Which web programming frameworks can generate CRUD interface dynamically in runtime? - scaffolding

I mean a tool like dynamic scaffolding in Grails. I do not write about static scaffolding which stores View files on disk drive since I would like to avoid it. Moreover I don't take Ruby on Rails into account because dynamic scaffolding in RoR was deprecated.
More than 10 years ago I wrote a fully functional application using a PHP framework generating CRUD interface dynamically. For each database table I had to:
give a SQL query reading a list of rows that were later displayed on a web page in an automatically generated, paginated, orderable and searchable browser,
give a list of fields to display together with their types and labels (and optionally with their initial values displayed on Create pages),
give titles of CRUD pages,
implement functions other than CRUD.
It was easy to build a complete application using this framework and the application was fully functional so I know that even dynamically generated views can be used in production. Unfortunately the framework was not an open source.


Database architecture for asp.net mvc websites builder system

I want to create the design of a SQL database that will hold the data entered from a dynamic created websites (something like http://www.wufoo.com).
Users of the system will create forms by dragging controls into the form and then they will use the created forms to build a website by including the forms in some pages.
What would be the options that I have when I create the architecture of the database.
Since you do not know what you will get in your DB, how the object will look like; I would suggest using NoSql.
Otherwise you need to create some very abstract table, let's say Form, and then make in inheritable by other tables (ye, you can do that in EF)

jhipster entity - what exactly is that?

I am wondering what jhipster entities are exactly?
What if I just want to create a new page/view without any database entry and relationship? For example: the about page, do I have to use the entity generator in order to create it? What are the benefits of it?
jhipster entity tutorial
Entities are typically objects that are backed by a database table. With JHipster, you can generate entities (and their associated screens) using Yeoman.
For an about page, or any other page, you can author them by hand. You don't need to use a generator. JHipster merely provides its entity sub-generator as a convenience for you.
You can also use the Yeoman generator for AngularJS to generate basic scaffolding.
Immagine to build a website of e-commerce. That website contains users, sensible data informations, details about sellers and other things. You can save a lot of time creating it with Jhipster because it automatically create Objects class that represents database's tables, RESTful web services to manage them and the frontend view with Angular, CSS and HTML (all generated automatically). The objects that represent database's tables are entities.
With entities you can do CRUD queries on database using Java objects and Java methods with Spring framework. You can do queries by calling java methods. Thats all! After some practice it's really easy to use.
With that generator you don't have to configure relationships, constraints or things like that. Jhipster does that for you!
If you need a web application that does not use a database you don't need to use a generator like this, in my opinion.
I took the right Matt Raible's answer trying to give you more informations about entities. I hope to be helpful!
Have a nice day!

Xcode iOS phone directory app. core data, sql lite, or

as part of an application I am trying to create, I am looking to data storage solutions. However, I have found many solutions that I can not quite directly apply to the position I am in.
Basically, I want to display in my app, a directory of the staff of my organization. About 100 or so individuals. I want to have generic attributes such as name, email, office#, etc.
However, my goal is to not end up with a static representation of the staff here! (people come and go, switch offices,etc.)
I am looking for the best way (if possible) to maintain a small database that I can administer, and if perhaps, something were to change to someone here, I can make the change and the change will be reflected accordingly.
Please help! I tried submitting my first app but got rejected because I relied on a webview to accomplish this task. This is an internship opportunity and my first real chance at development. Any help will be GREATLY appreciated.
The iPhone directory app can be used to store data in any format you want (xml, json or a proprietary format), because all you do is save a file. But if you choose to use the iPhone app directory to store data you have to write code to read the file (very simple to do) and parse the information (not so simple because the dificulty scales based on the information complexity).
SQLite is a tool to store structured data, providing you a set of tools to access and use the information. You don't need to parse the information, because SQLite does it for you by using transact sql queries.
By now, because you have a list of individuals, and these people are relationed to offices, I think you should use SQLite.
The Code Data is a object graph management, it's a tool to give you more options over data manipulation, and can make your life very easy if you have a lot of data and very complex data models. I don't think you need that for your particular problem, but I think you should learn it at some point.
You application will have something like:
A core database (sql server, oracle, my sql, etc) will hold your individuals information (your cloud database).
A web page (php, asp.net, etc) will display the core database information in json or xml format (your api).
A iphone app will download the information from the web page and store it in the local SQLite. (you have to decide when you will update the local sql lite, like when is opened, once a week, once a moth, twice a day, etc) (your local storage method).
Display the local SQLite individuals information in the app.

Execute complex query using Session (coldfusion.air.session class)

We are working on a sync application using ColdFusion 9.0.1 ActionScript ORM Library for AIR applications. Since this is application should work smoothly offline as well, there is a list of clients that has to be loaded when a user logs in, hence we are fetching data from all the required tables when application loads (is that the right way?). Now when we get the data from the required tables then based on the user who logs in we have to filter the clients, to filter this the query required is a complex one with joins between 5-6 tables and where clause. What I found that using the Coldfusion.Air.Session class we can only load objects of tables with simple where clause. There is non ORM way to load the data but I don't think that is the right method. Is there any method using this ORM framework to load data using such complex queries.
Are you using any CF code to send data back to your application? Have you tried HQL?
In other words you can write standard cfquery and dbtype="hql"
This will let you do almost anything you can do with a standard cfquery.
I am not directly familiar with the ActionScript ORM Library for AIR.

How can I provide users with the functionality of the DBUnit DatabaseOperation methods from a web interface?

I am currently updating a java-based web application which allows database developers to create stored procedure regression test suites for database testing.
Currently, for test setup, execution and clean-up stages, the user is provided with text boxes where they are able to enter SQL code which is executed by the isql command.
I would like to extend the application to use DB Unit’s DatabaseOperation methods to provide more ways to setup the state of the database than just SQL statements. The main reason for using Db Unit rather than just SQL statements is to be able to create and store xml and xls DataSets on a server where they can be associated with their test cases and used for data setup.
My question is:
How can I provide users with the functionality of the DBUnit DatabaseOperation methods from a web interface?
I have considered:
Creating a simple programming language and a parser to read some simple syntax involving the DB Unit method names which accept a parameter being the file location to an xml or xls DataSet. I was thinking of allowing the user to register the files they need with the web app which would catalogue them and provide each file with an identifier which could passed as a parameter to the methods in this simple programming language.
Creating an XML DTD which provides the user with the ability to specify operations and parameters. If I went this approach, how can I execute the methods and their parameters that I parse from the XML document?
Creating a table in the database which stores the method and a FK relation to a catalogued DataSet file, however I don’t think this would be good solution due to the fact that data entry would be tedious.
Thanks for your help.
This actually seems like rather simple problem when I think about it again.
DBUnit has plugins for Maven and Ant integration which run tests written in XML in the Maven POM file.
I'm going to take a similar approach and go ahead with the XML option using the Xerces-J parser and create a collection of Operation, Export and Compare objects which are run in order.