SQL - Add Extra Row to Results Set - sql

I have a little SQL task to achieve but to be honest I have no idea how to approach it.
Consider the following table:
**Product ID | Product Name | Product Cat | Price | Amount Sold**
1 | product 1 | cat1 | 0.10 | 1000
2 | product 2 | cat1 | 0.50 | 10
.... | ..... | ...... | ... | ....
500 | ..... | ....... | ... | ....
501 | ...... | ....... | .... | .....
.... | ....... | ...... | ..... | .....
For doing a sales report I have a SQL query which selects all the products, sums all the amount sold fields and calculates the total volume of sales for a product. I'm now asked to do the following:
For a number of certain product ids (f.e. 500, 501) I shall "add a row" to the result set which reads:
**Product ID | Product Name | Product Cat | Price | Amount Sold**
.... | ..... | ...... | ... | ....
500 | ..... | ....... | ... | ....
501 | ...... | ....... | .... | .....
xxx | Sum | ...... | Total | Total
..... | ........ | ........ | ..... | .....
How could I achieve this? Do I have to concat multiple select statements or is there a way with rollups to just group by certrain product ids?
Thanks in advance.

As others in the comments have noted, it makes more sense for this kind of logic to be handled by the reporting solution itself, even if that software is something as simple as excel.
However, if I understand your requirement correctly, you could use a UNION of two SELECT queries;
Something like;
SELECT ProductID, ProductName, ProductCat, Price, AmountSold
FROM YourTable
SELECT 0, 'Sum of 1 & 2', 0, SUM(Price), SUM(AmountSold)
FROM YourTable
WHERE (ProductID = 1 OR ProductID = 2);
This assumes that your sums, etc will match or be convertable to the data types of the original columns. The use of UNION ALL performs better and prevents your new row from being removed in the unlikely event that all it's columns values match an existing row.
I hope this helps.


SQL: How do I combine similar value rows into one, not affecting the rest

Is there a way to merge similar values in the same column and not affect the rest, for example:
I want to sum Amount by Company and ID too.
You cannot get the data you want to display. You will be getting company name being repeated. If you want to dispaly data in the way, where company name is not repeating for subsequent rows, you have to use EXCEL or some other presentation layer tool.
SELECT Company, ID, SUM(Amount)
FROM Table1
| Company | ID | Amount |
| ABC | 001 | 3 |
| ABC | 002 | 3 |
| DEF | 002 | 10 |
| DEF | 003 | 5 |

SQL/Power BI Joins without common column

So I have the following problem:
I have 2 tables, one containing different bids for a product_type, and one containing the price, date etc. to which the product was sold.
The tables look like this:
Table bids:
| Bid_id | Start_time | End_time | Product_type | price |
| 1 | 18.01.2020 06:00:00 | 18.01.2020 06:02:33 | blue | 5 € |
| 2 | 18.01.2020 06:00:07 | 18.01.2020 06:00:43 | blue | 7 € |
| 3 | 18.01.2020 06:01:10 | 19.01.2020 15:03:15 | red | 3 € |
| 4 | 18.01.2020 06:02:20 | 18.01.2020 06:05:44 | blue | 6 € |
| | | | | |
Table sells:
| Sell_id | Sell_time | Product_type | Price |
| 1 | 18.01.2020 06:00:31 | Blue | 6,50 € |
| 2 | 18:01.2020 06:51:03 | Red | 2,50 € |
| | | | |
The sell_id and the bid_id have no relation with each other.
What I want to find out is, what is the maximum bid to the time we sold the product_type. So if we take sell_id 1, it should check, which bids for this specific product_type were active during the sell_time (in this case bid_id 1 and 2) and give back the higher price (in this case bid_id 2).
I tried to solve this problem in Power Bi, however, I was not able to get a solution. I assume, that I have to work with SQL-Joins to solve it.
Is it possible, to join based on criteria instead of matching columns? Something like:
SELECT bids.start_time, bids.end_time, bids.product_type, MAX(bids.price), sells.sell_time, sells.product_type, sells.price
FROM sells
INNER JOIN bids ON bids.start_time<sells.sell_time AND bids.end_time > sells.sell_time;
I am sorry if this question is confusing, I am still new to this sorry. Thanks in advance for ANY help!
Your sample data Sell_time should be 18.01.2020, right? You Can try this code (can be resource-intensive in relation to the amount of data due to Cartesian joins). If you are sure that Sell day is always in Bid Start day, then you can add date column to yours tables and use additional TREATAS(VALUE(bids[day], sells[day])
Test =
VAR __tretasfilter =
TREATAS ( VALUES ( bids[Product_type] ), sells[Product_type] )
[Start_time] <= [Sell_time]
&& [End_time] >= [Sell_time]
"MaxPrice", MAX ( bids[Price] )

Remove row values and convert into single column value

I have a stored procedure returning a table that looks like this:
ID | Type | Price | Description
7 | J | 50.00 | Job
7 | F | 20.00 | Freight
7 | P | 30.00 | Postage
7 | H | 5.00 | Handling
I would like it to return the table like this:
ID | Type | Price | Description | FreightPrice
7 | J | 50.00 | Job | 20.00
7 | P | 30.00 | Postage | 20.00
7 | H | 5.00 | Handling | 20.00
Is there a way that I can use a query such as:
but return the 'Freight' row as a column instead with just the 'Price' value?
From what I have seen it appears that I may need to use the PIVOT operator to achieve this but that seems overly complex. Is there a way that I could achieve this result using a CASE or IF expression?
Based on the data you provided, there is one row having the description value: "Freight". Assuming this is the case, then try:
select ID,Type,Price,Description,
FreightPrice = (select Price
from mytable
where Description = 'Freight')
from mytable
where Description <> 'Freight'
If the Freight row is always moved to the right you can hard code this logic (assuming it's always a single row), as in:
(select price from t where description = 'Freight') as freightprice
from t
where description <> 'Freight'
Note: this query will crash if your table has more than one row for Freight.

Access 2016 & SQL: Totaling two columns, then subtracting them

Say I have a MoneyIN and a MoneyOUT column. I wish to total these entire columns up so I have a sum of each, then I wish to subtract the total of the MoneyOUT column from the total of the MoneyIN column. I also want to display a DateOF column and possibly a description (I think I can do that by myself).
This would be the original database where I get my information from:
| Location ID | Location Address | Date Of | Money In | Money Out |
| 1 | blah | date | 10.00 | 0.00 |
| 2 | blah | date | 2,027.10 | 27.10 |
| 2 | blah | date | 0.00 | 2000.00 |
| 1 | blah | date | 0.00 | 10.00 |
| 3 | blah | date | 5000.00 | 0.00 |
I would like to be able to type in a location ID and then have results show up (in this example I type 2 for the location)
| Date Of | Money In | Money Out | |
| date | 2027.10 | 27.10 | |
| date | 0 | 2000 | |
| Total: | 2027.10 | 2027.10 | 0 |
I have tried other solutions (One of which was pointed out below), however, they don't show the sum of each entire column, they simply subtract MoneyOUT from MoneyIN for each row. As of now, I am trying to do this in a query, but if there is a better way, please elaborate.
I am extremely new to SQL and Access, so please make the explanation understandable for a beginner like me. Thanks so much!
This is a table referred to below.
| Location ID | Date | Money IN | Money Out | Total Sum |
| 1 | date | 300 | 200 | |
| 1 | date | 300 | 200 | |
| 1 | date | 300 | 200 | |
| 1 | total | 900 | 600 | 300 |
The following should give you what you want:
SELECT DateOf, MoneyIn, MoneyOut, '' AS TotalSum FROM YourTable
SELECT 'Total', SUM(MoneyIn) AS SumIn, SUM(MoneyOut) AS SumOut,
SUM(MoneyIn - MoneyOut) AS TotalSum FROM YourTable
You do not need to alter very much to achieve what you want. In order to get Access to prompt for a parameter when running a query, you give a name for the parameter in square brackets; Access will then pop-up a window prompting the user for this value. Also this parameter can be used more than once in the query, without Access prompting for it multiple times. So the following should work for you:
SELECT DateOf, MoneyIn, MoneyOut, '' AS TotalSum
FROM YourTable
WHERE LocationID=[Location ID]
SELECT 'Total', SUM(MoneyIn) AS SumIn, SUM(MoneyOut) AS SumOut,
SUM(MoneyIn - MoneyOut) AS TotalSum FROM YourTable
WHERE LocationID=[Location ID];
However, looking at your table design, I strongly encourage you to change it. You are including the address on every record. If you have three locations, but 100 records, then on average you are unnecessarily repeating each address more than 30 times. The "normal" way to avoid this would be to have a second table, Locations, which would have an ID and an Address field. You then remove address from YourTable, and in its place create a one-to-many relationship between the ID in Locations and the LocationID in YourTable.
It's a little unclear exactly what you expect without sample data, but I think this is what you want:
SELECT DateOf, SUM(MoneyIN) - SUM(MoneyOut)
FROM YourTable
This will subtract the summed total of MoneyOut from MoneyIn at each distinct DateOf
Updated Answer
A UNION will let you append a 'Totals' record to the bottom of your result set:
SELECT CAST(DateOf as varchar(20)) as DateOf, MoneyIn, MoneyOut, '' as NetMoneyIn
FROM YourTable
SELECT 'Total:', SUM(MoneyIn), SUM(MoneyOut), SUM(MoneyIN) - SUM(MoneyOut)
FROM YourTable
) A
ORDER BY CASE WHEN DateOf <> 'Total:' THEN 0 ELSE 1 END, DateOf
Some notes.. I used a derived table to ensure that the 'Total' record is last. Also casted DateOf to a string (assuming it is a date), otherwise you will have issues writing the string 'Total:' to that column.

SQL deleting rows with duplicate dates conditional upon values in two columns

I have data on approx 1000 individuals, where each individual can have multiple rows, with multiple dates and where the columns indicate the program admitted to and a code number.
I need each row to contain a distinct date, so I need to delete the rows of duplicate dates from my table. Where there are multiple rows with the same date, I need to keep the row that has the lowest code number. In the case of more than one row having both the same date and the same lowest code, then I need to keep the row that also has been in program (prog) B. For example;
| 1 | 1996-08-16 | 24 | A |
| 1 | 1997-06-02 | 123 | A |
| 1 | 1997-06-02 | 123 | B |
| 1 | 1997-06-02 | 211 | B |
| 1 | 1997-08-19 | 67 | A |
| 1 | 1997-08-19 | 23 | A |
So my desired output would look like this;
| 1 | 1996-08-16 | 24 | A |
| 1 | 1997-06-02 | 123 | B |
| 1 | 1997-08-19 | 23 | A |
I'm struggling to come up with a solution to this, so any help greatly appreciated!
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 (X64)
The following works with your test data
SELECT ID, date, MIN(code), MAX(prog) FROM table
You can then use the results of this query to create a new table or populate a new table. Or to delete all records not returned by this query.
SQLFiddle http://sqlfiddle.com/#!9/0ebb5/5
You can use min() function: (See the details here)
select ID, DATE, min(CODE), max(PROG)
from table
group by DATE
I assume that your table has a valid primary key. However i would recommend you to take IDas Primary key. Hope this would help you.