
This will probably run faster if you create an index:
CREATE INDEX player_school_weight ON player (school, weight, skill)
I believe that you want this:
starter = 'True'
[Player] pl
[Player] pl2 ON (pl.[School] = pl2.[School])
(pl.[Weight] = pl2.[Weight])
(pl2.[Skill] > pl.[Skill])
WHERE pl2.[School] IS NULL