How to write a structure in kernel space to a file in user space using kernel module? - module

struct stud
char name[10];
int rno;
I want to send the data of structure array s from a kernel module to a file in userspace. One way is to combine the data to form a string and send through copy_to_user() but it'll further require tokenization to separate out the data in userspace.
Plz suggest some effective method.

#Gaurav, go through the below link and decide upon which mechanism to use to transfer data from kernel space to user space or vice-versa.
Hope link helps to solve your problem!.


Send heavy data through protobuf. Custom field

I'm developing the API for the application using protobuf and grpc.
I need to send the data with the arbitrary size. Sometimes it is small, sometimes huge. For example Nympy array. If the size is small I want to send it through protobuf, if the size if huge I want to dump data into file and send the filepath to this file through protobuf.
To do so I've created a following .proto messages:
message NumpyTroughProtobuf {
repeated int32 shape = 1;
repeated float array = 2;
message NumpyTroughfile {
string filepath = 1;
message NumpyTrough {
google.protobuf.Any data = 1;
The logic is simple: If the size is big I use data as NumpyTroughfile or if small data as NumpyTroughProtobuf.
Problem (what I want to avoid):
The mechanism of data transformation is the part of my app.
In the current approach I have to check and covert the data before I create the message NumpyTrough. So I have to add some logic into my application which will care of data check and cast. The same I have to do for any language which I use (for example if I send massages from Python to C++).
What I want to do:
The mechanism of data transformation is the part of customized protobuf.
I want to hide the data transformation. I want that my app to send a pure Numpy array into field. All data transformation should be hided.
So I want that the logic of data transformation be the part of custom Protobuf field, not the part of my application.
Which meant that I would like to create a custom type of the field. I just implement the behavior of this filed (marshal/unmarshal) for any languages which I use. Then I can just directly send Numpy data into this custom field and this field will decide how to proceed: turn the data in into file or via other method, send trough Protobuf and restore on the receiver side.
Somethig like this but it seems this is not a part of protobuf ecosystem.
Protobuf only defines schema.
You can't add logic to a protobuf definition.
Protobug Any represents arbitrary binary data and so -- somewhere -- you'll need to explain to your users what it represents in order that they can ship data in the correct format to your service.
You get to decide how to distribute the processing of the data:
Either partly client-side functionality that performs preprocessing of the data and ships the output (either as structured data using non-Any types or, if still necessary as Any).
Or partly server-side that receives entirely unprocessed client-side data shipped through Any
Or some combination of the two
NOTE You may want to consider shipping the data regardless of size as file references to simplify your implementation. You're correct to bias protobuf to smaller message sizes but, depending on the file size distribution, does it make sense to complicate your implementation with 2 paths?

wxDataViewListCtrl is slow with 100k items from another thread

The requirements:
100k lines
One of the columns is not text - its custom painted with wxDC*.
The items addition is coming from another thread using wxThreadEvent.
Up until now I used wxDataViewListCtrl, but it takes too long to AppendItem 100 thousand time.
wxListCtrl (in virtual mode) does not have the ability to use wxDC* - please correct me if I am wrong.
The only thing I can think of is using wxDataViewCtrl + wxDataViewModel. But I can't understand how to add items.
I looked at the samples (, too complex for me.
I cant understand them.
I looked at the wiki (, also too complex for me.
Can somebody please provide a very simple example of a wxDataViewCtrl + wxDataViewModel with one string column and one wxDC* column.
Thanks in advance.
Per #HajoKirchhoff's request in the comments, I am posting some code:
// This is called from Rust 100k times.
extern "C" void Add_line_to_data_view_list_control(unsigned int index,
const char* date,
const char* sha1) {
wxThreadEvent evt(wxEVT_THREAD, 44);
evt.SetPayload(ViewListLine{index, std::string(date), std::string(sha1)});
wxQueueEvent(g_this, evt.Clone());
void TreeWidget::Add_line_to_data_view_list_control(wxThreadEvent& event) {
ViewListLine view_list_line = event.GetPayload<ViewListLine>();
wxVector<wxVariant> item;
Appending 100k items to a control will always be slow. That's because it requires moving 100k items from your storage to the controls storage. A much better way for this amount of data is to have a "virtual" list control or wxGrid. In both cases the data is not actually transferred to the control. Instead when painting occurs, a callback function will transfer only the data required to paint. So for a 100k list you will only have "activity" for the 20-30 lines that are visible.
With wxListCtrl see, specify the wxLC_VIRTUAL flag, call SetItemCount and then provide/override
Downside: You can only draw items contained in a wxImageList, since the OnGetItemImage return indizes into the list. So you cannot draw arbitrary items using a wxDC. Since the human eye will be overwhelmed with 100k different images anyway, this is usually acceptable. You may have to provide 20/30 different images beforehand, but you'll have a fast, flexible list.
That said, it is possible to override the OnPaint function and use that wxDC to draw anything in the list. But that'll get difficult pretty soon.
So an alternative would be to use wxGrid, create a wxGridTableBase derived class that acts as a bridge between the grid and your actual 100k data and create wxGridCellRenderer derived classes to render the actual data onscreen. The wxGridCellRenderer class will get a wxDC. This will give you more flexibility but is also much more complex than using a virtual wxListCtrl.
The full example of doing what you want will inevitably be relatively complex. But if you decompose in simple parts, it's really not that difficult: you do need to define a custom model, but if your list is flat, this basically just means returning the value of the item at the N-th position, as you can trivially implement all model methods related to the tree structure. An example of such a model, although with multiple columns can be found in the sample, so you just need to simplify it to a one (or two) column version.
Next, you are going to need a custom renderer too, but this is not difficult neither and, again, there is an example of this in the sample too.
If you have any concrete questions, you should ask them, but it's going to be difficult to do much better than what the sample shows and it does already show exactly what you want to do.
Thank you every one who replied!
#Vz.'s words "If you have any concrete questions, you should ask them" got me thinking and I took another look at the samples of wxWidgets. The full code can be found here. Look at the following classes:

How to serialize slice without length using bincode?

I'm using the bincode crate to write a structure into a file. The structure contains a slice with a fixed size. How can I force bincode to write only the slice's content without the slice's length?
#![feature(custom_derive, plugin)]
extern crate serde;
extern crate bincode;
use std::fs::File;
use bincode::serde::serialize_into;
use bincode::SizeLimit;
struct Foo([u8; 16]);
fn main() {
let data = Foo([0; 16]);
let mut writer = File::create("test.bin").unwrap();
serialize_into::<File, Foo>(&mut writer, &data, SizeLimit::Infinite).unwrap();
File 'test.bin' has 24 bytes size instead of 16.
I saw related remark in documentation of bincode, but I did not understand how to use it.
a slice with a fixed size
[u8; 16] is not a slice. It is an array which may be coerced to a slice.
Anyway... I do not believe that you can. The important function appears to be Serializer::serialize_fixed_size_array which is not implemented by the current serializer. That means it defaults to behaving the same as a slice.
Since slices do not have a length known at compile time, they must have their size written when serialized.
If no one else can provide a better suggestion, it's possible that the maintainer could find a way to make this happen. You may want to politely ask the maintainer for this feature or offer to help with the work.
Beyond that, it sounds like you are trying to make the bincode output fit a pre-existing format. That doesn't really make sense; bincode is its own format and had already made various choices and tradeoffs.
If you need to, you could implement your own encoder / decoder (either using serde or not). If you are concerned about file size, you can combine bincode with a compression step as well.

Byte InputRange from file

How to construct easily a raw byte-by-byte InputRange/ForwardRange/RandomAccessRange from a file?
This reads a file in 4096-byte chunks and lazily joins the chunks together into a single ubyte input range.
joiner is from std.algorithm, so you'll have to import it first.
The easiest way to make a raw byte range from a file is to just read it all right into memory:
import std.file;
auto data = cast(ubyte[]) read("filename");
// data is a full-featured random access range of the contents
If the file is too large for that to be reasonable, you could try a memory-mapped file and use the opSlice to get an array off it. Since it is an array, you get full range features, but since it is memory mapped by the operating system, you get lazy reading as you touch the file.
For a simple InputRange, there's LockingTextReader (undocumented) in Phobos, or you could construct one yourself over byChunk or even fgetc, the C function. fgetc would be the easiest to write:
struct FileByByte {
ubyte front;
void popFront() { front = cast(ubyte) fgetc(fp); }
bool empty() { return feof(fp); }
FILE* fp;
this(FILE* fp) { this.fp = fp; popFront(); /* prime it */ }
I haven't actually tested that but i'm pretty sure it'd work. (BTW the file open and close is separate from this because ranges are supposed to be just views into data, not managed containers. You wouldn't want the file closed just because you passed this range into a function.)
This is not a forward nor random access range though. Those are trickier to do on streams without a lot of buffering code and I think that'd be a mistake to try to write - generally, ranges should be cheap, not emulating features the underlying container doesn't natively support.
EDIT: The other answer has a non-buffering way! That's awesome.

How to create a lazy-evaluated range from a file?

The File I/O API in Phobos is relatively easy to use, but right now I feel like it's not very well integrated with D's range interface.
I could create a range delimiting the full contents by reading the entire file into an array:
import std.file;
auto mydata = cast(ubyte[]) read("filename");
processData(mydata); // takes a range of ubytes
But this eager evaluation of the data might be undesired if I only want to retrieve a file's header, for example. The upTo parameter doesn't solve this issue if the file's format assumes a variable-length header or any other element we wish to retrieve. It could even be in the middle of the file, and read forces me to read all of the file up to that point.
But indeed, there are alternatives. readf, readln, byLine and most particularly byChunk let me retrieve pieces of data until I reach the end of the file, or just when I want to stop reading the file.
import std.stdio;
File file("filename");
auto chunkRange = file.byChunk(1000); // a range of ubyte[]s
processData(chunkRange); // oops! not expecting chunks!
But now I have introduced the complexity of dealing with fixed size chunks of data, rather than a continuous range of bytes.
So how can I create a simple input range of bytes from a file that is lazy evaluated, either by characters or by small chunks (to reduce the number of reads)? Can the range in the second example be seamlessly encapsulated in a way that the data can be processed like in the first example?
You can use std.algorithm.joiner:
auto r = File("test.txt").byChunk(4096).joiner();
Note that byChunk reuses the same buffer for each chunk, so you may need to add .map!(chunk => chunk.idup) to lazily copy the chunks to the heap.