Weblogic session timeouts don't extend as expected - weblogic

Using Weblogic and I've got my session timeout in my web.xml set to 30 minutes. Users get 30 minutes, but any activity after that only extends 5 minutes.
So for example on the 28th minute, the user will do some activity to the server. 7 minutes later the user is forced off as the session times out.
Expected behavior would be to get another 30 minutes, that the session timeout should be the time SINCE last activity. However it appears that Weblogic only increases your time in 5 minute increments.
Tomcat on the other hand (which Im not allowed to use) works as expected, you get a full 30 min from time of last activity.
Does anyone know of any internal Weblogic setting that might control how much time the user gets after the initial session timeout length?


Why is my Azure App Configuration instance is being throttled?

I have a basic instance of Azure App Configuration. It's supposed to allow 1000 requests per day.
The usage chart for the previous day looks like this:
But I can no longer open Configuration Explorer or Feature Manager. Getting these errors:
I don't understand why requests started to being throttled since the usage is nowhere near 1000 per day.
Throttling is based on the 24-hour day of the UTC time (not the local time). Please make sure the whole day is counted.

Infinispan spike on response time

We have an infinispan cluster of two. Some days ago one of the hosts crashed, taking down one of the host-controllers.
Somehow as a result of this, we say an unacceptable increase in infinispan response time. It went from a couple of miliseconds to 15-20 seconds.
I am trying to investigate this, and cannot find anything. There are timeouts and exception in the log files, but nothing that is specific to this period.
My client timeouts are 10 second, but the spike is almost double that time.

ColdFusion application timing out even with large values for cflogin idletimeout and session timeout

Sessions on my ColdFusion server appear to be timing out every 20 minutes for one of my apps, even though I have high (on the order of many hours) timeouts set for both idletimeout and this.SessionTimeout in the CFC.
These timeouts occur regardless of whether I visit the pages during that 20 minute period — in other words, the sessions are not even idle for 20 minutes, it's just that 20 minutes after login, the user becomes unauthenticated again — the value of #IsUserLoggedIn()# becomes NO and the value for #GetAuthUser()# becomes blank.
I'm wondering if anyone has run into this before and if there are any fixes.
Also, it's not clear in the documentation how ColdFusion determines that the user and login session are idle. It would be great to know where this session data is stored and, ideally, to peek at it and see what might be causing this strange behavior.
Do other applications on the same server have longer timeouts that are working?
If you do not, then it probably that you can set a maximum sessionTimeout in Cold Fusion Administrator. This is likely the cause.
Configuring and using session variables (CF9)
Specify a maximum session time-out. Application code cannot set a time-out greater than this value. The default value for this time-out is two days.
Also, can you edit your question to provide some code? Show us your your application configuration.
Also, is there a chance you have an application with the same name and different timeout configuration that is causing a conflict. Honestly this is just a ballpark guess because I'm very careful with application names.

complex crons for shared hosting

I have an app which displays the latest scores in football games. Every 15 minutes, a cron runs to check if a game has started. If it has, another cron needs to start which runs every 30 seconds for the next 2 hours (this cron queries an API to get latest incidents for a game). Im on shared hosting with Plesk and there is no ssh access. Plesk appears to just offer very simple cron management to schedule the execution of a script every x minutes. What is the best solution for me?
Have the 30 seconds cron running every 30 seconds (also in times where there is no game) and check inside the script (which is run by this cron) if you are inside your 2 hour timeframe - if yes do the work else end the script

Intermittent sqlexception timeout expired errors

We have an app with around 200-400 users and once a day or every other day we get the dreaded sql exception:
"Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding".
Once we get this then it happens several times for different users and then all users are stuck. They can't perform any operations.
I don't have the full specs of the boxes right in front of me but we have:
IIS and SQL Server running on separate boxes
each box has 64gb of memory with multiple cores
We get nothing in the SQL server logs (as would be expected) and our application catches the sqlexception so we just see the timeout error there - on an UPDATE. In the database we have only a few key tables. The timeout happens on one of the tables where there is 30k of rows. We have run profiler on these queries hitting the UI against a copy of production to get the size and made sure we have all of the right indexes (clustered/non-clustered). In a local environment (smaller box, same size database) everything runs fast and to the users most of the day the system runs fast. The exact same query (which had the timeout error in production) ran in less than a second.
We did change our command timeout from 30 seconds to 300 seconds (I know that 0 is unlimited and I guess we should use that, but it seems like that's just masking the real problem).
We had the profiler running in production, but unfortunately it wasn't fully enabled the last time it happened. We are setting it up correctly now.
Any ideas on what this might be?