What is csWinFormsBlackApp? - vb.net

Does anybody know what is csWinFormsBlackApp?
When I try to install software which is published and try to open the soft it gives csWinFormsBlackApp stopped working error.

very sorry for late response because of health matters. Didn't meant to be rude.
I think it is some kind of error which i solved by correctin connection strings adress using ./SQLEXPRESS instead of the one vs uses from the beginning..
It's all working now.
Thanks for your help and sorry again for late answer.
I passed a fairly simple surgery and recovered now :) TG..
See you again.


The target principal name is incorrect. Cannot generate SSPI context. I'm going crazy?

I can't solve this problem. I just installed SQL Server Management Studio 2014 and I did everything like developers on various videos did (I installed and removed it a couple of times). I tried solutions on the internet and none of them worked. It's important for me to solve this problem as soon as possible so please help me.
I solved it. If your computer name has some of these letters ć,č,š,ž,đ, or similar, try changing it. Use the English alphabet to be sure.

I can't find proper "old" "ex4 to mq4 decompiler"?

I know that there were ex4 to mq4 decompilers for old version of MT4, but can't find anything which works properly. In fact, all of them which are on the internet are viruses or malware.
I could find some codes for it in github.
But this is wrapper, not decompiler, so needs ex4_to_mq4.exe itself for working.
My purpose is to recover my code from ex4 which was made in 2015 and lost by accident.
Please help if you have it or some experiences.
Thank you in advance.

My Ftp Custom Provider is not invoked

I've gone through all steps in tutorial on IIS Website, how create my own custom Ftp Logging/Authentication Provider. Unfortunately, it doesn't work still. What can I do?
I've been struggling with this problem for past few days. And I finally got it.
Sometimes it doesn't work at all. Sometimes, it works for a while and suddenly, after few changes in code [or somewhere else] it stops and you can't find out what happened [that was in my case].
To solve my problem [and, I believe, many others] helps me this article:
It's pretty hard to google, but value of tool from article is enormous.
I hope you can find and solve your problem with it, too.

Exceptions using htmlagilitypack

i am working with html-agility-pack in vb.net and facing a problem. my project was working fine 2 days ago, but now it is generating some kind of exceptions . i am wondering that what is happening . can anyone please help. screen shots are attached thanks
i resolved the problem. thanks everyone for valueable commenting. the proble was due to proxy settings in my default browser. code is totally right.

ZbarSDK errors (Screenshot included)

I keep getting errors trying to implement the ZBarSDK. I have previously done so without any problem but now it's making me go nuts :)
Anyone with any clue of what is going on, is welcome to answer..
Thanks in advance,
Ensure all of the required Frameworks are added to your Project.