Bundle ID doesn't match any App ID - objective-c

I have updated one of my iPhone apps (using the same App ID) by rewriting it from scratch to add support for new devices and add iAd. Somehow the App ID now has dashes where spaces used to be. I have looked at the Provisioning Profile and there are no spaces in the app name; I have looked at the App ID and there are no spaces. When I go to validate the app, it fails because:
No software with CFBundleIdentifier of 'com.pragerphoneapps.Program-Name' exists. Verify your bundle identifier is correct. If it is, you may need to log into iTunes Connect to create the application.
So, since the bundle identifier wasn't correct I went back to iTunes Connect and attempted to re-created the application. However, the current application has NO dashes in the name (ie. 'ProgramName'), so I didn't recreate the application for fear this update would not be treated as an update.
How can I change the App Name part of the Bundle ID to remove the dashes?

You can edit it from .plist file.
As you can see from the screenshot below.
By default, the app name(bundle name) is set to project name.


Is it possible to change AppName in iTunesConnect before release (use a dummy name while in testflight phase)

I know this has been asked before, but testflight has recently been changed and adopted by apple, and now the app is required to be created through iTunesConnect.
Now, is it possible to create an app with a dummy name for now, and change it later?
An alternative solution could be deleting the old-named app, and creating a brand new one. Then, I suppose I will also need to remove the previous bundleID from my dev account and create a new one for the new build with the new name. Assuming I don't purchase specific licenses for the dummy bundleID, do I suffer any kind of loss with this method? (like bundleID quota for dev account or similar things like "x number of things I can have" is now reduced by 1 kind of things).
A bonus question: There are app names with the format X - Y, for example: "FooApp - Return of the foo". Is this specified under appName only? Does it make sense to create a bundleID www.user.FooApp and have your name "FooApp - Return of the foo"?
Thank you
I would also like to point out now that I have gone further into the project, YES it is indeed changeable.
When you upload your archive to iTunesConnect, you are then allowed change the app name where you set the other metadata. You can try any different name (not related to bundleID), and see if it is reserved or not.
The short answer : yes.
I changed my app name in XCODE, and registered a matching profile, including certs in Itunes Connect. It worked as expected.
Bonus Q: as I understand it the "www-xx-com" is simply an identifier. It doesn't have any intelligence built into it.
Please Note: I was doing internal testing. Not External...

Mac App Sandboxing- Updating files outside the sandbox

I have an Application for the Mac that I want to publish on in the app store.
I order to get it published I need to put in a sandbox.
The app access Sqlite files outside the sandbox which the user selects from a openpanel.
The App works fine when is performs a select but it fails on inserts and updates.
I can remember reading something about some function you could call that could give you write access to files outside the sandbox but for the life I can remember what is was Can anyone enlighten me ?
Regards Christian Arild Stœr Andersen
Add "com.apple.security.files.bookmarks.app-scope" with boolean value YES in entitlement file of your project. Add follow "With Sandboxing" section of this link --
When you resolve your URL, by using URLByResolvingBookmarkData: method, you will get the url something like this --
For more information search for -- "NSURLBookmarkCreationWithSecurityScope"

Windows 8 store package fails on WACK when login to developer account

I'm trying to put a simple app on windows store. I made a fail attempt once, I submitted an app which failed to pass WACK, eventually it failed on submission too. Even then, when I try to package an app with my developer account logged in, I get a performance launch error.
Even on a blank app. also right after I create package logged in, my app's package name and provider fields on appmanifest are changes too. app's package name changes to the first app I submitted, and the provider changes to I guess my developer account's key.
I deleted my failed submission on dashboard, deleted all the names I reserved, including the failed one. But even when I reserve a new name and package my app with that name, my package name still changes to the very first one and fails on wack.
BUT, when I create package of my app WITHOUT logging in, I mean without associate with windows store, I can package my app with the name I want and pass the WACK. I hope anyone can help me with this.
Edit: C# application.
I had this happen too, it seems like WACK got confused and kept trying to verify the wrong version. The following steps resolved it for me:
Uninstall the app from your development PC (as in, go to start page,
right click on the app and select uninstall).
Reboot the dev PC.
Select "Local Machine" and "Release".
Start debugging wait for it to
have started up completely and then stop debugging.
Pretty sure that only one or two of those steps are actually needed, but not sure which ones.
I'm not completely sure I understand your issue, but let me try...
First, what is the failure that you got when you submitted to the Store and when you ran the WACK? You mentioned a "performance launch error". If you are failing the performance test, check out this article for tips to help. Some examples:
Package content locally (or cache it) when possible, so you don’t have to pull resources from a network during launch.
Load and do only what you need on launch. You can load other data and do other work asynchronously in the background or when you actually need it.
Use a "dirty bit" when saving data on suspend, so you only save data that has changed. (Rather than re-serializing your app’s state if that data hasn’t changed, create a Boolean flag variable (or “dirty bit”) which signals that your data has been modified, and only re-serialize when the data has changed.)
Use bytecode caching if you are developing in JavaScript, so each JS file has bytecode created once and not every time the app launches. To enable this, make sure all JavaScript files are UTF8 encoded with a byte-order mark (BOM) and are statically referenced in the root of your HTML start page.
If this is not the error that the WACK and your Store certification is failing with, please see this blog post and the related blog posts that it links to, to see if your failure is covered there.
Secondly, your issue with associating your code with your reserved name in the Windows Store:
also right after I create package logged in, my app's package name and
provider fields on appmanifest are changes too.
This behavior is expected. When you associate your app package with the Windows Store, it will change the "Package name" and the publisher in your appxmanifest. But that's okay! The "Package name" is just what the Windows Store uses as an internal identifier for your app package, and the "Package display name" (right below it in the appxmanifest) is what your end users will see. Set the "Package display name" to what you want.

Can I rename my project and associate an already-bound-to-another-project-Windows Store app with it?

I have a project (call it projectA) which is already associated with an as-yet unreleased Windows store app. I started a second project (call it projectB) which was meant as a "sandbox" for testing/experimenting/playing around (kind of a rogue/shadow projectA), but it turns out projectB has morphed into the "real" project.
Would I be in for a lot of headaches if I changed projectB's name to something more sensible (right now it's "MetroSandboxPlaypen")?
In a perfect scenario, I'd like to change its name and then associate it with the Windows store app I've already set up and connected with projectA. Is this possible? If so, do I first need to break the connection between projectA and my reserved Windows Store app?
You can associate any app with a Store application that has already been defined. All you need to do is use the Store - Associate App with the Store command in VS.
This will pull down the Package Display Name, Package Name, Pub ID, and Pub Display name and configure your package manifest appropriately.

How to find out if DropBox app folder exists on iOS

I am using DropboxSDK in my app. In that am using kDBRootAppFolder so if am using it first time it will create folder with app name. So i want to find if the folder exists or not how can i? is there any method exists in that? if any one have idea please let me know.
Actually am getting Warning like this:
[WARNING] DropboxSDK: error making request to /1/metadata/sandbox - Token is disabled or invalid while trying to loadData using :[[self dbClient] loadMetadata:#"/"]; statement.
You don't need to worry about whether your app folder exists or not, exactly. When the user first links, the folder will get created, as you noted. If the folder is removed or the user unlinks the app (e.g. via https://www.dropbox.com/account/applications ) you'll get a 401 error (per the docs https://www.dropbox.com/developers/reference/api ) which you should catch and then prompt the user to relink your app.