Stuck on installing dependencies with bower (foundation new) - npm

I followed this guide to install foundation on my Windows 8.1 PC.
When I get to Step 16 my cmd prompt gets stuck on "Installing dependencies with bower...".
I have had foundation work on my computer before but I recently had to reformat it. Thanks for any help.

I know this is an old issue but I was having the same problem today using bower to install angular sanitize, and wanted to add my two cents, in case someone has this issue again.
Not sure if this is the best solution but it worked: I added the force flag
bower install --force
you can also try before:
bower cache clean
bower cache list
Also I deleted the libraries that bower had pulled in previously

I spent a lot of time trying to fix this problem... and I have solution! :) I think it's a problem between node.js and npm versions. I noticed that when I have newest node.js I don't have problem with npm ERR! when I start in CMD npm install -g bower and then run foundation new project_name --libsass I notice the "Installing dependencies with bower..." process goes on and on ....
However, when I installed node.js version 0.10.x and create a new Foundation project, the "Installing dependencies with bower..." works properly but I have an npm ERR! (and earlier when typing "npm install -g bower").
If you have node.js version > 0.10.x uninstall it and restart computer.
Install node.js version 0.10.x (I have node-v0.10.9-x86) and restart computer.
Upgrade npm to latest version. Good tutorial how to do it here: in section "Upgrading on Windows" and restart computer.
Check your npm version: open CMD and typing it "npm -v", if you see npm 2.5.1 or later (for future) you successfull updated npm...
Install everything else as-per:
Hope it helps!
I have Windows 64-bit, I installed rubyinstaller-1.9.3-p551, and newest Git version...

I have the same problem and did a Ctrl+C to stop installing dependencies with bower. Then did bower update command while in the directory where my website was and it finished adding all the correct files.

Hello I got the same problem. Try to clear bower cache it solved my problem
bower cache clean
bower cache list
Hope it helped you

I reinstalled bower globally, and it worked.
npm install -g bower

i have the same problem. I'm on windows 8.1 x64. Tried: Cleaning bower cache, added bower to environment path, reinstalled node.js. I didn't found a resolution but you can try this:
Download this starter compass project and unzip it
Copy the files to Your project folder.
In CMD go to your project directory and Run "bower install" to install the latest version of Foundation.
Next run "compass watch".
Now open index.html


Sass does not yet support your current environment: Windows 64-bit with Unsupported runtime (93)

this what VSC terminal show me
Error: Node Sass does not yet support your current environment: Windows 64-bit with Unsupported runtime (93)
For more information on which environments are supported please see:
i tried some solutions in stack overflow:
npm rebuild node-sass
npm uninstall node-sass && npm install node-sass
but does't work with , i saw some people talk about node version if support sass or not,
im using v16.14.0 it's LTS version should that support i guess,
i hope someone can help and THANK YOU
It's almost like it's trying to install the 4.x branch which only supports up to Node 14.
Try installing the 7.0.1 (current latest).
npm i node-sass#7.0.1
I'd recommend going ahead and wiping node_modules prior to installing just to be safe.
If that doesn't work, can you please post the entire output in the comment?
Fix the errors due to node-sass:
1. Remove "sass" and "sass-loader" from package.json
2. rm -rf node_modules
3. npm install
4. npm install sass --save-dev
5. npm install sass-loader --save-dev
The versions of some packages is enforced in package.json. The solution is to re-add them by letting npm to establish their right version for your OS.
I fixed this issue by forcing Visual Studio to use the node version I installed instead of VS installed version of node:
Go to Visual Studio, Tools -> Options, Project and Solutions -> Web Package Management -> External Web Tools, and move the $(PATH) to the second place below .\node_modules\.bin and above $(VSInstalledExternalTools). Restart Visual Studio.
Found this solution here.

npm doesn't uninstall packages

I've been trying to remove some packages that I installed with npm but it doesn't remove them. After running npm uninstall -g package the package is still executable in my terminal and it is still in the path where npm binaries are being installed.
Also, why is npm installing packages in ~/.local/share/npm/bin/ ? It's the first time that I've seem npm installing packages there. I had a problem a few weeks ago when installing some language servers but they weren't executable, turns out I had to add ~/.local/share/npm/bin to my $PATH because that's where npm was installing everything. And now npm doesn't remove any package installed there. I've already look into the npm config (npmrc) but I don't see any option changing the install path. The only environment variable related to npm that I have is to set the user config in ~/.config/npm instead of ~/.npmrc.
I have others machines with the exact same settings and npm it's not installing packages in ~/.local/share/npm/bin/ and I'm able to uninstall packages normally.
Does anyone knows whats wrong with npm ?
npm --version 7.8.0
my config:
Okay I noticed that if I reinstalled the packages that I couldn't remove they went into a different folder /user/bin/ with the node_modules being in /user/lib/node_modules. Before it was in ~/.local/share/npm/lib. Now with the packages were they belong I can't remove them without issues. No idea why those packages were originally installed in a different path.

Cannot get "npm install #feathers/cli -g" to work in the command line

I get this error message when I try installing feathers from npm
npm WARN deprecated nomnom#1.8.1: Package no longer supported. Contact for more info.
npm WARN deprecated babel-preset-es2015#6.24.1: 🙌 Thanks for using Babel: we recommend using babel-preset-env now: please read to update!
As Vasan pointed out in the comments, running
npm install -g #feathersjs/cli
from the command prompt on Windows installs a file feathers.cmd in the folder:
If this folder is not on your PATH, then feathers will not be recognised as an executable - it appears that the global install doesn't add it to the path automatically.
Editing system environment variables to add this folder to your path should make the feathers cli tools available.
Note that after altering your path you may need to restart your terminal for the updated path to be available.
Its very simple, if you have an earlier version installed, uninstall the old feathers-cli using:
npm uninstall feathers-cli -g
Then install #feathersjs/cli and upgrade a project by the following commands:
npm install #feathersjs/cli -g
cd path/to/project
feathers upgrade
I also faced with the installation issue. But got an error: 404 Not Found: babel-messages#^6.23.0. I've solved it when run npm install #feathersjs/cli -g through the windows terminal (cmd). Before that I was running it on bash.
This issue also occurs when installation is ran using Admin credential(Windows 10), reinstall without elevated cmd/powershell credential also solved the problem.

Command invalid: run always ask to create a project

I have a project about 4 months and suddenly the aurelia's CLI commands are not working.
When I try to execute au run --watch I receive a message with options to create a new project under the path.
I have already tried to uninstall and reinstall the aurelia CLI, It's not work.
The last thing I have done was to execute a git clean -xdf
I think that could be something on my project. Someone could help me?
After some attempts I fixed the problem:
1) I reinstall Git and Node;
2) I have deleted all the files under the \AppData\Roaming\npm-cache path;
3) I have checked if the Git and Node were in the PATH of environment variables;
4) I run the npm install command;
Is aurelia-cli included in the devDependencies of the project and also installed globally?
First, install globally:
npm i -g aurelia-cli
Then, in the project directory, install & save to devDependencies:
npm i --save-dev aurelia-cli
You should then be able to run au in the project directory and see that the build and run commands are now available.
Note that you'll also need to install the necessary gulp dependencies required by the tasks in your project devDependencies.
EDIT: See aurelia/cli/issues/485 which confirms that installing aurelia-cli as a local dependency fixes this issue.

Trying to install grunt-cli, but need help to upgrade to lodash#^3.0.0

I was working through the Thinkster Angular/Firebase tutorial and in the installation process I got to the part where I needed to install grunt-cli with this command in the terminal:
npm install -g bower grunt-cli
and got this error:
lodash#<3.0.0 is no longer maintained. Upgrade to lodash#^3.0.0.
How do I upgrade my lodash?
This is probably because of the dependency chain. I guess grunt is still stocking to the older version of lodash. I think you should be fine as long as grunt is supporting it.
You find more info on this at