do we need to drop the #temp table after select into - sql

I know we will have to drop the table manually after using create table, but how about select into #temp ? will it be cleaned up at the end of the the stored proc? thanks

Better late than never, I suppose. In case other people have trouble finding the documentation:
A local temporary table created in a stored procedure is dropped
automatically when the stored procedure is finished.


Is there a way to pass temporary tables across the stored procedures

I have 4 stored procedures. I need to take the result of the first stored procedure (2 temp tables) and pass it into the second stored procedure. These temp tables need to be used in the from clause in the second stored procedure.
Similarity the third and fourth stored procedures need results from the previous stored procedures.
is there a way to pass temporary tables across the stored procedures?
Regarding this comment, "it was 1 Sp but we broke it into 4 so its easier to alter if needed", I suggest that you break it up even more. In other words, implement encapsulation.
Have a separate stored procedure for each time you want to select data from the actual tables. Do not populate temp tables in these procedures, just return the data.
Then write a stored procedure that creates and populates temp tables from the procs mentioned above, and does the necessary processing.
Here is a simple example:
create procedure GetData1
select Field1, Field2
from blah, blah, blah
create procedure AssembleAllData
create table #temp1 (Field1, Field2)
insert into #temp1
exec GetData1
select Field1, Field2, etc
from #temp1 join anActualTable etc
drop table #temp1
In your current SP1, you can create temporary table pass the name to the second stored procedure like below
SP1 code
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb.dbo.#TempTable1') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE #TempTable1
EXEC SP2 N'#TempTable1'
Inside the SP2 you can insert the values into #TempTable1 which will be available to the calling SP
SP2 code
CREATE procedure [dbo].[SP2]
#outTempTable NVARCHAR(128)
IF #outTempTable IS NOT NULL AND LEN(#outTempTable) > 0
EXEC ( 'INSERT INTO ' + #outTempTable + ' SELECT * FROM TableA' )
Your question sounds more like an answer than a question. Just do as you described.
You don't need to pass the data in the temp tables from one procedure to the next. The data is just there. In one procedure you write to the temp table and in the next procedure you read from the temp table.
I would also not create temp tables dynamically, just create them and let them wait for data. This assumes that the temp table data is local to a session (in oracle this is the case and in a way the reason why temp tables exist).
Also I would opt against passing table names between procedures. There is almost always a better way and it is a no-no anyways. If you are under the impression that you need variable temp table names, then you really want to add another column to the temp tables (you may even call it "temp_table_name", though it almost certainly means something different). Then you can pass the "temp_table_name" around and the selects would need a where temp_table_name = ... and the inserts would have to populate this extra column.

stored procedures and temp tables

I have to create a 10 stored procedure as follows:
In stored procedure # 1 I create temp table 1 and this temp table is used in stored procedure 2 to create another temp table and this new tem table is used in another STORED PROCEDURE and so on.
I am not sure how to create these stored procedure, because for these stored procedure I need to have temporary tables present in temdb.
Any help
Can you user Global Temporary Tables?
SELECT * INTO ##Users FROM UserTable
The Global temp tables will remain in tempdb until deleted and can be used across different stored procs.
Assuming you want to name the table (or some of its columns) that's about to be created based on the data present in the temp table, you might want to resort to dynamic SQL, since you can't use variables like this:
declare #foo varchar(50)
select #foo = tableName from #tempTable
create table #foo (fooColumn int)
But before you even think of using dynamic SQL, you've got to ask yourself whether you really need this solution.

Why are temporary tables not removed from tempdb in SQL Server?

I have created one stored procedure with 7 temporary tables and each temp table is dropped at the end of their own work.
I am calling the SP from one web service and same web service we are used for different instance.
I have dropped every temp table forcefully but when SP executes it will not delete any of the temporary table which are located in "tempdb/Temporary Table". And, when I open new instance of my application and try to execute same SP it will modify same temp tables.
This creates problem for me. it will lock the tables when SP execute simultaneously it will lock the table and my sp is not able to produce result and throw exception.
So I want to drop my temporary tables at the end of my operation. please help.
I can't tell you why this is happening, but I have dealt with it before as well.
Try cleaning up your tables at the beginning or end of the SP or using table variables.
IF object_id('tempdb..#TableName') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #TableName
This can occur in case if you have used many Temp tables and you have some Error in between of Your sp and your drop statement could not executed.
So its always best practice to use
IF object_id('tempdb..#TableName') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #TableName
in start of SP.
To force dropping of temp tables use
Ugly but effective. Use a separate TRY for each temporary table.
IF object_id('tempdb..#TableName') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #TableName
I think this will not work as we know sql server store temp table name with adding some extra character.
if exists(select 1 from tempdb.sys.tables where name like '#TableName%')

how can i drop a table which i have declared in my SP

like i declared a table...
declare #tempTable TABLE
(Id bigint identity(1,1),
bKey int,
DateT DateTime,
Addres nvarchar(max),
unit bigint)
and i want to drop it...but im stucked coz drop table n truncate are not working.
ani ideaaa...???
Table variables only live while they are in scope, in your case for the duration of the stored procedure. It will delete itself once the procedure completes.
You might be thinking of a temporary table:
There are differences between temporary tables and table variables:
A better link:
You don't need to drop table variables (i.e. those that start with #)
You've declared the table as a table variable. It will only exist for the duration of the stored procedure. When the procedure ends, it is automatically "dropped" (ceases to exist is more accurate, as it never really existed in the way other tables do). You cannot drop them manually.
You created a temporary table which is saved in a variable. It only exists as long as the store procedure is being executed. When the SP has finished the temporary table ceases to exists and it's being deleted automatically.
you could try testing it by running the stored procedure and then try to run a select query on your #tempTable
why do you want to drop a table variable? scope of table variable is in declare stored procedure only...
check this article... Table Variables In T-SQL
Use #temptable as suggested by #Adam...
Then TRUNCATE TABLE #temptable, instead of DROP TABLE; this way no need to recreate it within loop.
In your SP, this will remove all the values from your declared table
DELETE FROM #tempTable

Using Stored Procedure into Select (T-SQL)

I need to access the result of a stored procedure within a select statement, i.e.:
SELECT * FROM [dbo].[sp_sample]
in SQL_Server 2005.
This isn't possible. You would have to create a temporary table to store the results.
Create Table #tmp
Insert into #tmp
Exec dbo.StoredProcedure
The table structure must match the output of the Stored Procedure.
#Barry is right you need to create a temp table and insert into it first, then join that table in your select.
However, there are numerous ways for sharing data between stored procedures, see this excellent article: How to Share Data Between Stored Procedures by Erland Sommarskog
One method that may work for you is to "share" a temp table. The #temp table is created in the Parent procedure and can be used by the Child: