Different test results from Instrument and command line - ios-ui-automation

I have a automated test script written in UIAutomation. If I run it from the Instrument, all tests are passed. If I run it from the command line, one of the test case will fail and result in the termination of test script running.
The failing test case is about triggering a UIAActivityIndictor and then show an Alert window.
I did some search online, and people are saying that the command line is faster than the Instrument. Sometimes, you need to make sure the UIAElement is valid. However, in my case, at that test case, it seems the command line lost the UIAElements hierarchy of the app. The result of logElementTree is only the target and the app, no window at all. And the UI seems frozen.
Any suggestions would be helpful.

I faced with similar issues. When UI is completely frozen it means that application has been put in infinite loop. In my case NSLog with huge output was the cause. To check that:
1) put really big sleep at some point in your script
2) run the script
3) attach xcode to the app: debug->attach to a process->your app's process
4) wait until freeze happen. Make sure of it manually
5) in xcode press pause execution
6) now you can see in stacktrace where the app is hanging


How can an uncalled test affect another in Go?

I have a test function TestJobqueue() in https://github.com/VertebrateResequencing/wr/blob/develop/jobqueue/jobqueue_test.go that I can call in isolation: go test -tags netgo ./jobqueue -v -run 'TestJobqueue$'.
I recently started getting test failures related to boltdb (one of my dependencies) bombing out with signal SIGBUS: bus error code panics, or just normally failing tests because the database couldn't be opened. But only when working off an NFS mounted directory. Fair enough, I or boltdb have some kind of NFS-related bug.
But the thing I can't wrap my head around is that I only get these errors when an entirely different test function exists.
As per the comments in TestREST() in https://github.com/VertebrateResequencing/wr/blob/92fb61ccd7819c8f1edfa8cce8468c4250d40ea7/jobqueue/rest_test.go, if I call Serve(serverConfig) (a function in the package being tested, a function call which is made many times in TestJobqueue() and other test functions) in that test function, TestJobqueue() fails. If I don't, it doesn't.
In short, the failure of tests in one test function can be controlled by the value of a boolean in a test function that I'm not running.
How is this possible?
Edit: to address some points brought up by the first answer, TestJobqueue() is being run in isolation. No other test runs before or after it. If the database file already exists, Serve() results in those files being deleted first, then a new one created to run the new set of tests. The odd thing that I'm seeking an answer for is how an unexecuted function can have this side effect. I can demonstrate it is really unexecuted by beginning or ending TestREST() with a panic call: the output of that panic is never seen, but TestJobqueue() failure can still be controlled by the boolean in TestREST() (if the panic comes at the end).
Edit2: this turns out to be caused by an unusual thing I do in TestJobqueue(), which is to call go test on itself. Needless to say, if you do this, strange things can happen...
In short, the failure of tests in one test function can be controlled by the value of a boolean in a test function that I'm not running.
This is not a great summary. Your test starts a server. The other test starts a server, clearly, the problem is there. You appear to have commented out the bit of code that stops the server at the end of the test? You can't run two servers on the same port.
You probably have a port conflict or some network condition that is triggered by running the two servers at once, because they both appear to use a similar (identical?) config loaded like this:
config := internal.ConfigLoad("development", true)
Running with no config uses default values, avoiding the conflict, running with config causes the conflict. So to pin it down, try creating a config with one setting at a time till you find the config setting that causes the problem (most likely Port or WebPort). Alternatively, make sure the tests stop the server at the end.
[EDIT] Looks like you have narrowed it down to DBFile config setting by changing one at a time. This implies the server starts a new db instance - if both try to use the same file for a new db, this would cause contention and the second test to run would fail.
It's not entirely clear from your description above what you're doing or what the problem is, so you could try to improve that to state exactly the sequence of actions and the problem. If for example you have previously run a test which creates a db, it could affect later test runs because of the presence of a db file, so your tests are not completely independent.
[EDIT 2 - after further edits to question]
If commenting out TestREST completely solves your problem (or a panic before it starts), and given changing it breaks the other test, you are executing TestREST somehow.
Looking at your code for jobqueue_test, it appears to invoke go test so you might be running more tests that you assume? Given you don't see the panic output I'd suspect your use of exec.Command in this big test. Try removing bits of the failing test till it works to narrow down exactly which invocation is running the other test. Calling go test within a test is pretty unusual!

How allow only one python code process to run if same is executed at the same time

if I have two or more running python console applications at the same time of same application, but executed several times by hand or any other way.
Is there any method from python code itself to stop all extra processes, close console window and keep running only one
The solution I would use would be to have a lockfile created in the tmp directory.
The first instance would start, check for the existence of the file, create the file since it is not there, then run; the following instances will start, check for the existence of the file, then quit since it's there. The original instance would remove the lockfile as its last instruction. NOTE: If the app runs into an error and does not execute the instruction to remove the lockfile, you would need to manually remove it else the app will always see the file.
I've seen on other threads that some suggest using the ps command and look for your app's name, which would work; however, if your app will ever run on Windows, you would need to use tasklist.

Application going down

I am trying to run a selenium script and the application also runs fine. But in some case all a sudden application goes down and this can happens at any stage of run the script.
So how to handle this because if Application goes down An Error page opens up and in script i may be trying to click a button or verifying something which doesn't happen and throws a exception.
Looks like its an application issue. You need to report the issue. Also it looks like you need to improve your infrastructure so that your application can run smoothly.
No recommaned: If you need to test it anyway, please add Thread.sleep(2000) after click() to make script execution slow.

How to close/stop a .NET application and re-execute it?

My application updates(running a vba script) an excel shared workbook, and since it is shared, there shouldn't be problems when someone else is using the same file at the same time. But for some reason, sometimes it simply freezes, without any error message, just freezes.
Is there a way to programatically make the application stops/closes automatically when frozen or after some minutes(In normal conditions, this updating process shouldn't take more than 1 minute)?
And, if possible, re-launch the app again automatically after some minutes for at least 5 attempts?
This way would ensure process completes succesfully.
I have had to do this same thing before but because I had an application that would look for updates to it's self on the network and then update it locally. Problem is, you cannot update the exe that is running.
What I did to get around it is to create another program that would wait a second, update the exe, then run the exe again.
Because I did this with a few different apps, I made my "Updater" generic so I could send some command line parameters and it would use those to copy and run.
If you want to try something else, you might be able to accomplish this same thing by creating a BAT file and running it. I'm not real good on BAT files so I can't help you there. But, it is another way to handle it.

Start seleniumRC from Fitnesse

I'm trying to integrate running Fitnesse tests from MSBuild im my nightly build on TFS.
In an attempt to make it self contained I would like to start the seleniumRC server only when it's needed from fitness.
I've seen that there is a "Command Line Fixture" but it's written in java can I use that?
I think you might be able to. You can call any process easily in MSBuild using the task. However, the problem with doing this is that the exec task will wait for the Selinium process to finish before continuing, which is not the bahaviour you want. You want to run the process, keep it running during your build and then tear it down as your build finishes.
Therefore, I think you are probably going to need to create a custom MSBuild task to do this. See the following post for an example of a tasks that someone has created that will run asynchronously returning control back to the build script:
And for an example of calling a Java program from MSBuild (but in this case synchronously) take a look at my task that calls Ant from MSBuild here
As part of your MSBuild task, you will want to output the process id that you created to an output property so that at the end of your build script you can call another custom MSBuild task that kills the process. It can do this by looking for the process id passed in as a variable in MSBuild and then call Process.Kill method i.e.
Process process = Process.GetProcessById(ProcessId);
That said, you would need to be careful to ensure that your kill task was always executed in MSBuild by making sure it was included during error paths etc in the build. You could probably make things a bit more resilient by making the selenium RC starter task look for other seleniumRC processes and killing them before starting a new one - that way if a process didn't get closed properly for some reason, it would only run until the next build.
Anyway - my answer sounds like a lot of work so hopefully someone else will come up with an easier way. You might be able to create the seleniumRC process in the test suite start up of the FitNesse tests and kill it in the suite tear down, or you might be able to write a custom task that extends your FitNesse runner tasks and fires up seleiniumRC asynronously before running the test process and then kills it afterwards.
Good luck,
Thanks for your replies!
This is how I've done so far.
I made a fit fixture (very simple) that starts a process with the supplied command line, in my case startSelenium.bat. The fixture returns the ProcessID so I can store that in my fitnesse context and close that session later.
I can now make a SuiteSetUp page in my fitnesse test that looks like this.
and a SuiteTearDown like this
That works for me. No selenium RC starts by request from my fitnesse test.
What about writing a simple .NET app that does a Process.Start("selenumRC commandline") which gets run by your build script?
If you aren't too far down the Selenium route; might I suggest that you look at similar .NET browser automation tools; specifically WatiN or ArtOfTest. The "stacks" in these are completely .NET, so getting them running on different machines is much easier.