Scrolling background image by mouse wheel - background

I need to make script that will change background image position by only scroll of a mouse. Document doesnt have width to be scrolled. It a content slider. The idea is to make parallax scrolling like in Android.
Here is the code I am going to use:
$(window).bind("load resize scroll",function(e) {
var y = $(window).scrollTop();
$("body").filter(function() {
return $(this).offset().top < (y + $(window).height()) &&
$(this).offset().top + $(this).height() > y;
}).css('background-position', '0px ' + parseInt(-y / 6) + 'px');
How to make 'body' background to move when mouse wheel is scrolled?


Animation in Jetpack Compose (AnimatedVisibility) not working at all for me?

I want to animate some text's visibility to not just appear/disappear but to slide in/out in Jetpack Compose Android app that I'm building.
I just literally copy-pasted that little code snippet from and it does not work:
var visible by remember { mutableStateOf(true) }
val density = LocalDensity.current
visible = visible,
enter = slideInVertically {
// Slide in from 40 dp from the top.
with(density) { -40.dp.roundToPx() }
} + expandVertically(
// Expand from the top.
expandFrom = Alignment.Top
) + fadeIn(
// Fade in with the initial alpha of 0.3f.
initialAlpha = 0.3f
exit = slideOutVertically() + shrinkVertically() + fadeOut()
) {
Text("Hello", Modifier.fillMaxWidth().height(200.dp))
It simply does not animate, the text gets shown/hidden without any animation.
Any ideas what can be the problem?
I guess I can't paste my whole app here, as it would be silly, it would be nice of Google to give us a Jetpack Compose Playground of sorts, to be able to practice and test code there...

how to drag and drop button to target button in flash

I want to create a button which can be dragged and dropped toward another button so that the button location (x, y) is dragged into the location of the destination button.
My code:
sejarah.onPress = function(){
sejarah.onRelease = function(){
if(this.hitTest (atarget)){
this._x = _root.atarget._x;
this._y = _root.atarget._y;}
I want to achieve this:
on(press) {
on(release) {
_x = Math.round(_x/_width)*_width + 0;
_y = Math.round(_y/_height)*_height + 0;
This is one of the most simple code that can do a job like this. You put this code inside a button and when you stop dragging this button it's position will snap to the grid.
Your button's clip center must be at top-left corner of button else it can get weird. Also, you can change beginning of grid by changing zeros to position you need.
You can draw a grid to see attachment.

How can I detect if the touch is over the border of a View from PanResponder?

I'm working on a Image cropper, I have somehow figure out how to move the cropper even it's not a perfect solution but it works, but now I want to respond to the border touches/moves of a given View
I'm using this module for the corpping, but actually I'm still stuck at how to respond to border touches/moves
gestureState parameter is sufficient for the task.
x0 and y0 are the top-left coordinates of the responder view, further, moveX and moveY holds the current coordinates of touch.
So moveX === x0 means current touch is at left edge.
Similarly moveY === y0 means current touch is at top edge.
For handling right and bottom edge I suggest you use onLayout in the <View> tag and assign height and width of the view to some variable or in state variable( take care of performances optimisations)
And then use it in similar way:
onPanresponderMove(evt, {x0, y0, moveX, moveY) {
if(moveX=== x0 || moveX === x0 + this.state._currentWidth) {
// task for left and right edge response
To get view width:
<View {...this._myResponder.panHandlers}
onLayout={ ({width, height}) => this.state._currentWidth = width } />

Setting UI Button width and height in cocos2d js android application

In my Cocos2d js android app i have a UI button as
var button=new ccui.Button();
The button loads and i am able to set it at any position on the screen.
But i am unable to change its width and height to specified number of pixels.
I want something like
I did not find any method to do that...
Any help how to accomplish this would be greatful.
The buttons i use are options like play,how to play,share etc..
So i have to position them in such a way that they dont overlap or get distorted for various screen resolutions...
How can i use the setScale method in this context???
We can make a call to a function that can scale the size of the UIButton by performing an action. In this case, the following code might help:
performScaleAction : function()
var duration = 0; // duration in seconds for performing this action
var scaleX = 0.5; // scale factor for X-axis
var scaleY = 0.5; // scale factor for Y-axis
var scaleAction = new cc.ScaleTo(duration , scaleX , scaleY );
Now, call the above function in the following way:
So, if the actual height of the image used for creating the UIButton is h, in this case, the new size as displayed on the screen would be h times scaleX . Same for the width of the UIButton.
Hope this helps!

SDL2 window resize mouse position

How do i make so that positions adapts to the new window position when i resize my window in SDL2 and with SDL_RenderSetLogicalSize?
I want to be able to hover a text and make it change color but whenever i resize the window its still in the same window cords. Is there a way to adapt the mouse?
void MainMenu::CheckHover()
for (std::list<MenuItem>::iterator it = menuItems.begin(); it != menuItems.end(); it++)
Text* text = (*it).text;
float Left = text->GetX();
float Right = text->GetX() + text->GetWidth();
float Top = text->GetY();
float Bottom = text->GetY() + text->GetHeight();
if (mouseX < Left ||
mouseX > Right ||
mouseY < Top ||
mouseY > Bottom)
//hover = false
text->SetTextColor(255, 255, 255);
//hover = true
text->SetTextColor(100, 100, 100);
I had a similar problem some time ago, and it was due to multiple updates of my mouse position in one SDL eventloop. I wanted to move a SDL_Texture around by dragging with the mouse but it failed after resizing, because somehow the mouse coordinates were messed up.
What I did was rearrange my code to have only one event handling the mouse position update. Also I'm not using any calls to SDL_SetWindowSize(). When the user resizes the window the renderer is resized appropriately due to SDL_RenderSetLogicalSize().
The relevant code parts look like this - some stuff is adapted to your case. I would also suggest to use a SDL_Rect to detect if the mouse is inside your text area, because the SDL_Rects will be resized internally if the the window/renderer changes size.
SDL_Point mousePosRunning;
// Picture in picture texture I wanted to move
SDL_Rect pipRect;
// Init resizable sdl window
window = SDL_CreateWindow(
defaultW, defaultH,
renderer = SDL_CreateRenderer(window, -1, SDL_RENDERER_ACCELERATED);
SDL_SetHint(SDL_HINT_RENDER_SCALE_QUALITY, "linear"); // This one is optional
SDL_RenderSetLogicalSize(renderer, defaultW, defaultH);
// SDL main loop
while(SDL_PollEvent(&event) && running)
switch (event.type)
// Some event handling here
// ...
// Handle mouse motion event
// Update mouse pos
mousePosRunning.x = event.button.x;
mousePosRunning.y = event.button.y;
// Check if mouse is inside the pip region
if (SDL_EnclosePoints(&mousePosRunning, 1, &pipRect, NULL))
// Mouse is inside the pipRect
// do some stuff... i.e. change color
// Mouse left rectangle