How to run desktop application using SQL Server database on other computer without LAN or on different ip address like as web based - sql

i have a problem i'm new in window form application in C#. Currently finished
a app that run on LAN means on the same network.
my Question is that i want to run the this application on different places
means online this app using single sever .
please suggest me what i do for that
Thanks to every one.


VB 2010: Connect Application To an IP address

I am trying to modify a program I have built in using VB 2010.
It is a Race Manager for Car Races.
I would like to connect my application to an IP address where the time and scoring sends out laptimes for each car and driver and the position of every car on track.
I know the IP address and the Port.
Any idea about the path i need to follow to be able to show the data from Time and scoring on my software correctly?
Thank you
I'm not sure of your question, but to connect to another computer you can try using sockets and I suppose this app you are doing is a client side (in Networking terms) because if its a server it would only listen for incoming connection requests so here is what I have used on my project.
I've installed Visual Basic 5.0 because I also use it to create unInstalled programs. So it came with a very nice tool called Winsock which I used to make my apps communicate with one another over network so it you have it on your computer I think your life will be a bit easier so you need to load it to VB 2010 as a tool and add it to your project then depending on how you want your app to connect to remote pc but I made mine connect on form load meaning on startup. So here is how you connect it using Winsock:
' Connecting
AxWinsock1.RemoteHost = "The IP address you want to connect to here"
AxWinsock1.RemotePort = "The Port you planing to use here"
' Send data
AxWinsock1.SendData("Your data here")
There you are connecting and sending data.
Hope this answered your question.

Which Google OAuth Flow is good for web application not reachable from the internet?

I wrote a small application which needs access to Google API with OAuth2 and which is typically run on maybe a Raspberry Pie to reduce power consumption since it needs to run pretty much 24/7. The device my application runs on is typically connected a LAN at home.
The user controls the application using a web interface from a PC/Tablet/... in the same network. However the web application is reachable from the LAN only, it cannot (and should not for security reasons) be accessed over the Internet, because it hides behind a NAT and/or a firewall.
The documentation states that I have the following options:
Web server applications
This forces me to use a redirect URL which must be known in advance. Since my app is most likely accessed by a dynamic private IP address, there is no way I know the URL in advance.
Installed applications
Yes, that would work. I just need people to copy and paste the returned code into a web form of mine. However that is somewhat uncool.
Client-side (JavaScript) applications
This does not give me a refresh token which I totally need.
Applications on limited-input devices
Polling? Well... If it works... However it requires the user to match a code shown on the device with a code displayed in the webbrowser. If I use that I can just as well ask the user to copy&paste the code returned by the installed app mode.
As far as I can see the copy&paste the code with installed app is my best chance. Is it really? Or is there is possibility to get along without that bit?

Remotely manipulate program which interfaces with laboratory instruments

I have written an application in VB which reads and displays data from instruments
and change their settings. These instruments are in my lab, but and I want to access them remotely from my room or anywhere outside my campus LAN through a web server. After searching the net I realised the best thing to do would be to use an Apache server.
Should my VB application run within the apache server? Apparently there is something called an application server.
As an alternative approach, should I write an application within the server that takes data from the code I have written and then uses or modifies it?
Or is there any other approach to the problem I am failing to see?

Is this possible for a Windows based machine to send and receive data to tailor made app on the iPhone?

I am making an app for the iPhone in Xcode which needs to be able to send and receive excel data from a windows based machine. Making the app is no trouble but what would I need from a PC to access the app data?
Firstly, I wouldn't be using Excel as a data storage program. What you really should be using is a database hosted on a web server with a PHP interface etc. If you choose to go the database route, then you can easily use a Windows machine.
Though if you choose to stick with Excel, it would be theoretically be possible given that people have made apps to have full control of a computer remotely via an app. I just think that this approach is going to be very hard to set up, and will be a lot more clunky than any sort of web server set up. Don't forget that you can get free web server services if the data level is low.
As you mentioned, this PC won't have access to the internet. Assuming you aren't willing to fix that, I guess you'd be left with a Bluetooth or local wifi option. Having to plug it in would really defeat the purpose of an app, and I don't think that iPhones can even do that without mad hacks.
An alternative idea is to build an app that links in with some free web server service, then build VBA code to download it to your Excel sheet. When you plug your iPhone into your PC, use the hotspot to get internet access.

Server-Client Data Exchange using MySQL (VB.Net)

Here's the situation. I developed a simple examination system with registration forms. I used VB.Net as the programming language. I haven't tried manual coding for my problem yet.
Anyway this is a project for the company from which I am an intern.
The plan is to get every client pc to have this examination/registration application and this application will send the personal info and the score to a central database(server pc).
I used MySql as the dbms and developed the application on the same machine which means that the Database server I used is only on the local host.
Now I was about to try to implement the application to one client pc(as a beta test) and installed the necessary files(.net framework) and I also installed MySQL Server(and workbench) in the server pc.
When I run the application in the client PC it didn't detect/connect to the ServerPC's MySQL server instance and therefore was not able to record the dummy values I input in the client application. Take note I changed the connection string of my app to point to the ip address of the serverPC.
Now my questions are the following:
1)What have I done wrong?
2)Should I install the MySQL Server(and Workbench) to every ClientPC so that I can create a server instance that uses the REMOTE HOST option and configure it such that it will connect to the SERVERPC's Database?
3)How should I setup the server so it gives access to the application I installed in all clientPCs?
I'm pretty new to and mostly learned from internet sources. I haven't tried manual coding. Mainly because the tools in are slightly easy to understand thanks to intellisense,the drag and drop tools and also the help topics.
Anyway I hope anyone helps me. Advance Thanks and If the information i've given is not quite complete please point out to me which info I forgot to add.
Additional info, the client pcs and the server pc is in one network.
I also granted every privelege to the serverPC settings of MySQL.(it's just for the test run)
Did you enable the MySQL user for localhost only access? You can check this in MySQL control center by browsing to your 'mysql' database, 'users' table, am ensure the host field of the user is set to % and not localhost, allowing them to connect on any NIC, not just the loopback (localhost) adapter.