How to call an express.js handler from another handler - express

I'm building an isomorphic React application which is using express.js on the server. The client app makes a number of AJAX requests to other express handler which currently entails them making multiple HTTP requests to itself.
As an optimisation I'd like to intercept requests I know the server handles and call them directly (thus avoiding the cost of leaving the application bounds). I've got as far as accessing the apps router to know which routes it handlers however I'm struggling to find the best way to start a new request. So my question is:
How do I get express to handle an HTTP request that comes from a programatic source rather than the network?

I would suggest create a common service and require it in both the handlers. What I do is break the business logic in the service and create controllers which handles the request and call specific services in this way u can use multiple services in same controller eg.
var clientController = require('../controllers/client-controller.js');
module.exports = function(router) {
router.get('/clients', clientController.getAll);
var clientService = require('../services/client-service.js');
function getAll(req, res) {
clientService.getAll().then(function(data) {
}, function(err) {
module.exports.getAll = getAll;
function getAll() {
// implementation
module.exports.getAll = getAll;
u can also use something like to make http calls from controllers and make use of them.


Blazor - Circular references - serialization and deserialization default options

In a Blazor WebAssembly app I have one single server side method that returns results with circular references.
I found out that I can handle this situation on the server side by adding the following:
.AddJsonOptions(options =>
options.JsonSerializerOptions.ReferenceHandler = ReferenceHandler.Preserve;
and on the client side:
var options = new JsonSerializerOptions() { ReferenceHandler = ReferenceHandler.Preserve };
var r = await _http.GetFromJsonAsync<MyObject>>($"api/mycontroller/mymethod", options);
Unfortunately this way reference handling is enabled for every method on server. This introduces "$id" keys in almost all my methods results.
This would force me to change every client call to introduce ReferenceHandler.Preserve option.
Is there a way to specify ReferenceHandler.Preserve for some methods only (server side) or alternatively an option to force ReferenceHandler.Preserve for every GetFromJsonAsync (client side)?
You can use custom middleware in your sever . In custom middleware , you can put the method in it and do judge the URL passed by blazor. If the url meets the requirements, execute the method in the middleware, If not ,Just ignore this method.

Does Feathers Authentication also require app internal service calls to be authenticated (and how to get around)?

I'm building a FeathersJS service behind an authentication very similar to the messages service that is part of the FeathersJS demo chat app:
Additionally, I'd like to define an event listener that should store the messages it receives to the app's messages service and call all necessary hooks to notify the client application.
Here's my current approach:
module.exports = function () {
const app = this;
const Model = createModel(app);
const paginate = app.get('paginate');
const options = {
name: 'messages',
app.use('/messages', createService(options));
const service = app.service('messages');
const sender = new MyExternalMessageSender();
sender.on('message', (msg) => {
service.create(msg, {user: {_id: 0}}).then(result => console.log(result));
if (service.filter) {
This sometimes works fine and sometimes it randomly results in an error as soon as MyExternalMessageSender is notified and tries to call the message service's create method.
NotAuthenticated: No auth token
at Error.NotAuthenticated (projects\feathers-chat\node_modules\feathers-errors\lib\index.js:100:17)
at projects\feathers-chat\node_modules\feathers-authentication\lib\hooks\authenticate.js:102:31
How can I store messages the correct way without my application itself needing to use a JWT?
Thanks for your support!
I am not sure what MyExternalMessageSender does but authentication is skipped by default in internal service calls. If it is an internal service call is determined by params.provider being set. So if you pass hook.params from an external call (where provider is normally set to rest or socketio) to subsequent service calls authentication will run (since it thinks it is an external call).
This can be avoided by removing the provider property before passing the original parameters e.g. with Lodash _.omit:
myservice.find(_.omit(params, 'provider'))

InversifyJS: dependency instantiation per HTTP Request

I'm using Inversify.JS in a project with Express. I would like to create a connection to a Neo4J Database, and this process has two objets:
The driver object - Could be shared across the application and created one time only
The session object - Each HTTP request should create a session against the driver, whose lifecyle is the same as the http request lifecycle (as long as the request ends, the connection is destroyed)
Without Insersify.JS, this problem is solved using a simple algorithm:
exports.getSession = function (context) { // 'context' is the http request
if(context.neo4jSession) {
return context.neo4jSession;
else {
context.neo4jSession = driver.session();
return context.neo4jSession;
To create a static dependency for the driver, I can inject a constant:
container.bind<DbDriver>("DbDriver").toConstantValue(new Neo4JDbDriver());
How can I create a dependency instantiated only once per request and retrieve them from the container?
I suspect I must invoke the container on a middleware like this:
this._express.use((request, response, next) => {
// get the container and create an instance of the Neo4JSession for the request lifecycle
Thanks in advance.
I see two solutions to your problem.
use inRequestScope() for DbDriver dependency. (available since 4.5.0 version). It will work if you use single composition root for one http request. In other words you call container.get() only once per http request.
create child container, attach it to response.locals._container and register DbDriver as singleton.
let appContainer = new Container()
function injectContainerMiddleware(request, response, next) {
let requestContainer = appContainer.createChildContainer();
requestContainer.bind<DbDriver>("DbDriver").toConstantValue(new Neo4JDbDriver());
response.locals._container = requestContainer;
express.use(injectContainerMiddleware); //insert injectContainerMiddleware before any other request handler functions
In this example you can retrieve DbDriver from response.locals._container in any request handler/middleware function registered after injectContainerMiddleware and you will get the same instance of DbDriver
This will work, but I'm not sure how performant it is. Additionally I guess that you may need to somehow dispose requestContainer (unbind all dependencies and remove reference to parent container) after http request is done.

JWT authentication with gundb

Can i use JWT authentication with gundb? And if so, would it dramatically slow down my sync speed? I was going to try and implement a test using the tutorial here but wanted to see if there were any 'gotchas' I should be aware of.
The API has changed to use a middleware system. The SEA (Security, Encryption, Authorization) framework will be published to handle stuff like this. However, you can roll your own by doing something like this on the server:
Gun.on('opt', function(ctx){
if(ctx.once){ return }
ctx.on('in', function(msg){
var to =;
// process message.; // pass to next middleware
Registering the in listener via the opt hook lets this middleware become 1st in line (before even gun core), that way you can filter all inputs and reject them if necessary (by not calling
Likewise to add headers on the client you would want to register an out listener (similarly to how we did for the in) and modify the outgoing message to have msg.headers = {token: data} and then pass it forward to the next middleware layers (which will probably be websocket/transport hooks) by doing as well. More docs to come on this as it stabilizes.
Old Answer:
A very late answer, sorry this was not addressed sooner:
The default websocket/ajax adapter allows you to update a headers property that gets passed on every networked message:
headers: { token: JWT },
On the server you can then intercept and reject/authorize requests based on the token:
gun.wsp(server, function(req, res, next){
if('get' === req.method){
return next(req, res);
if('put' === req.method){
return res({body: {err: "Permission denied!"}});
The above example rejects all writes and authorizes all reads, but you would replace this logic with your own rules.

how to use both and passport.socketio authentication features globally supports a single global authorization method with no middleware feature. Both and passport.socketio depend on this feature as an injection point for their logic. attaches the express session to the request, and passport.socketio attaches the inflated user object. how do I combine the two features elegantly?
The only way I found is grabbing the authorization callback of from and wiring it to be passport.socketio's success callback: {
var expressAuth ='authorization');
var sessionConfig = {
success : expressAuth // callback on success
};'authorization', passportSocketIo.authorize(sessionConfig));
This works for me, but It's coupled with the order of the 'authorization' registrations. Any better ideas?