iOS 8 custom Keyboard with custom font I created to be used across iOS apps? - objective-c

I have a working custom keyboard for iOS8, I can also use a custom font that I created for the keyboard keys however I would like to know if it is possible to enforce using this custom font within all of the applications such as notes, sms email, any app across the ios device?
Apology if this is a simple question but I have built a demo and I am not seeing my characters showing inside the notes app and I am just wondering if it is something that I am doing wrong or that it is not possible? Thank you.


Picker with two selection columns with numbers in Xamarin.Forms

I need to make a picker like this in the picture below:
What you see is a TimePicker and I took it just to give you an example. I would like to have one with about 200 numbers on the left and 100 on the right (for example). How can I do it in a Xamarin.Forms PCL project?
The first problem you'll face is that the picker control you see here is a native iOS control. The Xamarin.Forms TimePicker is basically not a physical control in itself but it translates to a native control on each platform. That's why it will look different on Android and UWP devices because they provide their own picker controls, as seen in the picture below.
Now, if you're ok with the controls looking different, you could use custom renderers to modify each native control or even replace them to provide the functionality you need. I thought I'd outline the basic steps for you to get you started:
Create a new Xamarin.Forms control called CustomPicker or something.
Create custom renderers for each platform.
On iOS, you can use the UIPickerView and specify numberOfComponents, numberOfRows and the data source.
On Android, you might want to use a 3rd party control since by default, there are no scrolling picker controls like the one on iOS. WheelPicker looks promising.
On UWP, you might be able to work something out using the PickerFlyoutBase. I have limited knowledge on the platform but you should be able to find something quite easily.
As you can see, it's going to be quite an effort to get the scroll picker working on each platform.
Edit: You could also look into native embedding, which lets you embed native controls into Xamarin.Forms app's pages.
Native Embedding
Embedding native controls into Xamarin.Forms
We've developed a two-column picker for Xamarin.Forms (Android and iOS).
We added this control to MaterialDesignControls NuGet (, where you can find other interesting controls with the material design look and feel.
Contributions are welcome!

Xcode 7 - Multiple Storyboards

After finishing an app, what code do I have to put in appdelegate.m to be able to make it run view controllers depending on the device's size?
You should not use multiple storyboards to handle different devices in an iOS app. Please see the Apple documentation:
Adaptive User Interfaces
And in particular the section on Auto Layout to learn how to properly handle making your user interface adaptable to current and future devices.

Siri on Custom keyboard App Extension iOS 8

Currently I am working on a iOS 8 custom keyboard extension and I want to mimic the functionality of Siri similar to the default keyboard.
Can we able to use Siri on iOS 8 Custom keyboard App extension? If we can is there any API/documentation available?
Custom keyboard is an app extension, so it cannot access to the microphone. And without microphone, we cannot do something like Siri does.
I think we have to wait until Apple changes!
Custom keyboards, like all app extensions in iOS 8.0, have no access to the **device microphone**, so dictation input is not possible.
No, native Siri access is not yet possible. You can use something like Nuance ndev to produce this functionality though.
You should be able to switch back and forth using the globe key so the user will have quick access to the native keyboard in the case they need to dictate.

Implement iOS 7 like Download Button

I need to implement iOS 7 like download button to show progress (Same as it is in iOS 7 AppStore app downloads).
Anybody has any idea what is the way to go about it?
Is there any existing control to achieve this or it is something apple specific and anybody else needs to implement using custom CAShapeLayer etc?
You have to make your custom implementation.
If you need it, here it is a very similar one:
An iOS 7-inspired blue circular progress view
Check my library, it contains that button, and it is customizable
I know that this is an old question, asking for iOS 7 App Store download button, but if anyone is looking for the download button of the latest App Store (since iOS 11) I can suggest you take a look at this library. It provides the download button with progress and transition animation.
Here is a demo.

Managing an iOS app across different platforms

I have an iOS 5.0 app presently and had a few questions regarding deploying the app across multiple platform and multiple OS upgrades. I would like to know if there is a clean and configurable system that allows me to have one project handle deployment to the iPhone iOS5 and iOS6 and the latest iPad iOS without having ugly selection statements everywhere determining the platform the app is being currently run on. So I would like to know if there is a way to manage the code from a dev prespective so i can support all version/platform specific features of my app depending on what platform/version it is being currently run on (for ex. automatically switching to use the longer dimension background images if the app is being run on an iPhone 5 with iOS 6)
Is there any way to have this functionality?
I am slightly confused with your question, but I'll explain what I know. Xcode already has a way to change your app depending on what Device/iOS Version the user is running. If you use storyboards, then it will automatically resize your app content depending on whether the screen has retina support, and the size of the screen. In addition, you can have a storyboard for iPad, so that when you run the app it will use the iPad version. It also will change the app icons. Just go to the project settings and scroll down until your get to the icons and lunch images.
Now, if you mean you want to change how your app works using the source code directly, then there is no easy to way to manage it. Your best bet is to go with Storyboards, as it makes it very easy to resize content depending on what device your using.