Access VBA, importing csv file via TransferText with commata as decimal separator and semicolon as delimiter - vba

I'm having some problems importing double numbers from csv files. The files have a semicolon delimiter and comma as decimal separator.
I can't set up import specs since the order of the fields in the csv often changes and it would be a desaster if the data goes into the wrong field.
Also the csv files will have to written to a temporary table first. Don't hate me for it, but since I have to process data and set some information fields for later data processing this is by far the easiest, fastest and safest way to achieve it.
Here is the problem itself:
When using TransferText it will import, but of course interpret the comma as delimiter. Not good ...
When replacing comma by full stop and semicolon by comma it works. But it will ignore full stops, so 1.2 becomes 12, 1.333 becomes 1333. The field will be of type double.
I've tests numerous things. Besides TransferText I've tried:
DoCmd.RunSQL ("INSERT INTO Tabelle1 SELECT cdbl(a1) as aa FROM[TEXT;FMT=Delimited;HDR=YES;CharacterSet=437;DATABASE=C:\SPOT].[test.csv]")
But nothing seems to work, even when I create a new table with field type DOUBLE before using TransferText ... decimals are still ignored.
So, I would be happy if you could tell me either how to use TransferText with or without replacing semicolon and comma in a first step or how to use the INSERT INTO stuff.
Thank you very much!

Ok, I think I got it!
The problem where the regional settings and that my Access uses comma as decimal separator. I was also not able to create a Import Spec via manual import, since it needs to have defined which fields will have to be imported.
What I did now was this:
Open the table MSysIMEXSpecsthat contains the import specs via query:
select * from MSysIMEXSpecs
Then add a new row and set SpecName = "Whatever", DecimalPoint= "," and 'FieldSeparator` = ";" and whatever other settings have to be made.
Since there is this workaround, isn't there a way to do this easier?


Multi-line text in a .env file

In vue, is there a way to have a value span multiple lines in an .env file. Ex:
Instead of:
someValue=[{"someValue":"Here is a really really long piece which should be split into multiple lines"}]
I want to do something like:
someValue=`[{"someValue":"Here is a really
really long piece which
should be split into multiple lines"}]`
Doing the latter gives me a JSON parsing error if I try to do JSON.parse(someValue) in my code
I don't know if this will work, but I can't format a comment appropriately enough to get the point across so see if this will work:
someValue=[{"someValue":"Here is a really\
really long piece which\
should be split into multiple lines"}]
Where "\" should escape the newline similar to how you can write long bash commands while escaping the newline. I'm not certain the .env interpreter will support it though.
Looks like this won't work. This syntax was actually proposed, but I don't think it was incorporated. See motdotla/dotenv#333 (which is what Vue uses to parse .env).
Like #zero298 said, this isn't possible. Likely you could delimit the entry with a character that wouldn't show up normally in the text (^ is a good candidate), then parse it within the application using string.replace('^', '\n');

DB2 SQL Interpret a field as other CCSID

So I have a file on my AS400 as a result of DSPJRN and I want to look at some data in the JOESD field which is the after image from the journal of a file. This is defined as char with CCSID = 65535. I guess this is because it is the whole record with a mixture of ccsid and numeric fields.
I can use substr() to get the actual field from the original file. In the original file the column is defined graphic(10) ccsid 13488. Thats UCS-2. If I do hex(substr(joesd,522,20)) I get a result of 004100530044... and so on so I know it's the correct data but I can't get it to display as 'ASD...'
I tried graphic(substr(joesd,522,20),10,13488) but it gives an error that the conversion from ccsid 65535 to 13488 isn't valid. I don't want to convert it but interpret it as the other ccsid
GRAPHIC() doesn't take CCSID as a parm. The third parm is length according to my 7.1 reference.
What version are you using?
I thought CAST() might be a solution, but it doesn't appear to work.
As I see it, one option would be to build a user defined function (UDF) that does the conversion you need; possibly with the iconv() API.
The other option, would be to dump the data into a properly formatted file. I use the DBUJRN utility from DBU. There's other similar options. Including an open source one (sorry that the description is in German, but google translate does a good enough job to figure out the source to download).
The utilities basically work the same way; you can in fact run through the same process manually. Try the following:
Step 1 (the DSPJRN you've been doing)
Step 2 - Create a new file with the journal header fields followed by all the fields from your journaled file (MYFILE)
CREATE TABLE mylib/mytbl as
) with no data
Step 3 - Copy the data without regard to the format differences..
You should end up with data originally in JOESD split into it's appropriate fields.
Note of course that this technique only works for one file at a time. Also, make sure you're only dumping *RCD entries and you'll probably want to skip the DELETE entries.

Dealing with commas in csv files csv-river plugin

I am trying to index data present in csv file to elasticsearch server. The problem is the string itself contain multiple "," so during indexing it is giving indexoutofbound exception.
How to handle commas using csv-river plugin.
The example file would be:
244,195,103,4,3,341,Re: The most stupidest program I've ever seen--Amazon,"I know nothing of your case, but I do know that throwing around terms like ""stupid idiot"" doesn't exactly help your side any.",1,"Order Management, Shipping, Feedback & Returns",Sell on Amazon,,,no,no
you need to enclose your fields in quotes. If the field contains a quote, you need to escape it with a preceding quote.
For example:
"field1","field2","field3 with, commas","field4","field ""5"" with quotes","field6"

treating parameter as literal

DoCmd.TransferText acImportDelim, Import-Accounts, "tableImport", _
"C:\Documents and Settings\accounts.txt", True
The second parameter: Import-Accounts is the actual name of the saved import specifications. supposedly it does NOT need to be in quotes; however in this case since there is a - there it is treating it as if i were doing an operation.
is there a way i can force it to treat it literally instead of as an operation?
According to Access' help topic for TransferText, the SpecificationName option is "A string expression that's the name of an import or export specification you've created and saved in the current database". So I think you do have to enclose it in quotes, same as you did for TableName, which is also a string expression.
An obvious question would be: can you rename the saved spec? If not, can you put square brackets around it []? (This is what Access does for field names with spaces or that are reserved names) If not can you put quotes around it?

Bulk insert, SQL Server 2000, unix linebreaks

I am trying to insert a .csv file into a database with unix linebreaks. The command I am running is:
BULK INSERT table_name
FROM 'C:\file.csv'
If I convert the file into Windows format the load works, but I don't want to do this extra step if it can be avoided. Any ideas?
I felt compelled to contribute as I was having the same issue, and I need to read 2 UNIX files from SAP at least a couple of times a day. Therefore, instead of using unix2dos, I needed something with less manual intervention and more automatic via programming.
As noted, the Char(10) works within the sql string. I didn't want to use an sql string, and so I used ''''+Char(10)+'''', but for some reason, this didn't compile.
What did work very slick was: with (ROWTERMINATOR = '0x0a')
Problem solved with Hex!
Thanks to all who have answered but I found my preferred solution.
When you tell SQL Server ROWTERMINATOR='\n' it interprets this as meaning the default row terminator under Windows which is actually "\r\n" (using C/C++ notation). If your row terminator is really just "\n" you will have to use the dynamic SQL shown below.
DECLARE #bulk_cmd varchar(1000)
SET #bulk_cmd = 'BULK INSERT table_name
FROM ''C:\file.csv''
EXEC (#bulk_cmd)
Why you can't say BULK INSERT ...(ROWTERMINATOR = CHAR(10)) is beyond me. It doesn't look like you can evaluate any expressions in the WITH section of the command.
What the above does is create a string of the command and execute that. Neatly sidestepping the need to create an additional file or go through extra steps.
I confirm that the syntax
works when used with an EXEC command.
If you have multiple ROWTERMINATOR characters (e.g. a pipe and a unix linefeed) then the syntax for this is:
ROWTERMINATOR = '''+CHAR(124)+''+CHAR(10)+'''
It's a bit more complicated than that! When you tell SQL Server ROWTERMINATOR='\n' it interprets this as meaning the default row terminator under Windows which is actually "\r\n" (using C/C++ notation). If your row terminator is really just "\n" you will have to use the dynamic SQL shown above. I have just spent the best part of an hour figuring out why \n doesn't really mean \n when used with BULK INSERT!
One option would be to use bcp, and set up a control file with '\n' as the line break character.
Although you've indicated that you would prefer not to, another option would be to use unix2dos to pre-process the file into one with '\r\n' line breaks.
Finally, you can use the FORMATFILE option on BULK INSERT. This will use a bcp control file to specify the import format.
Looks to me there are two general avenues that can be taken: some alternate way to read the CSV in the SQL script or convert the CSV beforehand with any of the numerous ways you can do that (bcp, unix2dos, if it is a one-time king of a thing, you can probably even use your code editor to fix the file for you).
But you will have to have an extra step!
If this SQL is launched from a program, you might want to convert the line endings in that program. In that case and you decide to code the conversion yourself, here is what you need to watch out for:
1. The line ending might be \n
2. or \r\n
3. or even \r (Mac!)
4. good grief, it could be that some lines have \r\n and others \n, any combination is possible unless you control where the CSV came from
OK, OK. Possibility 4 is farfetched. It happens in email, but that is another story.
I would think "ROWTERMINATOR = '\n'" would work. I would suggest opening the file in a tool that shows "hidden characters" to make sure the line is being terminated like you think. I use notepad++ for things like this.
It comes down to this. Unix uses LF (ctrl-J), MS-DOS/Windows uses CR/LF (ctrl-M/Ctrl-J).
When you use '\n' on Unix, it gets translated to a LF character. On MS-DOS/Windows it gets translated to CR/LF. When the your import runs on the Unix formatted file, it sees only a LF. Hence, its often easier to run the file through unix2dos first. But as you said in you original question, you don't want to do this (I'll assume there is a good reason why you can't).
Why can't you do:
Probably because when the SQL code is being parsed, it is not replacing the char(10) with the LF character (because it's already encased in single-quotes). Or perhaps its being interpreted as:
What happens when you echo out the contents of #bulk_cmd?