intellij unresolved symbol for go lang project - intellij-idea

I am using go sdk 1.2.1 linux/386 in intellij 14.0.3. However, when I open a golang project many function and variable are unresolved. I do not what is wrong with intellij. Anything that I can do to make the unresolved symbol solved. I have met the problems before. but I do not know to to solve it. Anyone have met the same problem before? Please help.

As I have no information about which plugin version you are using I'm going to assume that you have release.
The fastest way to fix it would be to use one of the early releases for 1.0.0, available here: github releases page for go plugin for intellij idea
The plugin is currently under a major refactoring and we've started releasing preview builds for it. While the alpha name might be scary, I'm using it daily at work and it's very stable but not everything is up on par with the quality we want it to have.
If you have any further questions, either ask here or browse in the issue tracker
Also, there's a small community on Gitter and you may get answers from there as well.


Androidx and gradle feature errors after running update

I returned to a react native project after about a month or two and updated the packages along with all the packaged. However, it seems that in the time since I worked on it there have been some major changes which is now preventing react-native run-android from completing and results in a list of errors which seem related to the camera module, gradle and androidx.
Apologies, I could not paste the error in the post as it exceeds the character limit.
After initializing a new project all seems well so it appears to be something wrong with the configuration of the project itself.
Any help is really appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Google moves from the Support Library to the AndroiX library. So the first one is deprecated.
RN 0.60.X migrates to AndroidX ans so should each of the dependencies that you use. 0.60.X is a major breaking change and the way to solve it could be very wide. You would need to check each of your modules or dependencies that you use and find if they upgrades to use AndroidX. There is also a workaround where you could use Jetifier, which is a tool that will migrate old dependencies to the new AndroidX imports however I found it a little buggy dependening on your project.
My 2 cents right now would be to go to 0.59.8 until all major dependencies have time to upgrade and release their updated versions. Otherwise I think it is too much work right now.
You can see more here:

How I can use the JavaFX framework?

firstly, I want let you know how useful this community is for me, I was stuck on an error
`Error: JavaFX runtime components are missing, and are required to run this application`
and thanks to this answer I actually solved: link
However I've a couple of questions. I noticed that IntelliJ doesn't change the configurations (Like set the VM option and pick the right library for the javaFX project), so each time I've to create a new JavaFX11 or 12 project I've to being throw all the manually settings again.
There's a way for set a "default behaviour" for the IDE ? It's really cumbersome.
The second question is, how I can use all the beautiful framework that the developer community offer for JavaFX? I've seen on openjFX a couple of interesting framework like TilesFX or CalendarFX but there's no information on how implement them on my IDE neither on GitHub nor here.
I have seen that most of them uses Gradle files, but honestly I don't have the faintest idea of what this kind of file does and how implement it on IntelliJ. Thank's to everybody.
Run the project with a more recent JDK like JDK11, for example.
If it does'nt work, you probably forgot to change the JDK of your builder in IntelliJ!
Open the settings and follow the path as bellow:

Play Framework New Project in Intellij

When I create a new project in Intellij, I got these error message in which I dont really know how to mitigate or approach to solve this problem.
Im currently using Intellij IDEA 15
Is there someone who knows about this error?
Unknown Error!
Could not retrieve latest Aspose Maven Artifacts!
For any future searchers who find this post when having this problem, it should be noted that in the follow-up comments to the original question, the OP stated that simply disabling the Aspose plugin in IntelliJ solved the problem.
I was having the same issue trying to create a new project from a Maven archetype provided by org.openjfx and I was getting the same error that the OP did. When I went into IntelliJ's app preferences, under Plugins, I disabled the Aspose plugin and this solved the problem.

Why does IntelliJ IDEA 13.1 show sbt files with so many lines in red?

I had a working sbt based project. After some small change that I can not specifically identify all the sbt files are having object resolution issues (see screenshots).
I tried the following:
sbt refresh
project rebuild
reimport project
These did not work.
Then I started going farther afield to resolve the issue. I copied the *.sbt files from another project on top of the ones in this project. Still no dice. Now I do not have time presently to actually completely destroy, rebuild the project from scratch - and in any case that does not lead to any insight on the root cause here.
Has anyone experienced this issue - and any suggestions on remedies/workarounds?
Update I finally tried
sbt gen-idea
even though this project was **not ** built that way.. It did make a difference: at least the crazy errors went away. But now a different set of problems arises: the assembly and packaging imports are not being resolved (see LAST screenshot). But this seems a bit more healthy at least .
Following screenshot is after running sbt gen-idea. Situation has improved but now get assembly/packaging import errors.
Another update
OK, I have quit and restarted IJ and things are finally back.
So the objective changes that I made:
sbt gen-idea
stop/restart IJ
This is feeling like magic incantations here .. Not a solid process.
A sort of a workaround could be to upgrade to the latest EAP of IntelliJ IDEA 13.1.3 build 135.909, released on May 23rd, 2014. It comes with more sophisticated Scala plugin that is much clever than the previous versions and hopefully could help here and there.

Can't find in java8

I have installed jdk-8-ea-bin-b82-windows-x64-21_mar_2013 and IntelliJ IDEA 12.0.4. The strange thing is that I can't find in the intellisense provided by the IDE. I tried to compile either using the IDE or using the notepad and the compiler but it gives an error complaining that cannot be found! I have already set the module settings to use Java8 jdk. Any ideas about this problem?
I had the same problem with Netbeans. It seams that older versions of JDK 8 are not correctly packaged.
I had the same problem with b84, but I installed the build b116 and it is working properly.
PS: I think this is what #rmuller said in his comment
To change the JDK version, go to File --> Project Structure, and make sure both Project SDK and Project Language Level are set to JDK 8.
(I know you said you set the JDK level in the modules already, but I'm posting this here because there is relatively little information online on how to do that. Even the IDEA documentation on this issue doesn't mention it!)
Try to download from: to have lambda and stream support
As #rmuller pointed out there was no streams in the early release version that I have downloaded 5 years ago when I asked the question. Short while after I asked the question a new release was available and it contained the streams support.
enter image description here