Create a unique index on a non-unique column - sql

Not sure if this is possible in PostgreSQL 9.3+, but I'd like to create a unique index on a non-unique column. For a table like:
, day DATE
CREATE INDEX data_day_val_idx ON data (day, val);
I'd like to be able to [quickly] query only the distinct days. I know I can use data_day_val_idx to help perform the distinct search, but it seems this adds extra overhead if the number of distinct values is substantially less than the number of rows in the index covers. In my case, about 1 in 30 days is distinct.
Is my only option to create a relational table to only track the unique entries? Thinking:
And update this with a trigger every time we insert into data.

An index can only index actual rows, not aggregated rows. So, yes, as far as the desired index goes, creating a table with unique values like you mentioned is your only option. Enforce referential integrity with a foreign key constraint from to This might also be best for performance, depending on the complete situation.
However, since this is about performance, there is an alternative solution: you can use a recursive CTE to emulate a loose index scan:
( -- parentheses required
FROM cte c
WHERE IS NOT NULL -- exit condition
SELECT day FROM cte;
Parentheses around the first SELECT are required because of the attached ORDER BY and LIMIT clauses. See:
Combining 3 SELECT statements to output 1 table
This only needs a plain index on day.
There are various variants, depending on your actual queries:
Optimize GROUP BY query to retrieve latest row per user
Unused index in range of dates query
Select first row in each GROUP BY group?
More in my answer to your follow-up querstion:
Counting distinct rows using recursive cte over non-distinct index


Most efficient way to SELECT DISTINCT ColA FROM LargeTableWithFewValuesForColA

I have a large table (millions of rows).
I have to often get DISTINCT values of some columns. In my case, those columns actually have very few distinct values (a few to a few dozen)
What is the most efficient way of doing this?
Add an index on the column and then run:
select distinct column
from t;
To add to Gordons answer in large databases you could partition your data in addition to the index as well. Partitioning of data is like
Table_1 (id)
Select distinct records from table
Where id <1000
Table_2 (id)
Select distinct records from table
Where id >1000
Actual table =table_1+table_2 (id)
Just a sample to illustrate this partition is not extra its actually the same table or db just that it gets split up on basis of unique column

SQL Server 1 million records: best way to get fastest last record of table?

SQL Server 1 million records: best way to get fastest last record of table?
Example: I have a table A with 1 million records. What is the way to get fastest last records?
But I think It's not good way for me.
The query in your question will perform very well if you have a clustered index (which may be the primary key index) on ID. There is no faster way to retrieve all columns from a single row of a table.
I'll add that a table is logically an unordered set of rows so ORDER BY is required to return a "last" or "first" row. The b-tree index on the ORDER BY column will locate the row efficiently.
you have only one way index on primary key and where values . order by has a little bit cost but it's ok if you has index on order Column
--ORDER BY 1 DESC means order by primary key index desc
--or you can use this if your first column is IDENTITY or A/A

SQL range conditions less than, greater than and between

What I would like to accomplish is; query if 'email ocr in' & 'universal production' rows in the "documents created column" field, total the same amount as "email OCR" 'documents_created. If not, pull that batch. finally if the attachment count is less than 7 entries after the email ocr in & universal production files are pulled then return said result
current query below:
use N
log_time ,
start_time ,
documents_created ,
-- Log time is current day
log_time between  CONVERT(date, getdate()) AND CONVERT(datetime,floor(CONVERT(float,getdate()))) + '23:59:00' 
-- Documents created is NULL or non zero
AND (documents_created IS NULL OR documents_created <> 0)
or  ( documents_created is null and log_time between  CONVERT(date, getdate()) AND CONVERT(datetime,floor(CONVERT(float,getdate()))) + '23:59:00')
-- Filter for specific types
AND type IN ('Email OCR In',
'Universal Production')
-- Filter to rows where number of pages and documents created are not equal
AND documents_created <2 and pages_created >2
ORDER BY log_time
,id asc
,processed_time asc
any idea how to incorporate that? Im a novice. thanks
When creating an index, you just specify the columns to be indexed. There is no difference in creating an index for a range query or an exact match. You can add multiple columns to the same index so all columns can benefit from the index, because only one index per table at the time can be selected to support a query.
You could create an index just covering your where-clause:
alter table N_LF_OCR_LOG add index test1(log_time, documents_created, type, pages_created);
Or also add the required columns for the ordering into the index. The ordering of the columns in the index is important and must be the same as for the ordering in the query:
alter table N_LF_OCR_LOG add index test1(log_time, id, processed_time, documents_created, type, pages_created);
Or add a covering index that also contains the returned columns so you do not have to load any values from your tables and can answer to complete query by just using the index. This gives the best response time for the query. But the index takes up more space on the disk.
alter table N_LF_OCR_LOG add index test1(log_time, id, processed_time, documents_created, type, pages_created, NAME, start_time, processed);
Use the explain keyword infront of your query to see how good your index performs.

Mysql improve SELECT speed

I'm currently trying to improve the speed of SELECTS for a MySQL table and would appreciate any suggestions on ways to improve it.
We have over 300 million records in the table and the table has the structure tag, date, value. The primary key is a combined key of tag and date. The table contains information for about 600 unique tags most containing an average of about 400,000 rows but can range from 2000 to over 11 million rows.
The queries run against the table are:
SELECT date,
FROM table
WHERE tag = "a"
AND date BETWEEN 'x' and 'y'
....and there are very few if any INSERTS.
I have tried partitioning the data by tag into various number of partitions but this seems to have little increase in speed.
take time to read my answer here: (has similar volumes to yours)
500 millions rows, 15 million row range scan in 0.02 seconds.
MySQL and NoSQL: Help me to choose the right one
then amend your table engine to innodb as follows:
create table tag_date_value
tag_id smallint unsigned not null, -- i prefer ints to chars
tag_date datetime not null, -- can we make this date vs datetime ?
value int unsigned not null default 0, -- or whatever datatype you require
primary key (tag_id, tag_date) -- clustered composite PK
you might consider the following as the primary key instead:
primary key (tag_id, tag_date, value) -- added value save some I/O
but only if value isnt some LARGE varchar type !
query as before:
tag_id = 1 and
tag_date between 'x' and 'y'
order by
hope this helps :)
oh forgot to mention - dont use alter table to change engine type from mysiam to innodb but rather dump the data out into csv files and re-import into a newly created and empty innodb table.
note i'm ordering the data during the export process - clustered indexes are the KEY !
select * into outfile 'tag_dat_value_001.dat'
fields terminated by '|' optionally enclosed by '"'
lines terminated by '\r\n'
tag_id between 1 and 50
order by
tag_id, tag_date;
select * into outfile 'tag_dat_value_002.dat'
fields terminated by '|' optionally enclosed by '"'
lines terminated by '\r\n'
tag_id between 51 and 100
order by
tag_id, tag_date;
-- etc...
import back into the table in correct order !
start transaction;
load data infile 'tag_dat_value_001.dat'
into table tag_date_value
fields terminated by '|' optionally enclosed by '"'
lines terminated by '\r\n'
-- etc...
What is the cardinality of the date field (that is, how many different values appear in that field)? If the date BETWEEN 'x' AND 'y' is more limiting than the tag = 'a' part of the WHERE clause, try making your primary key (date, tag) instead of (tag, date), allowing date to be used as an indexed value.
Also, be careful how you specify 'x' and 'y' in your WHERE clause. There are some circumstances in which MySQL will cast each date field to match the non-date implied type of the values you compare to.
I would do two things - first throw some indexes on there around tag and date as suggested above:
alter table table add index (tag, date);
Next break your query into a main query and sub-select in which you are narrowing your results down when you get into your main query:
SELECT date, value
FROM table
WHERE date BETWEEN 'x' and 'y'
AND tag IN ( SELECT tag FROM table WHERE tag = 'a' )
Your query is asking for a few things - and with that high # of rows, the look of the data can change what the best approach is.
SELECT date, value
FROM table
WHERE tag = "a"
AND date BETWEEN 'x' and 'y'
There are a few things that can slow down this select query.
A very large result set that has to be sorted (order by).
A very large result set. If tag and date are in the index (and let's assume that's as good as it gets) every result row will have to leave the index to lookup the value field. Think of this like needing the first sentence of each chapter of a book. If you only needed to know the chapter names, easy - you can get it from the table of contents, but since you need the first sentence you have to go to the actual chapter. In certain cases, the optimizer may choose just to flip through the entire book (table scan in query plan lingo) to get those first sentences.
Filtering by the wrong where clause first. If the index is in the order tag, date... then tag should (for a majority of your queries) be the more stringent of the two columns. So basically, unless you have more tags than dates (or maybe than dates in a typical date range), then dates should be the first of the two columns in your index.
A couple of recommendations:
Consider if it's possible to truncate some of that data if it's too old to care about most of the time.
Try playing with your current index - i.e. change the order of the items in it.
Do away with your current index and replace it with a covering index (has all 3 fields in it)
Run some EXPLAIN's and make sure it's using your index at all.
Switch to some other data store (mongo db?) or otherwise ensure this monster table is kept as much in memory as possible.
I'd say your only chance to further improve it is a covering index with all three columns (tag, data, value). That avoids the table access.
I don't think that partitioning can help with that.
I would guess that adding an index on (tag, date) would help:
alter table table add index (tag, date);
Please post the result of an explain on this query (EXPLAIN SELECT date, value FROM ......)
I think that the value column is at the bottom of your performance issues. It is not part of the index so we will have table access. Further I think that the ORDER BY is unlikely to impact the performance so severely since it is part of your index and should be ordered.
I will argument my suspicions for the value column by the fact that the partitioning does not really reduce the execution time of the query. May you execute the query without value and further give us some results as well as the EXPLAIN? Do you really need it for each row and what kind of column is it?
Try inserting just the needed dates into a temporary table and the finishing with a select on the temporary table for the tags and ordering.
CREATE temporary table foo
SELECT date, value
FROM table
WHERE date BETWEEN 'x' and 'y' ;
ALTER TABLE foo ADD INDEX index( tag );
SELECT date, value
FROM foo
WHERE tag = "a"
ORDER BY date;
if that doesn't work try creating foo off the tag selection instead.
CREATE temporary table foo
SELECT date, value
FROM table
WHERE tag = "a";
ALTER TABLE foo ADD INDEX index( date );
SELECT date, value
FROM foo
WHERE date BETWEEN 'x' and 'y'
ORDER BY date;

Optimizing "ORDER BY" when the result set is very large and it can't be ordered by an index

How can I make an ORDER BY clause with a small LIMIT (ie 20 rows at a time) return quickly, when I can't use an index to satisfy the ordering of rows?
Let's say I would like to retrieve a certain number of titles from a table 'node' (simplified below). I'm using MySQL by the way.
node_ID INT(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
node_title VARCHAR(127) NOT NULL,
node_lastupdated INT(11) NOT NULL,
node_created INT(11) NOT NULL
But I need to limit the rows returned to only those a particular user has access to. Many users have access large numbers of nodes. I have this information pre-calculated in a big lookup table (an attempt to make things easier) where the primary key covers both columns and the presence of a row means that usergroup has access to that node:
viewpermission_nodeID INT(11) NOT NULL,
viewpermission_usergroupID INT(11) NOT NULL
My query therefore contains something like
INNER JOIN viewpermission ON
AND viewpermission_usergroupID IN (<...usergroups of current user...>)
... and I also use a GROUP BY or a DISTINCT so that a node is only returned once even if two of the user's 'usergroups' both have access to that node.
My problem is that there seems to be no way for an ORDER BY clause which sorts results by created or last updated date to use an index, because the rows being returned depend on values in the other viewpermission table.
Therefore MySQL would need to find all rows which match the criteria, then sort them all itself. If there are one million rows for a particular user, and we want to view, say, the latest 100 or rows 100-200 when ordered by last update, the DB would need to figure out which one million rows the user can see, sort this whole result set itself, before it can return those 100 rows, right?
Is there any creative way to get around this? I've been thinking along the lines of:
Somehow add dates into the viewpermission lookup table so that I can build an index containing the dates as well as the permissions. It's a possibility I guess.
Edit: Simplified question
Perhaps I can simplify the question by rewriting it like this:
Is there any way to rewrite this query or create an index for the following such that an index can be used to do the ordering (not just to select the rows)?
SELECT nodeid
FROM lookup
usergroup IN (2, 3)
An index on (usergroup) allows the WHERE part to be satisfied by an index, but the GROUP BY forces a temporary table and filesort on those rows. An index on (nodeid) does nothing for me, because the WHERE clause needs an index with usergroup as its first column. An index on (usergroup, nodeid) forces a temporary table and filesort because the GROUP BY is not the first column of the index that can vary.
Any solutions?
Can I answer my own question?
I believe I have found that the only way to do what I describe is for my lookup table to have rows for every possible combination of usergroups a person may want to be a member of.
To pick a simplified example, instead of doing this:
SELECT id FROM ids WHERE groups IN(1,2) ORDER BY id
If you need to use the index both to select rows and to order them, you have to abstract that IN(1,2) so that it is constant rather than a range, ie:
SELECT id FROM ids WHERE grouplist='1,2' ORDER BY id
Of course instead of using the string '1,2' you could have a foreign key there, etc. The point being that you'd have to have a row not just for each group but for each combination of multiple groups.
So, there is my answer.
Anyway, for my application, I feel that maintaining a lookup for all possible combinations of usergroups for each node is not worth it. For my purposes, I predict that most nodes are visible to most users, so I feel that it is acceptable to simply to make the GROUP BY use the index, as the filtering doesn't need it so badly.
In other words, the approach I'll take for my original query may be something like:
INNER JOIN viewpermission ON
AND viewpermission_usergroupID IN (<...usergroups of current user...>)
FORCE INDEX(node_created_and_node_ID)
node_created, node_ID
GROUP BY can use an index if it starts at the left most column of the index and it is in the first non-const non-system table to be processed. The join then deals with the entire list (which is already ordered), and only those not visible to the current user (which will be a small proportion) are removed by the INNER JOIN.
Copy the value you are going to order by into to viewpermission table and add it to your index.
You could use a trigger to maintain that value from the other table.
select * from
select *
FROM node
INNER JOIN viewpermission
ON viewpermission_nodeID=node_ID
AND viewpermission_usergroupID IN (<...usergroups of current user...>)
) a
order by a.node_lastupdated desc
The inner query gives you the filtered subset, which I understand is substantially smaller than the whole set. Only the smaller has to be sorted.
MySQL has problems when you use GROUP BY and ORDER BY in the same query. That causes a filesort, and that's probably the biggest penalty for performance.
You can eliminate the need for a DISTINCT (or GROUP BY) by using a non-correlated subquery instead of a JOIN.
WHERE node_id IN (
SELECT viewpermission_nodeID
FROM viewpermission
WHERE viewpermissiong_usergroupID IN ( <...usergroups...> )
ORDER BY node_lastupdated DESC
LIMIT 100;
There's no need to sort or do a DISTINCT on the subquery, since IN (1, 1, 2, 3) is the same as IN (1, 3, 2).
Note that MySQL can use only one index per table in a given query, so it'll try to make the best choice between an index on node_id and an index on node_lastupdated. It can't use both, and even if you made a compound index it wouldn't help in this case.
Remember to analyze different solutions with EXPLAIN.