Set Pointer to Object in Parse - objective-c

I keep running into the error when trying to set a pointer to another class object in Parse. What is the correct format to set the pointer from an objectID?
[Error]: invalid type for key RestaurantName, expected *Restaurant, but got string (Code: 111, Version: 1.6.1)
var uploadPhoto = PFObject(className:"FoodPhoto")
uploadPhoto.setObject("lZJJHkFmQl", forKey: "RestaurantName")
uploadPhoto["PhotoName"] = "title"
let imageFile = PFFile(name:"image.png", data:imageData)
uploadPhoto["PhotoUploaded"] = imageFile
uploadPhoto["Votes"] = 0
uploadPhoto.saveInBackgroundWithBlock {
(success: Bool, error: NSError!) -> Void in
if (success) {
// The object has been saved.
} else {
// There was a problem, check error.description

You can create a pointer with the
PFObject(withoutDataWithClassName: "your_class_name", objectId: "your_object_id")
function, and set that to the field.

You have an object id string and a pointer is a reference to an actual object. That object id represents, or rather uniquely identifies, the object, but you can't diectly create a pointer with it. You need to get the object associated with the id.
If you already have it, great, substitute it where you currently put the string.
If you don't, you need to get it by running a query. Technically you could pass the string object id in a different field and have cloud code query and set the pointer (which would be more efficient than querying from the device if you don't already have the object).


Empty object with union type in graphQL

When I' using union type in my graphQL schema I use it typically like this:
const documentTypeDefs = gql`
union TestType = TypeExample1 | TypeExample2
type Document {
exampleKey: TestType
Then I resolve it like this:
TestType: {
__resolveType(obj) {
if(obj.property1) {
return 'TypeExample1';
if(obj.property2) {
return 'TypeExample2';
return null;
But sometimes I'm getting empty object in my resolving function (ie. obj is {}). I thought returning null or undefined will do the job but unfortunately I'm getting error:
"Abstract type ItemsType must resolve to an Object type at runtime for field Document.exampleKey with value {}, received \"{}\". Either the ItemsType type should provide a \"resolveType\" function or each possible type should provide an \"isTypeOf\" function."
How can I resolve empty object then?
Thank you!
If an empty object is being passed to __resolveType, that means your field is resolving to an empty object. That means either the value being returned inside your resolver is an empty object, or else the Promise returned is resolving to one.
If you're working with a field that returns a List, it's also possible for just one of the items being returned to be an empty object. This is particularly likely when working with MongoDB if one of the documents you're getting is actually empty or at least missing the fields you've specified in your mongoose schema.

SharePoint 2010: Error Mapping to Picture Hyperlink with SPMetal

Whenever I have a column of type hyperlink with the format set for pictures, I get an error whenever there is actually a value in that column.
The exception it throws is "Specified cast is not valid".
My thought is that the problem is either here (the FieldType being set to Url):
[Microsoft.SharePoint.Linq.ColumnAttribute(Name = "FOO", Storage = "FOO_", FieldType = "Url")]
public string FOO
return this._FOO;
if ((value != this._FOO))
this.OnPropertyChanging("FOO", this._FOO);
this._FOO = value;
Or here (it being cast to a string):
private string _FOO;
But I'd have no idea what the proper values for either of those fields should be.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
It works whenever this field does not have data in it and I JUST used SPMetal to generate the class, so I'll get the two most obvious questions out of the way.
Link to the answer:
Turns out it is a known bug when mapping lists that have associated workflows.
SPMetal assigns it as a nullable integer when it's supposed to be an Object, hence the cast error.
Workaround: manually edit the mappings to make the type it returns an object or ignore the column by using a parameter map.

Access object members from Instance ID

I'm getting the Instance ID of an object from collision_line()
Now that I have this instance, I want to get it's image_angle, but I get an 'unknown variable' message when I try that.
What should I do?
what is the value of this collision_line()? The collision_line() function returns an instance id - however when nothing is found it returns noone (-4).. So you'll have to test for that first:
var inst, imgangle;
inst = collision_line(...);
if (inst != noone) {
imgangle = inst.image_angle;
//etc etc
or alternativelly (more cleanly in GM), we can "abuse" the with statement. With executes all following code from the perspective of the given instance id (or for all instances of a certain object when given the object id).
However the value noone will automatically prevent any execution.
var inst, imgangle;
inst = collision_line(...);
with (inst) {
imgangle = image_angle;
//note that we do no longer have to put "inst." before getting a variable
//etc etc

How to get an object from a _ref

I apologize if this is a stupid/newb question, but when a Rally query result is returned with a _ref (using the Javascript SDK 1.32), is there a way to directly get the object associated with the _ref?
I see that I can use getRefFromTypeAndObjectId to get the type and the object ID, and then query on that type and object ID to get the object, however I wondered if there was something like getObjectFromRef or some other such way to more directly get back the object associated with the reference.
Excellent question. The getRallyObject method on RallyDataSource should do what you need.
var ref = '/defect/12345.js';
rallyDataSource.getRallyObject(ref, function(result) {
//got it
var name = result.Name;
}, function(response) {
//oh noes... errors
var errors = response.Errors;
In SDK 2.0 you use the load method of a data model to read a specific object. Check out this example:!/guide/appsdk_20_data_models

Rest Sharp Execute<Int> fails due to cast exception

I have this:
public Int32 NumberOfLocationsForCompany(int companyId)
var response = _curl.ResetRequest()
.AddParam("companyId", companyId.ToString())
return response;
that calls this at the end.
public T ProcessRequest<T>() where T : new()
var response = _client.Execute<T>(_request);
if (response.ErrorException != null)
throw response.ErrorException;
return response.Data;
but I get this error. I don't get why it's trying to map an int to a collection or why it's Int64 vs the 32 I specified.: Unable to cast object of type 'System.Int64' to type 'System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary`2[System.String,System.Object]'.
When I hit the api directly this is what I get back
<int xmlns="">17</int>
I feel it's something I'm not understanding about Rest Sharp. I tell the execute method to expect an Int, it receives and int, but is trying to map it to a collection. Why and where does the collection come from?
I have noticed that when I look into the base response object's Content the appropriate result "17" is present, why can't Rest Sharp find it? and still where is it finding the Collection?
When looking at the response object I found the return value was in Content vs in Data. I found this to be true whenever I was not returning an object or list of objects.
So now when I'm expecting an int, string, bool, etc I use the following and cast the type of the return value:
public string ProcessRequestWithValue()
var response = _client.Execute(_request);
if (response.ErrorException != null)
throw response.ErrorException;
return response.Content;
Hope this helps!