Alter column from varchar to decimal when nulls exist - sql

How do I alter a sql varchar column to a decimal column when there are nulls in the data?
I thought:
ALTER COLUMN data decimal(19,6)
But I just get an error, I assume because of the nulls:
Error converting data type varchar to numeric. The statement has been terminated.
So I thought to remove the nulls I could just set them to zero:
ALTER COLUMN data decimal(19,6) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0
but I dont seem to have the correct syntax.
Whats the best way to convert this column?
People have suggested it's not the nulls that are causing me the problem, but non-numeric data. Is there an easy way to find the non-numeric data and either disregard it, or highlight it so I can correct it.

If it were just the presence of NULLs, I would just opt for doing this before the alter column:
update table1 set data = '0' where data is null
That would ensure all nulls are gone and you could successfully convert.
However, I wouldn't be too certain of your assumption. It seems to me that your new column is perfectly capable of handling NULL values since you haven't specified not null for it.
What I'd be looking for is values that aren't NULL but also aren't something you could turn in to a real numeric value, such as what you get if you do:
insert into table1 (data) values ('paxdiablo is good-looking')
though some may argue that should be treated a 0, a false-y value :-)
The presence of non-NULL, non-numeric data seems far more likely to be causing your specific issue here.
As to how to solve that, you're going to need a where clause that can recognise whether a varchar column is a valid numeric value and, if not, change it to '0' or NULL, depending on your needs.
I'm not sure if SQL Server has regex support but, if so, that'd be the first avenue I'd investigate.
Alternatively, provided you understand the limitations (a), you could use isnumeric() with something like:
update table1 set data = NULL where isnumeric(data) = 0
This will force all non-numeric values to NULL before you try to convert the column type.
And, please, for the love of whatever deities you believe in, back up your data before attempting any of these operations.
If none of those above solutions work, it may be worth adding a brand new column and populating bit by bit. In other words set it to NULL to start with, and then find a series of updates that will copy data to this new column.
Once you're happy that all data has been copied, you should then have a series of updates you can run in a single transaction if you want to do the conversion in one fell swoop. Drop the new column and then do the whole lot in a single operation:
create new column;
perform all updates to copy data;
drop old column;
rename new column to old name.
(a) From the linked page:
ISNUMERIC returns 1 for some characters that are not numbers, such as plus (+), minus (-), and valid currency symbols such as the dollar sign ($).

Possible solution:
data VARCHAR(100)
INSERT INTO test VALUES ('19.01');
INSERT INTO test VALUES ('23.41');
ALTER TABLE test ADD data_new decimal(19,6)
UPDATE test SET data_new = CAST(data AS decimal(19,6));
EXEC sp_RENAME 'test.data_new' , 'data', 'COLUMN'

As people have said, that error doesn't come from nulls, it comes from varchar values that can't be converted to decimal. Most typical reason for this I've found (after checking that the column doesn't contain any logically false values, like non-digit characters or double comma values) is when your varchar values use comma for decimal pointer, as opposed to period.
For instance, if you run the following:
SET #T = '5,6'
You will get an error.
SET #T = '5,6'
-- Let's change the comma to a period
SELECT #T = REPLACE(#T,',','.')
SELECT #T, CAST(#T AS DEC(32,2)) -- Now it works!
Should be easy enough to look if your column has these cases, and run the appropriate update before your ALTER COLUMN, if this is the cause.
You could also just use a similar idea and make a regex search on the column for all values that don't match digit / digit+'.'+digit criteria, but i suck with regex so someone else can help with that. :)
Also, the american system uses weird separators like the number '123100.5', which would appear as '123,100.5', so in those cases you might want to just replace the commas with empty strings and try then?


Casting a string as decimal in PSQL

I'm trying to convert a string to a decimal using this command:
SELECT cast(minimum_ticket_price AS DECIMAL(6,2)
FROM all_event_details
WHERE minimum_ticket_price ~ E'^\\d+$';
But this doesn't actually update anything in my database. It just displays the selected column in my terminal. Do I need to combine the select with an update? I've tried that but I must have the syntax wrong as I'm not able to get the conversion saved in the database.
Here's what I tried:
UPDATE all_event_details
SET minimum_ticket_price = cast(minimum_ticket_price AS DECIMAL(6,2))
WHERE ( minimum_ticket_price <> '') IS TRUE;;
Updating to a data type which minimum_ticket_price column's data can support is possible otherwise it will give an error.
for example if minimum_ticket_price column data type is varchar then your code must work.
What are you doing?
First add new column, decimal(but I'm goint to suggest to use the basics data type such real or double precision, are most efficient)
ALTER TABLE my_table ADD COLUMN minimum_ticket_priceR real ;
UPDATE all_event_details
SET minimum_ticket_priceR = to_number(coalesce(minimum_ticket_price,"0"),"999999D99") --for each row
than I'm going to suggest to drop the colum minimum_ticket_price and rename the other column (ever with ALTER TABLE):
What you did is not to understand, if minimum_ticket_price is string, you cannot set a number... and if is a number has no meaning to set it as string

Modifying a column type with data, without deleting the data

I have a column which I believe has been declared wrongly. It contains data and I do not wish to lose the data.
I wish to change the definition from varchar(max) to varchar(an integer). I was under the impression I cannot just alter the column type?
Is the best method to create a temp column, "column2", transfer the data to this column, from the column with the problematic type, delete the problem column and then rename the temp column to the original problematic column?
If so, how do I copy the values from the problem column to the new column?
EDIT: For anyone with same problem, you can just use the ALTER statements.
As long as the data types are somewhat "related" - yes, you can absolutely do this.
You can change an INT to a BIGINT - the value range of the second type is larger, so you're not in danger of "losing" any data.
You can change a VARCHAR(50) to a VARCHAR(200) - again, types are compatible, size is getting bigger - no risk of truncating anything.
Basically, you just need
ALTER TABLE dbo.YourTable
or whatever. As long as you don't have any string longer than those 200 characters, you'll be fine. Not sure what happens if you did have longer strings - either the conversion will fail with an error, or it will go ahead and tell you that some data might have been truncated. So I suggest you first try this on a copy of your data :-)
It gets a bit trickier if you need to change a VARCHAR to an INT or something like that - obviously, if you have column values that don't "fit" into the new type, the conversion will fail. But even using a separate "temporary" new column won't fix this - you need to deal with those "non-compatible" cases somehow (ignore them, leave NULL in there, set them to a default value - something).
Also, switching between VARCHAR and NVARCHAR can get tricky if you have e.g. non-Western European characters - you might lose certain entries upon conversion, since they can't be represented in the other format, or the "default" conversion from one type to the other doesn't work as expected.
Calculate the max data length store int that column of that table.
Select max(len(fieldname)) from tablename
Now you can decrease the size of that column up to result got in previous query.
ALTER TABLE dbo.YourTable
According to the PostgreSQL docs, you can simply alter table
ALTER TABLE products ALTER COLUMN price TYPE numeric(10,2);
But here's the thing
This will succeed only if each existing entry in the column can be converted to the new type by an implicit cast. If a more complex conversion is needed, you can add a USING clause that specifies how to compute the new values from the old.
add a temp column2 with type varchar(NN), run update tbl set column2 = column, check if any error happens; if everything is fine, alter your original column, copy data back and remove column2.

Why can't SQL Server tell me which column is causing the error

I'm running a pretty standard
INSERT INTO [table] (col1, col2, ...coln)
select * from #temp
and I'm getting the following error:
Msg 245, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Conversion failed when converting the varchar value 'NULL' to data type int.
I understand the error, but want to know why the column that is causing issue isn't identified by the error message. Is there an easy way to find which column contains the naughty null or is this just a ploy to make me look like I'm being productive at work while I really just spent 30 minutes looking at a huge result set without getting anywhere?
Edit: Thanks for the help guys, but no one really answered the question. Do all RDBMS's spew out similar error messages are or some more helpful? Its 2012...trial and error over possibly thousands of columns should be dead!
I would look at how you populate the temp table. You appear to be getting a value of 'null' not NULL. If this data is coming from a Excel file, this is a common problem. I usually clease the data first by updating this way:
Update #temp
set field1 = NULL
where field1 = 'NULL'
If you want to do all in the same update command, then
Update #temp
set field1 = NULLIF(field1, 'NULL')
, field2 = NULLIF(field2, 'NULL')
, field3 = NULLIF(field3, 'NULL')
It shouldn't take you 30 minutes to figure out where the null is. You only have so many columns. Just start selecting from #temp WHERE col1 IS NULL, then WHERE col2 is.
If #temp has a VARCHAR column you're trying to put into in INT column then cast it. If there are NULLs you might want to handle them with an CAST(ISNULL(VarCharColumn, '0') AS INT) or something. If an INT column allows NULLS, then just the cast to INT should be enough (as long as all the values are NULL or a valid int).
If you write your INSERT with a little bit more care then you should be able to get the results you want.
You're going to need some trial and error as #Jeremy pointed out. But you can winnow down the choices.
The error message says that the problem is a NULL in a varchar column. You can restrict your searching to just the varchar columns in #temp: select * from #temp where col1 is null or col3 is null
Second, the problem is also happening when the database engine tries to convert a null varchar value to an integer not null. Compare the definitions of both tables to see where a varchar in #temp matches up with an integer not null in the other table.
This, however, is suspicious. Why are you trying to convert text to numbers? If that's what you really want to do, you will probably need an explicit cast from textual to numeric.
If you run these two statements before your query you will see null values on those columns in the results set:

TSQL: How are values converted when altering a numeric column in sql server?

This is on SQL Server 2008.
I have several columns I want to convert from money and decimal to varchar, for example a column called item_amount.
How will these values be converted?
Will it be the same as convert(varchar, item_amount)? Running a query like select item_amount, convert(varchar, item_amount) from <table> renders the columns identically, which is what I would expect and want.
I should be safe from possible truncation, correct?
Assuming there are enough characters in the varchar column (which would be 39, since the max precision for a decimal column is 38 + 1 character for the decimal point). None of the numeric values are even close to 38 digits, most in the 3-5 range.
I've run this command successfully on a test table and want to make sure I'm not overlooking or forgetting something that's going to screw me: alter table <mytable> alter column item_amount varchar(39) default '0' (this is after droping the existing default ((0)) constraint).
With regard to the way conversion is done, yes you are correct as long as the VARCHAR column you are placing it in has the right number of characters available you will be set to go.
With regards to your change of amount to varchar, you should be fine here as it will do the conversion.
I just have to note that it doesn't sound like a good idea to do this as you are no longer interacting with numbers for sorting, filtering, etc....but just a note.

How to prevent CAST errors on SSIS?

The question
Is it possible to ask SSIS to cast a value and return NULL in case the cast is not allowed instead of throwing an error ?
My environment
I'm using Visual Studio 2005 and Sql Server 2005 on Windows Server 2003.
The general context
Just in case you're curious, here is my use case. I have to store data coming from somewhere in a generic table (key/value structure with history) witch contains some sort of value that can be strings, numbers or dates. The structure is something like this :
table Values {
Id int,
Date datetime, -- for history
Key nvarchar(50) not null,
Value nvarchar(50),
DateValue datetime,
NumberValue numeric(19,9)
I want to put the raw value in the Value column and try to put the same value
in the DateValue column when i'm able to cast it to Datetime
in the NumberValue column when i'm able to cast it to a number
Those two typed columns would make all sort of aggregation and manipulation much easier and faster later.
That's it, now you know why i'm asking this strange question.
Thanks in advance for your help.
You could also try a Derived Column component and test the value of the potential date/number field or simply cast it and redirect any errors as being the NULL values for these two fields.
(1) If you just simply cast the field every time with a statement like this in the Derived Column component: (DT_DATE)[MYPOTENTIALDATE] - you can redirect the rows that fail this cast and manipulate the data from there.
(2) You can do something like this in the Derived Column component: ISNULL([MYPOTENTIALDATE]) ? '2099-01-01' : (DT_DATE)[MYPOTENTIALDATE]. I generally send through '2099-01-01' when a date is NULL rather than messing with NULL (works better with Cubes, etc).
Of course (2) won't work if the [MYPOTENTIALDATE] field comes through as other things other than a DATETIME or NULL, i.e., sometimes it is a word like "hello".
Those are the options I would explore, good luck!
In dealing with this same sort of thing I found the error handling in SSIS was not specific enough. My approach has been to actually create an errors table, and query a source table where the data is stored as varchar, and log errors to the error table with something like the below. I have one of the below statements for each column, because it was important for me to know which column failed. Then after I log all errors, I do a INSERT where I select those records in SomeInfo that do not have an errors. In your case you could do more advanced things based on the ColumnName in the errors table to insert default values.
INSERT INTO SomeInfoErrors
'PeriodStartDate must be in the format MM/DD/YYYY',
ISDATE(PeriodStartDate) = 0 AND [PeriodStartDate] IS NOT NULL;
Tru using a conditional split and have the records where the data is a date go along one path and the other go along a different path where they are updated to nullbefore being inserted.