Request access to nearby Oracle database, need update statement (ora-01031) - sql

I've got
url: jdbc:oracle:thin:#195.123.456.789:1521:someSID
User: artem
Password: unchangeableForAllUsers
I'm also got second DB, all the same, changing only the name
url: jdbc:oracle:thin:#195.123.456.789:1521:someSID
User: denis
Password: unchangeableForAllUsers
How can I make update query from one DB to other? Using pl/sql I've got next message from Web-browser, when I try to change artem.table to denis.table:
ORA-01031: insufficient privileges
SQL Statement ignored
When I try to save changes in artem pl/sql package(query to denis db, like that
update denis.table dt
set dt.someColumn=1
where dt.ID=3305;
), see next in my IDE:
PL/SQL ORA-00942: User table or view does not exist
While I'm in IDE, logged like artem, I can to change and commit other users db free, from IDE SQL console.. maybe couse they have the same url and password? How can I save my query
update denis.table dt
set dt.someColumn=1
where dt.ID=3305;
in artem package for get access(update cell) to nearby database from Web-site, when i logged there like artem.

As described, this is not a jdbc or plsql issue but rather a permissions issue.
You are connecting to the same database, but as two different users. In Oracle, a user has their own schema (same name as the user). If you wish to access data in schema A from schema B, schema A must GRANT permissions to schema B.
For example, if you want the user "artem" to have permission to UPDATE table "mytable" in schema "denis", log into the account "denis" and GRANT UPDATE permission to "artem":
-- While logged in as "denis"
GRANT UPDATE ON mytable TO artem;
Now you can log in as "artem" and query "denis.mytable". Grants you may want to give: SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE. This, of course, works both ways (if you want user "denis" to have access to "artem" objects, then "artem" must GRANT permission to "denis".


Why is CREATE table missing from DDL export script in SQL Developer?

I'm trying to retrieve the CREATE table statement for multiple tables from oracle SQL Developer so I can run it in SQL Management to create new tables.
However, when highlighting multiple tables and right clicking > Quick DLL> Save to File, my file looks like this:
Why is there no CREATE table statements in here?
I'm connected as Opsweb and the only tables I can see are under the OPSR user.
You can't see the create DDL for other user's objects. SQL Developer is using dbms_metadata in the background, and from the documentation:
The object views of the Oracle metadata model implement security as follows:
Nonprivileged users can see the metadata of only their own objects.
Nonprivileged users can also retrieve public synonyms, system privileges granted to them, and object privileges granted to them or by them to others. This also includes privileges granted to PUBLIC.
If callers request objects they are not privileged to retrieve, no exception is raised; the object is simply not retrieved.
If nonprivileged users are granted some form of access to an object in someone else's schema, they will be able to retrieve the grant specification through the Metadata API, but not the object's actual metadata.
and so on. As the last bullet above says, you cen get the grants - which is what you are seeing now - but not the actual metadata.
If your user was granted the select_catalog_role you would be able to get the DDL for OPSR's objects, but you'd have to ask your DBA for that and it would probably be easier to connect as that user, or ask someone else who can to do that to perform the extract for you.

SQL Server User Mapping Error 15023

I try to map my other DB to a user by going to Security > Logins > right click someuser > Properties > User Mapping > Select DB > set as db_owner and then ok, but I keep on getting an error saying
User, group, or role 'someuser' already exists in the current database. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 15023)
What is causing the error, and how do I map that user to the database?
To fix the user and login mapping you need to open a query window in the SQL Server Management Studio. Enter the following two lines and replace myDB with the database name and myUser with the correct user name:
EXEC sp_change_users_login 'Auto_Fix', 'myUser'
If run successfully you should get an output like this one:
The row for user '****' will be fixed by updating its login link to a login already in existence.
The number of orphaned users fixed by updating users was 1.
The number of orphaned users fixed by adding new logins and then updating users was 0.**
Your user should now be mapped correctly.
New way to Resolve/Fix an Orphaned User:
In the master database, use the CREATE LOGIN statement with the SID option to recreate a missing login, providing the SID of the database user.
CREATE LOGIN <login_name>
WITH PASSWORD = '<use_a_strong_password_here>',
SID = <SID>;
To map an orphaned user to a login which already exists in master, execute the ALTER USER statement in the user database, specifying the login name.
ALTER USER <user_name> WITH Login = <login_name>;
When you recreate a missing login, the user can access the database using the password provided. Then the user can alter the password of the login account by using the ALTER LOGIN statement.
ALTER LOGIN <login_name> WITH PASSWORD = '<enterStrongPasswordHere>';
if it is just one or two users, then easiest way is to drop the database user from the restored database, remap the database user to the server login using SSMS. If the server login does not exist then just create it, map the user.
Option 2: If you are migrating a large number of users, use sp_help_revlogin. sp_help_revlogin is a Microsoft supplied stored procedure that will help migrate logins from one server to another, including passwords and SIDs. Here is a good article about it SP_HELP_REVLOGIN :
Code patches to help use it :
run following T-SQL Query in Query Analyzer. This will return all the existing users in database in result pan.
EXEC sp_change_users_login 'Report'
Run following T-SQL Query in Query Analyzer to associate login with the username. ‘Auto_Fix’ attribute will create the user in SQL Server instance if it does not exist. In following example ‘ColdFusion’ is UserName, ‘cf’ is Password. Auto-Fix links a user entry in the sysusers table in the current database to a login of the same name in sysxlogins.
EXEC sp_change_users_login 'Auto_Fix', 'ColdFusion', NULL, 'cf'
Run following T-SQL Query in Query Analyzer to associate login with the username. ‘Update_One’ links the specified user in the current database to login. login must already exist. user and login must be specified. password must be NULL or not specified
EXEC sp_change_users_login 'update_one', 'ColdFusion', 'ColdFusion'
2) If login account has permission to drop other users, run following T-SQL in Query Analyzer. This will drop the user.
EXEC sp_dropuser 'ColdFusion'
Create the same user again in the database without any error.
If you assign permissions to a database user without mapping it to the database first, it throws the error you mentioned.
You should be able to delete the user, map it to the database and then assign the user to the db_owner role.
First drop your user, then execute the script below:
I had the problem when I was trying to copy a production database to a local test database. In SSMS, I made sure to disconnect from the production server before executing scripts on the local. However, even though I thought I had disconnected, someone pointed out that the title of the production database was still there, and I got errors that objects were already there. The solution was to totally exit from SSMS and start it again, only connecting to the local test database that time.
you can solve problem by expand database ->Security -> Users
and delete the user 'someuser' ,after that go to user mapping and assign.
this problem happen some times because the database user 'someuser' was deleted from 'Logins' in Security section in SSMS and the database still own this user
Create failed for User (Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo)
SQL Server Error User, group, or role already exists in the current database. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 15023)
To fix above error delete user under each database individually

System and database leveled users in Oracle Database

I'm using the Oracle Database EX and I hava a quite simple database created there.
Now the issue is i would like to have multiple users with different privileges set up. I have found that topic: How to create a user in Oracle 11g and grant permissions
but I cannot find anywhere the basic thing about users accounts:
what are the difference between creating system-leveled and particular database-leveled user?
I've logged in sqlplus as SYSTEM and executed the following commands:
and now the problem is that my databse is actually called let's say BASE with one table called PAYMENTS and to give any privileges to a newly created user I cannot execute:
but I have to type in:
so I suppose I missed something. Is it any way of connecting the created user to a particular database? So that the newly created user will be visible as a database user in Oracle APEX?
When referencing objects in other schemas, you must provide the schema name. An other user might have a table with the same name. Currently you are logged in with the system user, which is not advisable. When creating objects in the BASE schema (another name for user in de Oracle DB), why not give the user some extra rights (like granting privileges)?
The core of your problem is that you want to grant privileges to user A on object owned by B, logged in as user C. You have to be very specific in that case to Oracle what privileges are granted to whom ;)
Users and schemas are synonymous in Oracle - basically. A schema is the collection of objects owned by a user.
To get what you want, you would need to create users lacking the privs to create anything and only have the ability to select from the objects of others.

ORA-01031 Insufficient privileges while CREATING a VIEW?

When I try to create a view that including different tables I'm getting the following error:
Error at Line 1:
ORA-01031 Insufficient privileges.
Could anyone tell me what could be the problem. I tried following the another stackoverflow post mentioned here but it's pertaining to
different schemas.
ORA-01031: insufficient privileges when selecting view
Please let me know as I'm new here.
My Query is as follows:
ORiginal Question:Create a view to select employee ID, employee name, hire date, and department number.
Then probably you may not have the privileges to perform the CREATE VIEW command in your database schema... Log in into SYSDBA account and issue the command
GRANT CREATE VIEW TO <dbusername>;
Here <dbusername> should be replaced with the name of the user you want to give access to the CREATE VIEW command.
You can check if your user has VIEW creation privileges using select * from session_privs.
Note that to be able to create a view, the user that is creating it needs to have been granted SELECT privileges on all the objects being used, as well as the mentioned CREATE VIEW privilege. You can also check that by querying to USER_TAB_PRIVS with the user getting the error.
when I wanted to execute the above query in sql developer I faced issues as I did not have enough privileges to create a view or other oracle object schema such as trigger, packages, procedures etc. I found the error to i.e. “Error at Line 1: ORA-01031 Insufficient privileges”. so, I needed the all privileges to practice all these queries and programs. I took the following steps in order to solve my problem:
As I logged in as a user name ‘scott’, so my name is ‘scott’ not ‘Dhruv’. My ambition was to grant all the privileges to me i.e. to the user ‘scott’.
For that, I need to enter in the database as a DBA. Now, question is! How to log in as DBA. For this, I opened command prompt and I logged in the database as sysdba by following the below steps:
a) In window run, I typed cmd to open command prompt. I typed: sqlplus /nolog which means that I logged in without providing required credentials.
b) I authenticated myself for my underlying O/S and entered in database as DBA. For that, I typed in command prompt: connect / as sysdba;
c) I evaluated who is the DBA user in my database if exists. For that I typed: select name from V$database;
d) Here we go after this command. I finally granted myself (scott) to create view in sql developer by typing the command: grant create view to scott;
e) Finally, I granted myself all the privileges by typing: grant all privileges to scott;
Snapshot of command prompt: I have attached.
Finally, I executed and created my view: I have attached
I had this error, and the solution was to grant select WITH GRANT OPTION
to a table from another schema that was included in the view.
At first You need to give the user authentication so you need to know who dba in normal the system give this authentication so make conn system/ *password*
give grand or authentication by put grant create view to *DataBaseUsername*;
make the connection to your user and apply your command
You have to give select any table privilege to the user. Then the view will compile successfully. No need to explicitly grant select to the user to all the objects.

SQL Server 2008 Grant Select Permission

I am having trouble adding a user to a test database I set up on my local machine. I have added the user fine but the user does not have permission to SELECT (Or anything else for that matter) on the database. I have tried gone the the permission tab under the server, the database, and the table (there is only one it is a very simple database just for testing) and selected grant for every single option yet it still does not work. I have also tried doing a Transact-SQL command like:
use testing
and a couple of other combinations that return successfully but I still do not have permission to select data from the table. Any suggestions?
Add the user to the db_datareader role to give the user select access to all of the tables.
Add the user to the public database role and they should be able to SELECT against the database (unless you have changed the public role's permissions).