assert fails after (succesfully) selecting a plane using selectbyId2 - vba

In the following snippet the first assertion succeeds and the second fails (bStat=False) even though the selection has actually succeeded (plane is selected)
What am I missing?
Thanks for advice/explanation
bStat = swDocExt.SelectByID2(FirstSelection, "PLANE", 0, 0, 0, False, 0, Nothing, swSelectOptionDefault)
Debug.Assert bStat
bStat = swDocExt.SelectByID2(SecondSelection, "PLANE", 0, 0, 0, True, 0, Nothing, swSelectOptionDefault)
Debug.Assert bStat
FirstSelection = "Front Plane#2x6 Wall-1#Assem1"
SecondSelection = "Front Plane#Assem1"

If make assumption that you performing this code as it written, then there is only one way to get "false" at second SelectByID2 is a typo.
Try to record a macro as you selecting this planes in the FM (if you select them in graphical area their ID probably will be left blank). After that, save your macro in a language you prefer and open it for editing and you will see through which ID you can access them.
And if you have code between those lines, then probably you've already selected this plane and you're trying select it second time and in this case selection returns false.


Drop-down menu in pine script to choose differents fills background

I'm trying to do a simple thing in my mind, but really I don't know the correct syntax or if it's possible with pine script.
I created the following drop-down menu with 4 options using input.string:
choose_bg= input.string(title = "Choose background", options = ["RVGI", "MACD", "STOCH", "COLOR"], defval="RVGI")
For every option I want to choose a different kind of background fill between two plots, defined as plots, with the conditions I declared. I'll like e.g. if I choose the first option, the background will fill between two plots, as follow:
colors_rvgi= rvgi_value>rvgi_signal ? color.rgb(55, 255, 72, 90) : rvgi_value<rvgi_signal ? color.rgb(255, 0, 0, 90) : na
fill( OBline, OSline , color=colors_rvgi , title="RVGI Background" )
Usually I saw that in pine scrip is possible to do the opposite: when the condition is true, then the program apply the option choosen before by the dip-down menu. I want to do the opposite, that it's simple in a boolean input between two condition (false and true).So how can I specify to pine script the rule "if choose_bg=="RVGI" then fill(as I want)?
thank you in advance
You can test for choose_bg == "RVGI" for the first field in fill() and return na if false :
fill( hline1 = choose_bg == "RVGI" ? OBline : na, hline2 = OSline , color = colors_rvgi , title = "RVGI Background" )

Janus GridEX - C# How to show multi-line header using columnsets at runtime?

I have already tried:
How to wrap header caption in Janus GridEx
and looked through Janus documentation at
I have a business requirement to show wrapped column header. For example, if column header is:
This is column header
need to show
This is column
As it is right now (before I tried implementing code for this requirement), code looked like:
dgMulti.SetDataBinding(bulkTable, "")
Dim column As Janus.Windows.GridEX.GridEXColumn
For Each column In dgMulti.RootTable.Columns
column.Width = 150
where bulkTable is a System.Data.DataTable object.
After visiting above links, I tried suggestions and used ColumnSets as shown below and added after above code:
Dim CSET As New Janus.Windows.GridEX.GridEXColumnSet()
CSET.Caption = "YourCaption"
CSET.HeaderAlignment = Janus.Windows.GridEX.TextAlignment.Center
CSET.ColumnCount = 2
CSET.Width = 150
CSET.Key = "YourCaptionKey"
**CSET.Add(New Janus.Windows.GridEX.GridEXColumn(dgMulti.RootTable.Columns(0).Key, dgMulti.RootTable.Columns(0).ColumnType), 0, 1)
CSET.Add(New Janus.Windows.GridEX.GridEXColumn(dgMulti.RootTable.Columns(1).Key, dgMulti.RootTable.Columns(1).ColumnType), 0, 2)**
dgMulti.RootTable.ColumnSetHeaderLines = 2
dgMulti.RootTable.CellLayoutMode = Janus.Windows.GridEX.CellLayoutMode.UseColumnSets
Error: Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object.
Can you please help what I am missing? I believe I need to somehow link the columns with ColumnSets but how?
You don't need columnsets for this.
I can't get a deeplink to the janus forums thread with this answer, but here is the copy/pasted answer:
You can put a CR Character if you can determine where to wrap.
in e.g.
Column.Caption = Now.ToString("ddd" & vbCr & "d MMM");
You can see the janus support forums here: Click through to the Winforms GridEX forum, and use search phrase "wrap".
The website is basically unusable in Firefox, I fallback to Chrome to browse.
Dim CSET As New Janus.Windows.GridEX.GridEXColumnSet()
CSET.Caption = "YourCaption"
CSET.HeaderAlignment = Janus.Windows.GridEX.TextAlignment.Center
CSET.ColumnCount = 2
CSET.Width = 150
CSET.Key = "YourCaptionKey"
CSET.Add(dgMulti.RootTable.Columns.Add("Yourcolumnkey"), 0, 0)
CSET.Add(dgMulti.RootTable.Columns.Add("Yourcolumnkey"), 0, 1)
dgMulti.RootTable.ColumnSetHeaderLines = 2
dgMulti.RootTable.CellLayoutMode = Janus.Windows.GridEX.CellLayoutMode.UseColumnSets

Unable to save the file in specified location using Autoit

Followed the below steps to save a file in desired location:
Step1: Save As window getting opened(with the default downloads location, with file name as DOC)
Step2: entering the file name as "D:\temp\sample.pdf" (which is getting entered in the edit bar)
Step3: clicking the save button (button clicked, file downloaded in the default location rather than the "D:\temp" location)
I have created an .exe with the below .au3 script
ControlSetText("Save As", "", "Edit1", $CmdLine[1])
ControlClick("Save As", "", "Button1");
On clicking save, it is getting saved in the default location rather than the specified location.
The below code, executing the script.
IO.popen('autoit_script.exe D:\temp') #Ruby Code
Is there a way to sort it out?
It depends on the software you are trying to automate but usually this happens because the software is not recognizing there is a change in the file save path box. The problem is in how ControlSetText works. Try using ControlSend with some error checking to make sure the file path you are try to set is getting put in right. Sometimes you have to play with a few different variations to see what works with the software you are automating. Here are two examples you can try:
Example one:
WinWait("[CLASS:#32770]", "", 10)
If Not #error Then ;make sure the window was found
$hWin = WinGetHandle("[CLASS:#32770]") ;get window handle
ControlSetText($hWin, "", "Edit1", $CmdLine[1]) ;set text
ControlFocus($hWin, "", "Edit1") ;just to make sure we have focus
ControlSend($hWin, "", "Edit1", "{ENTER}")) ;should work like click button 1 but you will have to check
;better then a sleep
$hTimer = TimerInit() ; Begin the timer and store the handle in a variable.
Until WinExists($hWin) = 0 Or TimerDiff($hTimer) >= 10000
Example two:
WinWait("[CLASS:#32770]", "", 10)
If Not #error Then ;make sure the window was found
$hWin = WinGetHandle("[CLASS:#32770]") ;get window handle
While 1
ControlSetText($hWin, "", "Edit1", "") ;just makes sure there is no text in the control text
ControlFocus($hWin, "", "Edit1") ;just to make sure we have focus
ControlSend($hWin, "", "Edit1", $CmdLine[1])) ;set text using ControlSend
If ControlGetText($hWin, "", "Edit1") = $CmdLine[1] Then ExitLoop ;makes sure that the control got ALL of the text before exiting loop
ControlClick($hWin, "", "Button1");
;better then a sleep
$hTimer = TimerInit() ; Begin the timer and store the handle in a variable.
Until WinExists($hWin) = 0 Or TimerDiff($hTimer) >= 10000

Issues with saving high scores in lua

function saveScore()
local path = system.pathForFile("scoredata001.txt", system.DocumentsDirectory)
local file =, "w")
if file then
local score=get_score() --The get_score() returns the value of current score which is saved in 'score'.
local newScore = compareScore()
local contents = tostring( newScore )
file:write( contents )
io.close( file )
return true
print("Error: could not write Score")
return false
function loadScore()
local path = system.pathForFile("scoredata001.txt", system.DocumentsDirectory)
local contents = ""
local file = path, "r" )
if file then
local contents = file:read( "*a" )
local score = tonumber(contents);
io.close( file )
return score
print("Could not read scores from scoredata.txt")
return nil
function return_highScore()
local highscore=loadScore()
if highscore==nil then
return highscore
function compareScore()
local highscore=return_highScore()
if highscore then
local currscore=get_score()
if highscore==0 then
return highscore
elseif currscore>highscore then
return currscore
return true
function disp_permScore()
local display_score=return_highScore()
text_display2= display.newText("GAME OVER!\n BEST: " ..display_score, 0, 0, "Helvetica", 80)
text_display2.x = centerX
text_display2.y = centerY
function gameOver()
(This is with refernce to previous question Permission issues in lua )
Basically I'm trying to build a game in lua (This is my first ever game)
But, I'm unable to save highscore to file. If it gets saved, then I'm unable to retrieve them. (In short, I always some or the other error/problem in executing the code.
Please have a look at the code above. I want to display both high score and current score. Current score is being displayed perfect. This is something I tried yesterday night. But now, the high score is not being saved in file. (i.e. the best always displays 0) Also, the cmd says "unable to read scores form scoredata.txt) I'm unable to find where I went wrong.
Please help with this?
Please tell where do I go wrong?
Also, if possible, provide (or edit) the correct code please?
There seems to be a problem on this line
if highscore==0
return highscore
Meaning you check if the highscore is 0 and if it is then you return it instead of the actual higher score.
Also, I don't know if your code was just pasting error, but without indenting your code it becomes really hard to read. Try and look again I indentet it and now the error becomes really easy to spot.

how metamacro_if_eq works in extobjc

Read at the source code
// expands to true
metamacro_if_eq(0, 0)(true)(false)
when is expand the macro metamacro_if_eq(0, 0) manually, i get the following
metamacro_if_eq0(0) (true) (false)
continue expanding.
metamacro_if_eq0_0() (true) (false)
go on.
metamacro_consume_ (true) (false)
metamacro_consume is defined as:
#define metamacro_consume_(...) // why nothing here ?
then how can I get the expected value of "true" ?
Your production is incorrect. The operations go like this:
metamacro_if_eq(0, 0)(true)(false)
metamacro_concat(metamacro_if_eq, 0)(0)(true)(false)
metamacro_concat_(metamacro_if_eq, 0)(0)(true)(false)
metamacro_concat(metamacro_if_eq0_, 0)(true)(false)
metamacro_concat_(metamacro_if_eq0_, 0)(true)(false)
// You made a mistake at this point.
true metamacro_consume_(false)
After the second round of concatenation, true becomes the argument to metamacro_if_eq0_0(). The argument(s) to that macro is/are left in its place. metamacro_consume_() takes any numer of arguments and resolves to nothing.