Install .safariextz from command line - selenium

I am running into an issue with MacOS 10.10 and Safari 8.0 where Selenium driver cannot establish connection with SafariDriver. Details in this thread: To run tests locally, the workaround is to download Selenium 2.44.0, extract the package, and doubleclick on SafariDriver.safariextz to install. However through SSH connection this does not work. I want to install the SafariDriver.safariextz from command line, before each test run. Any clues on how to install the .safariextz file from command line?
Update: Just verified that every time Safari is started from SSH connection (/Applications/ all the extensions are removed (Safari-> Preferences->Extensions is empty).

If you are on the same machine, AppleScript should work:
# this first part might not be needed
osascript -e 'tell application "Safari"
end tell'
osascript -e 'ignoring application responses
tell application "Safari"
open "'"/path/to/SafariDriver.safariextz"'"
end tell
end ignoring
tell application "System Events"
tell process "Safari"
set frontmost to true
repeat until (exists window 1) and subrole of window 1 is "AXDialog" -- wait until the dialog is displayed.
delay 1
end repeat
click button 1 of front window -- install
end tell
end tell'
If that fails, then you might have to enable access for assistive devices and applications by opening System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Privacy > Accessibility and check the applications you want to allow access (Safari, etc...).
More info:
Jacob Salmela also has created a utility to do this from command line:

The following workaround did trick for me:
After the upgrade Safari extensions are part of the keychain, and over SSH the user does not have access to the login keychain. The solution is to grant that access for EACH ssh session.
security -v unlock-keychain -p <password> ~/Library/Keychains/login.keychain
Then opening Safari with the step below should work
For a 'permanent' solution add a build step, to execute shell script as follows:
security unlock-keychain -p <password> ${keychain} &>/dev/null
if [ $? -ne 0 ];then
echo "Cannot open keychain ${keychain}"
exit 1
As explained here


How to create a Linux GUI app short cut for WSL2 on Windows10?

I have properly installed and setup WSL2. It works fine.
I also setup X11 forwarding and X server (VcXsrv). I can launch GUI apps such like konsole or gvim or even google-chrome from a bash shell.
Now I want to launch konsole by simply double clicking a short cut on the desktop without launching the bash command mode terminal. How should I do it?
I tried running this in cmd:
> wsl /usr/bin/konsole
and it reports:
qt.qpa.xcb: could not connect to display
qt.qpa.plugin: Could not load the Qt platform plugin "xcb" in "" even though it was found.
This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.
Available platform plugins are: eglfs, linuxfb, minimal, minimalegl, offscreen, vnc, wayland-egl, wayland, wayland-xcomposite-egl, wayland-xcomposite-glx, xcb.
I'm guessing it is because some X11 forwarding configurations were not properly setup, so I created a as follows:
export DISPLAY=$(cat /etc/resolv.conf | grep nameserver | awk '{print $2; exit;}'):0.0
/usr/bin/konsole &
The first two lines were the X11 settings in my .bashrc, the last line launches konsole.
It works fine under bash environment; but when I ran
from windows cmd environment, it silently quitted without launching the konsole.
I'm out of ideas. What should I do to directly launch konsole or other Linux GUI apps under windows without having to getting into bash?
Thanks in advance.
You are asking about two different command-lines, and while the failures in running them via the wsl command have the same root-cause, the underlying failures are likely slightly different.
In both cases, the wsl <command> invocation results in a non-login, non-interactive shell where the command simply "runs and exits".
Since the shell is non-login/non-interactive, your startup files (such as ~/.bashrc and ~/.bash_profile, among others) are not being processed.
When you run:
wsl /usr/bin/konsole
... the DISPLAY variable is not set, since, as you said, you normally set it in your ~/.bashrc.
Try using:
wsl -e bash -lic "/usr/bin/konsole"
That will force bash to run as a login (-l), interactive (-i) shell. The DISPLAY should be set correctly, and it should run konsole.
Note that the quotes probably aren't necessary in this case, but are useful for delineating the commands you are passing to bash. More complicated command-lines can be passed in via the quotes.
As for:
That's likely a similar problem. You are doing the right thing by setting DISPLAY in your script, but I notice that you aren't using a fully-qualified path it. This would normally work, of course, if your script is in a directory on the $PATH.
But I'm guessing that you might add that directory to the $PATH in your startup config, which means (again) that it isn't being set in this non-login, non-interactive shell.
As before, try:
wsl -e bash -lic ""`
You could also use a fully-qualified path, of course.
And, I'm fairly sure you are going to run into an issue with trying to put konsole in the background via the script. When WSL exits, and the bash shell process ends, the child konsole process will terminate as well.
You could get around this with a nohup in the script, but then you also need to redirect the stderr. It's probably easiest just to move the & from the script itself to the command-line. Change your to:
export DISPLAY=$(cat /etc/resolv.conf | grep nameserver | awk '{print $2; exit;}'):0.0
Then run it with:
wsl -e bash -lic " &"`
Finally, a side note that when and if you can upgrade to Windows 11, it will automatically create Windows Start Menu entries for any Linux GUI app you install that creates a .desktop file. You can manually create .desktop files to have WSL create Start menu items for most applications.
For reference, in Windows 11 it's easier. To run a GUI application without a terminal window popping up, you just need to call wslg.exe instead of wsl.exe.
So, for example:
target: C:\Windows\System32\wslg.exe konsole
start in: C:\WINDOWS\system32
shortcut key: None
comment: Konsole
This tutorial shows how to install VcXsrv and and edit .bashrc to ensure that the "DISPLAY env var is updated on every restart".
DISPLAY env var needs to be dynamic setting.
I've used it successfully with WSL2 on Windows10 Version 21H2 (OS build 19044.2130) to run Chrome, Edge, and thunar. I'm using the Ubuntu 20.04 Linux distro.
To edit .bashrc follow these instructions.

How to keep weblogic running after closing putty window

I’ve started weblogic through putty:
After that server started successfully.
But when I close the putty window, the server stops working
How can I keep weblogic running after I close the putty window?
You will want to use something like the following:
nohup ./ &
Nohup is a unix command, used to start another program, in such a way that it does not terminate when the parent process is terminated.
You can also output it to a file if you'd like:
nohup ./ > admin_server.out &
Simple Steps:
after the login through putty follow the below steps:
Go directory of server where "" this command located.
typed command "screen" press enter (A new Screen will opened)
In the new screen type your run command "./".
Press Ctrl+a then press d(without holding Ctrl) you will return back previous screen)
if like to go again your server log screen typed command "screen -r"

Apple Script / Vagrant

I'm new to apple script, but I'd like to open up Terminal, change the path to where the vagrant up command can be ran and then run a vagrant up. So far I have got to;
tell application "Terminal"
do script "cd desktop/development/vagrant/"
end tell
If I try the following;
tell application "Terminal"
do script "cd desktop/development/vagrant/"
do script "vagrant up"
end tell
This opens up a second terminal and tries to execute the vagrant up from the home location instead of running the command in the terminal window that navigates to desktop/development/vagrant/
My question is; is there a way to either run a follow up command in the original (first) Terminal window or a way to run the cd desktop/development/vagrant vagrant up as one singular command?
Thanks in advance
Found the answer;
tell application "Terminal"
set currentTab to do script ("cd desktop/development/vagrant/")
do script ("vagrant up") in currentTab
end tell

Jenkins & TestNG start browsers

Is it possible to make Jenkins use actual browser instead of headless browser? I a running some tests written in TestNG (using Selenium webdriver). When I run the testng.xml file in Eclipse, the browser starts and the tests run. But when I use Jenkins and run the tests with maven, it doesn't start any browsers.
If your jenkins is hosted in a Windows machine, there are some special configurations you should know about services that are allow to use the interface.
By the way, the easiest way to see the browsers running is starting jenkins using the command line:
java -jar jenkins.war
In linux you could use the same command or use xvfb plugin to run browsers in background.
Hope helps
In addition to this, the main reason for not launching the browser is JNLP (java network launch protocol) , when we execute the war we can interact with the desktop applications.
Using Selenium Grid will allow you to execute the test on Jenkins but open the browser on a remote slave.
To achieve this you need to create an instance RemoteWebdriver than ChromeDriver, IEDriver etc I
For linux. If jenkins is running as a daemon, you could specify active display to connect to and run your browser on it. Check what display you could connect to:
ps e | grep -Po " DISPLAY=[\.0-9A-Za-z:]* " | sort -u
My output is:
Then go to your jenkins project -> Configure -> Build and add the next string above your main build configuration through "Add build step -> Execute shell"
/bin/bash -c "export DISPLAY=:10"
Edited: I've encountered the issue again recently. To resolve it:
I've given for the jenkins' user ability to interact with the desktop of my current user:
xhost +si:localuser:jenkins
so if I connect to my linux system through ssh using jenkins' user credentials, export display of my current user (export DISPLAY=:10) and run, for example google-chrome or firefox inside of putty's terminal, they are launching on my current user's desktop.
After this I've checked If I could start "mvn test" command inside of workspace/MyTests folder from my putty so it will start browser and execute tests.
At the end I've created simple script in the root of my current user:
vi ~/
xhost +si:localuser:jenkins
and added it to my Xfce4 GUI: Application -> Settings -> Session and Startup -> Application Autostart, specifying command field as:
sh -c $HOME/
It's because of this script should work only when desktop is loaded to share my current user's display with jenkins' user. After reboot and connecting to this server through RDC desktop loads with xhost command applied. And after this jenkins could interract with desktop even when I close the RDP connection but leaving current user's session alive.
I've removed Build step in my jenkins' project configuration that was stated "Invoke top-level Maven targets". It could not start my browsers.
I've changed my "Add build step -> Execute shell" to:
export DISPLAY=:10
cd /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/MyTests
mvn test
I've tried grid also, turning selenium-server-standalone -hub and -node into daemons. But it was slower than launching browsers with WebDriver in the such way.

applescript utility problems/bash/ process detection

I made a small automator app to help me launch and end apache ( another for mysql), so that I don't have to go to the terminal and do it ( yes I'm that lazy).
now here is the applescript I use for it:
on run {input, parameters}
set apache2state to (do shell script "/bin/ps -arx |/usr/bin/grep apache2 |wc -l")
repeat until apache2state does not start with " "
set apache2state to text 2 thru -1 of apache2state
end repeat
if apache2state is equal to "3" then
do shell script "/opt/local/bin/port load apache2" with administrator privileges
do shell script "/opt/local/bin/port unload apache2" with administrator privileges
end if
end run
Now this works, except for the fact that I'm actually comparing to integer values that are relative to the number of processes that apache is running.. so it's not really reliable.
Is there a better way to test if apache (and mysql, I have another script just the same) is running. Problem is that when they are shut off the shell command will return an integer value just the same ( and not just a 1 for the grep process..)
EDITED to specify thatthe solution up here worked badly because the grep would return any instance of the apache threads and any other process that said apache ( like tail -r /var/log/apache2/error.log for instance).
The running state of a service can be tested with the following command:
/sbin/service --test-if-configured-on "org.apache.httpd"
This however might not work for services installed with MacPorts.
Also see the answer to the this question.
Since the command service is deprecated under Snow Leopard, you can alternatively use launchctl to obtain the running state of a service. The command can be invoked from AppleScript in the following way:
do shell script "/bin/launchctl list | grep -q org.apache.httpd" with administrator privileges
set apache2Running to true
on error
set apache2Running to false
end try