Opposite of UNION SQL Query - sql

I have 2 tables :
interests (storing the interest ID and name)
person_interests(storing the person_id and interest_id)
How do I select all the interests that a particular person has not selected?
I have tried the following SQL Query and am still not getting the desired result
FROM interests LEFT JOIN person_interests
ON interests.id=person_interests.person_id
WHERE person_interests.id IS NULL
AND person_id=66;

FROM interests
SELECT person_interests.interest_id
FROM person_interests
WHERE person_id = 66
AND interests.id = person_interests.interest_id

SELECT * from interests
WHERE interest_id NOT IN
(SELECT interest_id FROM person_interests WHERE person_id=66)

There are a couple things going on.
First, I think you have an error in your join. Shouldn't it be interests.id=person_interests.interest_id instead of interests.id=person_interests.person_id?
That aside, I still don't think you would be getting the desired result because your person_id filter is on the RIGHT side of your LEFT OUTER join, thus turning it back into an inner join. There are several ways to solve this. Here's what I would probably do:
(SELECT interests.*, person_id
FROM interests LEFT JOIN person_interests
ON interests.id=person_interests.interest_id
WHERE person_interests.id IS NULL )
WHERE person_id=66;


Joining 2 tables using the select value from the result of a CASE

I have 1 table where I have to show the value of 1 ID if another ID is null.
The result of that CASE I then need to use to join with a second table that has the same ID as pid.
I'm stuck and can't quite figure this out. Can someone assist in helping me correct this so it works?
My query is below:
fa.name, fa.email_address,
WHEN pl.main_ID IS NULL THEN pl.sub_ID
ELSE pl.main_ID
END as pid ,pl.*
FROM TableA pl
INNER JOIN TableB fa ON fa.parent_account_sid = pl.pid
Use a lateral join (i.e. apply):
SELECT fa.name, fa.email_address, v.pid, pl.*
(VALUES (COALESCE(pl.main_ID, pl.sub_ID)) v(pid) JOIN
TableB fa
ON fa.parent_account_sid = v.pid;
Of course, you might find the COALESCE() to be simple enough that just repeating it isn't an issue.

Comparing two sum function in where clause

I want to check that an amount of likes the users received in all their personal pictures is at least twice as large as the number of likes received in the group pictures in which they are tagged.
In case the user is not tagged in any group photo but is tagged in a personal picture that has received at least one like, it will be returned.
My Question is:
How can I make a comparison between 2 sum functions
Where one result of the sum is returned in the nested query and compared with the external query.
Can I set an auxiliary variable to enter the sum value in it and compare it?
Thanks for the helpers:)
Select distinct UIP.userID
From tblUserInPersonalPic UIP
where **sum(UIP.numOfLikes) over (Partition by UIP.userID)*0.5** >
(Select distinct U.userID, sum(P.numOfLikes) over (Partition by U.userID)
From tblgroupPictures P left outer join
tblUserInGroupPic U On P.picNum=U.picNum
group by U.userID,P.numOfLikes,P.picNum)
It's kinda hard to know for sure, and of course I can't test my answer,
but I think you can do it with a couple of left joins, group by and having:
SELECT Personal.UserId
FROM tblUserInPersonalPic Personal
LEFT JOIN tblUserInGroupPic UserInGroup ON Personal.userID = UserInGroup.UesrId
LEFT JOIM tblgroupPictures GroupPictures ON UserInGroup.picNum = GroupPictures.picNum
GROUP BY Personal.userID
HAVING SUM(GroupPictures.numOfLikes) * 2 < SUM(Personal.numOfLikes)
Please note: When posting sql questions it's always best to provide sample data as DDL + DML (Create table + insert into statements) and desired results, so that who ever answers you can test the answer before posting it.
Try using two ctes..pseudo code.Also note distinct in second query will not even work,since you are returning two columns,so i changed it it below,so that you can get that column as well
;with tbl1
select a,sum(col1) as summ
select userid,sum(Anothersmcol) as sum2
from tbl2
select tbl1.columns,tbl2.columns
tbl1 t1
tbl2 t2
on t1.sumcol>t2.sumcol
You can't use window functions in a where clause. Define it in a subquery:
select *
from (
select sum(...) over (...) as Sum1
, OtherColumn
from YourTable
) sub
where Sum1 < (...your subquery...)

Join and compare 2 queries of 2 tables

This is probably a quite trivial question for many here but I am not used to write sub queries and joins, so I hope someone want to help.
I have two tables: new_road and old_roads.
These two queries sum up the length of the roads belonging to a specific road number.
SELECT new_road.nummer, SUM(new_road.length) FROM road_table.road GROUP BY new_road.nummer
SELECT old_road.nummer, SUM(ST_length(old_road.geom)) FROM old_road_table.old_road GROUP BY old_road.nummer
I wish to have a result table where these two queries are joined so I can compare the new and old summed length for each road number.
old.nummer old.length new.nummer new.lenght
2345 10.3 2345 10.5
2346 578.2 2346 600
2347 54.2 NULL NULL
NULL NULL 2546 32.2
I think some version of an outer join is needed because there will be a road numbers in the old_road table that does not exist in the new.road table and i would like to see them too.
Appreciate any advice
After advice from below did I came up with this:
(SELECT new_road.nummer, SUM(new_road.length) FROM road_table.road GROUP BY new_road.nummer) new_table
(SELECT old_road.nummer, SUM(ST_length(old_road.geom)) FROM old_road_table.old_road GROUP BY old_road.nummer) old_table
ON new_road.nummer = old_road.nummer
But each time I run it I get missing FROM-clause entry. When I run each sub query individually they work. I have crosschecked with the documentation and it look OK to me, but clearly I am missing something here.
Consider using a FULL OUTER JOIN
This is not the exact output you requested but you don't need to display the nummer twice.
SELECT new_road.nummer
,SUM(new_road.length) length
FROM road_table.road
GROUP BY new_road.nummer
) new_road
SELECT old_road.nummer
FROM old_road_table.old_road
GROUP BY old_road.nummer
) old_road ON
old_road.nummer = new_road.nummer
Following query should solve the purpose. I didn't run it but the basic idea is result of a query on a table is another table on which you can query again.
Select * FROM (SELECT new_road.nummer, SUM(new_road.length) FROM road_table.road GROUP BY new_road.nummer) table1 JOIN (SELECT old_road.nummer, SUM(ST_length(old_road.geom)) FROM old_road_table.old_road GROUP BY old_road.nummer) table2 ON table1.new_road.nummer = table2.old_road.nummer
The tricky bit here is that you want to make sure you include all of the keys from both lists. My favorite way to do this kind of thing is:
select * from (
SELECT distinct new_road.nummer as nummer from road_table.road
SELECT distinct old_road.nummer as nummer FROM old_road_table.old_road
) allkeys
left join
SELECT new_road.nummer as nummer, SUM(new_road.length) as nlen
FROM road_table.road GROUP BY new_road.nummer
) n
on allkeys.nummer = n.nummer
left join
SELECT old_road.nummer as nummer, SUM(ST_length(old_road.geom)) as olen
FROM old_road_table.old_road GROUP BY old_road.nummer
) o
on allkeys.nummer = o.nummer
The first subquery builds a list of all keys, then you join to both of your queries from there. There's nothing wrong with an outer join, but I find this easier to manage if you have to include 3 or more tables. If you had to include another table it would just be one more union in allkeys and one more left join to that table.

Select Combination of columns from Table A not in Table B

I have two sets of table with all the contacts on an Account their titles and etc. For data migration purposes I need to select All ContactsIds with their AccountID from Table A that do not exist in TableB. Its the combination of both the ContactId and the AccountID. I have tried the following:
Select * from Final_Combined_Result wfcr
WHERE NOT EXISTS (Select Contact_ID, Account_ID from Temp_WFCR)
I know this is completely off, but I have looked at a couple of other questions on here but was unable to find an appropriate solution.
I have also tried this:
Select * from Final_Combined_Result wfcr
(Select Contact_ID, Account_ID from Temp_WFCR as tc
where tc.Account_ID=wfcr.Account_InternalID
AND tc.Account_ID=wfcr.Contact_InternalID)
This seems to be correct but I would like to make sure.
Select wfcr.ContactsId, wfcr.AccountID
from Final_Combined_Result wfcr
left join Temp_WFCR t_wfcr ON t_wfcr.ContactsIds = wfcr.ContactsId
AND t_wfcr.AccountID = wfcr.AccountID
WHERE t_wfcr.AccountID is null
See this great explanation of joins
#juergend's answer shows the left join.
Using a not exists you join in the subselect, it would look like this:
Select wfcr.*
Final_Combined_Result wfcr
(Select 1 --select values dont matter here, only the join restricts.
Temp_WFCR t
where t.Contact_ID = wfcr.Contact_InternalID
and t.account_id = wfcr.Account_InternalID

SQL IN query from multiple tables

SELECT DISTINCT addresses.email FROM addresses
WHERE addresses.user_id IN (SELECT user_group.id_user_groups FROM user_group
WHERE id_group_groups IN (SELECT news_group.groupid_newsg FROM news_group
WHERE newsid_news_good=1))
The above mentioned SQL query is not executing! It gets hanged until I stop the query. I have tried SQL operator "UNION" after first SELECT statement, but it displays all the email addresses which does not belong to a group. I want to select only those email addresses of the users who belong to "id_group_groups =5" (pls see the query below ) and are subscribed to "newsid_news_good=1".
The following query runs perfectly fine:
SELECT DISTINCT addresses.email FROM addresses
WHERE addresses.user_id IN (SELECT user_group.id_user_groups FROM user_group
WHERE id_group_groups =5 )
Does anybody have an idea what is the problem with the first query? Help will be strongly appreciated!
I think the sub selects complicate your problem. If I understand it right, it would be easier to solver your problem using joins instead of sub selects.
Try out something like this:
SELECT DISTINCT addresses.email
FROM addresses
JOIN user_group
ON user_group.id_user_groups = adresses.USER_ID
JOIN news_group
ON news_group.groupid_newsg = user_group.id_group_groups
WHERE newsid_news_good = 1
SELECT DISTINCT addresses.email FROM addresses
SELECT user_group.id_user_groups FROM user_group
INNER JOIN news_group
ON news_group.groupid_newsg = id_group_groups
WHERE newsid_news_good=1
ON user_group.id_user_groups = addresses.user_id
You want to use joins. The subqueries you are using are most likely the cause of your performance woes.
FROM addresses a
INNER JOIN user_group u ON u.id_user_groups AND u.id_group_groups = 5
INNER JOIN news_group n ON n.groupid_newsg = u.id_group_groups AND n.newsid_news_good = 1
I'm going to guess that you are using MySQL, because it does a really poor job of executing subqueries in unions. The canonical way to fix this is to change them to exists with correlated subqueries:
FROM addresses a
where exists (select 1
from user_group ug
where ug.id_user_groups = a.user_id and
exists (select 1
from news_group ng
where ng.newsid_news_good = 1 and
ng.groupid_news = ug.id_group_groups
This solution works in all databases, of course; it is much more efficient in MySQL. Assuming email is not repeated in the addresses table, then you can drop the outer distinct.
The alternatives with join are also feasible. However they require the distinct.