Can functions and function pointers be used in ObjC just as they are in C? - objective-c

I am familiar with C and am now learning Objective-C.
I often use function pointers
void (*callback)(int*restrict, char*restrict)
Will that be usable in Objective-C? Especially in structs, like so:
struct mytype myvar = {
.first = myCallback;
.second = myCallback2;
Also, I wish to have function prototypes like
void function(int * restrict a, char * restrict b);
char * function (char * a);
Are there no problems with using this style?

Clang (the default compiler used by Xcode) claims C11 support for Objective C (See Language Compatibility).
This means function pointers, restrict, structs, and declarations will all work as you would expect.
One word of advice: don't fight the system; it will create more work for yourself and less reliable software for your users. Programmers should be like water.
Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless — like water. Now you put water in a cup, it becomes the cup; You put water into a bottle it becomes the bottle; You put it in a teapot it becomes the teapot. Now water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend.
— Bruce Lee

You can use any C strategy that you choose in your Objective-C app. You will still have to write some Objective-C in order to start your UIApplication (or use a third-party tool to do it for you).
One thing to keep in mind, though, is that int will be a different length depending on the machine and you should explicitly choose int32_t or int16_t or int8_t if you really don't want to use the NSInteger typedef that abstracts this machine difference.


PInvoke of self referential struct from C++

Following is a self referential struct from C++
typedef struct _FCV
unsigned long ulID;
unsigned long ulVersion;
unsigned long ulStatus;
unsigned long ulSize;
struct _FCV* pNext;
} FCV;
I need to use PInvoke to translate to C# struct,
What is the "pNext" i should declare?
Thank you.
You have perhaps reached the point where p/invoke is not the best tool for the job. The complexity here may make a C++/CLI layer a more attractive option.
With p/invoke you'd need to declare the pNext field as IntPtr. Then you'd need to populate one instance of the struct for each item in the linked list. Finally you'd need to walk through the list assigning to pNext. That will require you to pin each struct with GCHandle.Alloc and then get the pinned address with AddrOfPinnedObject. Once the call has been made you then need to destroy all the GCHandle objects to un-pin the structs.
So it's possible to do, but the code may be rather unwieldy, and may not be particularly efficient. You should seriously consider C++/CLI instead.

Is Objective-C pass-by-value or pass-by-reference?

Since we always use pointers to define variables, I was wondering if Objective-C is "pass by value", since like Java, the actual value would be passed by using its reference.
However, since it seems to be built up on top of C, would it have all the functionality of C?
C does not support pass-by-reference and Objective-C, being a strict superset of C doesn't either.
In C (and Objective-C) you can simulate pass-by-reference by passing a pointer, but it's important to remember that you're still technically passing a value, which happens to be a the value of a pointer.
So, in Objective-C (and C, for the matter) there is no concept of reference as intended in other languages (such as C++ or Java).
This can be confusing, so let me try to be clearer (I'll use plain C, but - again - it doesn't change in Objective-C)
void increment(int *x) {
int i = 42;
increment(&i); // <--- this is NOT pass-by-reference.
// we're passing the value of a pointer to i
On the other hand in C++ we could do
void increment(int &x) {
int i = 41;
increment(i); // <--- this IS pass-by-reference
// doesn't compile in C (nor in Objective-C)
It is a strict superset of C.
It does the same as C.
It's one reason all Objects are actually pointers to structs.

Can you create an NSValue from a C struct with bitfields?

I'm trying to do the following, but NSValue's creation method returns nil.
Are C bitfields in structs not supported?
struct MyThingType {
BOOL isActive:1;
uint count:7;
} myThing = {
.isActive = YES,
.count = 3,
NSValue *value = [NSValue valueWithBytes:&myThing objCType:#encode(struct MyThingType)];
// value is nil here
First and foremost, claptrap makes a very good point in his comment: why bother using bitfield specifiers (which are mainly used to either do micro-optimization or manually add padding bits where you need them), to then wrap it all up in an instance of NSValue).
It's like buying a castle, but then living in the kitchen to not ware out the carpets...
I don't think it is, a quick canter through the apple dev-docs came up with this... there are indeed several issues to take into account when it comes to bit fields.
I've also just found this, which explains why bit-fields + NSValue don't really play well together.
Especially in cases where the sizeof a struct can lead to NSValue reading the data in an... shall we say erratic manner:
The struct you've created is padded to 8 bits. Now these bits could be read as 2 int, or 1 long or something... From what I've read on the linked page, it's not unlikely that this is what is happening.
So, basically, NSValue is incapable of determining the actual types, when you're using bit fields. In case of ambiguity, an int (width 4 in most cases) is assumed and under/overflow occurs, and you have a mess on your hands.
Since the compiler still has some liberty as to where what member is actually stored, it doesn't quite suffice to pass the stringified typedef sort of thing (objCType: #encode(struct YourStruct), because there is a good chance that you won't be able to make sense of the actual struct itself, owing to compiler optimizations and such...
I'd suggest you simply drop the bit field specifiers, because structs should be supported... at least, last time I tried, a struct with simple primitive types worked just fine.
You can solve this with a union. Simply put the structure into union that has another member with a type supported by NSValue and has a size larger than your structure. In your case this is obvious for long.
union _bitfield_word_union
yourstructuretype bitfield;
long plain;
You can make it more robust against resizing the structure by using an array whose size is calculated at compile time. (Please remember that sizeof() is a compile time operator, too.)
char plain[(sizeof(yourstructuretype)/sizeof(char)];
Then you can store the structure with the bitfield into the union and read the plain member out.
union converter = { .bitfield = yourstructuretypevalue };
long plain = converter.plain;
Use this value for NSValue instance creation. Reading out you have to do the inverse way.
I'm pretty sure that through a technical correctum of C99 this became standard conforming (called type punning), because you can expect that reading out a member's value (bitfield) through another members value (plain) and storing it back is defined, if the member being read is at least as big as the member being written. (There might be undefined bits 9-31/63 in plain, but you do not have to care about it.) However it is real-world conforming.
Dirty hack? Maybe. One might call it C99. However using bitfields in combination with NSValue sounds like using dirty hacks.

Operator 'overloading' equivalent with #define in C/Objective-C [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Operator overloading in C
If I have a struct:
typedef struct myStruct {
} myStruct;
myStruct myStructAdd(myStruct a, myStruct b);
I need something like this:
#define myStruct a + myStruct b myStructAdd(a, b)
// NOTE this code does NOT WORK. This is what the question is asking.
To make this syntax valid:
myStruct a;
myStruct b;
myStruct c = a + b;
Is there any way to use a #define to do this?
I'm not asking for alternatives to the + syntax. What I'm asking is if, and how, the preprocessor can be used to rewrite the plus syntax to standard C syntax on compile.
i.e. something like #define myStruct a + myStruct b myStructAdd(a, b) which turns myStructA + myStructB into myStructAdd(myStructA, myStructB) on compile.
Operator overloading simply isn't a feature of C or Objective-C. C++ allows you to define arbitrary behaviour for operators and custom types. In Objective-C, if two objects can be added together, then usually there is a method for that:
Foo *result = [foo1 fooByAddingFoo:foo2];
Or, if the class is mutable:
Foo *foo1 = [Foo fooWithBar:bar];
[foo1 addFoo:foo2];
If operator overloading is a must-have feature, use C++ instead, or use Objective-C++ (but keep in mind that C++ classes and Objective-C objects are totally and fundamentally different).
The C proprocessor is conceptually very simple, and it knows very, very little about C's syntax, and nothing at all about C's types. If you wanted to overload an operator using the preprocessor, then it would have to learn every type (including custom types) used in your code, and it would have to perform static type checking in order to determine which function to invoke, and this is something that is way out of the scope of the preprocessor.
It's an interesting idea, but it's simply not possible.
There is no way for you to do that using the preprocessor. Also, as far as I known, there is no other feature that would provide this in objective C.
However, if you would use C++ (or objective-C++, which give you all features of both Objective C and C++) you could define an operator+, as follows:
struct myStruct
myStruct operator+(myStruct const & other)
return ...;
If you limit your question to the preprocessor then the answer is that it is impossible due to the fact that to define a macro that takes in arguments you have to have a parentheses macro like
#define __DO_STH(par1,par2)
Operator overloading the way you think of it does not use parentheses so you can not create any such macros
The only way to do that would be to make a simple parser which would be reading your code and whenever it encountered the structs you need being added with a plus sign spit out C code that replaces that with the function, but why do that and not use C++ where it's natively supported?
Also unless you are asking for purely academic purposes, it is my honest opinion that operator overloading always does more bad than good and is better avoided.
The only way I know is to use Objective-C++. To do this, give your implementation file the extension "mm" and you're good to go.

Is it required to typedef a primitive type to an enum?

I was looking through the NSString header file to see how Apple writes their enumerations and came across this piece of code:
enum {
NSStringEncodingConversionAllowLossy = 1,
NSStringEncodingConversionExternalRepresentation = 2
typedef NSUInteger NSStringEncodingConversionOptions;
This leaves me with a couple questions.
Why have they used anonymous enumerations? Is this method advantageous?
Is the typedef NSUInteger NSStringEncodingConversionOptions; line a good idea to include normally, or is it only used here because they have declared an anonymous enumeration?
That strange-looking definition is there to clearly define the bit-width and the signed-ness of an enum in a code both in 64-bit and 32-bit environment. It's detailed in this Apple document, but let me write down the summary here.
Apple in the past used the standard typedef enums before, as in
typedef enum { .... } NSEnumTypeName;
before 64bit-32bit universal binaries were (re)introduced. (I used "re" because the FAT binaries have been there since the NeXTStep days. Anyway.)
However, this makes the bit-width and the signed-ness of the typedef'd type NSEnumTypeName to be implementation-defined as specified in the Official Standard, see
That makes it even trickier to write a code which can be compiled with various compilers and with various bit-width.
So Apple switched from the standard enum to the anonymous enum with a corresponding typedef to a specific signed/unsigned integer type.