Packages.config vs Dependency section in .nuspec file - msbuild

I am new to nuget and trying got understand where I should define my dependencies. There is the section in my .nuspec file and then there is the list of dependencies in packages.config. What is used when?

When building your assembly, NuGet uses the packages section in the packages.config file to determine which NuGet packages to download.
When installing a package, NuGet uses the dependencies section in .nuspec files to determine which additional NuGet packages to install. Of course, those additional NuGet packages can require their own additional NuGet packages.
When creating a .nuspec file, typically you include one dependency entry for each package entry you find in packages.config (skip package entries with a developmentDependency="true" attribute). But, if you want, you can also skip any package entries that your assembly doesn't reference directly - the indirectly referenced packages should be covered by the dependency entries in the packages that your project does reference directly. In practice, I have found it safer just to include all directly and indirectly referenced packages due to bugs in dependency lists of referenced packages.


<EmbeddedFiles> works equal to <EmbeddedResources> for MSBuild on a .targets file

I'm creating some NuGet packages and trying to embed references for both modes' packages config as well as Package reference.
I usually use 'EmbeddedResources' to do it
But I saw some packages using EmbeddedFiles
Are both equals or what is the difference?

How do I get the Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SNI native binaries copied to the bin directory of a web application that targets .NET Framework 4.7.2?

How can I <Import> a .targets file that is included in <PackageReference>d NuGet package in a non-SDK-style web application project that targets .NET 4.7.2?
The web application project is not an SDK-style project. It references a class library project in the same solution. This class library project is an SDK-style project. It has a package reference to Microsoft.Data.SqlClient version 4.1.0, which depends on Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SNI.runtime 4.0.0. The latter contains native binaries which are automatically copied to the bin directory of the project.
The native binaries are not copied to the bin directory of the web application project. This is probably because of this:
SNI is the native C++ library that SqlClient depends on for various network operations when running on Windows. In .NET Framework applications that are built with the MSBuild Project SDK, native DLLs aren't managed with restore commands. So a ".targets" file is included in the "Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SNI" NuGet package that defines the necessary "Copy" operations.
The included ".targets" file is auto-referenced when a direct dependency is made to the "Microsoft.Data.SqlClient" library. In scenarios where a transitive (indirect) reference is made, this ".targets" file should be manually referenced to ensure "Copy" operations can execute when necessary.
Recommended Solution: Make sure the ".targets" file is referenced in the application's ".csproj" file to ensure "Copy" operations are executed.
Not sure what "built with the MSBuild Project SDK" means exactly, but I think my scenario qualifies.
Now I'm trying to implement the recommended solution, but I cannot get it to work.
What I did
Step 1: add package reference to Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SNI version 4.0.0:
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SNI">
I added <GeneratePathProperty> because of step 2 below. According to the documentation this should make a property available that can be used to refer to files in the package:
Sometimes it is desirable to reference files in a package from an MSBuild target. In packages.config based projects, the packages are installed in a folder relative to the project file. However in PackageReference, the packages are consumed from the global-packages folder, which can vary from machine to machine.
To bridge that gap, NuGet introduced a property that points to the location from which the package will be consumed.
Step 2: import the targets file:
<Import Project="$(PkgMicrosoft_Data_SqlClient_SNI)\build\net46\Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SNI.targets" Condition="Exists('$(PkgMicrosoft_Data_SqlClient_SNI)\build\net46\Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SNI.targets')" />
You can see that the package contains this targets file using the NuGet package explorer (link). The PkgMicrosoft_Data_SqlClient_SNI property is named according to the documentation (linked above) and based on their example:
MSBuild properties and package identities do not have the same restrictions so the package identity needs to be changed to an MSBuild friendly name, prefixed by the word Pkg.
Step 3: verify the tool versions on our agent:
MSBuild (installed on the agent C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Enterprise\MSBuild\Current\bin)
NuGet (installed via a pipeline task)
According to the documentation linked above, these fulfil the minimum requirements (MSBuild 16 and NuGet 5).
Step 4: run nuget restore on our build agent and then build the project using the Azure DevOps MSBuild#1 task with msbuildArguments: '/t:Build'.
Step 4: collect output and publish as an artifact.
The SNI files are not present in the output. When building locally with MSBuild (installed in 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\MSBuild\Current\bin') I do see the SNI files.

msbuild refuses to copy unsigned dll if it is of lower version than demanded by one of the project dependencies - is it by design?

I have the following situation:
All the involved dlls are unsigned
All the projects in the solution depend on version 1.0.21221.1 of Shared.dll
Some NuGet dependencies of some projects in the solution depend on version 1.0.21237.1 of the same dll.
When the web application is built (let us name it Api) it is expected to copy Shared.dll from $(OutDir) to the $(OutDir)_PublishedWebsites\Api\bin folder. The Shared.dll found in $(OutDir) has the version 1.0.21221.1.
The Shared.dll is NOT copied and the web application fails to run.
Here is the evidence from the binary log:
Exhibit A - The conflict of versions:
Exhibit B - ResolveAssemblyReference instructs NOT to copy Shared.dll:
I understand that msbuild does not like the idea of conflicting versions, but NOT copying the dll produces a downright bug, because the application fails to start.
I understand one can resolve it by adding an assembly binding redirect. But I thought it was unnecessary for unsigned assemblies. Am I understanding wrong or am I missing something?
Here are my answers to the questions posted in the comments:
(Unfortunately I was asked to obfuscate some keywords, I do not know why)
How exactly does the Api project reference Shared.dll?
As we can see in the exhibit B Shared.dll is a transitive dependency of Api. Indeed, Api depends on Xyz.BusinessApi like this:
<Reference Include="Xyz.BusinessAPI" />
Now that DLL depends on Shared.dll through the respective NuGet dependency, here is a snippet from the project.assets.json file of Xyz.BusinessAPI:
What other projects reference Shared.dll and how?
There are a lot of projects referencing it as a NuGet package at version 1.0.21221.1. The problem is that some projects also reference two other NuGet packages which in turn depend on the version 1.0.21237.1 of the same NuGet package. This is indicated in the RAR output - see the exhibit A.
I would like to emphasize - no project references Shared.dll as a raw dll, only either as NuGet package or indirectly through other NuGets or projects or project dlls. Project dll is a dll of a project from a previously built solution - we do not allow project references to other solutions, so if a project is built in a previous solution, then it would be referenced as DLL in subsequent solutions.
What is the mechanism used to copy from OutDir to _PublishedWebsites\api\bin?
This is the standard web application publishing target _CopyFilesMarkedCopyLocal from C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Enterprise\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v16.0\WebApplications\Microsoft.WebApplication.targets:
<!-- copy any referenced assemblies to _PublishedWebsites\app\bin folder -->
<Copy SourceFiles="#(ReferenceCopyLocalPaths)"
How does Shared.dll end up in OutDir?
All of our code is built into the shared bin directory - we set OutDir to the same value for all the projects. Thus all the project binaries and their dependencies, including Shared.dll first end up there.
Are there any double-writes in the binlog?
Yes, but I do not think they are relevant:
The short answer is that your projects indirectly depend on two versions of Shared.dll: 1.0.21221.1 and 1.0.21237.1.
RAR (the MSBuild ResolveAssemblyReference task) inspected all the references of all .dlls and found these two versions. It reported a conflict:
Pay attention how it reported the found file path in square brackets for Shared.dll 21221 and reported [] (meaning no file of such version was found) for 21237.
It's useful to search for these using There was a conflict under($rar) or $warning under($rar).
Now, the OutDir only contains the Shared.dll 21221, so the Shared.dll with version 21237 couldn't be found anywhere.
The trick is to search for Shared.dll under($rar project(api.csproj)) You will find the relevant messages from RAR:
Considered "C:\Xyz\61\\Shared.dll",
but its name "Shared, Version=1.0.21221.1, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null"
didn't match the expected name "Shared, Version=1.0.21237.1, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null".
So, it saw a conflict, decided to unify on a later version (21237), but didn't find the file of that version. So the reference of 21221 was not CopyLocal because it didn't unify on that version, and the reference to 21237 was not resolved because a file of that version was not found.
To resolve this, I recommend adding an explicit reference to Shared.dll of the version 21237 (either via NuGet or via GeneratePathProperty metadata on the package reference: If you use GeneratePathProperty you can then reference the .dll directly using $(PkgFoo_Bar)\lib\net472\Shared.dll or similar. Also add a binding redirect from 21221 to 21237 to resolve the conflict. Once the correct version (21237) will be in your OutDir, it will get copied to output correctly.
Hope this clarifies.

Consuming nuget package containing .targets file via PackageReference

I have .NET452 project - lets call it Consumer.csproj that I want to consume nuget lets call it SharedTargets that contained some custom targets files (SharedTargets.targets) from msbuild.
I'm using PackageReference format and now (compared to what it used to be) nuget packages are being restored to shared folder (%userprofile%.nuget\packages), and I'm not sure if it is good idea to reference it via that (doesn't feel right).
<PackageReference Include="SharedTargets">
Also this works only in VS, running this from command line (msbuild) I'm getting chicken-egg problem:
Confirm that the path in the <Import> declaration is correct, and that
the file exists on disk.
Obviously since I need to restore nuget first before I can use it :)
So question:
is there some more elegant way how to resolve path to the nuget package inside project file
is there a way how to make msbuild succeed (i.e. restore packages before is imported)
You shouldn't try to manually import targets distributed via NuGet.
Put your .targets file inside a build subfolder inside the package and name it SharedTargets.targets (package id + .targets) and NuGet will automatically include the targets - for packages.config projects it will modify the project file on install and for PackageReference projects the targets will be imported by modifying an implicitly generated targets file in the obj\ directory.

VSTS build project with reference to other solution

I have a repository that contains two solutions. One solution (in this case solution A) for a web project that has a reference to a project in the second solution (in this case solution B) (in the same repository).
When I build the web project in VSTS I pull the repository, build solution B, and then build solution B.
Build solution B work, but, the build of solution A is failed cause the reference dll of the project in solution B didn't found
You have a few options:
1) Use project references. You don't need to depend on an assembly.
2) Use NuGet packages -- the shared piece is built via a CI process, turned into a NuGet package, and then published to a Packages feed. The dependent projects can reference the NuGet package and restore an appropriate version on build.
Which approach you should take depends on a lot of factors. If you're not worried about versioning, just use project references.
As Daniel said that it’s better to use NuGet packages.
Regarding reference the assembly file directly, refer to these steps:
Open your web project file through Notepad
Find the related reference and check Hintpath value, should be relative path.
Add Copy files task to your build definition (Before build solution A task) to copy corresponding assembly files to corresponding folder (per to that relative path)