Which objective is optimized Intra-Cluster sum of distances or MSE? - optimization

In the cluster analysis papers using meta-heuristic algorithms, many has optimized Mean-Squared Quantization Error (MSE). For example in
[1] and [2] .
I have a confusion with the results. They have told that they have used the MSE as the objective function. But they have reported the result values in intra-cluster sum of Euclidean distances.
K-Means minimizes Within-Cluster Sum of Squares (WCSS) (from wiki) [3]. I could not find what is the difference between WCSS and MSE, when Euclidean distance is used in the case of the difference metric when calculating MSE.
In the case of K-Means the WCSS is minimized, and if we use the same MSE function with the meta-heuristics algorithms they will also minimize it. In this case how the sum of Euclidean distances for the K-Means and the other vary?
I can reproduce the results shown in the papers if I optimize the intra-cluster sum of Euclidean distances.
I think I am doing something wrong here. Can anyone help me with this.
Main question: What objectives did the referenced papers [1] and [2] optimize, and which function's values are shown in the table?

K-means optimizes the (sum of within-cluster-) sum of squares aka variance aka sum of squared Euclidean distances.
This is easy to see if you study the convergence proof.
I can't study the two papers you referenced. They're with crappy Elsevier and paywalled, and I'm not going to pay $36+$32 to answer your question.
Update: I managed to get a free copy of one of them. They call it "MSE, mean-square quantization error", but their equation is the usual within-cluster-sum-of-squares, no mean involved; with a shady self-citation attached to this statement, and half of the references being self-citations... it seems like it's more this author that likes to call it different than everybody else. Looks bit like "reinventing the wheel with a different name" to me. I'd carefully double-check their results. I'm not saying they are false, I havn't checked in more detail. But the "mean-square error" doesn't involve a mean for sure; it's the sum of squared errors.
Update: if "intra-cluster sum" means sum of pairwise distances of any two objects, consider the following:
Without loss of generality, move the data such that the mean is 0. (Translation doesn't change Euclidean or squared Euclidean distances).
sum_x sum_y sum_i (x_i-y_i)^2
= sum_x sum_y [ sum_i (x_i)^2 + sum_i (y_i)^2 - 2 sum_i (x_i*y_i) ]
= n * sum_x sum_i (x_i)^2 + n * sum_y sum_i (y_i)
- 2 * sum_i [sum_x x_i * sum_y y_i]
The first two summands are the same. So we have 2n times the WCSS.
But since mu_i = 0, sum_x x_i = sum_y y_i = 0, and the third term disappears.
If I didn't screw up this computation, then the mean, asymmetric pairwise squared Euclidean distance within a cluster is the same as WCSS.


Asynchrony loss function over an array of 1D signals

So I have an array of N 1D-signals (e.g. time series) with same number of samples per signal (all in equal resolution) and I want to define a differentiable loss function to penalize asynchrony among them and therefore be zero if all N 1D signals will be equal to each other. I've been searching the literature to find something but haven't had luck yet.
Few remarks:
1 - since N (number of signals) could be quite large I can not afford to calculate Mean squared loss between every single pair which could grow combinatorialy large. also I'm not quite sure whether it would be optimal in any mathematical sense for the goal to achieve.
There are two naive loss functions that I could think of :
a) Total variation loss for each time sample across all signals (to force to reach ideally zero variation). the problem is here the weight needs to be very large to yield zero varion. masking any other loss term that is going to be added and also there is no inherent order among the N signals, which doesnt make it suitable to TV loss to begin with.
b) minimizing the sum of variance at each time point among all signals. however, choice of the reference of variance (aka mean) could be crucial I believe as just using the sample mean might not really yield the desired result, not quite sure.

Implementation of Isotropic squared exponential kernel with numpy

I've come across a from scratch implementation for gaussian processes:
There, the isotropic squared exponential kernel is implemented in numpy. It looks like:
The implementation is:
def kernel(X1, X2, l=1.0, sigma_f=1.0):
sqdist = np.sum(X1**2, 1).reshape(-1, 1) + np.sum(X2**2, 1) - 2 * np.dot(X1, X2.T)
return sigma_f**2 * np.exp(-0.5 / l**2 * sqdist)
consistent with the implementation of Nando de Freitas: https://www.cs.ubc.ca/~nando/540-2013/lectures/gp.py
However, I am not quite sure how this implementation matches the provided formula, especially in the sqdist part. In my opinion, it is wrong but it works (and delivers the same results as scipy's cdist with squared euclidean distance). Why do I think it is wrong? If you multiply out the multiplication of the two matrices, you get
which equals to either a scalar or a nxn matrix for a vector x_i, depending on whether you define x_i to be a column vector or not. The implementation however gives back a nx1 vector with the squared values.
I hope that anyone can shed light on this.
I found out: The implementation is correct. I just was not aware of the fuzzy notation (in my opinion) which is sometimes used in ML contexts. What is to be achieved is a distance matrix and each row vectors of matrix A are to be compared with the row vectors of matrix B to infer the covariance matrix, not (as I somehow guessed) the direct distance between two matrices/vectors.

effective number

In Gelman book, the effective number is defined in terms of the following;
R hat
between- within MCMC sequence of variance, B and W
the number of MCMC samples, denoted by n
the number of chains, denoted by m
I do not know how the samplig() calculate the between MCMC sequence of variance for the case chains=1. So, I cannot calculate these terms ( B,W,m). I want to implement some algorithm according to the paper:https://arxiv.org/abs/1804.06788.
Roughly speaking, this paper construct some test statistics which is uniformly distributed under the null hypothesis that the MCMC sampling is correct. And if MCMC sampling is not correct, then the histogram of the test statistics become skew shape and this deviation from uniformity tells us the MCMC contains bias. I want to implement but it needs to calculate the above quantities.
In rstan, is there such function to extract the above quantities ? I think the process of calculation of R hat statistics, the above quantities B,W, m are retained in some place in the stanfit S4 object.
I am sorry, I found n_eff, but I do not know the choice of m of the case chains =1.
In the case that only one chain is estimated (which should not be happening anyway), then m = 2 because the post-warmup draws from the single chain are split into the first half and the second half. This splitting method is discussed in the documentation.

Time complexity (Big-O notation) of Posterior Probability Calculation

I got a basic idea of Big-O notation from Big-O notation's definition.
In my problem, a 2-D surface is divided into uniform M grids. Each grid (m) is assigned with a posterior probability based on A features.
The posterior probability of m grid is calculated as follows:
and the marginal likelihood is given as:
Here, A features are independent of each other and sigma and mean symbol represent the standard deviation and mean value of each a feature at each grid. I need to calculate the Posterior probability of all M grids.
What will be the time complexity of the above operation in terms of Big-O notation?
My guess is O(M) or O(M+A). Am I correct? I'm expecting an authenticate answer to present at the formal forum.
Also, what will be the time complexity if M grids are divided into T clusters where every cluster has Q grids (Q << M) (calculating Posterior Probability only on Q grids out of M grids) ?
Thank you very much.
Discrete sum and product
can be understood as loops. If you are happy with floating point approximation most other operators are typically O(1), conditional probability looks like a function call. Just inject constants and variables in your equation and you'll get the expected Big-O, the details of formula are irrelevant. Also be aware that these "loops" can often be simplified using mathematical properties.
If the result is not obvious, please convert your above mathematical formula in actual programming code in a programming language. Computer Science Big-O is never about a formula but about an actual translation of it in programming steps, depending on the implementation the same formula can lead to very different execution complexities. As different as adding integers by actually performing sum O(n) or applying Gauss formula O(1) for instance.
By the way why are you doing a discrete sum on a discrete domaine N ? Shouldn't it be M ?

sampling 2-dimensional surface: how many sample points along X & Y axes?

I have a set of first 25 Zernike polynomials. Below are shown few in Cartesin co-ordinate system.
z2 = 2*x
z3 = 2*y
z4 = sqrt(3)*(2*x^2+2*y^2-1)
z24 = sqrt(14)*(15*(x^2+y^2)^2-20*(x^2+y^2)+6)*(x^2-y^2)
I am not using 1st since it is piston; so I have these 24 two-dim ANALYTICAL functions expressed in X-Y Cartesian co-ordinate system. All are defined over unit circle, as they are orthogonal over unit circle. The problem which I am describing here is relevant to other 2D surfaces also apart from Zernike Polynomials.
Suppose that origin (0,0) of the XY co-ordinate system and the centre of the unit circle are same.
Next, I take linear combination of these 24 polynomials to build a 2D wavefront shape. I use 24 random input coefficients in this combination.
w(x,y) = sum_over_i a_i*z_i (i=2,3,4,....24)
a_i = random coefficients
z_i = zernike polynomials
Upto this point, everything is analytical part which can be done on paper.
Now comes the discretization!
I know that when you want to re-construct a signal (1Dim/2Dim), your sampling frequency should be at least twice the maximum frequency present in the signal (Nyquist-Shanon principle).
Here signal is w(x,y) as mentioned above which is nothing but a simple 2Dim
function of x & y. I want to represent it on computer now. Obviously I can not take all infinite points from -1 to +1 along x axis and same for y axis.
I have to take finite no. of data points (which are called sample points or just samples) on this analytical 2Dim surface w(x,y)
I am measuring x & y in metres, and -1 <= x <= +1; -1 <= y <= +1.
e.g. If I divide my x-axis from -1 to 1, in 50 sample points then dx = 2/50= 0.04 metre. Same for y axis. Now my sampling frequency is 1/dx i.e. 25 samples per metre. Same for y axis.
But I took 50 samples arbitrarily; I could have taken 10 samples or 1000 samples. That is the crux of the matter here: how many samples points?How will I determine this number?
There is one theorem (Nyquist-Shanon theorem) mentioned above which says that if I want to re-construct w(x,y) faithfully, I must sample it on both axes so that my sampling frequency (i.e. no. of samples per metre) is at least twice the maximum frequency present in the w(x,y). This is nothing but finding power spectrum of w(x,y). Idea is that any function in space domain can be represented in spatial-frequency domain also, which is nothing but taking Fourier transform of the function! This tells us how many (spatial) frequencies are present in your function w(x,y) and what is the maximum frequency out of these many frequencies.
Now my question is first how to find out this maximum sampling frequency in my case. I can not use MATLAB fft2() or any other tool since it means already I have samples taken across the wavefront!! Obviously remaining option is find it analytically ! But that is time consuming and difficult since I have 24 polynomials & I will have to use then continuous Fourier transform i.e. I will have to go for pen and paper.
Any help will be appreciated.
Key Assumptions
You want to use the "Nyquist-Shanon" theorem to determine sampling frequency
Obviously remaining option is find it analytically ! But that is time
consuming and difficult since I have 21 polynomials & I have to use
continuous Fourier transform i.e. done by analytically.
Given the assumption I have made (and noting that consideration of other mathematical techniques is out of scope for StackOverflow), you have no option but to calculate the continuous Fourier Transform.
However, I believe you haven't considered all the options for calculating the transform other than a laborious paper exercise e.g.
Numerical approximation of the continuous F.T. using code
Symbolic Integration e.g. Wolfram Alpha
Surely a numerical approximation of the Fourier Transform will be adequate for your solution?
I am assuming this is for coursework or research rather, so all you really care about as a physicist is a solution that is the quickest solution that is accurate within the scope of your problem.
So to conclude, IMHO, don't waste time searching for a more mathematically elegant solution or trick and just solve the problem with one of the above methods