Encode and decode html to prevent xss in VB - vb.net

I want to prevent xss in my application. I have an text input for which I should be able to accept for example <script>alert(1)</script> but as I save this, if I encode it using : System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(Me.txtUsername.Text)
I will be able to save the encoded version of this string:
how should I show this later on without letting the script be executed?
if I decode it the script will be executed.
I want to later on show this as <script>alert(1)</script>

Just show the text. Don't decode it. Let the browser do that for you.
See also this answer regarding other types of XSS vulnerabilities that html encoding doesn't protect you from: https://stackoverflow.com/a/70222/69527

If your text is not being decoded you may use jQuery


When can I trust my translated content in Vue?

I'd like to verify my understanding of v-html and XSS concerns when using Vue I18n.
We have a few classes of content:
User supplied - user adds text to an input and the data will be display as-is on a page
Translator supplied - a translator using a CMS is adding content to translation files and we then show those values
Engineer supplied - an engineer is adding html to a translation file
#1 is outright untrustworthy
#2 could be trustworthy, but would require review (we will have generated translation files that will get added to a PR for the normal code review & QA process)
#3 is just trustworthy? Is there a difference between an engineer adding html in a template vs a translation file. Or is the mere fact that html could be in a translation file open us up to some sort of exploit?
There is a section on the Vue I18n documentation that says,
...if you configure the tag in a locale message, there is a
possibility of XSS vulnerabilities due to localizing with
Is there an inherent XSS risk when using "Trusted Content" in a client side translation file?
Edit: After thinking about this it becomes dicey real quick. If we allow v-html on a section of translation because we know the say a hyperlink is ok, but we also display something else like company_name there could be bad content in there.
I did a little checking and it looks like Rails handles this differently. Even if a translation is marked as _html, the values supplied are still escaped, just the content itself is allowed to have html.
with name = "<b>Name</b>"
Rails -> foo_html: "hi {name} <u>underlined text</u>"
results in underlined text, but the name is not bold and the displayed content still has <b> around it (it ignores the html inside a supplied argument)
Vue I18n -> with v-html -> foo: "hi {name} <u>underlined text</u>"
the text is underlined, and the name is bolded, which is not safe
You are asking several questions
As long as content from #2 is audited for nefarious content, is it safe to use as raw html?
Yes and no. In theory, if you check every single message, and know the context of every single message, and never have time constraints so people check every single message before each release, you are fine. In practice, people cut corners, or do not know that a particular message will be inserted as html, or do not understand how some string might be malformed html, but get converted by the browser to valid html that is actually nefarious. Someone might get access to your CMS and change a translation string that you didn't expect to be changed. Someone might forge a form submission in your cms if it is not configured right by tricking an employee to visit an url.
Or is the mere fact that html could be in a translation file open us up to some sort of exploit?
v-html is just that. It places html unfiltered in your document.
What is that possibility, how does it work?
v-html with translated strings creates unnecessary risks and extra overhead by requiring a copywriter with extensive technical knowledge to check every single translation message, where instead you could have a copywriter without any technical knowledge do that. The only thing you need to do is use the pattern as outlined in the documentation, which allows anyone to change the translatable bits (which will be escaped), while keeping the html in your source control.

How to access all text from a website, including the a tag?

I'm trying to extract all the article text from the following site:
I tried findAll(text=True) but it extracts lot of useless information.
So I did findAll(text=True, recursive=False) but it ignores text data in certain tags like ? What's the most effective way of extracting the text in this case?
The website seems to be javascript protected. It loads the body content when requests already retrieved the http response. You need to simulate a real page request. With the python module Selenium Webdriver it would be possible.

Add a password to PDF files generated by Phantomjs

I've got some server-side node.js code that generates PDF files on request, using phantomJS, and I'm looking for a way to add password protection to the output.
Sadly I haven't found any mention of such an option in phantom, which makes sense because Chrome doesn't provide that either. Alternately I could run some other tool that would take the PDF created by phantom and add password protection to it, but I can't seem to find any that can do exactly that (add a password to an existing file) and that's completely free to use (preferably, non-GPL).
Will be happy for suggestions on how to approach this task. Thanks!
You can use the node-qpdf package to encrypt and decrypt PDFs. It makes use of qpdf. So first you need to convert HTML -> PDF then PDF -> Password Protected PDF.

Security - Protecting an insert statement from malicious code

I'm building a commenting system. The comment is sent to a stored procedure in SQL.
What is the best way to prevent html, script, or SQL queries to be injected into the table? I want to do this server-side.
For example:
INSERT INTO MyTable (UserID, Comment) VALUES (#UserID, #Comment)
What would be the best way to deal with the comment field and remove any potential HTML, Scripts, or Queries to prevent attacks? Or to drop the insert if it contains certain characters? Eventually I want the user to be able to insert a link though, which would render in on the site as a clickable link...
Just new to this security stuff and obviously it's important.
Thank you so much.
Use parameterised statements (as you appear to be doing) with parameters for all variables and you have nothing to worry about from SQL injection.
HTML and JS injections are a concern to do with the page output phase, not database storage. Trying to do HTML escaping or validation in the database layer will be frustrating and fruitless: it's not the right place to be dealing with those concerns, you'll miss or mis-handle data, and the tools for string manipulation in SQL are weak.
Don't think in terms of detecting “attacks”, because blacklists will always fail. Instead aim to handle all text correctly, and then you'll be secure as a side effect of being accurate. Variable text that you drop into an HTML file needs to be HTML-escaped; variable text that you drop into a JavaScript string literal needs to be JS-escaped.
If you're using standard .NET templates, use the <%: syntax to HTML-escape text. Use that as your output tag instead of <%= and you'll be fine. Similarly, if you're using WebForms, use the controls whose Text property is automatically HTML-escaped. (Unfortunately this is inconsistent.) Where you have to generate markup directly, use HttpUtility.HtmlEncode explicitly.
Encoding for JavaScript string literals is a little trickier. There is HttpUtility.JavaScriptStringEncode, but JS strings commonly live inside HTML <script> blocks (making the </ sequence dangerous where it isn't in native JS), or in HTML inline event handlers (where you would need to JS-encode and then HTML-encode as well). It tends to be a better strategy to encode the data you want to send to JS in the DOM using regular HTML-escaping, for example in a data- attribute or an <input type="hidden">, and have the JS grab the value from the DOM.
If you really have to allow the user to input custom markup, then you'll need to filter it at input time to a small whitelist of approved elements and attributes. Use an existing HTML purifier library.

PHP-JavaScript URL decode-encode

I need to encode an url in javascript and decode it in php.. how can I do this? I tried using encodeURI and encodeURIComponent functions with urldecode in php but it doesnt work...
Encoding URLs in Javascript should work fine with encodeURI(). See here:
Encode URL in JavaScript?
In PHP, if the URL you're reading is being passed through a GET parameter, there's no need to decode it. It's already been done. Otherwise, urldecode() is your answer.
You're gonna need to post more info if you need more help.
