Draw the closest Bone (Shoulder - Head) of 2 tracking skeletons Kinect SDK v1.6 - kinect

I'm looking a solution to draw the bone of the closest skeleton. I wrote code to draw the first tracking skeleton's bone. If the second person will closer than first I want to draw bone of second skeleton. Maybe somebody have any idea how to do it?
void sensor_SkeletonFrameReady(object sender, SkeletonFrameReadyEventArgs e)
using (SkeletonFrame skeletonFrame = e.OpenSkeletonFrame())
// check for frame drop.
if (skeletonFrame == null)
// copy the frame data in to the collection
// get the first Tracked skeleton
skeleton = (from trackskeleton in totalSkeleton
where trackskeleton.TrackingState == SkeletonTrackingState.Tracked
select trackskeleton).FirstOrDefault();
if (skeleton != null)
if (skeleton.Joints[JointType.ShoulderCenter].TrackingState == JointTrackingState.Tracked && skeleton.Joints[JointType.Head].TrackingState == JointTrackingState.Tracked)
// Draws the head.
private void DrawHead()
if (skeleton != null)
drawBone(skeleton.Joints[JointType.ShoulderCenter], skeleton.Joints[JointType.Head]);
// Draws the bone.
void drawBone(Joint trackedJoint1, Joint trackedJoint2)
Line skeletonBone = new Line();
skeletonBone.Stroke = Brushes.Black;
skeletonBone.StrokeThickness = 3;
Point joint1 = this.ScalePosition(trackedJoint1.Position);
skeletonBone.X1 = joint1.X;
skeletonBone.Y1 = joint1.Y;
Point joint2 = this.ScalePosition(trackedJoint2.Position);
skeletonBone.X2 = joint2.X;
skeletonBone.Y2 = joint2.Y;
/// <summary>
/// Scales the position.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="skeletonPoint">The skeltonpoint.</param>
/// <returns></returns>
private Point ScalePosition(SkeletonPoint skeletonPoint)
// return the depth points from the skeleton point
DepthImagePoint depthPoint = this.sensor.CoordinateMapper.MapSkeletonPointToDepthPoint(skeletonPoint, DepthImageFormat.Resolution640x480Fps30);
return new Point(depthPoint.X, depthPoint.Y);

define a certain threshold and if the bone is behind that threshold draw the joins x,y coordinates on the canvas. You will have to add code to update the position of the sprite accordingly.


XNA 4.0 Camera and object handling on screen

For developing a side-scrolling platform 2D game I want to implement a moving camera class, the reason of using the class instead of moving the whole map is that I'll have to use too many objects at once witch will cause a lag. I cannot let that happen.
There's a nice algorithm for handling the camera, when player is moving further than the width of the screen then camera moves on players direction until he is once again in the middle of the screen, I've been working several days for making this algorithm work however there's been no success.
// Main
public class Camera
protected float _zoom;
protected Matrix _transform;
protected Matrix _inverseTransform;
//The zoom scalar (1.0f = 100% zoom level)
public float Zoom
get { return _zoom; }
set { _zoom = value; }
// Camera View Matrix Property
public Matrix Transform
get { return _transform; }
set { _transform = value; }
// Inverse of the view matrix,
// can be used to get
// objects screen coordinates
// from its object coordinates
public Matrix InverseTransform
get { return _inverseTransform; }
public Vector2 Pos;
// Constructor
public Camera()
_zoom = 2.4f;
Pos = new Vector2(0, 0);
// Update
public void Update(GameTime gameTime)
//Clamp zoom value
_zoom = MathHelper.Clamp(_zoom, 0.0f, 10.0f);
//Create view matrix
_transform = Matrix.CreateScale(new Vector3(_zoom, _zoom, 1)) *
Matrix.CreateTranslation(Pos.X, Pos.Y, 0);
//Update inverse matrix
_inverseTransform = Matrix.Invert(_transform);
This is the camera class I made for handling the screen, it's main purpose is to resize the screen, more precisely to zoom in and out whenever I want to change my screen, (Title screen, Playing screen, Game over, and like that.)
Moving the camera is quite simple with keys, like this.
if (keyState.IsKeyDown(Keys.D))
Cam.Pos.X -= 20;
if (keyState.IsKeyDown(Keys.A))
Cam.Pos.X += 20;
if (keyState.IsKeyDown(Keys.S))
Cam.Pos.Y -= 20;
if (keyState.IsKeyDown(Keys.W))
Cam.Pos.Y += 20;
And ofc. the drawing method witch apply the camera.
spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Texture, BlendState.AlphaBlend, null, null, null, null, Cam.Transform);
Here comes the part when I stop, so what I want to do is make something like 2 2D rooms. By Room I mean the place where I usually place objects. like this "Vector2(74, 63)" So I want to create a place where I could draw items that would stick to the screen and wouldn't move, and make the screen bounds that would make my algorithm to work, witch will be always on screen and as an addition it will check if one of the borders of the screen "room" reaches the certain coordinates of the map "room".
I think that the reason for that would be obvious because I don't want player to move camera outside the map when he reaches the wall, otherwise the player would already see a part of the next map where he will be transformed.
The reason of drawing both maps next to each other is again to reduce the loading time so player wouldn't have to wait for playing the next map.
Alright, so I've run into more troubles than I expected so I'll add extra information and will start with the player class:
// Main
public class Player
public Texture2D AureliusTexture;
public Vector2 position;
public Vector2 velocity;
public Vector2 PosForTheCam; // Variable that holds value for moving the camera
protected Vector2 dimensions;
protected CollisionPath attachedPath;
const float GRAVITY = 18.0f;
const float WALK_VELOCITY = 120f;
const float JUMP_VELOCITY = -425.0f;
// Constructor
public Player()
dimensions = new Vector2(23, 46);
position = new Vector2(50, 770);
public void Update(float deltaSeconds, List<CollisionPath> collisionPaths)
#region Input handling
KeyboardState keyState = Keyboard.GetState();
if (keyState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Left))
velocity.X = -WALK_VELOCITY;
else if (keyState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Right))
velocity.X = WALK_VELOCITY;
velocity.X = 0;
if (attachedPath != null && keyState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Space))
velocity.Y = JUMP_VELOCITY;
attachedPath = null;
velocity.Y += GRAVITY;
#region Region of handling the camera based on Player
PosForTheCam.X = velocity.X;
#region Collision checking
if (velocity.Y >= 0)
if (attachedPath != null)
position.X += velocity.X * deltaSeconds;
position.Y = attachedPath.InterpolateY(position.X) - dimensions.Y / 2;
velocity.Y = 0;
if (position.X < attachedPath.MinimumX || position.X > attachedPath.MaximumX)
attachedPath = null;
Vector2 footPosition = position + new Vector2(0, dimensions.Y / 2);
Vector2 expectedFootPosition = footPosition + velocity * deltaSeconds;
CollisionPath landablePath = null;
float landablePosition = float.MaxValue;
foreach (CollisionPath path in collisionPaths)
if (expectedFootPosition.X >= path.MinimumX && expectedFootPosition.X <= path.MaximumX)
float pathOldY = path.InterpolateY(footPosition.X);
float pathNewY = path.InterpolateY(expectedFootPosition.X);
if (footPosition.Y <= pathOldY && expectedFootPosition.Y >= pathNewY && pathNewY < landablePosition)
landablePath = path;
landablePosition = pathNewY;
if (landablePath != null)
velocity.Y = 0;
footPosition.Y = landablePosition;
attachedPath = landablePath;
position.X += velocity.X * deltaSeconds;
position.Y = footPosition.Y - dimensions.Y / 2;
position = position + velocity * deltaSeconds;
position += velocity * deltaSeconds;
attachedPath = null;
So I state it clear that I asked my friend to do most of it because I wanted to handle the gravity and the slopes so we made it work similar like in Unity. And he happened to know how to do that.
And so I'll add the Update method that handles the camera from the Main Class.
MM.Update(gameTime); // Map Managher update function for map handling
Cam.Update(gameTime); // Camera update
Cam.Zoom = 2.4f; // Sets the zoom level for the title screen
// Takes the start position for camera in map and then turns off the update
// so the camera position can be changed. Else it would just keep an infinite
// loop and we couldn't change the camera.
if (StartInNewRoom)
Cam.Pos = MM.CameraPosition; // Applys the camera position value from the map manager class
StartInNewRoom = false;
I am unsure how to handle the camera, like I used your method and the result often ended up that camera moves by itself or it doesn't move at all.
If you don't want objects to move with the camera like a HUD you need a second spriteBatch.Begin() without your camera matrix which you draw after your actual scene.
To make the camera not move out of the map you could use some kind of collision detection. Just calculate the right border of your camera. It depends where the origin of your camera is.
Is your camera matrix working like this? Because the position should be negative or it will move in the wrong direction.
This is how mine looks like.
return Matrix.CreateTranslation(new Vector3(-camera.position.X, -camera.position.Y, 0)) *
Matrix.CreateRotationZ(Rotation) * Matrix.CreateScale(Zoom) *
Matrix.CreateTranslation(new Vector3(Viewport.Width * 0.5f, Viewport.Height * 0.5f, 0));
Viewport.Width/Height * 0.5 centers you camera.
You can also apply this behind your Pos.X/Y
To Camera follows player
public void Update(Player player)
//Clamp zoom value
_zoom = MathHelper.Clamp(_zoom, 0.0f, 10.0f);
//Create view matrix
_transform = Matrix.CreateScale(new Vector3(_zoom, _zoom, 1)) *
Matrix.CreateTranslation(player.Pos.X, player.Pos.Y, 0);
//Update inverse matrix
_inverseTransform = Matrix.Invert(_transform);

Saved joints from kinect skeleton track

I work with the kinect. My goal is to store the values ​​gives me the kinect for the location of the body (head,hand etc). I have written some code but I can not understand what values ​​should save and how.I want to store in the db or in a txt file the position of the head,hands and foots.I want the data to understand the movements of the person who stand in front of kinect.For example if someone move her hand the kinect will sent a value.I must store it and understand and to understand the move taken.Sorry for the few info
here is my code:
using System;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Media.Imaging;
using System.Windows.Shapes;
using Microsoft.Kinect;
using System.Linq;
using System.IO;
namespace KinectSkeletonApplication1
public partial class MainWindow : Window
//Instantiate the Kinect runtime. Required to initialize the device.
//IMPORTANT NOTE: You can pass the device ID here, in case more than one Kinect device is connected.
KinectSensor sensor = KinectSensor.KinectSensors[0];
byte[] pixelData;
Skeleton[] skeletons;
public MainWindow()
//Runtime initialization is handled when the window is opened. When the window
//is closed, the runtime MUST be unitialized.
this.Loaded += new RoutedEventHandler(MainWindow_Loaded);
this.Unloaded += new RoutedEventHandler(MainWindow_Unloaded);
void runtime_SkeletonFrameReady(object sender, SkeletonFrameReadyEventArgs e)
bool receivedData = false;
using (SkeletonFrame SFrame = e.OpenSkeletonFrame())
if (SFrame == null)
// The image processing took too long. More than 2 frames behind.
skeletons = new Skeleton[SFrame.SkeletonArrayLength];
receivedData = true;
if (receivedData)
Skeleton currentSkeleton = (from s in skeletons
where s.TrackingState == SkeletonTrackingState.Tracked
select s).FirstOrDefault();
if (currentSkeleton != null)
SetEllipsePosition(head, currentSkeleton.Joints[JointType.Head]);
SetEllipsePosition(leftHand, currentSkeleton.Joints[JointType.HandLeft]);
SetEllipsePosition(rightHand, currentSkeleton.Joints[JointType.HandRight]);
SetEllipsePosition(shoulder_center, currentSkeleton.Joints[JointType.ShoulderCenter]);
//This method is used to position the ellipses on the canvas
//according to correct movements of the tracked joints.
//IMPORTANT NOTE: Code for vector scaling was imported from the Coding4Fun Kinect Toolkit
//available here: http://c4fkinect.codeplex.com/
//I only used this part to avoid adding an extra reference.
private void SetEllipsePosition(Ellipse ellipse, Joint joint)
Microsoft.Kinect.SkeletonPoint vector = new Microsoft.Kinect.SkeletonPoint();
vector.X = ScaleVector(640, joint.Position.X);
vector.Y = ScaleVector(480, -joint.Position.Y);
vector.Z = joint.Position.Z;
Joint updatedJoint = new Joint();
updatedJoint = joint;
updatedJoint.TrackingState = JointTrackingState.Tracked;
updatedJoint.Position = vector;
Canvas.SetLeft(ellipse, updatedJoint.Position.X);
Canvas.SetTop(ellipse, updatedJoint.Position.Y);
private float ScaleVector(int length, float position)
float value = (((((float)length) / 1f) / 2f) * position) + (length / 2);
if (value > length)
return (float)length;
if (value < 0f)
return 0f;
string r = Convert.ToString(value);
string path = #"C:\Test\MyTest.txt";
// This text is added only once to the file.
if (!File.Exists(path))
// Create a file to write to.
string createText = "Hello and Welcome" + Environment.NewLine;
File.WriteAllText(path, createText);
// This text is always added, making the file longer over time
// if it is not deleted.
//string appendText = "This is extra text" + Environment.NewLine;
File.AppendAllText(path, r);
// Open the file to read from.
string readText = File.ReadAllText(path);
return value;
void MainWindow_Unloaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
void MainWindow_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
sensor.SkeletonFrameReady += runtime_SkeletonFrameReady;
sensor.ColorFrameReady += runtime_VideoFrameReady;
void runtime_VideoFrameReady(object sender, ColorImageFrameReadyEventArgs e)
bool receivedData = false;
using (ColorImageFrame CFrame = e.OpenColorImageFrame())
if (CFrame == null)
// The image processing took too long. More than 2 frames behind.
pixelData = new byte[CFrame.PixelDataLength];
receivedData = true;
if (receivedData)
BitmapSource source = BitmapSource.Create(640, 480, 96, 96,
PixelFormats.Bgr32, null, pixelData, 640 * 4);
videoImage.Source = source;
I think what you are looking for is getting the X, Y, Z coordiantes for certain Joints?
In this case add this code:
Vector3D ShoulderCenter = new Vector3D(skeleton.Joints[JointType.ShoulderCenter].Position.X, skeleton.Joints[JointType.ShoulderCenter].Position.Y, skeleton.Joints[JointType.ShoulderCenter].Position.Z);
Vector3D RightShoulder = new Vector3D(skeleton.Joints[JointType.ShoulderRight].Position.X, skeleton.Joints[JointType.ShoulderRight].Position.Y, skeleton.Joints[JointType.ShoulderRight].Position.Z);
Vector3D LeftShoulder = new Vector3D(skeleton.Joints[JointType.ShoulderLeft].Position.X, skeleton.Joints[JointType.ShoulderLeft].Position.Y, skeleton.Joints[JointType.ShoulderLeft].Position.Z);
Vector3D RightElbow = new Vector3D(skeleton.Joints[JointType.ElbowRight].Position.X, skeleton.Joints[JointType.ElbowRight].Position.Y, skeleton.Joints[JointType.ElbowRight].Position.Z);
Vector3D LeftElbow = new Vector3D(skeleton.Joints[JointType.ElbowLeft].Position.X, skeleton.Joints[JointType.ElbowLeft].Position.Y, skeleton.Joints[JointType.ElbowLeft].Position.Z);
Vector3D RightWrist = new Vector3D(skeleton.Joints[JointType.WristRight].Position.X, skeleton.Joints[JointType.WristRight].Position.Y, skeleton.Joints[JointType.WristRight].Position.Z);
Vector3D LeftWrist = new Vector3D(skeleton.Joints[JointType.WristLeft].Position.X, skeleton.Joints[JointType.WristLeft].Position.Y, skeleton.Joints[JointType.WristLeft].Position.Z);
This only defines the Vectors for the upper Body part as you can see. Just add the missing joints the way I did it.
You need following assemblies:
using System.Windows.Media;
using Microsoft.Kinect.Toolkit.Fusion;
using System.Windows.Media.Media3D;

My current GPS Position under Nutiteq is not properly updated

as basis for my GPS functionality I've taken HelloMap3D Example of Nutiteq (Thx Jaak) and I adapted to show my current GPS position light different of this example, so, no growing yelow circles but a fix blue translucent circle with a center point as my current Position and works fine except the update. It should erase the past position if location is changed, so that
this update happens as in the example in the method onLocationChanged
This is the code in my Main Activity
protected void initGps(final MyLocationCircle locationCircle) {
final Projection proj = mapView.getLayers().getBaseLayer().getProjection();
locationListener = new LocationListener() {
public void onLocationChanged(Location location) {
locationCircle.setLocation(proj, location);
// Another Methods...
I have adapted MyLocationCircle Class like this
public void update() {
//Draw center with a drawable
Bitmap bitmapPosition = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(activity.getResources(), R.drawable.ic_home);
PointStyle pointStyle = PointStyle.builder().setBitmap(bitmapPosition).setColor(Color.BLUE).build();
// Create/update Point
if ( point == null ) {
point = new Point(circlePos, null, pointStyle, null);
} else { // We just have to change the Position to actual Position
// Build closed circle
for (float tsj = 0; tsj <= 360; tsj += 360 / NR_OF_CIRCLE_VERTS) {
MapPos mapPos = new MapPos(circleScale * Math.cos(tsj * Const.DEG_TO_RAD) + circlePos.x, circleScale * Math.sin(tsj * Const.DEG_TO_RAD) + circlePos.y);
// Create/update line
if (circle == null) {
LineStyle lineStyle = LineStyle.builder().setWidth(0.05f).setColor(Color.BLUE).build();
PolygonStyle polygonStyle = PolygonStyle.builder().setColor(Color.BLUE & 0x80FFFFFF).setLineStyle(lineStyle).build();//0xE0FFFF
circle = new Polygon(circleVerts, null, polygonStyle, circle_data);
} else {
public void setVisible(boolean visible) {
this.visible = visible;
public void setLocation(Projection proj, Location location) {
circlePos = proj.fromWgs84(location.getLongitude(), location.getLatitude());
projectionScale = (float) proj.getBounds().getWidth();
circleRadius = location.getAccuracy();
// Here is the most important modification
So, each time our Position changes is called onLocationChanged(Location location) Method and there will be called locationCircle.setLocation(location) and last there, it will be called update called.
The questions are, What am I making wrong? and How can I solve it?
Thank you in advance.
You create and add new circle with every update. You should reuse single one, just update vertexes with setVertexList(). In particular this line should be outside onLocationChanged cycle, somewhere in initGPS perhaps:
circle = new Polygon(circleVerts, null, polygonStyle, circle_data);

How to find the Joint coordinates(X,Y,Z) ,also how to draw a locus of the tracked joint?

I am trying to develop a logic to recognize a circle which is made by users right hand, I got the code to draw the skeleton and track from the sample code,
private void SensorSkeletonFrameReady(object sender, SkeletonFrameReadyEventArgs e)
Skeleton[] skeletons = new Skeleton[0];
using (SkeletonFrame skeletonFrame = e.OpenSkeletonFrame())
if (skeletonFrame != null)
skeletons = new Skeleton[skeletonFrame.SkeletonArrayLength];
using (DrawingContext dc = this.drawingGroup.Open())
// Draw a transparent background to set the render size
dc.DrawRectangle(Brushes.Black, null, new Rect(0.0, 0.0, RenderWidth, RenderHeight));
if (skeletons.Length != 0)
foreach (Skeleton skel in skeletons)
RenderClippedEdges(skel, dc);
if (skel.TrackingState == SkeletonTrackingState.Tracked)
this.DrawBonesAndJoints(skel, dc);
else if (skel.TrackingState == SkeletonTrackingState.PositionOnly)
// prevent drawing outside of our render area
this.drawingGroup.ClipGeometry = new RectangleGeometry(new Rect(0.0, 0.0, RenderWidth, RenderHeight));
What I want to do now is to track the coordinates of users right hand for gesture recognition,
Here is how I am planning to get the job done:
Start the gesture
Draw the circled gesture, Make sure to store the coordinates for start and then keep noting the coordinates for every 45 degree shift of the Joint from the start, for 8 octants we will get 8 samples.
For making a decision that a circle was drawn we can just check the relation ship between the eight samples.
Also, in the depthimage I want to show the locus of the drawn gesture, so as the handpoint moves it leaves a trace behind so at the end we will get a figure which was drawn by an user. I have no idea how to achieve this.
Coordinates for each joint are available for each tracked skeleton during each SkeletonFrameReady event. Inside your foreach loop...
foreach (Skeleton skeleton in skeletons) {
// get the joint
Joint rightHand = skeleton.Joints[JointType.HandRight];
// get the individual points of the right hand
double rightX = rightHand.Position.X;
double rightY = rightHand.Position.Y;
double rightZ = rightHand.Position.Z;
You can look at the JointType enum to pull out any of the joints and work with the individual coordinates.
To draw your gesture trail you can use the DrawContext you have in your example or use another way to draw a Path onto the visual layer. With your x/y/z values, you would need to scale them to the window coordinates. The "Coding4Fun" library offers a pre-built function to do it; alternatively you can write your own, for example:
private static double ScaleY(Joint joint)
double y = ((SystemParameters.PrimaryScreenHeight / 0.4) * -joint.Position.Y) + (SystemParameters.PrimaryScreenHeight / 2);
return y;
private static void ScaleXY(Joint shoulderCenter, bool rightHand, Joint joint, out int scaledX, out int scaledY)
double screenWidth = SystemParameters.PrimaryScreenWidth;
double x = 0;
double y = ScaleY(joint);
// if rightHand then place shouldCenter on left of screen
// else place shouldCenter on right of screen
if (rightHand)
x = (joint.Position.X - shoulderCenter.Position.X) * screenWidth * 2;
x = screenWidth - ((shoulderCenter.Position.X - joint.Position.X) * (screenWidth * 2));
if (x < 0)
x = 0;
else if (x > screenWidth - 5)
x = screenWidth - 5;
if (y < 0)
y = 0;
scaledX = (int)x;
scaledY = (int)y;

I need an algorithm that can fit n rectangles of any size in a larger one minimizing its area

I need an algorithm that would take n rectangles of any sizes, and calculate a rectangle big enough to fit them all, minimizing its area so the wasted area is minimum, and also returning the position of all the smaller rectangles within.
The specific task I need this to implement on is in a sprite sheet compiler that would take individual PNG files and make a large PNG with all the images in it, so individual frames can be blitted from this surface at run time.
A nice to have feature would be that it aims to a specific given width/height ratio, but it's not mandatory.
I'd prefer simple, generic code I can port to another language.
This is what I put together for my own needs. The T parameter is whatever object you want associated with the results (think of it like the Tag property). It takes a list of sizes and returns a list of Rects that are arranged
static class LayoutHelper
/// <summary>
/// Determines the best fit of a List of Sizes, into the desired rectangle shape
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">Holder for an associated object (e.g., window, UserControl, etc.)</typeparam>
/// <param name="desiredWidthToHeightRatio">the target rectangle shape</param>
/// <param name="rectsToArrange">List of sizes that have to fit in the rectangle</param>
/// <param name="lossiness">1 = non-lossy (slow). Greater numbers improve speed, but miss some best fits</param>
/// <returns>list of arranged rects</returns>
static public List<Tuple<T, Rect>> BestFitRects<T>(double desiredWidthToHeightRatio,
List<Tuple<Size, T>> rectsToArrange, int lossiness = 10)
// helper anonymous function that tests for rectangle intersections or boundary violations
var CheckIfRectsIntersect = new Func<Rect, List<Rect>, double, bool>((one, list, containerHeight) =>
if (one.Y + one.Height > containerHeight) return true;
return list.Any(two =>
if ((one.Top > two.Bottom) ||
(one.Bottom < two.Top) ||
(one.Left > two.Right) ||
(one.Right < two.Left)) return false; // no intersection
return true; // intersection found
// helper anonymous function for adding drop points
var AddNewPotentialDropPoints = new Action<SortedDictionary<Point, object>, Rect>(
(potentialDropPoints, newRect) =>
// Only two locations make sense for placing a new rectangle, underneath the
// bottom left corner or to the right of a top right corner
potentialDropPoints[new Point(newRect.X + newRect.Width + 1,
newRect.Y)] = null;
potentialDropPoints[new Point(newRect.X,
newRect.Y + newRect.Height + 1)] = null;
var sync = new object();
// the outer boundary that limits how high the rectangles can stack vertically
var containingRectHeight = Convert.ToInt32(rectsToArrange.Max(a => a.Item1.Height));
// always try packing using the tallest rectangle first, working down in height
var largestToSmallest = rectsToArrange.OrderByDescending(a => a.Item1.Height).ToList();
// find the maximum possible container height needed
var totalHeight = Convert.ToInt32(rectsToArrange.Sum(a => a.Item1.Height));
List<Tuple<T, Rect>> bestResults = null;
// used to find the best packing arrangement that approximates the target container dimensions ratio
var bestResultsProximityToDesiredRatio = double.MaxValue;
// try all arrangements for all suitable container sizes
Parallel.For(0, ((totalHeight + 1) - containingRectHeight) / lossiness,
//new ParallelOptions() { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 1},
currentHeight =>
var potentialDropPoints = new SortedDictionary<Point, object>(Comparer<Point>.Create((p1, p2) =>
// choose the leftmost, then highest point as earlier in the sort order
if (p1.X != p2.X) return p1.X.CompareTo(p2.X);
return p1.Y.CompareTo(p2.Y);
var localResults = new List<Tuple<T, Rect>>();
// iterate through the rectangles from largest to smallest
largestToSmallest.ForEach(currentSize =>
// check to see if the next rectangle fits in with the currently arranged rectangles
if (!potentialDropPoints.Any(dropPoint =>
var workingPoint = dropPoint.Key;
Rect? lastFittingRect = null;
var lowY = workingPoint.Y;
var highY = workingPoint.Y - 1;
var boundaryFound = false;
// check if it fits in the current arrangement of rects
// create a positioned rectangle out of the size dimensions
var workingRect = new Rect(workingPoint,
new Point(workingPoint.X + currentSize.Item1.Width,
workingPoint.Y + currentSize.Item1.Height));
// keep moving it up in binary search fashion until it bumps the higher rect
if (!CheckIfRectsIntersect(workingRect, localResults.Select(a => a.Item2).ToList(),
containingRectHeight + (currentHeight * lossiness)))
lastFittingRect = workingRect;
if (!boundaryFound)
highY = Math.Max(lowY - ((lowY - highY) * 2), 0);
if (highY == 0) boundaryFound = true;
lowY = workingPoint.Y;
boundaryFound = true;
highY = workingPoint.Y;
workingPoint = new Point(workingPoint.X, lowY - (lowY - highY) / 2);
} while (lowY - highY > 1);
if (lastFittingRect.HasValue) // found the sweet spot for this rect
var newRect = lastFittingRect.Value;
// successfully found the best location for the new rectangle, so add it to the pending results
localResults.Add(Tuple.Create(currentSize.Item2, newRect));
AddNewPotentialDropPoints(potentialDropPoints, newRect);
return true;
return false;
// this only occurs on the first square
var newRect = new Rect(0, 0, currentSize.Item1.Width, currentSize.Item1.Height);
localResults.Add(Tuple.Create(currentSize.Item2, newRect));
AddNewPotentialDropPoints(potentialDropPoints, newRect);
// layout is complete, now see if this layout is the best one found so far
var layoutHeight = localResults.Max(a => a.Item2.Y + a.Item2.Height);
var layoutWidth = localResults.Max(a => a.Item2.X + a.Item2.Width);
var widthMatchingDesiredRatio = desiredWidthToHeightRatio * layoutHeight;
double ratioProximity;
if (layoutWidth < widthMatchingDesiredRatio)
ratioProximity = widthMatchingDesiredRatio / layoutWidth;
ratioProximity = layoutWidth / widthMatchingDesiredRatio;
lock (sync)
if (ratioProximity < bestResultsProximityToDesiredRatio)
// this layout is the best approximation of the desired container dimensions, so far
bestResults = localResults;
bestResultsProximityToDesiredRatio = ratioProximity;
return bestResults ?? new List<Tuple<T, Rect>>() {Tuple.Create(rectsToArrange[0].Item2,
new Rect(new Point(0, 0), new Point(rectsToArrange[0].Item1.Width, rectsToArrange[0].Item1.Height))) };