How do I use Yodlee's Aggregation API with OAuth? - yodlee

Yodlee has a getOAuthAccessToken API call.
When calling getOAuthAccessToken with a valid cobSessionToken and userSessionToken, it returns a response that looks something like this:
Given that it is documented as part of the Aggregation API, it seems to be implying that I can call the other aggregation API methods using an OAuth token as an alternative to using the cobSessionToken and userSessionToken parameters.
Is this indeed possible? If so, what unit of time is tokenLiveTime is expressed in?

This getOauthToken API is used to invoke the Fastlink application.
Fastlink Application is a Yodlee hosted app, which could be invoked to you website and allows the consumers to search a particular site and do an add account. This safe time and effort of the customers/developers for building a UI for consumers to add an account.
This API is not intended to use as an alternative to cobSessionToken/userSessionToken.
You can find more about the Fastlink here.
The tokenLiveTime is in seconds.


Customer Authentication in commercejs

You get the problem reading the title. Is there anyway I can sign up customers using commercejs. The documentation is only showing login/logout methods but not sign up.Is there anyway I can do it through commercjs. Or should I use other authentication service like Firebase Auth??
There is no specific way to register a user as Commercejs does not store any kind of password.
The only way for registering a user is to use as per API reference docs. however if you want to integrate some kind of custom auth you should definitely use this reference:
This allows you to issue a JSON web token for a customer directly using your secret Chec API key. This may be a desirable option if you are integrating your own customer authentication, and simply need a token to authorize API requests as your customer with.
I have personally used this method along with Firebase auth.

How to get OAuth 2.0 right for consuming external APIs in my Custom API .net core

I want to create a custom API that behind the scenes, call number of other APIs which use OAuth 2.0 for authentication. I want to manage this internally so that my custom endpoint somewhat abstract this.
Or to begin with I want to do what app like buffer ( do - where you connect to different social services and than post your status.
How can I achieve this in .NetCore ?? I don't want to login with these (a lot of samples are catering this scenario), user login is different than this. I just want to establish these connections (like API Connections if you look at Azure API Management) and then perform some operations against those endpoints.
I hope i convey my point. please let me know if this isn't clear.
OAuth2 systems are all based on the same workflow.
here's an authorization url, you pass some ids in an authorization header, if everything is correct you get a token, you then use the token to do whatever you are allowed to do. What changes are the credentials you use for authentication and the urls you hit for the various parts of this workflow.
You could write your own OAuth2 library which deals with all this, that's pretty much what I did and simply changed the details for every specific system I had to interact with.
This being said you can always use one of the existing implementations to connect to the various systems you care about, they all have an API you could use, all you have to do is make sure you follow the OAuth2 flow correctly.

How to use Get account/settings in twitter API?

How to use Get account/settings in twitter API, don't like other functions, there are no parameters(such as screen_name) for this function,and how to spectify the user and return the spectify account settings?
Get account/settings in twitter API
The request is implicitly for the authenticated user.
Requires authentication? Yes (user context only)
So it isn't needed to provide parameters as you can only call this as yourself. Provided you are correctly signing requests it should just work.

How to make twitter api calls using access token

I have managed to get an access token from the twitter api. Now I want to use that token for my further data fetching things, so please help me here to get the details of my twitter account.
For example, lets say I wanted to get the user's data, so when I tested this in apigee console, I got my result.
But how to get the same result, using same api, by hitting on a browser using the access token
something like this
Please help
It's a little more complex than the URL you suggested, but you can use Twitter's OAuth tool to generate the OAuth signature you need to make requests to its Home Timeline API call.
You can find the OAuth tool here:
it's not like that when making twitter api calls you need to send consumer key, consumer secret, your_access_token and your_access_token_secret together
Eg: oauth_consumer_key="KEY",oauth_signature_method="HMAC-SHA1",oauth_timestamp="TIMESTAMP",oauth_nonce="NONCE",oauth_version="1.0",oauth_token="YOUR_TOKEN",oauth_signature="SIGN"

flickr api authentication without user intervention

I would like to programmatically query the Flickr API using my own credentials only just to grab some data from there on a frequent basis. It appears that the Flickr API is favouring OAuth now.
My question is: how should I authenticate the API without user intervention just for myself? Is it possible any more?
Once you have received an oauth_token (Access Token), you can use it for multiple subsequent API calls. You should be able to persist the token in a data store (I haven't done this myself) and use it even after your application restarts. Of course, you still need to write the code to get the Access Token the first time.
If your application is already coded using the old authentication API, it looks like there is a one-time call that you can make to get a new-style Access Token. See
Even if you don't have a coded application, you might be able to use the API Explorer for any of the calls that requires authentication (flickr.activity.userComments, for example) to harvest an api_sig and auth_token.
The scenario which you are describing is sometimes referred to as 2-legged OAuth. (
Google APIs support this via a 'service account'.
Unfortunately Flickr doesn't seem to support this kind of interaction.
For public data interaction (like downloading your public photos (photostream) from your account), there's no need to authenticate. You can get the data using only the Flickr user-id.
For other interactions (like downloading private photos (camera roll) from your account), you'll need to follow the full OAuth procedure at least once.