Why do I need Amazon S3 and Cloudfront? - amazon-s3

I've read a lot of articles stating that I should be using Amazon S3 in conjunction with the CDN Cloudfront. I'm currently not doing this. I'm simply using Cloudfront with my standard shared hosting package.
Is it OK to use Cloudfront on its own with my standard shared hosting package? Surely there is no added benefit to using S3 also as the files are already located within Cloudfront.
Any enlightenment on this is much appreciated.

S3 allows you to do things like static webhosting, with logging and redirection. I.E www.example.com redirects to example.com. You can then use Cloudfront to place your assets as close to the end user as possible ("nearest edge location"). An excellent guide on how to do this is in the AWS docs. Two main things are that S3 supports https, and changes to files in S3 are reflected instantly. Because Cloudfront is a CDN, you have to manually expire files if you change them, otherwise is could take up to 24 hours to reflect your changes.
A quick comparison between the two is given here:

There is no problem of using CloudFront against your own origin server comparing to a S3 server.
There are some benefits of using S3:
Data transfer is faster between S3 and CloudFront
Don't need to worry about the stability and maintenance of origin S3 server
Multiple origin regions
There are also benefits if you use your own server:
Cost saving of S3 hosting (this depends on whether you need to pay for your own server)
Easy for customization should you need it
Data storage location for company/country regulation
So it's all depending on your specific circumstances, such as how much you pay for your hosting package, do you need low-level configuration of your origin server, and how sensitivity your data is.
I would say for majority of the small/medium projects, S3 is a perfect place to store data.


AWS Next.js on EC2 caching

I'm planning to use Next.js SSR/SSG/ISR on Amazon's EC2 and store images on S3 Bucket. Also to add CloudFront CDN on top of it.
The question is:
Should I cache images from S3 in Next.js (which is in EC2) thus "doubling" images (origin in S3, optimised instances in EC2 Next.js cache), or it makes no sense, since everything is located within one cloud (AWS) and covered with CDN layer (CloudFront)?
Or there is a way to move next.js caching to CloudFront?
I do understand that next/image is providing image optimisation (different sizes and quality), but I'm bothered by "doubling" the images, thus paying more for storage.
P.S. I've seen this question, I'm just not experienced with lambda, so currently looking for something I understand already.
Cloudfront gives you the option to have different origin for different behaviours and you can also apply different cache policy per behaviour. What you can do is have a behaviour for /images which will go to S3 and Default behaviour will point to Ec2 origin.

Serving files on S3 bucket through Cloudflare

I wanted to serve S3 bucket files through Cloudflare network, but encountered some issues. Integration instructions are given here, but they are suitable only for new buckets since bucket is required to be named subdomain.domain.com while my bucket is named domain.
Are there any other solutions to use CloudFlare with S3 without copying files from one bucket to another - like setting some redirects etc.? The problem is that my bucket contains more than 6 million files and that take 200 GB of storage.
Amazon S3 pricing rules are also hard to understand. I struggle to find information how much it costs to transfer information from one bucket to another if they are in the same location.
Thanks for answers.
Unfortunately Amazon S3 requires that the cname conforms to the bucket name as you already found out. So basically you'll have to fix the name.
Here https://serverfault.com/questions/349460/how-to-move-files-between-two-s3-buckets-with-minimum-cost you can find how to copy files between buckets with minimum cost. Within the same zone, and with the right tools, you will not incur bandwidth costs, only the duplicate storage costs for the duration and access costs, details in the linked answer.
Your link to the cloudflare docs doesnt seem to be working anymore, this is the correct link: https://support.cloudflare.com/hc/en-us/articles/200168926-How-do-I-use-CloudFlare-with-Amazon-s-S3-Service-

AWS S3 and AjaXplorer

I'm using AjaXplorer to give access to my clients to a shared directory stored in Amazon S3. I installed the SD, configured the plugin (http://ajaxplorer.info/plugins/access/s3/) and could upload and download files but the upload size is limited to my host PHP limit which is 64MB.
Is there a way I can upload directly to S3 without going over my host to improve speed and have S3 limit, no PHP's?
I think that is not possible, because the server will first climb to the PHP file and then make transfer to bucket.
The only way around this is to use some JQuery or JS that can bypass your server/PHP entirely and stream directly into S3. This involves enabling CORS and creating a signed policy on the fly to allow your uploads, but it can be done!
I ran into just this issue with some inordinately large media files for our website users that I no longer wanted to host on the web servers themselves.
The best place to start, IMHO is here:
A demo is here:
This was written to upload+write files to a variety of locations, including S3. The only tricky bits are getting your MIME type correct for each particular upload, and getting your bucket policy the way you need it.

Amazon S3 Cloudfront Deployment Best Practice

Our current plan for a site is to use Amazon's Cloudfront service as a CDN for asset files such as CSS, JavaScript, and Images, and any other static files.
We currently have 1 bucket in S3 that contains all of these static files. The files are separated into different folders depending on what they are, "Scripts" are JS files, "Images" are Images, etc yadda yadda yadda.
So, what I didn't realize from the start was that once you deploy a Bucket from S3 to a Cloudfront Distribution, then every subsequent update to the bucket won't deploy again to that same Distribution. So, it looks as if you have to redeploy the bucket to another Cloudfront instance every time you have a static file update.
That's fine for images, because we can easily make sure that if there is a change to an image, then we just create a new image. But, that's difficult to do for CSS and JS.
So, that gets me to the Best Practice questions:
Is it best practice to create another Cloudfront Distribution for every production deployment? The problem here would be that causes trouble with CNAME records.
Is it best practice to NOT warehouse CSS and JS in Cloudfront because of the nature of those files, and their need to be easily modified? Seems like the answer to this would be NO because that's the purpose of a CDN.
Is there some other method with Cloudfront that I don't know about?
You can issue invalidation requests to CloudFront.
Instead of an S3 bucket, though, we use our own server as a custom origin. We have .htaccess alias style_*.css to style.css, and we inject the file modification time for style.css in the HTML. As CloudFront sees a totally different URL, it'll fetch the new version.
(Note: Some CDNs let you do that via query string, but CloudFront ignores all query string data for caching, hence the .htaccess solution.)
edit: CloudFront can be (optionally) configured to use query strings now.
CloudFront has started supporting query strings, which you can use to invalidate cache.

What's the best way to serve images across an EC2 cluster on AWS?

We want to be able to have a folder that can securely serve images across a cluster of web servers. What's the best way to handle this with Amazon Web Services (AWS)? Amazon S3? Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS)? Amazon Cloudfront?
EDIT: Answer no longer needed...thanks.
I'm not sure what your main goal is or if you have read about the services you ask about. But I will try to explain it as far as I've understood AWS and your choices:
S3 is a STORAGE (with buckets and objects, a sort of folder structure with meta access)
EBS is a VOLUME (these are attached to an EC2 instance as extra drive you can access as a local harddrive)
CloudFront is a WEB-CACHE (you select which datacenter you want them in, and then you point at a S3 bucket and Amazon will replicate the content for you)
So we only need to figure out what you mean by "securely" as there are two options as I see it:
You can protect buckets in the S3 or make access levels with accounts, for "administrator access" only and PUBLIC READABLE...
You can store the data in a EBS volume and keep them there, then they are very secure and NOT public, but shareable (I believe) among the servers (I've planned to check out this myself within the next week)
You cannot protect "cloudfront" data as it's controlled by the Bucket permissions from S3...
Hope you can use this a little. I've not stated anything regarding SPEED nor COST, thats for you to benchmark/test with your data requirements. :o)