How can I allow Select permissions to a single record in a column? - sql

The goal is to allow all the "Teachers" that have access to the Faculty table to have Select permissions to only their own social security number and not everybody elses. Do any of you know how I can perform something like this? I do have all my users setup as Windows Users and I have a windows group called Teachers, if that helps.

Not possible using the standard permissions in SQL server (that I am aware of)
You will need to implement this kind of constraint in your code.
You could in theory pass in the SS# and query based on this and raise an error if they do not match.

Social security numbers shoud be encrypted so they can't see each others numbers if they call up the record. You can use a decryption proc to allow them to decrypt that checks the userid against the profile id and will only decrypt if they match.

Implementing Row-level Permissions
Row-level permissions are used for applications that store information in a single table. Each row has a column that defines a differentiating parameter, such as a user name, label or other identifier. You then create parameterized stored procedures, passing in the appropriate value. Users can see only rows that match the supplied value.
The following steps describe how to configure row-level permissions based on a user or login name.
Create the table, adding an additional column to store the name.
Create a view that has a WHERE clause based on the user name column. This will restrict the rows returned to those with the specified value. Use one of the built-in functions to specify a database user or login name. This eliminates the need to create different views for different users.
' Returns the login identification name of the user.
' USER_NAME or CURRENT_USER Return the database user name.
Create stored procedures to select, insert, update, and delete data based on the view, not the base tables. The view provides a filter that restricts the rows returned or modified.
For stored procedures that insert data, capture the user name using the same function specified in the WHERE clause of the view and insert that value into the UserName column.
Deny all permissions on the tables and views to the public role. Users will not be able to inherit permissions from other database roles, because the WHERE clause is based on user or login names, not on roles.
Grant EXECUTE on the stored procedures to database roles. Users can only access data through the stored procedures provided.


GRANT EXECUTE for "sp_delete_database_backuphistory" for group of users

I have a group login which has the Server Role "dbcreator". Users of this login has been granted execute on "sp_delete_database_backuphistory" so that they can delete each others databases. The problem now is that it is possible for these users to delete databases created by other logins. Is there a solution for this? Can permissionĀ“s be set, so that these users ONLY can delete databases created with this login?
You can't do this directly, but you can wrap the system sp_delete_database_backuphistory into your own usp_delete_database_backuphistory
that can call sp_delete_database_backuphistory or return immediately depending on a result of the check you want to perform.
I cannot ask you in a comment what do you mean saying 'databases created by other users', first of all only login (not user) can create a database but this information (db creator) you cannot extract from any system metadata, all you can get is the current database owner and this can differ from database creator.
I mean, when you create a database you can explicitly assign other login to own the database, or you can do this later for certain purposes

specific permissions to a table based on user

I am using SQL Server 2012.
I have a table which contains two columns. One is called Directory, the other UserName.
To explain my problem I think a simple example is easier.
So this table has 3 users. In the UserName column, only the 3 users, usernames can be entered plus one other entry called Default.
Directory UserName
C:\Blah Bob
C:\BlaF Brad
C:\BlaK Dave
C:\BlaPP Default
C:\Anoth Default
What I would like to know is if it is possible to allow only two of the users to be able to insert, delete records with the username Default and the other user to be able to only select the records with Default.
Is this possible?
After doing some reading is it not possible to do this using an Instead of trigger? So in my understanding this trigger will fire before an insert, update or delete query is executed. So I was thinking in the trigger if could check the host pc (users on my team will only be using their computer) to see who it is trying to insert, update or delete and if its a user who doesn't have permission to edit the default list then exit the trigger and don't update the table. Or am I missing something?
Instead of giving users direct access to the table, give the first two users access to a stored procedure that inserts to the table, and only inserts "Default" for the username.
Give the third user access to a view (or stored procedure) that only selects records where username="Default".

SQL permissions based on record value (if column X = Y for user1 allow Inserts/Updates etc.)

I need to run queries as a "user" which is a record in a table, with permissions based on a record value of that user.
I have a database with a tUsers Table, such as:
ID Username Email Role
1 Pieman Admin
2 Cakedude Receptionist
3 Muffin Other
I need to have it so only "users"/records with "Role" of "Admin" can view and edit the table, and "Receptionist" view it etc.
I know of and use GRANT for permissions, but don't know how to run a query as a user based on a table record and to have the permission only GRANTED if that users' role is "Admin"
So if I have:
How do I make that run as say tUser with ID 1, and the GRANT if the users' role = "Admin"
I'm sure I've seen this done before.
I'm fairly new and still learning the correct terminology, so if this is a duplicate question, or is essentially just describing an sql Function sorry.
I don't think you can grant or revoke permissions to users in your own user table. However you can of course restrict queries based on your own user table.
One solution is to do it in your application. Verifier permissions before you do anything for him/her.
Another solution is to use stored procedures which take user id as parameter and do the checking for you in a central place.
The third one is to user parameterized views where you filter out entries one user can't access.
There are other solutions but the basic idea is you need somehow check permissions instead asking dBm server to do it for you.

how to change db user name and db group name in Sybase Anywhere 11

I have a db with tables User and Group, which represent entities in some application. But at the same time there are database users and database groups with the same names. I need to anonymize the database. It's easy to change db tables, e.g. update User set "Name" = "John",... where Id = 100500
But what to do with db users and db groups?
My first thought was to drop user and that create a new one:
drop user John;
create user njoh identified by 'pswd' login policy "root";
But belonging to groups is lost in the approach.
Is there any kind of rename method for db users in Sybase Anywhere 11?
Also I don't know how to change last log-in time and comments for a db user.
The same problem with groups. I didn't try to 'drop groups', 'cause I don't know if there is a possibility in Sybase Anywhere 11.
Could anyone tell me the truth - does the problem have a solution?
No, there is no way to rename an existing user. You can certainly drop it and create a new user but like you said, any group memberships are lost, as are permissions granted on objects like tables and procedures.
The only way to change the last login time for a user is by logging in. You can change the comment on a user by using comment on user is '<string>'.
There is no drop group statement - a group in SQL Anywhere (versions 12 and older) is simply a user with "group authority", so to drop a group you would use revoke connect from <group name>.
Disclaimer: I work for SAP in SQL Anywhere engineering.

Update the user value through trigger

Name Dept ID
The above is my table.Here when the update is done, a trigger will be executed to get the old values and store that in a existing log table with the updated USERID and here my requirements is when a delete operation is performed i need to perform the trigger operation that should update the same log table with the old values.When it stores in the log table i have a USERID field in log table and that should be updated with current(Deleting User ID) USERID in the log table.
The answer depends on the authentication mode. If you want an audit log that is written by a trigger to show the identity of the user who deletes a given row, the identity of that user must be known within the scope of the trigger. There are two ways for the identity to be known: the SQL engine itself can be aware of a user it has authenticated, or the front-end client software can pass the username to a stored procedure that is handling the deletion. If it is the latter the stored procedure will have to update the row in the base table with the current user value before it deletes the row.
It is often the case the many real individuals will authenticate with the client software (or on the network) individually but the connection to the SQL engine is via a shared pseudo-user that might correspond to a permission level (e.g. clerical-user, manager-user). The database sees that the record is being updated by "clericaluser" rather than by "joe". So then the database authentication may be insufficient for your auditing purposes, and you need to pass "joe" to a stored procedure.
The SQL engine can be (but need not be) integrated with network authentication, in which case the trigger will have access to the authenticated user identity, e.g. YOURDOMAIN\YourUser.
Guess you will find what(?) you are looking for here: