Parse login with phone number (no password) - authentication

Using, I want my users to login only with their phone number, just like WhatsApp.
Enter your phone number, get a verification code by SMS, enter the code - you are logged in and stay logged-in!
I can see how I can use Twilio to send a verification code.
My problem is how to tie it in with the Parse authentication framework.
When to use signUp vs login?
What is the password?
What to do the second time the app is launched?
What to do when the application is re-installed?

I don't think you should use the predefined Signup and login classes provided by parse as they do not allow you to create a user without a password,
Nor should you use the Anonymous Users as the data will be lost once the user sign out/uninstall.
For Signup, Use another object to store the numbers , Implement a onSave hook in cloud code to ensure that all the username"phone nos" are unique during Signing in.
For each device, perform an OPT(one time password) to the phone of the user by using the installation class's id
Perform a query and load the data connected to the number during Login
To keep the user logged in , use the local data store , pin a Boolean variable that indicates the status of a user, either logged in or out.
In the parse DB , You can use the phone num as the link to the other data of the user.
In this way, no password , only OTP

You will need to store something on the user settings/profile to pin that user, I do not recommend using a boolean but rather something that ties that device with the user so that if someone decides to copy that file and paste it into a rooted phone you will be able to determine if the app install corresponds to that user.
I would recommend using the a unique token to create a password for a user in - you can use the token that RingCaptcha generates for this, ensuring it will never collide with other users and that every phone number will only be able to verify one time for each device. RC is a new service that helps you onboard verified users into your apps in seconds via SMS. Integration is a breeze with all the available plugins for web, APIs, and SDKs of all flavours.
[Disclaimer: I'm part of the team behind RingCaptcha]


Is there a way to save data from users without registration in Flutter?

I am currently building a Flutter app which lets users do personality tests, and until now I planned to do it without forcing users to register an account via Firebase (as this is annoying for many users).
Problem I am facing now is that I need the results from the tests from the users, so that I can tell the users in the result section how these results are compared to the average of all people who have done the test.
If a user would now register, the test results would be saved locally on the device. Will it then still be possible to save the test results in a online database?
If you don't want to force users to sign in but still need to differentiate between them, you can use Firebase Anonymous Authentication which will create a user account in Firebase and return a UID similar to any other auth method. A new anonymous authentication can be created by using signInAnonymously() method:
UserCredential userCredential = await FirebaseAuth.instance.signInAnonymously();
As you get a unique UID for each user, you can then store data in database itself instead of storing locally. If the user proceeds with registration, you can convert this anonymous account to a permanent account using linkWithCredential method. The UID of user remains the same.
Do note that if the user logs out of the anonymous account, then there is no way to retrieve that same anonymous account back.

Login with phone number feature

Currently I am working on feature login with phone number, user will enter their phone number and server will send sms which contain OTP.
I have researched many days for the solution to integrate with Keycloak but still stuck on it. I saw that we need to use authenticator SPI, extend keycloak and implement code which we want.
I also have thought about using other third party to handle sms and otp stuff ( like Firebase) and then will use firebase token to exchange keycloak token but firebase is not supported provider in Keycloak therefore can't do this flow
I just want to ask is there any other ways to do this feature without extend Keycloak? or simply can we get keycloak token via API but without password
I can imagine small solutions around keycloak, which together can get what you want. Will try to explain :)
Imagine phone number is user login in keycloak.
Imagine password is system generated, like encoded phone number + salt; basically hash algorithm know what the password is, user don't.
You use third party library, which verify user mobile number and text message user enters, and it works.
You create system-user in keycloak, keep password encoded in, assign him some admin roles like create user, query user, something else you need to manage users.
And now, workflow is:
User enter mobile number 123, sms getting send
User verify sms,
you know user number 123, you generate password
hash1(hash2(123+salt)) (see point 2)
Using system-user you login to keycloak, get accessToken for system-user
using accessToken check if user exist, if not, create user 123 with password hash(..), assign default roles, groups
logout from system-user
login with user 123 and password hash(..), load user accessToken, build User Profile, put in to SecurityContextHolder.getContext()
If you make all small bits working, should work all together.
or just ignore me if I am wrong! Good luck !

Can I make Mobile Hub user sign up without Username field?

I try to implement sign up AWS Mobile Hub process in an iOS app. I chose "How are your users going to login?" only email option. But the test app (downloaded from 'Integration Steps' page after User pool creation) have required Username field on a sign-up and log-in screens.
Can I implement this flow with user email and password fields only?
It should be possible, though you might have to autogenerate a fake username on the first sign up. You should make sure email is then passed in as an attribute and is set as an alias for the pool.
One possible sticking point: if email and phone are both given to be confirmed, phone overrides email. In that case, you'd have to ensure manually that emails are confirmed.

External Login Account vs. Native Login Account

I am brand new to Visual Studio 2012 and MVC 4, and I've been working with the SimpleMembershipProvider via the WebMatrix.WebData library.
I'd like to integrate Facebook as an external login source down the road, but it's not a requirement as of right now. However, to get a decent feel for what it would take, I've been following the tutorial and guide found here -
My question :
If a user has already been created using :
WebSecurity.CreateUserAndAccount(model.Email, model.Password);
WebSecurity.Login(model.Email, model.Password);
Can they be "upgraded" to an oAuthMemebership account in the future, if they choose to use their Facebook credentials instead of the email and password they created when first signing up?
I couldn't find a clear answer to this question in the guide, or elsewhere, so I'm hoping someone can clarify how that process may work.
The SimpleMembership setup allows for a local and multiple OAuth logins all sharing the same UserProfile - so a single user can login with either a local password, or FacebOogLiveWitter.
(I should state, that I'm assuming in this answer that the OAuth provider does not send back a matching piece of information for a local account. If they do then the principles of actually performing the merge are the same, but the complexity and steps are vastly reduced.)
The OAuth registration process will refuse the user if they use an existing user name, rather than try and merge two accounts. Therefore this isn't simple, you'll have to build the functionality yourself. The process is complex as there are many directions the user can approach this from (so you could simplify by only supporting one or two), and you need to enforce security as well in case someone tries to merge into an account they don't own.
I will assume you are comfortable with the link you've posted, and you've followed the Facebook help at (for example) Facebook Login and The Login Flow for Web (without JavaScript SDK) so you have a working test application.
Your general process has to have multiple user journey approaches to make sense to a user:
for a logged in user (with a local account)
let them login to facebook and associate the accounts
let them merge an existing account on your site which uses a facebook login
for a logged-in user (with a facebook account)
let them create a local account
let them merge an existing local account on your site
for a non logged in user who tries to register a local account
let them merge this new account with a facebook login that is already registered, and do that as part of the registration process
for a non logged in user who tries to register (or log in for the first time with) a facebook account
let them link this with an existing local account as part of the registration process
(You can skip this if the OAuth provider has sent back a matching identifying piece of information, such as an email address).
You should enforce confirmation security, usually through email confirmation sent to the target account of the merge. Otherwise:
someone can login to your site with facebook for the first time
during that process say they "own" the email address or username of a local account (remember, facebook won't necessarily confirm what their email is for you)
and therefore gain access to the existing local account
So, once the merge "request" is made, you need to ask for permission to proceed from the target account of the merge.
The MVC 4 AccountController
I will use Facebook as our OAuth example. To compare what happens when you register a user on your local authentication framework vs. OAuth:
Local: creates an entry in webpages_Membership and an entry with the same UserId in UserProfile (assuming you are using the default tables for the MVC 4 application template)
OAuth: creates an entry in webpages_OAuthMembership and an entry with the same UserId in UserProfile
Now let's look at what happens when a user signs in using Facebook for the first time:
They click on Login using Facebook (or whatever your button says)
they get taken to facebook to login
they succeed (let's assume that, and ignore the failure case)
they then get sent, invisibly to them, to /Account/ExternalLoginCallback
OAuthWebSecurity.SerializeProviderUserId is called, passing the OAuth details to that Action
They get redirected to /Account/ExternalLoginConfirmation and asked to provide a username for their new presence on your site
If that user name is available then UserProfile and webpages_OAuthMembership entries are created
This process is your chance to "join" the accounts by matching some unique piece of information. As long as you end up with the same UserId in UserProfile, webpages_Membership and webpages_OAuthMembership you should be ok. So we have to intercept the process at the point of /Account/ExternalLoginConfirmation.
If the OAuth provider has sent back a matching identifying piece of information, such as an email address, this becomes simple, test for this in the ExternalLoginConfirmation action, and auto-merge using a similar process to the one outlined below.
However, I think you can't/shouldn't assume that the user uses the same email address for your site and OAuth, (nor should you for many reasons). Also, probably in the T&Cs for something like FacebOogLiveWitter it stops you asking for the email of their account anyway, and if they don't currently they might in future.
So instead, you could link the accounts based on alternatives, like username or email address, or phone number. Either way you are going to need them to input some identifying piece of information that is unique against an account, and will pull back the target account.
Wrapping up
So to put this all together: In the first part of this answer I outlined how you will need to consider multiple user journeys to merge accounts. I will use the example 4.1.
Your process will need to:
(Assumption - when a user first registers with a local account, you ask them for an email address and validate it or assume it is valid)
Let the user login with facebook for the first time
at Account/ExternalLoginConfirmation ask them if they want to
Create a new account with you
Use their facebook login to access an existing account
Assuming the latter, then you log a request in a new table (maybe "MergeAccountRequests") with:
The facebook account UserId
The target merge local account UserId
An authorisation code to use in the email you need to send
(From this point on, if they login without confirming that merge, they will have to get sent to a page to ask them to confirm, rather than create objects in other db tables which you have to worry about later)
You then send an email to the address of the target merge (local) account asking for permission to complete the merge (a standard confirmation email, with a link)
When they click on that link, or enter the code you sent them (you could use SMS as well as email) then you need to merge the two accounts
Choose the "new" and "target accounts (in this case "new" is the facebook account as you don't have data associated with it yet)
Delete the UserProfile of the "new" account
Change the UserId of the "new" account webpages_OAuthMembership table to the same as the "target" account
Log the user out (so there are no complications depending on which account they are currently logged in with)
Display a message to the user telling them the merge is almost complete and that they can now log in with either account to confirm and complete the merge
Rather than send them to a login page, i would give them the login options alongside the confirmation message.

Linking a mobile device to a useraccount

For an assignment I have to make the CMS-system easily accessible trough mobile devices. Ideally we would like to create a way for user authentication with the least amount of input possible.
I have created a system with php/javascript which mimics the android pattern lock, so at this moment a user can login by swiping a pattern. But the problem remains that they still have to manually type a username.
Would it be possible to get some sort of unique ID from a smartphone, so we can store this in the database and link it to an account. So that if a user wants to login in to the CMS, he only has to browse the website, the system will recognize who he is, he swipes his pattern and the user is authenticated!
Unfortunately, it is not possible to get a unique device id from a browser.
However, you can do it like this:
If remember me is checked, you can set a cookie on the client's browser where you store the username. Next time the user opens the page, you check if the cookie is set. If so, you prefill the username.
This way the user would only have to enter the username the first time and it will be prefilled until he deletes the cookies of his browser or the cookie expires.