Standalone application with Petrel and Ocean - ocean

So I am a n00b with the Petrel platform and Ocean SDK. I want to create a standalone application (not a plugin!) that consumes the Ocean SDK to interact with the Petrel projects. One way, I could think of was to create a plug-in that interacts with the app via IPC but is there any other approach that has absolutely no plugin in it.

Great to see that you are interested in Petrel and Ocean. Developing standalone applications is not permitted under the Ocean Software Development Framework license agreement. All products developed using the framework must be hosted by Petrel, i.e., they must be plug-ins. Let me know if you have any additional questions.

Ocean for Studio API is your solution.
You could develop stand-alone application if you have license to expose your data stored in Petrel Studio. Also, you could call petrel projects function and do something on them.


How to Client Side and Server Side integration of IBM TeaLeaf

I have to implement TeaLeaf analytics for our application so i am doing sample POc for android and iphone environment for hybrids application. Anyone please advice me how can i implement the TeaLeaf stuff in my POC.
Below that activity i did,
create sample app version project and add android/iphone environment
application-descriptor.xml i added IBM teaLeaf SDK
what else i have do? i was searching google and following ibm knowledge center also there is not much clarity for tutorial and how can i test in development environment.
below that link i referred :
If I understand your question correctly, it seems like you're attempting to create a connection between IBM MobileFirst Platform 6.3.0 and IBM Tealeaf. I work on integrations of IBM Tealeaf On-Cloud with client e-commerce platforms and it seems like you might be dealing with IBM Tealeaf On-Premise.
That being said, my understanding of the process for the On-Cloud implementation is that there are a few libraries you need to make sure are being included on pages you'd like Tealeaf to observe:
Tealeaf.js (distributed by IBM)
JQuery, if the page uses it ... also note that if the site uses JQuery, you need to provision from IBM the JQuery flavor of Tealeaf.js instead of the W3C flavor.
Pako.js (again this assumes the On-Cloud version of Tealeaf, as this is a library for compressing data a being sent to IBM cloud-service collectors. In the On-Premise version my understanding is that this data is written to a file that is saved to the local hardware.)
How the libraries are included is something you'd decide when working with the client's server and development team - every organization has their preferences. Generally though they'd be inserted on pages that need to be monitored and the Tealeaf.js config would be edited to specify the endpoint of the collector for the regional data center on which space was provisioned for the client (in the US, either in Dallas or Washington DC.)
As for the On-Premise implementation of Tealeaf, you can jump in to the documentation here:

SMP 3.0 SDK : Agentry Toolkit : How to use Agentry toolkit in your app?

I am new for SAP Mobile Platform (SMP 3.0).
As per my basic research, I came to know that 'Agentry Toolkit' is one of the component of SMP 3.0 SDK. I installed SMP 3.0 SDK.
Can anyone help me to describe what is actually 'Agentry Toolkit' & How to use it in app (Hello World App) ?.
Thanks in advance.
The key thing to remember is that SAP Mobile Platform (SMP) is a server which hosts and manages a variety of mobile application types. The mobile platform has to support a number of 'legacy' technologies e.g. Sybase mobile business objects etc.
SAP acquired a company called Syclo (it has a number of products the most common one is called Work Manager).
The SDK is a set of tools that developers mainly use to develop and deploy mobile applications. It contains a number of SDKs so that developers can integrate with the various mobile "components" that run on the mobile platform.
The Agentry Toolkit is a plugin to Eclipse which allows you to create, edit and modify Agentry applications.
You can of course create an application from scratch and build a "hello world" using this.

Win8 Store App - Automating Sideloading Deployment

I am in a development team which have just about finished developing a system for a client which involves a MVC4 Web, a WCF service platform and a Windows Store App which communicates with the web that the service.
We are running Continuous Integration practices for the Web & Service solutions which include automated deployment to dev, test, acctest and production environments. Building, testing, configuring and deploying to production is one click and five minutes away.
The one huge pitfall that we've had in this project was the fact that we chose to develop the app as a Windows Store App without investigating deployment possibilities which do not involve publishing the application to Windows Store. This is a process called sideloading, and i will not go deep into the technical requirements which Microsoft impends to enable this.
Our client will be using the application on 20~ Surface Pro tablets, and we are investigating into an automated release/deploy process for the application. As of this moment, we are using OneDrive to manage build artifacts and let the customer IT admin download the artifact from there to manually install the app on all clients. In the future, however, it is very possible that the organization who ordered the system will deploy this worldwide and there will be a requirement to deploy the application to hundreds, if not thousands of clients.
We spent entire weeks investigating whether Windows Intune can be a good platform for automated deployment of the application. If an organization installs the Intune platform, it's clients get the Company Portal which is like a private Store, where we could upload the app and updates to it in the future. There was, however, one big minus with the Company Portal - it has NO update management for Store Apps. That is, releasing a new version of our application to the Company Portal does not work like releasing a patch or update of your app to the Windows Store - there's no notification that there is a new version, and the application does not update itself. It's basically a new application that needs to be downloaded and installed after the previous version has been uninstalled.
Has anyone developed Windows Store Line-Of-Business applications which you had to sideload to multiple clients, and if so - which solution did you choose for update/patch management?
I am experiencing the exact same problem. Intune is indeed limited and too complex for many scenarios at the same time. Another option to "deploy" LOB Windows Store apps is described here: This covers the well known powershell deployment which is not very practical.
However, I have found an early stage, unofficial POC project on codeplex which I am currently investigating. You might want to take look at this:

Application framework to develop web and desktop applications?

Recently I was asked by someone if there is such a magic framework that will allow one let's say to design and build once a single library of controls and then use them separately to build web and desktop applications.
Does Google, Microsoft or other company have such a RAD framework and tools?
Depends on how you define a Web App. If you consider RIAs to be Web Apps, then yes...
Microsoft has Silverlight and Adobe has Flex/AIR.
Well, you can always go and look for adobe flex, adobe flash or even microsoft silverlight, which in the next version will support desktop applications as well.
Other types of frameworks currently do not build so well under desktop/web environments.. Take .NET for example, which can be used in so many set of environments, but there are limitations if you want to use it for mobile, web, desktop or XNA, everyone has his own set of tools.
That is mostly resumed in the capability of the desired environment, since you can browse a web page in an iphone, which does not have the same capabilities of a desktop or even laptop PC.
Seva is telling you how this is normally dealt with. MVC is a good start.
The Eclipse foundation offers Rich Client Platform vs Rich Ajax Platform - one allows you to build desktop apps, the other web-based apps, all using SWT concepts. I wouldn't describe it as magical though - the reality is it is much more difficult and I would not recommend RAP.
Adobe has AIR, and Google wants everybody write HTML5+JavaScript. both Chrome and FireFox can run those as standalone apps.
Were such thing to exist, it would produce lousy desktop apps and lousy Web apps. The underlying platforms and ideologies are too different. You'll do better by isolating as much of business logic away as possible, then building two separate clients.
EDIT: assuming that by a "Web app" you mean an HTML-based app, as opposed to something that happens to execute within a browser. For the latter option, you can have Flash, Silverlight, Java Applets, ActiveX controls... And for the vice versa, you can have a desktop app that opens a Web browser control and runs a Web app in it. :)
Microsoft has a Smart Client Factory that has a lot of built-in guidance packages that make development fairly quick and standardized.
It is entirely possible that I misunderstand this question, but if all you need, is the ability to seperate models an business logic into some kind of reusable library, just about any programming platform/language will do.
Java: keep models and business logic in seperate project, compiled to jar
.NET: keep models and business logic in seperate project, compiled to DLL
Python, Ruby, Perl: keep models and business logic in separate directory, and include as module
What are the requirements for the desktop application? On which platforms should it run? If Windows only, .NET seems like an obvious choice, otherwise Python and Qt or Java if you like to Swing.
I also would go for a Webservice and implement as much Business-Logic as possible in the Service. You can then build a very small Clinet in Html/JS, Java, .Net or Whatever.
You should choose that Framework you feel most familiar with.
If you are a .Net-Developer you can develop a WCF-Service (is also great with WP7).
For Java, i would choose Google-App-Engine or the Play-Framework.
And of course you can make a PHP-Webservice, for examble with the Flow-Framework
Check CrossUI RAD tool. It enables developers to rapidly develop and package the exactly same code and UI into Web Apps, Native Desktop Apps(Windows, OS X, Linux and UNIX) as well as Mobile Apps.

Desktop Based Application

What is a better platform/language for developing Windows/desktop based application that can run offline (sometimes)? .NET (C#, ASP) or Java or any other development tool? This application requires to store data into a database(involves some GIS) and later Synch both ways with the main server (SQL/Oracle) during off hours or when initiated by a user or event or when online? ALso the tool/IDE recommended should allow us in the future to migrate this desktop application as a Web based application to the corporate server with less pain or re-work when internet/nw access is available to all of our remote sites/users. Any input/advice is appreciated.
If you are strictly doing Windows desktop application development, C# or VB.NET would be an excellent choice. There is a ton of documentation out there for .NET developers. Although the framework is a free download from Microsoft, any serious work is cumbersome and tedious without the IDE.
If you needed the potential to support your application on multiple operating systems besides Microsoft Windows, then I think it might be worth looking into Java.
For web solutions, in .NET you have ASP.NET, Java you have JSP and Tomcat.
You could try Adobe AIR. It seems like it would serve most of your desktop needs and it should be the easiest to migrate into a web app (Flex).
C#/WPF for desktop with Silverlight, XBAP or even ASP as the online options.
Since you mentioned the desire to web-enable this application at some point I'd look into Silverlight. Out-of-browser capabilities were introduced in Silverlight 3. That means that the app can run directly on the desktop, and the internet connection is optional. However, when the internet connection is available it has built-in support for auto-updating itself.
And now in Silverlight 4 it's possible to run an out-of-browser Silverlight app with elevated trust. Silverlight 4 also finally introduced things like right-click support, clipboard access, full keyboard support in fullscreen mode, etc. So if you're just now starting development, I'd most definitely use version 4.
You'll have to communicate with something like a WCF service for a lot of the database operations. But going with Silverlight should allow you to build something that'll work on the desktop and the web alike without having to manage two systems.
Going web-based after you already developed a desktop application is a really bad idea. There is no reason the desktop application cannot use a internet connection, and be updated from a server.
You could try Delphi. It's a rapid application development tool. Very different, but very quick to use. Well suited to Oracle integration. Data sync is probably going to need to be custom, unless you're using something like Sybase SQL Anywhere.