Gridster extra columns requirement - gridster

I have set up "dashing" to run on a raspberry pi, but i am having trouble with the display.
When i start it up and go to the local host, I can only seem to display 5 columns wide.
I have looked into the Gridster script, but I really do not know where to look.
We will be using a large widescreen display for this information so please can you advise how I can increase the column count or allow Chrome to display the full width on re-sizing.

Add this to your .erb and control the size of widgets and num columns. Have a look at sampletv.erb for the same code.
<script type='text/javascript'>
$(function() {
Dashing.widget_base_dimensions = [370, 340]
Dashing.numColumns = 5


How do I display the output of a function of multiple qualtrics sliders in real time?

My colleague and I am designing a survey using Qualtrics. On one page respondents must move a series of sliders.
We need to display the output of a function of the values of the sliders on the same page, ideally also in the form of another slider.
All of this must be done while the respondent moves the sliders.
Concretely, suppose the following:
value of slider 1 = 30;
value of slider 2 = 10;
value of slider 3 = 0
Output to be displayed = 30 x 20 + 10 x 5 + 0 x 15 = 650
where the 20, 5 and 15 are just arbitrary constants in the background.
If the user were to move slider 1 to 31, the displayed output should automatically update in real time to 670.
Any tip on how this is done? We're newbies to qualtrics and completely inexperienced with Java, so we'd be very grateful to anyone willing to provide us with working code. Thanks!
An update on my question, and a clarification after a comment received.
We were of course not asking for someone else to do our job. Just for a pointer in the right direction.
Based on an answer to a different question, I've managed to put this javascript together. It works, which is encouraging..
Code follows.
/*Place your JavaScript here to run when the page is fully displayed*/
var that=this.questionId;
jQuery("<p style='width:100%'><br><strong> Output <span id='OUT'>0</span></strong>").insertAfter("table.sliderGrid");
jQuery(document).on('change', function(){
var firstslider=parseInt(jQuery("[id='"+that+"~1~result']").val());
var secondslider=parseInt(jQuery("[id='"+that+"~2~result']").val());
var N=firstlider+secondslider*2;

show a loading image while a table is being built in a part of the html

I have the below snippet of code that basically builds alot of rows in a data table. here is a demo. I am trying to use slepp to simulate a big dataset here.
//START:: show a loading message on the screen
//draw my rows
_.each(file, function(row) {
//END:: STOP showing a loading message on the screen
and I want to be able to display to the user that it is loading.
How do I do this.
I have the below links but I cannot seem to get them to work
I want to use one of these images
I thinking of using one of these .gif files to display while loading.
Add the following initialization option:
processing: true
Change your code for adding new rows to
_.each(file, function(row) {
}, 100);
See this jsFiddle for code and demonstration.

Target specific slide in Soliloquy slider with url

Does anyone have any experience with using a url to target a specific slide in a Soliloquy slider? I am using multiple sliders that I need to link to specific slides of from external pages/sites. The Soliloquy Docs provide this info ( as closest to the solution but, for a php noob like me, the explanation is a bit terse and lacking, my fault, not theirs.
The example given in the docs seems to be a custom filter for a specific slide in a specific slider. I need to target slides in multiple sliders with urls. I guess I need help understanding the filter's function. I have commented out what I think each part does. Maybe someone could show me where I'm wrong?
//OP: I don't understand, what ids/slides are represented by the 10 and 2 values in these parameters. Where do I find these?
add_filter( 'soliloquy_pre_data', 'tgm_soliloquy_dynamic_starting_slide', 10, 2 );
function tgm_soliloquy_dynamic_starting_slide( $data, $slider_id ) {
// If the proper $_GET parameter is not set or is not the proper slider ID, do nothing.
//OP: Is the 'sol_slide' parameter for ALL soliloquy sliders in my site or is it the name in the Dashboard given when constructing the slider?
if ( empty( $_GET['sol_slide'] ) ) {
return $data;
// Change this if you want to target a specific slider ID, or remove altogether if you want this for all sliders.
//OP: I believe to target ALL sliders in my site I should comment this out. Right?
if ( 51064 !== $slider_id ) {
return $data;
// Set the slide number as a config property. Also preventing randomizing slides.
$data['config']['start'] = absint( $_GET['sol_slide'] );
$data['config']['random'] = 0;
// Optionally prevent autostarting the slider. Uncomment if you want that.
//$data['config']['auto'] = 0;
return $data;
Basically, I guess I am asking for a little help with implementing this filter to target any slide in any slider with a url. Slim odds, but I'm dead in the water! Big thanks to anyone who can shed some light on this for me.
Complete, correctly functioning answer is here provided the plugin author, of course, duh:
The value "sol_slide" is generic to any slider created with the plugin. Just put the custom filter provided in the example into your, hopefully, child-theme's functions.php, and construct your urls targeting specific slides like so: Slide numbering is based on zero so 1 = 2 etc. Works like a charm.

Google plus share button, current URL instead of Specified URL?

If clarification is needed, please let me know. If it can't be done, please let me know this as well. I am desperately trying to figure this out still
I was following Google's Dev guide to the Share button at the following site:
and I can not seem to figure out how, if it's even possible, to use a custom icon AND use the current URL instead of having to specify a URL.
I found this section of their site that specifies an anchor tag address:
This would allow me to use a custom icon (and the only way I can use a custom icon as far as I can tell) and a few other custom parameters as well. But it looks like this method requires a specified URL and, as far as I can tell, provides no method to dynamically create the link depending on the current page.
If I use the code generator at the top, it will use the current page, but it calls on a Google hosted Java Script and in addition, it is a hover link that pops up when I hover over the icon. And of course, I also can't use a custom icon with the generator either.
I've been Googling every search term I could think of and searching this site as well and I haven't been able to find anyone else asking this question as of yet. I figured after about 20-30 minutes of searching that I wasn't going to find my answer via searching, so i apologize if this has been answered.
Just some background on my experience to give an idea of where I sit: I have a decent grasp of the workings of HTML and CSS. Javascript, however, I understand very very basic theory and that's about it. I definitely intend to learn, however, as it will prove a very valuable skill.
Thank you very much!!
I think I know what needs to be done, but...I don't know how to do it (or if it would even work) :|
my share link needs to link to a script that looks at the current page's URL, and then takes that information, and creates a dynamic link from it that will take the user to the following link:{URL from query will be here}.
I think that might sounds like it would. Any thoughts? If so, any simple scripts around that would do just this?
Double thanks!!
--I finally found something that works, but it uses Javascript and I don't fully understand it, just enough to tweak it. It took me forever to find this, but it works with Google Plus, Facebook, or Twitter! (and I'm sure it will work with any other website that supplies a Share Link that requires a specified URL)
Here it is, I'm still looking for a better solution, but this does exactly what I was looking for:
<a href="javascript:(
var w=480;var h=380;
var x=Number((window.screen.width-w)/2);
var y=Number((window.screen.height-h)/2);''+encodeURIComponent(location.href)+'
&title='+encodeURIComponent(document.title),'','width='+w+',height='+h+',left='+x+',top='+y +',
})();" style="background: url(/wp-content/themes/HTML5/images/googleplus.png) no-repeat scroll left center transparent;">
Share to Google+</a>
EDIT! After spending some months learning Javascript, I've built a solution that is much better than that which is provided below. I'll leave my original answer, however, I want to place this better solution at the top.
This solution should work on ANY social media platform that gives you a custom share URL (that is to say, a url that allows you to manually type in an address to share).
Here is how it all works (and if anyone has any suggestions or tweaks that have more experience with JS, please let me know).
I assign variables to the document.URL and document.titleproperties.
I write a named function (I called mine, socialShare) that is set to run via an anonymous function on the window.onloadevent.
The socialShare function assigns variables to the location of my social button's within the HTML. In my case, I used IDs to locate the elements. The purpose of these variables is purely for aesthetics (I use these variables to re-write the the HTML code dynamically, so that when you hover over the share button, it displays the correct URL for sharing the current page you are on)
var fbShare = document.getElementById("fbShare");
var gplusShare = document.getElementById("gplusShare");
twitterShare = document.getElementById("twitterShare");
I then write three separate anonymous functions, one for each social media platform. Each function has two statements. The functions work as follows: the first part is the variable assigned to the location of the HTML element with the ID fbShare. The second part tells it to run the function when that element is clicked; .onclick. The third part is the anonymous function that will run when that element is clicked. The first statement of this function will open a new window;; and in that new window, it will open the URL that is specified by feeding the method parameters. The parameters are as follows (URL,name,specs) where URL is the URL you want to share, name is optional and left blank as seen by the empty set of quotes, and finally specs is where you specify attributes of the window (IE: width and height). The first parameter, the URL: (""+currentURL, currentURL is the global variable that was assigned earlier and will place whatever the current documents URL is, in place of currentURL. The second parameter, the name: "", This is left blank, as it is optional. The third parameter, the specs: "height=368,width=600,left=100,top=100,menubar=0"); These are a comma-seperated list of items. In my case, I've specified a height, width, and the location of the window, as well as disabled the menubar. Finally, the second statement, return false; tells the browser NOT to follow the link inside the HTML code. If this was not specified, then the browswer would follow the URL in the HTML, AND open a new window. For more information on the method, please see the link at the bottom of this new answer.
fbShare.onclick = function() {""+currentURL,"","height=368,width=600,left=100,top=100,menubar=0");
return false;
gplusShare.onclick = function() {""+currentURL,"","height=550,width=525,left=100,top=100,menubar=0");
return false;
twitterShare.onclick = function() {""+currentURL+"&text="+currentTitle,"","height=260,width=500,left=100,top=100,menubar=0");
return false;
And finally, I modify the HTML href elements of each social media button so that when the user hovers over the share buttons, they see the correct Share URL displayed in their browsers status bar. The first part of this statement grabs the element id, fbShare and the second part tells it to set an attribute, .setAttribute. Then we pass in the attribute name that we want to change, ("href", in this case, and then we pass in what we would like the new attribute value to be, ""+currentURL); currentURL is the same here, as earlier. It is the variable that holds the value for whatever the current page's URL is.
That's about all there is to it! I hope I wrote this well and I hope it is relatively easy to follow. If any pros out there have any suggestions, please feel free to toss in and give your advice! :)
My JS file
Link to information on the method at
Link to information on the .setattribute method at
OLD ANSWER: I figured I'd add this as an answer. It does the trick and solves the exact problem that I had. The URL after '' would be the social media's Share Link (in the case of the example, it's google plus' Share Link. There are a few variables that can be either modified or removed. Anyone that's good with scripting could probably create a PHP version (which I would LOVE) or modify it to better suite their needs. At any rate, I hope this will help someone out!
<a href="javascript:(
var w=480;var h=380;
var x=Number((window.screen.width-w)/2);
var y=Number((window.screen.height-h)/2);''+encodeURIComponent(location.href)+'
})();" style="background: url(/wp-content/themes/HTML5/images/googleplus.png) no-repeat scroll left center transparent;">
Share to Google+</a>
Native Window Open function its not a good idea, browsers like Mozilla and Chrome block pop up. I think its better use a plugin to open a new windows with the share url, like jquery popup plugin. Work very fine for me and browser cant block it.
Copy an paste into a new js file like original name: 'jquery.popup.js'
jQuery.fn.popup = function(options) {
var defaults = {
width: screen.width/2,
height: screen.height/2,
titlebar: false,
status: false,
resizable: true,
toolbar: false,
scrollbars: true,
menubar: false
var options = jQuery.extend(defaults, options);
Boolean.prototype.setProperty = function() {
if (this == true) { return "yes"; } else { return "no"; }
jQuery(this).click( function() {
var target =;
var href = this.href;
var posY = (parseInt(screen.height/2)) - (parseInt(options.height/2));
var posX = (parseInt(screen.width/2)) - (parseInt(options.width/2));
var win =, target, 'titlebar=' + options.titlebar.setProperty() + ', screenX='+ posX +', screenY='+ posY +', left='+ posX +', top='+ posY +', status=' + options.status.setProperty() + ', resizable=' + options.resizable.setProperty() + ', toolbar=' + options.toolbar.setProperty() + ', scrollbars=' + options.scrollbars.setProperty() + ', menubar=' + options.menubar.setProperty() + ', width='+ options.width +', height='+ options.height);
return false;
return this;
<script src="jquery.last.js"></script>
<script src="jquery.popup.js"></script>
//simple load
jQuery(".popupLink").popup({ width: 640, height: 480 });
<a class='popupLink' href="<?php echo URL;?>">Share Facebook</a>
jQuery(".popupLink").popup({ width: 640, height: 480, resizable: false, menubar: true });
The author website dont exist any more. This are the information that comes with the plugin comments
* jQuery popup v1 - A jQuery popup plugin.
* By Jordan Thomas -
* Licensed under the do whatever you want to license.
* If you like, keep this message intact so
* someone else can find the origin.
You can also use PHP to resize the window but here is the PHP version... Have fun :)
See Also: PHP - Getting Current URL
echo '<a href="'.$_SERVER[HTTP_HOST].$_SERVER[REQUEST_URI].'"
target="_blank"><img src="images/google-custom-icon.png"></a>';

Set datagrid to show just 5 rows per page

I am using DOJO for data grid presentation
<div id="grid_log" dojoType="dojox.grid.DataGrid" store="log" structure="window.layout_log" queryOptions="{deep:true}" query="{}" clientSort="true" rowsPerPage="5"> </div>
but problem is that grid_log doesn't show just 5 rows per page. What is wrong with this tag ? Why ignores rowsPerPage="5" ?
It's look like the rowsPerPage value isn't pages that are "viewed" - but rather, "virtual" pages. That is, the grid only renders portions of itself at a time (in order to improve performance for very large data sets) - and the rowsPerPage value is used to determine how many rows to render at a time.
If you scroll to a position on the grid that it outside the rendered pages, it will render it on demand.
If you are displaying more than 5 rows (due to the height that you have set on your grid) - then setting rowsPerPage to 5 will just cause the viewable portion to be rendered in batches of 5 rows at a time. i.e. there will be a query called to your datastore with start=0 and count=5, and another query sent with start=5 and count=5, etc - until all the visible rows are rendered.
However you can see on this page - it is example of grid with paging. May be it helps you.
As far as new dojo is concerned dojo 1.7.2 here you have the pagination feature where in the pages can be set for the enhanced datagrid.If that is what you want that you will have to import the pagination plugin from new dojo and set it in the grid.You can set the pages in the grid