Image is not responsive with class added - twitter-bootstrap-3

as the title says. Here is the code I'm using this theme
Edit where is the whole code to make it clear:
<nav class="navbar navbar-custom navbar-fixed-top" role="navigation">
<div class="container">
<div class="navbar-header">
<button type="button" class="navbar-toggle" data-toggle="collapse" data-target=".navbar-main-collapse">
<i class="fa fa-bars"></i>
<a class="navbar-brand page-scroll" href="#page-top">
<!-- <i class="fa fa-play-circle"></i> <span class="light">Start</span> Bootstrap -->
<img class="img-responsive" src="img/ssmk_logo.png">
<!-- Collect the nav links, forms, and other content for toggling -->
<div class="collapse navbar-collapse navbar-right navbar-main-collapse">
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
<!-- Hidden li included to remove active class from about link when scrolled up past about section -->
<li class="hidden">
<a class="page-scroll" href="#weather">Weather Forecast</a>
<a class="page-scroll" href="#download">Estate Agent</a>
<a class="page-scroll" href="#contact">Stocks</a>
<a class="page-scroll" href="#about">About Us</a>
<!-- /.navbar-collapse -->
<!-- /.container -->

Should the objective be to get your logo into the Bootstrap navbar, you'll have to resize the image in some way. Your options for that are to do it with CSS, or to make a smaller version of it to be served up to your site. My solution resizes it using CSS.
img {
margin-top: -11px;
height: 40px;
width: 45px;
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<nav class="navbar navbar-default">
<div class="container-fluid">
<div class="navbar-header">
<a class="navbar-brand" href="#">
<img alt="Brand" src="" />
Per the documentation for Bootstrap nav branding using images, this is how you add an image to your navbar instead of text for branding purposes. The documentation also says you'll need to either override some CSS depending on your image. My CSS here gets rid of some of the margin the navbar-header creates so the image is nice and flush with the rest of the navbar. Should you want a larger image to be used, you'll need to mess with the width of your navbar.
Using the img-responsive class from Bootstrap is not appropriate here due to the widths of various components in the navbar for Bootstrap, which only collapses down in smaller viewports and does not, itself, dynamically resize along all dimensions as the viewport gets wider. The Bootstrap navbar is easily the most inflexible item in the entire framework, but that's not a bad thing because really, you shouldn't be messing with the size of the navbar too much.

With the correct closing tags that should work. As you can see if you resize Maradona image, it appears to be responsive. I suggest you to validate your entire HTML and check if there is some error on it.
Your html (as we see it) is missing one div and one nav closing tags. Have you tried to inspect the .img-responsive class? By default in Bootstrap should be :
.img-responsive {
display: block;
max-width: 100%;
height: auto;


Bootstrap 3 navbar over first row

I have had a search and cannot find this exact problem so I hope the question is not duplicate.
First time users of Bootstrap 3.
From reading here and the bootstrap documentation I believe the navbar should have its own container such as:
<nav id="myNavbar" class="navbar navbar-default navbar-inverse navbar-fixed-top" role="navigation">
<div class="container">
<div class="navbar-header">
<button type="button" class="navbar-toggle" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#navbarCollapse">
<span class="sr-only">Toggle navigation</span>
<span class="icon-bar"></span>
<span class="icon-bar"></span>
<span class="icon-bar"></span>
<a class="navbar-brand" href="/index.html">My Site</a>
<div class="collapse navbar-collapse" id="navbarCollapse">
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
<li class="active"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-home"></span> Home</li>
<li><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-list-alt"></span> Services</li>
<li><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-info-sign"></span> About</li>
<li><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-envelope"></span> Contact</li>
<div class="container">
<div class="row">content goes here and this content is under the navbar</div>
The body of the page then has its own container. Is that Correct?
I have done that and then added a row but the first row content is under the navbar.
Have I missed something like a class that I should add to the first row to ensure it starts below the navbar and not after it?
I found a similar question where the answer was to ensure the navbar had "navbar-fixed-top" but I already have that.
Read documentation carefully.
According to Bootstrap navbar docs:
The fixed navbar will overlay your other content, unless you add padding to the top of the body. Try out your own values or use our snippet below. Tip: By default, the navbar is 50px high.
body {
padding-top: 70px; // Your navbar height
Make sure to include this after the core Bootstrap CSS.
If I understand your problem correctly that you want content below the navbar just write
instead of
like this
<nav id="myNavbar" class="navbar navbar-default navbar-inverse navbar-
it will work
see this fiddle fiddle
are you looking for this ???
This is caused by the Bootstrap class fixed-top, Fixed navbars use position: fixed, which pulls the Nav from the normal flow of the DOM.
For this to have an effect, having your content below the Navbar not overflow unto the Navbar, BootStrap Docs>>
Under the #Placement section, advise you to give custom CSS to the body.
Add some padding to the <body style="padding: somepadding"> element.

Issue with Bootstrap 3 media mobile display of navbar

I'm trying to figure out why my changes to the padding and margin properties of the various navbar assets is failing to allow for the menu to resize properly on mobile.
JsFiddle is at
<nav class="navbar navbar-inverse">
<div class="container-fluid">
<!-- Brand and toggle get grouped for better mobile display -->
<div class="navbar-header">
<!-- Collect the nav links, forms, and other content for toggling -->
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
<li>The Burkean<br/>Pentad</li>
<li class="active">Intro <span class="sr-only">(current)</span> </li>
<!-- /.navbar-collapse -->
<!-- /.container-fluid -->
Chande .navbar-inverse by .navbar-default
.navbar-outer .navbar-default{
<div class="navbar-outer">
<nav class="navbar navbar-default">

Making Responsive Tabs in Boostrap3

I am creating a responsive design in bootstrap3.
I want to modify my template design for tabs. And for that I am using a external js file.
For now I am planning to show them in only desktop version. I am not sure how to have same kind of effect in mobile. SO for now just dektop.
When I am integrating with Bootstrap3 responsive its not working.
However with a plain html file without bootstrap code its working fine.
Would anyone be able to help me to achieve this using Bootstrap3?
I have added the code in js fiddle #
Thank You
Monica Mandal
If you're needing tabs made with Bootstrap to expand to the full width of the page or their container, use the nav-justified class in your markup.
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
Body Content Here
<br />
<br />
<div role="tabpanel">
<!-- Nav tabs -->
<ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-justified" role="tablist">
<li role="presentation" class="active">The Americas</li>
<li role="presentation">Europe</li>
<li role="presentation">Middle East/Africa</li>
<li role="presentation">Asia/Pacific</li>
<!-- Tab panes -->
<div class="tab-content">
<div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane active" id="home">The Americas content</div>
<div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane" id="profile">Europe content</div>
<div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane" id="messages">Middle East/Africa content</div>
<div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane" id="settings">Asia/Pacific content</div>
You can then style your tabs however you need. View the snippet in full page mode to see it properly.

Having trouble with fixed navbar not getting parrent width?

I've recently started working with bootstrap and is somewhat a newbie to webdesign as well.
I've been having trouble with my navbar not enheriting the .container-fluid width, which in the end making in non-responsive. I wanted my navbar to be fixed and in "high" z-position, to overlap content. I've been searching far and low on Stack Overflow to find an answer but with no luck. Can some wiz please enlighten me?
I don't have the exact code currently but it look something like:
<div class="container-fluid">
<div class="navbar">
<ul class="nav nav-pills" id="navbar">
background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.7);
There is a CSS Class(navbar-fixed-top) in bootstrap for a fixed navbar.
Change your first <div> to <nav> (nav is a div but it is the HTML5 standard)
Add the navbar-default & navbar-fixed-top to your <nav>
Nest your container-fluid div inside your <nav>...</nav>
Add link tags to your <li> items
<nav class="navbar navbar-default navbar-fixed-top" role="navigation">
<div class="container-fluid">
<ul class="nav nav-pills" id="navbar">
Then you will need to add padding to your body in your CSS file if you dont want the navbar to overlap content:
padding-top: 70px;
Documentation here
I hope this helps!

How can I place a div below a navbar

I need to place a div below my top navbar which should not scroll with the page content just like the navbar.
I've tried to create it as a second navbar but it is still scrolling or causing a blank area above the two navbars.
How can I do this?
In this sample the green bar is on top of the navbar, but I need it to stay below the navbar:
If I move the green bar code (code sample below) before the navbar, it is hidden by the navbar.
<div class="navbar navbar-decoration navbar-fixed-top"></div>
<div class="navbar navbar-default navbar-remote navbar-fixed-top">
<div class="navbar-header"> Brand
Ok. The problem is your second div includes 'navbar-fixed-top' which is glueing it to the top of your screen. You don't want it fixed to the top - you just want it fixed in place below the main navbar. Change your html for the second nag to:
<div class="navbar navbar-default navbar-remote navbar-decoration ">
And add to your navbar-decoration class:
width: 100%
position: fixed;
You may have tried this already, but in the css for the second navbar put
position: fixed;
If you don't want to add to your stylesheet, you can put it in the div like this:
<div style="position: fixed;"> </div>
I am not sure, but you may also have to add display:block like this:
<div style="position: fixed; display: block;"> </div>
With Bootstrap, use this logic within their html/css:
<div class="navbar" style="position: fixed; display: block;">
<div class="navbar-inner">
<a class="brand" href="#">Title</a>
<ul class="nav">
<li class="active">Home</li>
My last guess:
<div class="navbar" style="margin-top: 10px;">
<div class="navbar-inner">
<a class="brand" href="#">Title</a>
<ul class="nav">
<li class="active">Home</li>
Hope one of those works.
I've got it fixed by adding margin-top to the second navbar with navbar-fixed-top.
<div class="navbar navbar-default navbar-remote navbar-fixed-top">
<div class="navbar-header"> Brand
<div class="navbar navbar-decoration navbar-fixed-top"></div>
.navbar-decoration {
margin-top: 50px;
min-height: 5px;
max-height: 5px;
/* ... */