SQL Server: Unique Index on single values of two columns (!!! Not Combination) - sql

I have a table for teams where each team has two codes. A code for teammembers and a code for the teamleader.
TeamId Name MemberCode LeaderCode
1 Team1 CodeXY CodeXYZ
2 Team2 CodeAB CodeBC
There are two unique indexes, one on MemberCode and one on LeaderCode securing that MemberCodes and LeaderCodes are unique.
But how can I define the not only MemberCodes itself are unqiue, but MemberCodes and LeaderCodes?
No MemberCode should be a LeaderCode.
Someone got an idea?
P.S.: A unique index on the two columns like Create Unique index UIDX_12 On tbl (MemberCode, LeaderCode) is no option!

With this data structure, I think you would have to have a trigger.
You can reformat the data, so you have one table and (at least) three columns:
Then you can add constraints:
codetype is only 'member' or 'leader'
code is unique
teamid is in the teamid table
teamid/codetype is unique
This will allow you to store exactly one of each of these values for each team (assuming that the values are not NULL).
In a create table statement, this might look something like:
create table . . .
check codetype in ('member', 'leader'),
teamid references teams(teamid),
unique (teamid, codetype)
. . .

You can enforce this constraint with an indexed view. Something like:
create table dbo.MColumnUnique (
MemberName int not null,
LeaderName int not null
create table dbo.Two (ID int not null primary key,constraint CK_Two_ID CHECK (ID in (1,2)))
insert into dbo.Two(ID) values (1),(2)
create view dbo.MColumnUnique_Enforcer (Name)
with schemabinding
CASE WHEN ID = 1 THEN MemberName ELSE LeaderName END
cross join
create unique clustered index IX_MColumnUnique_Enforcer on dbo.MColumnUnique_Enforcer (Name)
insert into dbo.MColumnUnique (MemberName,LeaderName) values (1,2),(3,4) --Works
insert into dbo.MColumnUnique (MemberName,LeaderName) values (4,5) --Fails
insert into dbo.MColumnUnique (MemberName,LeaderName) values (6,6) --Fails
Where hopefully you can see the parallels between my above structure and your tables.
dbo.Two is just a generally helpful helper table that contains exactly two rows, and is used to perform a limited unpivot on the data into a single column.

You could do it with a trigger, but I would use a CHECK CONSTRAINT.
Create a function that takes a varchar parameter (or whatever the datatype you use for MemberCode and LeaderCode), and returns a bit: 0 if there is no LeaderCode or MemberCode that matches the parameter value, or 1 if there is a match.
Then put a check constraint on the table that specifies:
MemberCode <> LeaderCode AND
YourFunction(MemberCode) = 0 AND
YourFunction(LeaderCode) = 0
EDIT based on Damien's comment:
To prevent the function from including the row you just added, you need to also pass the [code] column (which you say is UNIQUE), and not count the row with that value for [code].


use INSERT inside definition of VIEW: CREATE VIEW AS INSERT INTO

If I want to do something relatively complicated - something usually done by a stored procedure. Is it possible to make it automatic using a VIEW?
My specific case:
I want output table = input table A + some rows input table B. In a stored procedure, I can make a copy of table A and then INSERT INTO it, but it's not allowed in a view.
Simplified example:
input table is [test_album], and output table = input table + singer Prince.
--create test data
IF OBJECT_ID('[dbo].[test_album]', 'U') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE [dbo].[test_album]
CREATE TABLE [test_album] (
id int not null identity(1, 1) primary key,
singer VARCHAR(50) NULL,
album_title VARCHAR(100) NULL
INSERT INTO [test_album] (singer, album_title)
VALUES ('Adale', '19'),
('Michael Jaskson', 'Thriller')
--this can be executed as sql code or in stored proc
INTO [result_table]
FROM [test_album]
INSERT INTO [result_table] ([singer])
VALUES ('Prince')
select *
from [result_table]
--id singer album_title
--1 Adale 19
--2 Michael Jaskson Thriller
--3 Prince NULL
----as expected
But I can do this INSERT INTO inside a view.
Real-life case:
additional singers are in a table [extra_singers]
[test_album] may have many other columns (or schema may change) so it's ideal not to type all column names in the code.
--create test data
IF OBJECT_ID('[dbo].[test_album]', 'U') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE [dbo].[test_album]
IF OBJECT_ID('[dbo].[extra_singers]', 'U') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE [dbo].[extra_singers]
IF OBJECT_ID('[dbo].[result_table]', 'U') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE [dbo].[result_table]
CREATE TABLE [test_album] (
id int not null identity(1, 1) primary key,
singer VARCHAR(50) NULL,
album_title VARCHAR(100) NULL,
many_other_columns VARCHAR(100) NULL
INSERT INTO [test_album] (singer, album_title)
VALUES ('Adale', '19'),
('Michael Jaskson', 'Thriller')
CREATE TABLE [extra_singers] (
[id] int not null identity(1, 1) primary key,
[name] VARCHAR(50) NULL )
INSERT INTO [extra_singers] ([name])
VALUES ('Prince'),
('Taylor Swift')
--append [extra_singers] to [test_album]
--this can be executed as sql code or in stored proc
INTO [result_table]
FROM [test_album]
INSERT INTO [result_table] ([singer])
SELECT [name]
FROM [extra_singers]
Is there an alternative to this (that is automatic)?
any help's appreciated. Thank u-
a partial solution I can think of:
create view test_view as
select *
from [test_album]
union all
select 3 as id,
'Prince' as singer,
NULL as album_title
but you have to know all the column names in [test_album] and you can't let column [id] do auto-increment
So you may be misunderstanding what a view does, or what an insert is. A view is simply a wrapper around a single select query. It contains exactly one select statement, and nothing else. An insert permanently adds a row of data to a persisted table. The example you gave where you just union the row you want seems valid enough. And certainly if it's the same row you want every time, you would not want to be inserting (or even trying to insert) that row into the underlying table each time
This raises a couple questions though.
If you're always going to be unioning the same single row every time, why not jut add that row to the table?
If, lets say, you don't want that row in the underlying table, cool. But if it's always the same static values, why do you need to include it in the view? Can't it just be assumed it's there?
If it can't be assume to always be the same, you certainly don't want to be changing the VIEW body every time you need it to change. So if it is going to change and you don't want to insert it into the base table, maybe make a second table containing the values you want appended to the base table in the view. Then union the base table and the "extra values" table together instead of a single, hard coded row constructor.

SQL Server trigger can't insert

I beginning to learn how to write trigger with this basic database.
I'm also making my very 1st database.
TeamName nvarchar(100)
HistoryID int PK (HistoryID int IDENTITY(0,1) CONSTRAINT HistoryID_PK PRIMARY KEY)
TeamID int FK REF Team(TeamID)
WinCount int
LoseCount int
My trigger: when a new team is inserted, it should insert a new history row with that team id
CREATE TRIGGER after_insert_Player
ON Team
INSERT INTO History (TeamID, WinCount, LoseCount)
FROM Inserted i
LEFT JOIN History h ON h.TeamID = i.TeamID
AND h.WinCount = 0 AND h.LoseCount = 0
Executed it returns
The select list for the INSERT statement contains fewer items than the insert list. The number of SELECT values must match the number of INSERT columns.
Please help thank. I'm using SQL Server
The error text is the best guide, it is so clear ..
You try inserting one value from i.TeamID into three columns (TeamID,WinCount,LoseCount)
consider these WinCount and LoseCount while inserting.
Note: I Think the structure of History table need to revisit, you should select WinCount and LoseCount as Expressions not as actual columns.
When you specify insert columns, you say which columns you will be filling. But in your case, right after insert you select only one column (team id).
You either have to modify the insert to contain only one column, or select, to retrieve 3 fields as in insert.
If you mention the columns where values have to be inserted(Using INSERT-SELECT).
The SELECT Statement has to contain the same number of columns that have been specified to be inserted. Also, ensure they are of the same data type.(You might face some issues otherwise)

Database Normalization using Foreign Key

I have a sample table like below where Course Completion Status of a Student is being stored:
Create Table StudentCourseCompletionStatus
CourseCompletionID int primary key identity(1,1),
StudentID int not null,
AlgorithmCourseStatus nvarchar(30),
DatabaseCourseStatus nvarchar(30),
NetworkingCourseStatus nvarchar(30),
MathematicsCourseStatus nvarchar(30),
ProgrammingCourseStatus nvarchar(30)
Insert into StudentCourseCompletionStatus Values (1, 'In Progress', 'In Progress', 'Not Started', 'Completed', 'Completed')
Insert into StudentCourseCompletionStatus Values (2, 'Not Started', 'In Progress', 'Not Started', 'Not Applicable', 'Completed')
Now as part of normalizing the schema I have created two other tables - CourseStatusType and Status for storing the Course Status names and Status.
Create Table CourseStatusType
CourseStatusTypeID int primary key identity(1,1),
CourseStatusType nvarchar(100) not null
Insert into CourseStatusType Values ('AlgorithmCourseStatus')
Insert into CourseStatusType Values ('DatabaseCourseStatus')
Insert into CourseStatusType Values ('NetworkingCourseStatus')
Insert into CourseStatusType Values ('MathematicsCourseStatus')
Insert into CourseStatusType Values ('ProgrammingCourseStatus')
Insert into CourseStatusType Values ('OperatingSystemsCourseStatus')
Insert into CourseStatusType Values ('CompilerCourseStatus')
Create Table Status
StatusID int primary key identity(1,1),
StatusName nvarchar (100) not null
Insert into Status Values ('Completed')
Insert into Status Values ('Not Started')
Insert into Status Values ('In Progress')
Insert into Status Values ('Not Applicable')
The modified table is as below:
Create Table StudentCourseCompletionStatus1
CourseCompletionID int primary key identity(1,1),
StudentID int not null,
CourseStatusTypeID int not null CONSTRAINT [FK_StudentCourseCompletionStatus1_CourseStatusType] FOREIGN KEY (CourseStatusTypeID) REFERENCES dbo.CourseStatusType (CourseStatusTypeID),
StatusID int not null CONSTRAINT [FK_StudentCourseCompletionStatus1_Status] FOREIGN KEY (StatusID) REFERENCES Status (StatusID),
I have few question on this:
Is this the correct way to normalize it ? The old table was very helpful to get data easily - I can store a student's course status in a single row, but now 5 rows are required. Is there a better way to do it?
Moving the data from the old table to this new table seems to be not an easy task. Can I achieve this using a query or I have to manually to do this ?
Any help is appreciated.
vou could also consider storing results in flat table like this:
1,2,"not started"
2,1,"not started"
2,3,"in progress"
you will also need additional Courses table like this
1, math
2, programming
3, networking
and a students table
1 "john smith"
2 "perry clam"
3 "john deere"
etc..you could also optionally create a status table to store the distinct statusstrings statusstings and refer to their PK instead ofthestrings
... etc
and status table
2,"not started"
3,"in progress"
the beauty of this representation is: it is quite easy to filter and aggregate data , i.e it is easy to query which subjects a particular person have completed, how many subjects are completed by an average student, etc. this things are much more difficult in the columnar design like you had. you can also easily add new subjects without the need to adapt your tables or even queries they,will just work.
you can also always usin SQLs PIVOT query to get it to a familiar columnar presentation like
but now 5 rows are required
No, it's still just one row. That row simply contains identifiers for values stored in other tables.
There are pros and cons to this. One of the main reasons to normalize in this way is to protect the integrity of the data. If a column is just a string then anything can be stored there. But if there's a foreign key relationship to a table containing a finite set of values then only one of those options can be stored there. Additionally, if you ever want to change the text of an option or add/remove options, you do it in a centralized place.
Moving the data from the old table to this new table seems to be not an easy task.
No problem at all. Create your new numeric columns on the data table and populate them with the identifiers of the lookup table records associated with each data table record. If they're nullable, you can make them foreign keys right away. If they're not nullable then you need to populate them before you can make them foreign keys. Once you've verified that the data is correct, remove the old de-normalized columns. Done.
In StudentCourseCompletionStatus1 you still need 2 associations to Status and CourseStatusType. So I think you should consider following variant of normalization:
It means, that your StudentCourseCompletionStatus would hold only one CourseStatusID and another table CourseStatus would hold the associations to CourseType and Status.
To move your data you can surely use a query.

SQL can I have a "conditionally unique" constraint on a table?

I've had this come up a couple times in my career, and none of my local peers seems to be able to answer it. Say I have a table that has a "Description" field which is a candidate key, except that sometimes a user will stop halfway through the process. So for maybe 25% of the records this value is null, but for all that are not NULL, it must be unique.
Another example might be a table which must maintain multiple "versions" of a record, and a bit value indicates which one is the "active" one. So the "candidate key" is always populated, but there may be three versions that are identical (with 0 in the active bit) and only one that is active (1 in the active bit).
I have alternate methods to solve these problems (in the first case, enforce the rule code, either in the stored procedure or business layer, and in the second, populate an archive table with a trigger and UNION the tables when I need a history). I don't want alternatives (unless there are demonstrably better solutions), I'm just wondering if any flavor of SQL can express "conditional uniqueness" in this way. I'm using MS SQL, so if there's a way to do it in that, great. I'm mostly just academically interested in the problem.
If you are using SQL Server 2008 a Index filter would maybe your solution:
This is how I enforce a Unique Index with multiple NULL values
In the case of descriptions which are not yet completed, I wouldn't have those in the same table as the finalized descriptions. The final table would then have a unique index or primary key on the description.
In the case of the active/inactive, again I might have separate tables as you did with an "archive" or "history" table, but another possible way to do it in MS SQL Server at least is through the use of an indexed view:
CREATE TABLE Test_Conditionally_Unique
CREATE VIEW dbo.Test_Conditionally_Unique_View
active = 1
CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX IDX1 ON Test_Conditionally_Unique_View (my_id)
INSERT INTO dbo.Test_Conditionally_Unique (my_id, active)
VALUES (1, 0)
INSERT INTO dbo.Test_Conditionally_Unique (my_id, active)
VALUES (1, 0)
INSERT INTO dbo.Test_Conditionally_Unique (my_id, active)
VALUES (1, 0)
INSERT INTO dbo.Test_Conditionally_Unique (my_id, active)
VALUES (1, 1)
INSERT INTO dbo.Test_Conditionally_Unique (my_id, active)
VALUES (2, 0)
INSERT INTO dbo.Test_Conditionally_Unique (my_id, active)
VALUES (2, 1)
INSERT INTO dbo.Test_Conditionally_Unique (my_id, active)
VALUES (2, 1) -- This insert will fail
You could use this same method for the NULL/Valued descriptions as well.
Thanks for the comments, the initial version of this answer was wrong.
Here's a trick using a computed column that effectively allows a nullable unique constraint in SQL Server:
create table NullAndUnique
id int identity,
name varchar(50),
uniqueName as case
when name is null then cast(id as varchar(51))
else name + '_' end,
insert into NullAndUnique default values
insert into NullAndUnique default values -- Works
insert into NullAndUnique default values -- not accidentally :)
insert into NullAndUnique (name) values ('Joel')
insert into NullAndUnique (name) values ('Joel') -- Boom!
It basically uses the id when the name is null. The + '_' is to avoid cases where name might be numeric, like 1, which could collide with the id.
I'm not entirely aware of your intended use or your tables, but you could try using a one to one relationship. Split out this "sometimes" unique column into a new table, create the UNIQUE index on that column in the new table and FK back to the original table using the original tables PK. Only have a row in this new table when the "unique" data is supposed to exist.
OLD tables:
ID pk
Col1 sometimes unique
NEW tables:
ID PK, FK to TableA.ID
Col1 unique index
Oracle does. A fully null key is not indexed by a Btree in index in Oracle, and Oracle uses Btree indexes to enforce unique constraints.
Assuming one wished to version ID_COLUMN based on the ACTIVE_FLAG being set to 1:
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_versioning_id ON mytable
(CASE active_flag WHEN 0 THEN NULL ELSE active_flag END,
CASE active_flag WHEN 0 THEN NULL ELSE id_column END);

Constraint for only one record marked as default

How could I set a constraint on a table so that only one of the records has its isDefault bit field set to 1?
The constraint is not table scope, but one default per set of rows, specified by a FormID.
Use a unique filtered index
On SQL Server 2008 or higher you can simply use a unique filtered index
ON TableName(FormID)
WHERE isDefault = 1
Where the table is
isDefault BIT NOT NULL
For example if you try to insert many rows with the same FormID and isDefault set to 1 you will have this error:
Cannot insert duplicate key row in object 'dbo.TableName' with unique
index 'IX_TableName_FormID_isDefault'. The duplicate key value is (1).
Source: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc280372.aspx
Here's a modification of Damien_The_Unbeliever's solution that allows one default per FormID.
CREATE VIEW form_defaults
FROM whatever
WHERE isDefault = 1
CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX ix_form_defaults on form_defaults (FormID)
But the serious relational folks will tell you this information should just be in another table.
DefaultWhateverID int FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES Whatever(ID)
From a normalization perspective, this would be an inefficient way of storing a single fact.
I would opt to hold this information at a higher level, by storing (in a different table) a foreign key to the identifier of the row which is considered to be the default.
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Foo](
[Id] [int] NOT NULL,
[Id] ASC
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[DefaultSettings](
[DefaultFoo] [int] NULL
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[DefaultSettings] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_DefaultSettings_Foo] FOREIGN KEY([DefaultFoo])
REFERENCES [dbo].[Foo] ([Id])
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[DefaultSettings] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_DefaultSettings_Foo]
You could use an insert/update trigger.
Within the trigger after an insert or update, if the count of rows with isDefault = 1 is more than 1, then rollback the transaction.
CREATE VIEW vOnlyOneDefault
SELECT 1 as Lock
FROM <underlying table>
WHERE Default = 1
CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX IX_vOnlyOneDefault on vOnlyOneDefault (Lock)
You'll need to have the right ANSI settings turned on for this.
I don't know about SQLServer.But if it supports Function-Based Indexes like in Oracle, I hope this can be translated, if not, sorry.
You can do an index like this on suposed that default value is 1234, the column is DEFAULT_COLUMN and ID_COLUMN is the primary key:
INDEX only_one_default
ON my_table
This DDL creates an unique index indexing -1 if the value of DEFAULT_COLUMN is 1234 and ID_COLUMN in any other case. Then, if two columns have DEFAULT_COLUMN value, it raises an exception.
The question implies to me that you have a primary table that has some child records and one of those child records will be the default record. Using address and a separate default table here is an example of how to make that happen using third normal form. Of course I don't know if it's valuable to answer something that is so old but it struck my fancy.
--drop table dev.defaultAddress;
--drop table dev.addresses;
--drop table dev.people;
CREATE TABLE [dev].[people](
[Id] [int] identity primary key,
name char(20)
CREATE TABLE [dev].[Addresses](
id int identity primary key,
peopleId int foreign key references dev.people(id),
address varchar(100)
CREATE TABLE [dev].[defaultAddress](
id int identity primary key,
peopleId int foreign key references dev.people(id),
addressesId int foreign key references dev.addresses(id))
create unique index defaultAddress on dev.defaultAddress (peopleId)
create unique index idx_addr_id_person on dev.addresses(peopleid,id);
ALTER TABLE dev.defaultAddress
ADD CONSTRAINT FK_Def_People_Address
FOREIGN KEY(peopleID, addressesID)
REFERENCES dev.Addresses(peopleId, id)
insert into dev.people (name)
select 'Bill' union
select 'John' union
select 'Harry'
insert into dev.Addresses (peopleid, address)
select 1, '123 someplace' union
select 1,'work place' union
select 2,'home address' union
select 3,'some address'
insert into dev.defaultaddress (peopleId, addressesid)
select 1,1 union
select 2,3
-- so two home addresses are default now
-- try adding another default address to Bill and you get an error
select * from dev.people
join dev.addresses on people.id = addresses.peopleid
left join dev.defaultAddress on defaultAddress.peopleid = people.id and defaultaddress.addressesid = addresses.id
insert into dev.defaultaddress (peopleId, addressesId)
select 1,2
You could do it through an instead of trigger, or if you want it as a constraint create a constraint that references a function that checks for a row that has the default set to 1
EDIT oops, needs to be <=
Create table mytable(id1 int, defaultX bit not null default(0))
create Function dbo.fx_DefaultExists()
returns int as
Declare #Ret int
Set #ret = 0
Select #ret = count(1) from mytable
Where defaultX = 1
Return #ret
Alter table mytable add
Insert into mytable (id1, defaultX) values (1,1)
Insert into mytable (id1, defaultX) values (2,1)
This is a fairly complex process that cannot be handled through a simple constraint.
We do this through a trigger. However before you write the trigger you need to be able to answer several things:
do we want to fail the insert if a default exists, change it to 0 instead of 1 or change the existing default to 0 and leave this one as 1?
what do we want to do if the default record is deleted and other non default records are still there? Do we make one the default, if so how do we determine which one?
You will also need to be very, very careful to make the trigger handle multiple row processing. For instance a client might decide that all of the records of a particular type should be the default. You wouldn't change a million records one at a time, so this trigger needs to be able to handle that. It also needs to handle that without looping or the use of a cursor (you really don't want the type of transaction discussed above to take hours locking up the table the whole time).
You also need a very extensive tesing scenario for this trigger before it goes live. You need to test:
adding a record with no default and it is the first record for that customer
adding a record with a default and it is the first record for that customer
adding a record with no default and it is the not the first record for that customer
adding a record with a default and it is the not the first record for that customer
Updating a record to have the default when no other record has it (assuming you don't require one record to always be set as the deafault)
Updating a record to remove the default
Deleting the record with the deafult
Deleting a record without the default
Performing a mass insert with multiple situations in the data including two records which both have isdefault set to 1 and all of the situations tested when running individual record inserts
Performing a mass update with multiple situations in the data including two records which both have isdefault set to 1 and all of the situations tested when running individual record updates
Performing a mass delete with multiple situations in the data including two records which both have isdefault set to 1 and all of the situations tested when running individual record deletes
#Andy Jones gave an answer above closest to mine, but bearing in mind the Rule of Three, I placed the logic directly in the stored proc that updates this table. This was my simple solution. If I need to update the table from elsewhere, I will move the logic to a trigger. The one default rule applies to each set of records specified by a FormID and a ConfigID:
ALTER proc [dbo].[cpForm_UpdateLinkedReport]
#reportLinkId int,
#defaultYN bit,
#linkName nvarchar(150)
if #defaultYN = 1
declare #formId int, #configId int
select #formId = FormID, #configId = ConfigID from csReportLink where ReportLinkID = #reportLinkId
update csReportLink set DefaultYN = 0 where isnull(ConfigID, #configId) = #configId and FormID = #formId
DefaultYN = #defaultYN,
LinkName = #linkName
ReportLinkID = #reportLinkId