how to select columns by column index in sql? [duplicate] - sql

Is there a way to access columns by their index within a stored procedure in SQL Server?
The purpose is to compute lots of columns. I was reading about cursors, but I do not know how to apply them.
Let me explain my problem:
I have a row like:
field_1 field_2 field_3 field_4 ...field_d Sfield_1 Sfield_2 Sfield_3...Sfield_n
1 2 3 4 d 10 20 30 n
I need to compute something like (field_1*field1) - (Sfield_1* Sfiled_1) / more...
So the result is stored in a table column d times.
So the result is a d column * d row table.
As the number of columns is variable, I was considering making dynamic SQL, getting the names of columns in a string and splitting the ones I need, but this approach makes the problem harder. I thought getting the column number by index could make life easier.

No, you can not use the ordinal (numeric) position in the SELECT clause.
Only in the ORDER BY clause can you use the ordinal position, because it's based on the column(s) specified in the SELECT clause.

First, as OMG Ponies stated, you cannot reference columns by their ordinal position. This is not an accident. The SQL specification is not built for dynamic schema either in DDL or DML.
Given that, I have to wonder why you have your data structured as you do. A sign of a mismatch between schema and the problem domain rears itself when you try to extract information. When queries are incredibly cumbersome to write, it is an indication that the schema does not properly model the domain for which it was designed.
However, be that as it may, given what you have told us, an alternate solution would be something like the following: (I'm assuming that field_1*field1 was meant to be field_1 * field_1 or field_1 squared or Power( field_1, 2 ) )
Select 1 As Sequence, field_1 As [Field], Sfield_1 As [SField], Sfiled_1 As [SFiled]
Union All Select 2, field_2, Sfield_2, Sfiled_2
Union All Select n, field_n, Sfield_n, Sfiled_n
Now your query looks like:
With Inputs As
Select 1 As Sequence, field_1 As [Field], Sfield_1 As [SField], Sfiled_1 As [SFiled]
Union All Select 2, field_2, Sfield_2, Sfiled_2
, Results As
Select Case
When Sequence = 1 Then Power( [Field], 2 ) - ( [SField] * [SFiled] )
Else 1 / Power( [Field], 2 ) - ( [SField] * [SFiled] )
As Result
From Inputs
Select Exp( Sum( Log( Result ) ) )
From Results

This might not be the most elegant or efficient but it works. I am using it to create a new table for faster mappings between data that I need to parse through all the columns / rows.
DECLARE #sqlCommand varchar(1000)
DECLARE #columnNames TABLE (colName varchar(64), colIndex int)
DECLARE #TableName varchar(64) = 'YOURTABLE' --Table Name
DECLARE #rowNumber int = 2 -- y axis
DECLARE #colNumber int = 24 -- x axis
DECLARE #myColumnToOrderBy varchar(64) = 'ID' --use primary key
--Store column names in a temp table
INSERT INTO #columnNames (colName, colIndex)
FROM sys.tables AS TAB
INNER JOIN sys.columns AS COL ON COL.object_id = TAB.object_id
WHERE = #TableName
ORDER BY COL.column_id;
DECLARE #colName varchar(64)
SELECT #colName = colName FROM #columnNames WHERE colIndex = #colNumber
--Create Dynamic Query to retrieve the x,y coordinates from table
SET #sqlCommand = 'SELECT ' + #colName + ' FROM (SELECT ' + #colName + ', ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY ' + #myColumnToOrderBy+ ') AS RowNum FROM ' + #tableName + ') t2 WHERE RowNum = ' + CAST(#rowNumber AS varchar(5))


Can you MAX(*) in SQL Server?

I am dealing with a huge list of columns (around 50) where i only need to group by one column. Is there anyway in SQL Server i can aggregate the columns by something such as
FROM View1
GROUP BY Column1
instead of having to go through each one and specify an aggregate function. I have had a look online but cant find anything. Is there any advice or guidance someone can give me or is it just a case of going through each row?
You can build query you need using system tables:
DECLARE #ViewName sysname = N'View1',
#query nvarchar(max),
#Column sysname = 'Column1'
SET #query = N'SELECT ' + #Column + ',' + CHAR(10)
SELECT #query = #query + N'MAX('+c.[name]+') as '+c.[name]+',' + CHAR(10)
FROM sys.views v
INNER JOIN sys.columns c
ON v.[object_id] = c.[object_id]
WHERE v.[name] = #ViewName AND c.[name] != #Column
SET #query = STUFF(#query,LEN(#query)-1,1,'') + 'FROM '+#ViewName + CHAR(10) + 'GROUP BY ' + #Column
PRINT #query
Output will be:
SELECT Column1,
MAX(Column2) as Column2,
MAX(Column3) as Column3,
MAX(ColumnN) as ColumnN
FROM View1
GROUP BY Column1
You can Ctrl+C Ctrl+V on new query window and execute, or execute it right here with:
EXEC (#query)
In case of tables - you need to use sys.tables
In case if view or table is not in default schema - you need to specify it manually.
SET #query = STUFF(#query,LEN(#query)-1,1,'') + 'FROM dbo.'+#ViewName + CHAR(10) + 'GROUP BY ' + #Column
No. Unfortunately, you're going to have to write out the columns.
If you need max value from different columns you can try as below
Select max(yourcolumn) from
Select col1 from yourtable
union all Select col2 from yourtable
union all Select col3 from yourtable
) a
No, you can not use max(*).
You will have to give a column name in max function like below
select max(column_name) from table_name;
You cannot write select max(*). This results in the error Incorrect syntax near '*'. Instead, you will need to specify the columns.
One way to get the maximum of multiple columns is to unpivot the table. An efficient way to do this is to use cross apply to generate separate row values for each column.
For example, the code below finds the maximum value across 3 different columns in all of the rows:
declare #test table
id int primary key clustered,
value1 int,
value2 int,
value3 int
insert into #test (id, value1, value2, value3)
values (1, 100, 0, 0), (2, 0, 50, 0), (3, 0, 0, 25)
select max(TestValue) -- returns 100
from #test
cross apply
values(value1),(value2), (value3)
) TestValues (TestValue)

How to select ith column of a table in SQL?

Say we have a table:
CREATE TABLE new_table
regionname character varying(10),
year integer,
month integer,
value integer
How to select for example the 3rd column "month" without using
SELECT month FROM new_table
but something like
SELECT "the 3rd column" FROM new_table
I want to first say that a table schema could change, so the column order could change, thus breaking any existing queries, stored procedures, or code outside your database. What exactly are you trying to accomplish? Do you just want to use numbers instead of names?
This answer:
Declare #WhichOne int;
Declare #Sql varchar(200);
Set #WhichOne = 2;
With cte As
(Select name, Row_Number() Over (Order By column_id) As rn
From sys.columns
Where Object_Name(object_id) = 'MyTable')
Select #Sql = 'Select ' + QuoteName(name) + ' From MyTable'
From cte
Where rn = #WhichOne;
Can be found here:

replace value in varchar(max) field with join

I have a table that contains text field with placeholders. Something like this:
Row Notes
1. This is some notes ##placeholder130## this ##myPlaceholder##, #oneMore#. End.
2. Second row...just a ##test#.
(This table contains about 1-5k rows on average. Average number of placeholders in one row is 5-15).
Now, I have a lookup table that looks like this:
Name Value
placeholder130 Dog
myPlaceholder Cat
oneMore Cow
test Horse
(Lookup table will contain anywhere from 10k to 100k records)
I need to find the fastest way to join those placeholders from strings to a lookup table and replace with value. So, my result should look like this (1st row):
This is some notes Dog this Cat, Cow. End.
What I came up with was to split each row into multiple for each placeholder and then join it to lookup table and then concat records back to original row with new values, but it takes around 10-30 seconds on average.
You could try to split the string using a numbers table and rebuild it with for xml path.
select (
select coalesce(L.Value, T.Value)
from Numbers as N
cross apply (select substring(Notes.notes, N.Number, charindex('##', Notes.notes + '##', N.Number) - N.Number)) as T(Value)
left outer join Lookup as L
on L.Name = T.Value
where N.Number <= len(notes) and
substring('##' + notes, Number, 2) = '##'
order by N.Number
for xml path(''), type
).value('text()[1]', 'varchar(max)')
from Notes
SQL Fiddle
I borrowed the string splitting from this blog post by Aaron Bertrand
SQL Server is not very fast with string manipulation, so this is probably best done client-side. Have the client load the entire lookup table, and replace the notes as they arrived.
Having said that, it can of course be done in SQL. Here's a solution with a recursive CTE. It performs one lookup per recursion step:
; with Repl as
select row_number() over (order by rn
, Name
, Value
from Lookup l
, Recurse as
select Notes
, 0 as rn
from Notes
union all
select replace(Notes, '##' + + '##', l.value)
, r.rn + 1
from Recurse r
join Repl l
on l.rn = r.rn + 1
select *
from Recurse
where rn =
select count(*)
from Lookup
option (maxrecursion 0)
Example at SQL Fiddle.
Another option is a while loop to keep replacing lookups until no more are found:
declare #notes table (notes varchar(max))
insert #notes
select Notes
from Notes
while 1=1
update n
set Notes = replace(n.Notes, '##' + + '##', l.value)
from #notes n
outer apply
select top 1 Name
, Value
from Lookup l
where n.Notes like '%##' + + '##%'
) l
where is not null
if ##rowcount = 0
select *
from #notes
Example at SQL Fiddle.
I second the comment that tsql is just not suited for this operation, but if you must do it in the db here is an example using a function to manage the multiple replace statements.
Since you have a relatively small number of tokens in each note (5-15) and a very large number of tokens (10k-100k) my function first extracts tokens from the input as potential tokens and uses that set to join to your lookup (dbo.Token below). It was far too much work to look for an occurrence of any of your tokens in each note.
I did a bit of perf testing using 50k tokens and 5k notes and this function runs really well, completing in <2 seconds (on my laptop). Please report back how this strategy performs for you.
note: In your example data the token format was not consistent (##_#, ##_##, #_#), I am guessing this was simply a typo and assume all tokens take the form of ##TokenName##.
if object_id('dbo.[Lookup]') is not null
drop table dbo.[Lookup];
if object_id('dbo.fn_ReplaceLookups') is not null
drop function dbo.fn_ReplaceLookups;
create table dbo.[Lookup] (LookupName varchar(100) primary key, LookupValue varchar(100));
insert into dbo.[Lookup]
select '##placeholder130##','Dog' union all
select '##myPlaceholder##','Cat' union all
select '##oneMore##','Cow' union all
select '##test##','Horse';
create function [dbo].[fn_ReplaceLookups](#input varchar(max))
returns varchar(max)
declare #xml xml;
select #xml = cast(('<r><i>'+replace(#input,'##' ,'</i><i>')+'</i></r>') as xml);
--extract the potential tokens
declare #LookupsInString table (LookupName varchar(100) primary key);
insert into #LookupsInString
select distinct '##'+v+'##'
from ( select [v] = r.n.value('(./text())[1]', 'varchar(100)'),
[r] = row_number() over (order by n)
from #xml.nodes('r/i') r(n)
where r%2=0;
--tokenize the input
select #input = replace(#input, l.LookupName, l.LookupValue)
from dbo.[Lookup] l
join #LookupsInString lis on
l.LookupName = lis.LookupName;
return #input;
declare #Notes table ([Id] int primary key, notes varchar(100));
insert into #Notes
select 1, 'This is some notes ##placeholder130## this ##myPlaceholder##, ##oneMore##. End.' union all
select 2, 'Second row...just a ##test##.';
select *,
from #Notes;
This is some notes Dog this Cat, Cow. End.
Second row...just a Horse.
Try this
;WITH CTE (org, calc, [Notes], [level]) AS
SELECT [Notes], [Notes], CONVERT(varchar(MAX),[Notes]), 0 FROM PlaceholderTable
SELECT, CTE.[Notes],
CONVERT(varchar(MAX), REPLACE(CTE.[Notes],'##' + T.[Name] + '##', T.[Value])), CTE.[level] + 1
INNER JOIN LookupTable T ON CTE.[Notes] LIKE '%##' + T.[Name] + '##%'
SELECT DISTINCT org, [Notes], level FROM CTE
WHERE [level] = (SELECT MAX(level) FROM CTE c WHERE =
Check the below devioblog post for reference
devioblog post
To get speed, you can preprocess the note templates into a more efficient form. This will be a sequence of fragments, with each ending in a substitution. The substitution might be NULL for the last fragment.
Id FragSeq Text SubsId
1 1 'This is some notes ' 1
1 2 ' this ' 2
1 3 ', ' 3
1 4 '. End.' null
2 1 'Second row...just a ' 4
2 2 '.' null
Id Name Value
1 'placeholder130' 'Dog'
2 'myPlaceholder' 'Cat'
3 'oneMore' 'Cow'
4 'test' 'Horse'
Now we can do the substitutions with a simple join.
SELECT Notes.Text + COALESCE(Subs.Value, '')
ON SubsId = Subs.Id WHERE Notes.Id = ?
This produces a list of fragments with substitutions complete. I am not an MSQL user, but in most dialects of SQL you can concatenate these fragments in a variable quite easily:
SELECT #Note = COALESCE(#Note, '') + Notes.Text + COALSCE(Subs.Value, '')
ON SubsId = Subs.Id WHERE Notes.Id = ?
Pre-processing a note template into fragments will be straightforward using the string splitting techniques of other posts.
Unfortunately I'm not at a location where I can test this, but it ought to work fine.
I really don't know how it will perform with 10k+ of lookups.
how does the old dynamic SQL performs?
SELECT #sqlCommand = N'PlaceholderTable.[Notes]'
SELECT #sqlCommand = 'REPLACE( ' + #sqlCommand +
', ''##' + LookupTable.[Name] + '##'', ''' +
LookupTable.[Value] + ''')'
FROM LookupTable
SELECT #sqlCommand = 'SELECT *, ' + #sqlCommand + ' FROM PlaceholderTable'
EXECUTE sp_executesql #sqlCommand
Fiddle demo
And now for some recursive CTE.
If your indexes are correctly set up, this one should be very fast or very slow. SQL Server always surprises me with performance extremes when it comes to the r-CTE...
StartIdx = 1, -- 1 as first starting index
EndIdx = CAST(patindex('%##%', Notes) as int), -- first ending index
Result = substring(Notes, 1, patindex('%##%', Notes) - 1)
-- (first) temp result bounded by indexes
FROM PlaceholderTable -- **this is your source table**
StartIdx = newstartidx, -- starting index (calculated in calc1)
EndIdx = EndIdx + CAST(newendidx as int) + 1, -- ending index (calculated in calc4 + total offset)
Result = Result + CAST(ISNULL(newtokensub, newtoken) as nvarchar(max))
-- temp result taken from subquery or original
JOIN PlaceholderTable pt -- **this is your source table**
ON pt.Row = T.Row
SELECT newstartidx = EndIdx + 2 -- new starting index moved by 2 from last end ('##')
) calc1
SELECT newtxt = substring(pt.Notes, newstartidx, len(pt.Notes))
-- current piece of txt we work on
) calc2
SELECT patidx = patindex('%##%', newtxt) -- current index of '##'
) calc3
SELECT newendidx = CASE
WHEN patidx = 0 THEN len(newtxt) + 1
ELSE patidx END -- if last piece of txt, end with its length
) calc4
SELECT newtoken = substring(pt.Notes, newstartidx, newendidx - 1)
-- get the new token
) calc5
SELECT newtokensub = Value
FROM LookupTable
WHERE Name = newtoken -- substitute the token if you can find it in **your lookup table**
) calc6
WHERE newstartidx + len(newtxt) - 1 <= len(pt.Notes)
-- do this while {new starting index} + {length of txt we work on} exceeds total length
,lastProcessed AS (
rn = row_number() over(partition by Row order by StartIdx desc)
) -- enumerate all (including intermediate) results
FROM lastProcessed
WHERE rn = 1 -- filter out intermediate results (display only last ones)

Access columns of a table by index instead of name in SQL Server stored procedure

Is there a way to access columns by their index within a stored procedure in SQL Server?
The purpose is to compute lots of columns. I was reading about cursors, but I do not know how to apply them.
Let me explain my problem:
I have a row like:
field_1 field_2 field_3 field_4 ...field_d Sfield_1 Sfield_2 Sfield_3...Sfield_n
1 2 3 4 d 10 20 30 n
I need to compute something like (field_1*field1) - (Sfield_1* Sfiled_1) / more...
So the result is stored in a table column d times.
So the result is a d column * d row table.
As the number of columns is variable, I was considering making dynamic SQL, getting the names of columns in a string and splitting the ones I need, but this approach makes the problem harder. I thought getting the column number by index could make life easier.
No, you can not use the ordinal (numeric) position in the SELECT clause.
Only in the ORDER BY clause can you use the ordinal position, because it's based on the column(s) specified in the SELECT clause.
First, as OMG Ponies stated, you cannot reference columns by their ordinal position. This is not an accident. The SQL specification is not built for dynamic schema either in DDL or DML.
Given that, I have to wonder why you have your data structured as you do. A sign of a mismatch between schema and the problem domain rears itself when you try to extract information. When queries are incredibly cumbersome to write, it is an indication that the schema does not properly model the domain for which it was designed.
However, be that as it may, given what you have told us, an alternate solution would be something like the following: (I'm assuming that field_1*field1 was meant to be field_1 * field_1 or field_1 squared or Power( field_1, 2 ) )
Select 1 As Sequence, field_1 As [Field], Sfield_1 As [SField], Sfiled_1 As [SFiled]
Union All Select 2, field_2, Sfield_2, Sfiled_2
Union All Select n, field_n, Sfield_n, Sfiled_n
Now your query looks like:
With Inputs As
Select 1 As Sequence, field_1 As [Field], Sfield_1 As [SField], Sfiled_1 As [SFiled]
Union All Select 2, field_2, Sfield_2, Sfiled_2
, Results As
Select Case
When Sequence = 1 Then Power( [Field], 2 ) - ( [SField] * [SFiled] )
Else 1 / Power( [Field], 2 ) - ( [SField] * [SFiled] )
As Result
From Inputs
Select Exp( Sum( Log( Result ) ) )
From Results
This might not be the most elegant or efficient but it works. I am using it to create a new table for faster mappings between data that I need to parse through all the columns / rows.
DECLARE #sqlCommand varchar(1000)
DECLARE #columnNames TABLE (colName varchar(64), colIndex int)
DECLARE #TableName varchar(64) = 'YOURTABLE' --Table Name
DECLARE #rowNumber int = 2 -- y axis
DECLARE #colNumber int = 24 -- x axis
DECLARE #myColumnToOrderBy varchar(64) = 'ID' --use primary key
--Store column names in a temp table
INSERT INTO #columnNames (colName, colIndex)
FROM sys.tables AS TAB
INNER JOIN sys.columns AS COL ON COL.object_id = TAB.object_id
WHERE = #TableName
ORDER BY COL.column_id;
DECLARE #colName varchar(64)
SELECT #colName = colName FROM #columnNames WHERE colIndex = #colNumber
--Create Dynamic Query to retrieve the x,y coordinates from table
SET #sqlCommand = 'SELECT ' + #colName + ' FROM (SELECT ' + #colName + ', ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY ' + #myColumnToOrderBy+ ') AS RowNum FROM ' + #tableName + ') t2 WHERE RowNum = ' + CAST(#rowNumber AS varchar(5))

How can I pivot these key+values rows into a table of complete entries?

Maybe I demand too much from SQL but I feel like this should be possible. I start with a list of key-value pairs, like this:
'0:First, 1:Second, 2:Third, 3:Fourth'
etc. I can split this up pretty easily with a two-step parse that gets me a table like:
EntryNumber PairNumber Item
0 0 0
1 0 First
2 1 1
3 1 Second
Now, in the simple case of splitting the pairs into a pair of columns, it's fairly easy. I'm interested in the more advanced case where I might have multiple values per entry, like:
'0:First:Fishing, 1:Second:Camping, 2:Third:Hiking'
and such.
In that generic case, I'd like to find a way to take my 3-column result table and somehow pivot it to have one row per entry and one column per value-part.
So I want to turn this:
EntryNumber PairNumber Item
0 0 0
1 0 First
2 0 Fishing
3 1 1
4 1 Second
5 1 Camping
Into this:
Entry [1] [2] [3]
0 0 First Fishing
1 1 Second Camping
Is that just too much for SQL to handle, or is there a way? Pivots (even tricky dynamic pivots) seem like an answer, but I can't figure how to get that to work.
No, in SQL you can't infer columns dynamically based on the data found during the same query.
Even using the PIVOT feature in Microsoft SQL Server, you must know the columns when you write the query, and you have to hard-code them.
You have to do a lot of work to avoid storing the data in a relational normal form.
Alright, I found a way to accomplish what I was after. Strap in, this is going to get bumpy.
So the basic problem is to take a string with two kinds of delimiters: entries and values. Each entry represents a set of values, and I wanted to turn the string into a table with one column for each value per entry. I tried to make this a UDF, but the necessity for a temporary table and dynamic SQL meant it had to be a stored procedure.
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[ParseValueList]
#parseString varchar(8000),
#itemDelimiter CHAR(1),
#valueDelimiter CHAR(1)
IF object_id('tempdb..#ParsedValues') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE #ParsedValues
CREATE TABLE #ParsedValues
EntryID int,
[Rank] int,
Pair varchar(200)
So that's just basic set up, establishing the temp table to hold my intermediate results.
E2(N) AS (SELECT 1 FROM E1 a, E1 b), --Uses a cross join to generate 100 rows (10 * 10)
E4(N) AS (SELECT 1 FROM E2 a, E2 b), --Uses a cross join to generate 10,000 rows (100 * 100)
That beautiful piece of SQL comes from SQL Server Central's Forums and is credited to "a guru." It's a great little 10,000 line tally table perfect for string splitting.
INSERT INTO #ParsedValues
SELECT ItemNumber AS EntryID, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY ItemNumber ORDER BY ItemNumber) AS [Rank],
SUBSTRING(Items.Item, T1.N, CHARINDEX(#valueDelimiter, Items.Item + #valueDelimiter, T1.N) - T1.N) AS [Value]
SUBSTRING(#parseString, T2.N, CHARINDEX(#itemDelimiter, #parseString + #itemDelimiter, T2.N) - T2.N) AS Item
FROM cteTally T2
WHERE T2.N < LEN(#parseString) + 2 --Ensures we cut out once the entire string is done
AND SUBSTRING(#itemDelimiter + #parseString, T2.N, 1) = #itemDelimiter
) AS Items, cteTally T1
WHERE T1.N < LEN(#parseString) + 2 --Ensures we cut out once the entire string is done
AND SUBSTRING(#valueDelimiter + Items.Item, T1.N, 1) = #valueDelimiter
Ok, this is the first really dense meaty part. The inner select is breaking up my string along the item delimiter (the comma), using the guru's string splitting method. Then that table is passed up to the outer select which does the same thing, but this time using the value delimiter (the colon) to each row. The inner RowNumber (EntryID) and the outer RowNumber over Partition (Rank) are key to the pivot. EntryID show which Item the values belong to, and Rank shows the ordinal of the values.
DECLARE #columns varchar(200)
DECLARE #columnNames varchar(2000)
DECLARE #query varchar(8000)
SELECT #columns = COALESCE(#columns + ',[' + CAST([Rank] AS varchar) + ']', '[' + CAST([Rank] AS varchar)+ ']'),
#columnNames = COALESCE(#columnNames + ',[' + CAST([Rank] AS varchar) + '] AS Value' + CAST([Rank] AS varchar)
, '[' + CAST([Rank] AS varchar)+ '] AS Value' + CAST([Rank] AS varchar))
FROM (SELECT DISTINCT [Rank] FROM #ParsedValues) AS Ranks
SET #query = '
SELECT '+ #columnNames +'
FROM #ParsedValues
MAX([Value]) FOR [Rank]
IN (' + #columns + ')
) AS pvt'
DROP TABLE #ParsedValues
And at last, the dynamic sql that makes it possible. By getting a list of Distinct Ranks, we set up our column list. This is then written into the dynamic pivot which tilts the values over and slots each value into the proper column, each with a generic "Value#" heading.
Thus by calling EXEC ParseValueList with a properly formatted string of values, we can break it up into a table to feed into our purposes! It works (but is probably overkill) for simple key:value pairs, and scales up to a fair number of columns (About 50 at most, I think, but that'd be really silly.)
Anyway, hope that helps anyone having a similar issue.
(Yeah, it probably could have been done in something like SQLCLR as well, but I find a great joy in solving problems with pure SQL.)
Though probably not optimal, here's a more condensed solution.
DECLARE #DATA varchar(max);
SET #DATA = '0:First:Fishing, 1:Second:Camping, 2:Third:Hiking';
DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY [Data].[row]) AS [Entry]
, [Data].[row].value('(./B/text())[1]', 'int') as "[1]"
, [Data].[row].value('(./B/text())[2]', 'varchar(64)') as "[2]"
, [Data].[row].value('(./B/text())[3]', 'varchar(64)') as "[3]"
CONVERT(XML, '<A><B>' + REPLACE(REPLACE(#DATA , ',', '</B></A><A><B>'), ':', '</B><B>') + '</B></A>').query('.')
) AS [T]([c])
CROSS APPLY [T].[c].nodes('/A') AS [Data]([row]);
Hope is not too late.
You can use the function RANK to know the position of each Item per PairNumber. And then use Pivot
SELECT PairNumber, [1] ,[2] ,[3]
SELECT PairNumber, Item, RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY PairNumber order by EntryNumber) as RANKing
from tabla) T
FOR RANKing in ([1],[2],[3])
)as PVT