WIX Burn MSI Properties Being Overridden - wix

I am building a WIX bootstrapper to call some pre-existing MSIs we have. The overall install is working and I can see in the log that I am able to successfully pass parameters from the BS to the MSI. However, I see in the log file that the parameters are then being overridden.
The MSI was created using the Visual Studio deployment project templates. In the UI, we pre-populate some of the entry fields with default values. So basically those defaults are overriding the values I am passing in from the bootstrapper. Can this be avoided?

It depends how you are setting the default values, but in your situation I would use a WiX SetProperty element to set the default values with a condition of Not PROPERTYNAME so that it won't be set if it's already set.


Wix msi updated property value not working during installation

Working with Wix in Visual Studio. I have a public property defined in Product node of wxs file.
<Property Id="MYPROP" Value="123456789"/>
The property value is passed as commandline argument to a deferred custom action executable. I'm able to receive it in the exe as well. The problem is even if I update the Property using vbs (verified through vbs select as well), when I launch the msi, it still passes the default/original value (123456789) to the custom action executable.
Also tried msiexec.exe /i myinstaller.msi MYPROP=SomeOtherValue
I'm still seeing the original value. What's wrong?
Maybe try this simple thing first:
<Property Id="MYPROP" Secure="yes" Value="123456789"/>
Essentially you need to add a property to the SecureCustomProperties list to have them pass properly to deferred mode in secure desktop environments.
See more information on SecureCustomProperties here. The technical details here are a little bit in flux because of Windows changes, so please just try this first - there could be several other reasons.
How do you use this property? What does it do?
When an msi is run, windows caches the msi file in %windows%\Installer folder. When that msi is run again, windows checks if an msi with identical PackageCode exists in the cache, if so then it uses the cached msi file instead.
PackageCode: identifies each unqiue msi installer package - even if it only has different properties.
In short, when a property is updated using a vbscript etc, then the PackageCode has to be updated as well. This will ensure that after updating msi, the same msi can be used on the same system and windows will not use the cached msi.

WiX Burn: Create custom log file name for MsiPackage?

When Burn runs an MSI installer, using MsiPackage, I'd like the MSI's log file to have a custom name, like MyProductName.log. I'd also like to append to an existing log file (with same name).
In InstallShield's Basic MSI Project's Release view there is an entry "MSI Command-Line Arguments" where you can enter a custom log file name:
/l+* "%TEMP%\MyProductName.log"
The "+" will append the log to an existing file.
Burn can pass public properties to the MSI, but I don't see a way to do what I want.
It looks like I'll need to write code (custom Burn bootstrapper) to run after the MsiPackage is installed (or uninstalled) to copy the contents of the log file (in the Burn variable defined in LogPathVariable) to the file with the custom name.
You can use the LogPathVariable attribute of the MsiPackage element to provide a custom log file name ...
See: http://wixtoolset.org/documentation/manual/v3/xsd/wix/msipackage.html
Also: https://support.firegiant.com/hc/en-us/articles/230912207-Pass-Properties-to-MsiPackage-from-Bundle-
To do what I needed, I wrote a simple bootstrapper, which became more complicated as I addressed things like passing installer properties to the bootstrapper, giving warnings if installing an x86 installer on an x64 OS (we encourage customers to use and x64 installer), etc.

wix pass option to msi for repair

When I repair using the msi, a registry entry is properly re-created. When using the exe generated by Burn, the entry is not-recreated, unless the exe associated with the reg entry also requires compare.
I wonder if, when burn invokes msi, if it is overriding the default /fm behavior of msiexec.
That switch means "repair all required computer-specific registry entries "
Is there any way I can confirm, deny, or modify that behavior?
When planning a "Repair" operation in Burn the REINSTALLMODE is "cmuse". For a "Modify" operation the REINSTALLMODE is "cmuso". So "m" is present in both cases.
The Burn log file should say, "Planning action: Action" and that will tell you which it is doing. If you are executing a Repair operation and there is not newer version of the executable on the machine than what your MSI expects, Burn's REINSTALLMODE should work. If you are doing a "Repair", look in the generated MSI log file for the same Burn execution and see what the Component states are for the Components that are not repaired. That should help you track back to see why the Component was not fixed.
From the provided log file:
The lack of REINSTALL=ALL shows that EnableFeatureSelection='yes'. Either remove that attribute (or change it to the default 'no') or your BA needs to handle the OnPlanMsiFeature() callback

What is the usage of TARGETDIR and INSTALLDIR in WiX?

In legacy Visual Studio Deployment Project installers, passing a command-line parameter that specified a value for TARGETDIR allowed me to override the default installation location (most of my installations take place without user interaction, so command-line automation is used heavily). However, the impression I'm getting is that WiX (by default) uses TARGETDIR for something different. While I can (and will) update our command-line tools to change the parameter name, that still leaves all of our existing installations that would need to be touched manually (a non-trivial effort).
Is there any way to override the installation location in a WiX package by specifying TARGETDIR without breaking anything?
After doing more digging, it looks like my previous experience is a result of behavior specific to VSDPROJ's (and possibly InstallShield), wheras WiX is conforming to the Windows Installer.
As I discovered at this link, TARGETDIR is actually supposed to represent the root of the drive with the most free space available (assuming there's more than one). That's why WiX projects have directories nested under there for Program Files, etc. Visual Studio actually adds a custom action that overrides this property to the full installation path.
I was able to accomplish what I wanted by doing two things:
Change all of my components and component groups to install to TARGETDIR instead of INSTALLFOLDER (the default directory that WiX put in there)
Add a custom action that sets the value of the TARGETDIR property to the installation path, assuming one wasn't passed in from the command line.
To do that, I added this under the <Product> tag:
<CustomAction Id="SetTARGETDIR" Property="TARGETDIR"
Execute="firstSequence" />
And this within the <InstallExecuteSequence> tag:
<Custom Action="SetTARGETDIR" Before="CostFinalize">TARGETDIR=""</Custom>

How can I execute a Custom Action as System user with Wix 3.0, before checking to see if files are in use?

So I have a Wix 3.0 project that installs an IIS7 Native Code Module. When uninstalling I would like to be able to shut down the IIS7 application pools before deleting the file so that a reboot is not necessary.
I am using the appcmd utility to shut down the app pools in a CustomAction element, but when I attempt to do an uninstall I get this error before the customaction is ever invoked:
The setup must update files or
services that cannot be updated while
the system is running. If you choose
to continue, a reboot will be required
to complete the setup.
I have the "After='InstallInitialize'" property set on the CustomAction, because the documentation says that any deferred/not-impersonated custom action must come between InstallInitialize and InstallFinalize.
So is there some way to have a custom action execute before this check for files in use is made? Or disable this check for a given file, or make the check happen later in the sequence?
Yes, you can specify the order for actions to occur by modifying the Sequence column in the InstallExecuteSequence table within the MSI file.
Get the ORCA tool to examine the MSI file to see what I mean, and use a Javascript script to modify the MSI as appropriate.