Outlook VBA module changes not saved after restart - vba

Good day,
I have a VBA script running as a rule for a few months now, which basically saves some attachments from a specific sender into some folders. Recently, the module had to be edited to add a few lines for a new Folder. The new script worked as expected the day it was implemented. The problem is, the next day, after shutdown, all the changes made were reverted to the previous version. So, it seems I am stuck with that first script made.
How can I edit the script and actually have the changes saved?
PS. We are using MS Server 2012 and Outlook 2013

We saw this happen with roaming profiles.
We noticed that the modify date of the OTM file is not changing in C:\Users\"usename"\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Outlook
Therefore, when user logs off and profile synchronizes back to the profile host server, this file does not appear to have changed, and does not get synchronized. When user logs in next day and downloads fresh copy of profile, they keep getting old OTM file...
Our solution was to write code to manually change the modify date of the OTM file in the VB script.

I bielive the issue comes from the roaming profile. See Where does Outlook store the VBA code files? for more information.
There is a chance you closed Outlook without saving the VbaProject.OTM. You may find the following commands on the main menu or on the command bar:
You may find the Getting Started with VBA in Outlook 2010 article helpful.


Excel vba macro to download a file automatically when it's added to a Sharepoint site

I am running an excel macro, it downloads some files from SharePoint. It's working fine but my problem is, Everytime i need to check if the file exists there or no then i download it.
Is there a possibility to add a condition when the file is added on SharePoint then the macro will run automatically. Because the reports are uploaded in different times by other users for example one day at 9 am, another day 11 am, another day at 1pm... and now i am checking everyday many times on the sharepoint site if the report was added or no before i run my macro.
I want to avoid this and link somehow the sharepoint site to my macro.
For example for the reports i receive on Outlook i created a macro when i receive an email with attachment containing a specific name it will download automatically. I want something similar on Sharepoint without checking everytime on Sharepoint if the other users uploaded their reports or not.
Any suggestion please ?
Assuming that you are using SharePoint 2013 OnPremise you can write an ItemAdded event receiver which will execute your macro (you can do this only if you are allowed to deploy code to SharePoint).
You could also write a Service / Job that will run every 5-10 minutes and check which files have been added in the last 5-10 minutes (this frequency will depend on what is the urgency for executing the macro), download the file and then execute the macro on those.
Irrespective of the environment this code could run directly from your local machine if you have no good place to host it.

How to show custom update/modifications text when I publish my outlook-addin. VB.NET

Recently I have created an Addin for my outlook 2013 in VB.net. I usually do a lot of modifications on this application especially in the beginning. These modification automatically download when a user starts its outlook as soon I publish the project.
The question I have, and which I cant seem to figure out how to do it is:
Is it possible to show the user some kind of custom made UPDATE pop-up text when outlook automatically updates the addin?
So a user starts its outlook, then the outlook usually executes the updates pretty fast and then I want them to show some kind of message which contains the updates being done.
I have no clue if this is possible though and I cant seem to find an option for it in the publish tab of visual studio. Can this be done with code, and if so, how?
ClickOnce doesn't provide anything for that. See Deploying an Office Solution by Using ClickOnce for more information.
In the new version of the software which you are going to publish you may add a message box. It can be shown for the first run only. For example, add a windows registry key which indicates that the add-in (new version) is run for the first time. Reading the value at runtime will help you to decide whether such message box is required or not.

How to password-protect a VbaProjectPart using OpenXml SDK

I have a scenario where users download their Word document from our local server and when they save that document, instead of saving it locally, the document is sent back to the server using a macro (which is "injected" by the server every time a user downloads a document that doesn't contains the latest version of the macro).
Now that we are going to send this solution to our final tests prior deploying it, we needed to protect that macro, I know I can password protect a macro using Microsoft Office by simply right clicking in the macro project inside the document and selecting "block from viewing" and inserting a password.
However, since the macro must be handled by the server, I need to find a way to protect that macro when I generate it, currently the macro is generated using OpenXml SDK using a VbaProjectPart. I couldn't find anything on the web.
Instead of trying to sign and protect the macro programmatically using Open Xml SDK I decided to download the document, sign it and protect it using word then I used "Open Xml SDK Productivity Tools" to "reverse engineer" the DOCM created and then I copied the binary "VbaProjectPart" created by the tool.
It's not the best way to do it since I need to have a separate documentation for this process and need to do the whole process when the macro changes, however, since the code isn't expected to change anymore I decided to go that way.
Hope this helps anyone who wants to know how to include password protected macros inside an Open Xml document.

Prevent file being overwritten

Imagine there are 3 or more independent locations where a file can be modified. These locations communicate to each other through email or mail (direct flash drive restoration). Though there is a big room for flow - to make simultaneous editing to the file and screw up things, this client won't change too much. He rather call everyone that he is working on the last update or tell the other guys that he is waiting for third guy's last update. Anyway, at some point after several exchanges, due to one of participants unintentional error THE LAST VERSION of the file eventually gets mixed up. From this point everyone searches for the last version BY LOOKING THE CONTENT of the file.
This client wants to have a central location (he has actually, that is his PC's some location) and let everybody (including himself) copy any new or suspected new file to this location but prevent file's last version being copied. From this location he has to easily copy, send or open the file and work.
So, here is my concept (2 steps):
step 1: I made an ad to the main application where this file is created or edited. This ad prompts the user to give a version number to the file with every invoked save command from the editing application. In fact the file can be re-saved multiple times but not considered modified (file attributes creation, save etc. do not have great meaning here). This said the user can cancel my ad-in but have saved the file, not saving a new file version.
step 2: multiple solutions:
solution A: I'm thinking to have a folder/file watch and prevent the last version of the file being overwritten. As you know, FileSystemWatcher will fire the change/delete etc., events AFTER FACT so, I have to back copy overwritten file after the fact (w/ some tricks).
solution B: have a database to store all version of files and built-in some shell extension to extract/view files from the database. Move all copied/pasted files to the database (my program folder) and restore latest file in working folder after watcher fires change/delete event.
solution 3: find out built-in windows tools (API etc.) to greatly rely on it with some programming.
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance.

VbaProject.OTM deployment

I came by this page and was thinking about the best method to distribute my VbaProject.OTM file (located into %appdata%\Microsoft\Outlook\) to a bunch of ~30 users at my office. Is it better to simply copy/paste the OTM file onto the network and then copy/paste it back to all users' computers (manually or with a .bat) OR would it be better to use the method described in the link above to generate a OPS file and import it back with Proflwiz.exe? What's the difference?
We are all on Microsoft Office Outlook 2003 actually, we might upgrade to 2007 one day but still years from now.
Finally came up with some elements to deploy a Outlook VBA Project. There are a lot of ways to do this, but the easiest way to do so without installing anything and keeping the same methodology would be to run a OTM file directly from a server. I found out that the process outlook.exe has a parameter altvba that allows to specify another path to run the OTM file from. Here is en example:
outlook.exe /altvba "\\myServer\myFolder\myFile.otm"
This allows me to update only one file to get all computers updated. Obviously, if the file is big and the server's ping is on the high side, it may delay the launch of Outlook. The other problem with this method is that everybody will have to shut down Office if you want to update the OTM file on the server (and if you do work in an office where everyone uses Outlook, you do know that it is impossible to get everyone to shut it down at the same time, except if you code a macro to do so eventually). To prevent both those problems, I could setup a batch file to copy the server OTM file clientside everytime there is a new version (just have to check the NTFS last-modify attribute). This way, Outlook will boot with a local file, the batch file take 2-3 seconds to copy the file if needed (or will launch Outlook instantaneously) and there will be no problem updating the OTM file on the server. Users will have to start Outlook with the batch file (or with the slightly different outlook.exe path with the altvba parameter, so either way they need a different shortcut/file to start off the first time). One other advantage of the altvba is that it's still easy for the user to run Outlook without it (to see if the VBA is problematic or not in case Outlook is sluggish) and the file will remain unchanged after a Outlook reinitialization.
Others solutions include a COM complement that can be developed in a lot on languages including VB6 (no conversion needed from VBA). There is also a bunch of tools included into Microsoft Office XP Developer that could help getting the job done (not free however, especially if you need the most up-to-date version).