Maximum number of expressions in a list is 1000 - sql

I 'm trying to select 170k records from a oracle database, there are some how to avoid this error? or any way to improve this query ?
from SERV_REQ sr
inner join SERV_REQ_SI_VALUE srsi
inner join SERV_ITEM si
and si.STATUS = '6'
where srsi.VALUE_LABEL = 'unitAddress'
and srsi.VALID_VALUE in ('1682511819',
... more than 150k here!

Lamak is correct: This really looks like a list that belongs in a table.
However, if this is not convenient for whatever reason, you must break the IN clause into chunks of no more than 1000 elements each. Happily, this is pretty trivial: You insert ) OR ( scri.VALID_VALUE in every 1000 items.
Unfortunately, you're soon going to bump into the max size of a query string. (For Oracle, I think that's 32K)... but seriously consider a temp table or something.


Adding LIMIT to pg sql query returns just one row duplicated as many times as the limit says

select qt.title, qia.text_data
from qt,
where qt.quiz_id = qi.quiz_id
and qia.quiz_item_id =
and = qi.quiz_id
and q.course_id = 'course-id'
and qi.type = 'essay'
and qia.quiz_answer_id in (select spam_flag.quiz_answer_id from spam_flag group by spam_flag.quiz_answer_id having count(*)>=0)
and LENGTH(qia.text_data) > 20
limit 100;
Without the last argument
limit 100;
the query returns a list of unique rows. But when I add it, it returns just a copy of a single row duplicated as many times as is the limit. What could cause this? This is PostgreSQL.
Thank you.
You forgot the join condition for spam_flag, so you are getting each result row as often as there are rows in the spam_flag table (thus making it live up to its name).
Instead of commas in the FROM clause, you should use the explicit JOIN syntax. Then that could not happen.

Athena/Presto | Can't match ID row on self join

I'm trying to get the bi-grams on a string column.
I've followed the approach here but Athena/Presto is giving me errors at the final steps.
Source code so far
with word_list as (
regexp_extract_all(f70_remittance_info, '([a-zA-Z]+)') as f70,
FROM exploration_transaction
cross join unnest(regexp_extract_all(f70_remittance_info, '([a-zA-Z]+)')) with ordinality AS t (words, n)
where cardinality((regexp_extract_all(f70_remittance_info, '([a-zA-Z]+)'))) > 1
and f70_remittance_info is not null
limit 50 )
select wl1.f70, wl1.n, wl1.words, wl2.f70, wl2.n, wl2.words
from word_list wl1
join word_list wl2
on wl1.transaction_id = wl2.transaction_id
The specific issue I'm having is on the very last line, when I try to self join the transaction ids - it always returns zero rows. It does work if I join only by wl1.n = wl2.n-1 (the position on the array) which is useless if I can't constrain it to a same id.
Athena doesn't support the ngrams function by presto, so I'm left with this approach.
Any clues why this isn't working?
This is speculation. But I note that your CTE is using limit with no order by. That means that an arbitrary set of rows is being returned.
Although some databases materialize CTEs, many do not. They run the code independently each time it is referenced. My guess is that the code is run independently and the arbitrary set of 50 rows has no transaction ids in common.
One solution would be to add order by transacdtion_id in the subquery.

Rails 5 equivalent for this complex SQL query?

I have a query working the way I want, by executing SQL directly, but am curious (just for my own learning purposes) if this same thing could be done in an ActiveRecord statement?
The part I'm struggling with the most is the COALESCE part of this query, which just makes sure that any NULL values from the LEFT JOIN are counted as zeros instead, to keep the summation in order.
Any ideas? I'm using Postgres.
SELECT,, Inventories.unit_of_measure,
COALESCE(Sum(Stocks.count),0) as totalcount
FROM Inventories
ON = Stocks.inventory_id
WHERE = 'material' AND Inventories.organization_id = #{}
GROUP BY, Stocks.inventory_id
ORDER BY totalcount ASC
This is the closest I've gotten for an AR equivalent. When I try to add a sum or something like it, that's when it errors out.
#lowmaterials = current_organization.inventories.materials.left_joins(:stocks).group(:id, :inventory_id).order(count: :asc).limit(5)
You can use ActiveRecord::QueryMethods#select:"column1, column2, COALESCE(1,2) AS column3").left_joins...

Oracle view join to table very weird slow issue

I have a table order, which is very straightforward, it is storing order data.
I have a view, which is storing currency pair and currency rate. The view is created as below:
create or replace view view_currency_rate as (
select c.* from currency_rate c, (
select curr_from, curr_to, max(rate_date) max_rate_date from currency_rate
where system_rate > 0
group by curr_from, curr_to) r
where c.curr_from = r.curr_from
and c.curr_to = r.curr_to
and c.rate_date = r.max_rate_date
and c.system_rate > 0
nothing fancy here, this view populate the latest currency rate (curr_from -> curr_to) from the currency_rate table.
When I do as below, it populate 80k row (all data) because I have plenty of records in order table. And the time spent is less than 5 seconds.
First Query:
select * from
c.curr_from = A.CURRENCY;
I want to add in more filter, so I thought it could be faster, so I added this:
Second Query:
select * from
where = 'xxxx'
and c.curr_from = A.CURRENCY;
And now it run over 1 minute! I totally have no idea what happen to this. I thought it would be some oracle optimizer goes wrong, so I try to find another way, think of just the 80K data can be populated quite fast, so I try to get the data from it, so I nested the SQL as below:
select * from (
select * from
c.curr_from = A.CURRENCY
where id = 'xxxx';
It run damn slow as well! I running out of idea, can anyone explain what happen to my script?
Updated on 6-Sep-2016
After I know how to 'explain plan', I capture the screen:
Fist query (fast one with 80K data):
Second query (slow one):
The slow one totally break the view and form a new SQL! This is super weird that how can Oracle optimize this like that?
It seems problem relates to the plan of second query. because it uses of nest loops inplace of hash joint.
at first check if _hash_join_enable is true if it isn't true change it to true. if it is true there are some problem with oracle optimizer. for test it use of USE_HASH(tab2 tab1) hint.
I am using Mike solution, I re-write the script, and it is running fast now, although the root cause is not determined, probably due to the oracle optimizer algorithm working in different way that I expect.

Why does changing the where clause on this criteria reduce the execution time so drastically?

I ran across a problem with a SQL statement today that I was able to fix by adding additional criteria, however I really want to know why my change fixed the problem.
The problem query:
(SELECT ah.*,
ha.customer_number, applicance_NAME, house_NAME, RULE_NAME
FROM actionhistory ah
INNER JOIN community com
ON (t.city_id = com.city_id)
INNER JOIN house_address ha
ON (t.applicance_id = ha.applicance_id
AND ha.status_cd = 'ACTIVE')
INNER JOIN applicance d
ON (t.applicance_id = d.applicance_id)
INNER JOIN house house
ON (house.house_id = t.house_id)
LEFT JOIN the_rule tr
ON (tr.the_rule_id = t.the_rule_id)
WHERE actionhistory_id >= 'ACT100010000'
ORDER BY actionhistory_id
WHERE rownum <= 30000;
The "fix"
(SELECT ah.*,
ha.customer_number, applicance_NAME, house_NAME, RULE_NAME
FROM actionhistory ah
INNER JOIN community com
ON (t.city_id = com.city_id)
INNER JOIN house_address ha
ON (t.applicance_id = ha.applicance_id
AND ha.status_cd = 'ACTIVE')
INNER JOIN applicance d
ON (t.applicance_id = d.applicance_id)
INNER JOIN house house
ON (house.house_id = t.house_id)
LEFT JOIN the_rule tr
ON (tr.the_rule_id = t.the_rule_id)
WHERE actionhistory_id >= 'ACT100010000' and actionhistory_id <= 'ACT100030000'
ORDER BY actionhistory_id
All of the _id columns are indexed sequences.
The first query's explain plan had a cost of 372 and the second was 14. This is running on an Oracle 11g database.
Additionally, if actionhistory_id in the where clause is anything less than ACT100000000, the original query returns instantly.
This is because of the index on the actionhistory_id column.
During the first query Oracle has to return all the index blocks containing indexes for records that come after 'ACT100010000', then it has to match the index to the table to get all the records, and then it pulls 29999 records from the result set.
During the second query Oracle only has to return the index blocks containing records between 'ACT100010000' and 'ACT100030000'. Then it grabs from the table those records that are represented in the index blocks. A lot less work in that step of grabbing the record after having found the index than if you use the first query.
Noticing your last line about if the id is less than ACT100000000 - sounds to me that those records may all be in the same memory block (or in a contiguous set of blocks).
EDIT: Please also consider what is said by Justin - I was talking about actual performance, but he is pointing out that the id being a varchar greatly increases the potential values (as opposed to a number) and that the estimated plan may reflect a greater time than reality because the optimizer doesn't know the full range until execution. To further optimize, taking his point into consideration, you could put a function based index on the id column or you could make it a combination key, with the varchar portion in one column and the numeric portion in another.
What are the plans for both queries?
Are the statistics on your tables up to date?
Do the two queries return the same set of rows? It's not obvious that they do but perhaps ACT100030000 is the largest actionhistory_id in the system. It's also a bit confusing because the first query has a predicate on actionhistory_id with a value of TRA100010000 which is very different than the ACT value in the second query. I'm guessing that is a typo?
Are you measuring the time required to fetch the first row? Or the time required to fetch the last row? What are those elapsed times?
My guess without that information is that the fact that you appear to be using the wrong data type for your actionhistory_id column is affecting the Oracle optimizer's ability to generate appropriate cardinality estimates which is likely causing the optimizer to underestimate the selectivity of your predicates and to generate poorly performing plans. A human may be able to guess that actionhistory_id is a string that starts with ACT10000 and then has 30,000 sequential numeric values from 00001 to 30000 but the optimizer is not that smart. It sees a 13 character string and isn't able to figure out that the last 10 characters are always going to be numbers so there are only 10 possible values rather than 256 (assuming 8-bit characters) and that the first 8 characters are always going to be the same constant value. If, on the other hand, actionhistory_id was defined as a NUMBER and had values between 1 and 30000, it would be dramatically easier for the optimizer to make reasonable estimates about the selectivity of various predicates.