excel VBA byref argument passed to function not being changed - vba

I have been struggling with this for a while and have found some related questions but none seem to solve my problem so it might just be my coding. The goal is to populate a form from a user defined data type (Customer) and then retrieve the information from the form back into the data object after the user has updated the form. When I run this code with IOType = "O" it works fine, the data elements are all put into the form. When I run it with IOType = "I" it reads the text from the form into the DataObjectOrType variable but the customer object that I sent in is not updated (i.e. CurCustomer.name and CurCustomer.territory are both = ""). The underlying data elements of CurCustomer are all strings if that matters. I have tried this as a sub and a function, with and without parentheses, with and without the byref but nothing seems to make a difference.
update - I have simplified some things and added some code below. Madgui, you are right that it works with a data type (sub CustomerFormIO2). It also works with just a couple of strings (sub CustomerFormIO3). I put the code from the Customer class module below too in case that helps. I have a feeling this isn't going to work. Could it have something to do with the Get and Let properties using intermediary variables? Is there any way to get this to work?
Private Type structCustomer
Name As String
Territory As String
Rep As String
End Type
Public Sub CustomerFormIO1()
Dim CurCustomer As Customer
Dim IOType As String
Set CurCustomer = New Customer
IOType = "I"
Call ObjectIO("X", CurCustomer.Name, IOType)
Call ObjectIO("Y", CurCustomer.Territory, IOType)
ObjectIO "Z", CurCustomer.Rep, IOType
End Sub
Public Sub CustomerFormIO2()
Dim CurCustomer As structCustomer
Dim IOType As String
IOType = "I"
Call ObjectIO("X", CurCustomer.Name, IOType)
Call ObjectIO("Y", CurCustomer.Territory, IOType)
ObjectIO "Z", CurCustomer.Rep, IOType
End Sub
Public Sub CustomerFormIO3()
Dim CurCustomerName As String
Dim CurCustomerTerritory As String
Dim CurCustomerRep As String
Dim IOType As String
IOType = "I"
Call ObjectIO("X", CurCustomerName, IOType)
Call ObjectIO("Y", CurCustomerTerritory, IOType)
ObjectIO "Z", CurCustomerRep, IOType
End Sub
Public Function ObjectIO(FormObject As String, ByRef DataObjectOrValue As Variant, Optional IOType As String) As Variant
If IOType = "I" Then
DataObjectOrValue = FormObject
Else '"O"
FormObject = DataObjectOrValue
End If
ObjectIO = True
End Function
Customer Class Module:
Private c_CustName As String
Private c_Rep As String
Private c_Territory As String
Public Property Get Name() As String
Name = c_CustName
End Property
Public Property Let Name(CName As String)
c_CustName = CName
End Property
Public Property Get Rep() As String
Rep = c_Rep
End Property
Public Property Let Rep(CRep As String)
c_Rep = CRep
End Property
Public Property Get Territory() As String
Territory = c_Territory
End Property
Public Property Let Territory(CTerritory As String)
c_Territory = CTerritory
End Property
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
c_CustName = ""
c_Rep = ""
c_Territory = ""
End Sub

Oddly, it works if you define your Customer class as a Type (= static structure ) :
Private Type structCustomer
Name As String
Territory As String
Rep As String
End Type
In your code change
Dim CurCustomer As Customer
Dim CurCustomer As structCustomer
and comment the line :
'Set CurCustomer = New Customer

(Old post, but adding this since there's no definitive answer here.)
This can be done by passing a reference to the full object CurCustomer, but not by passing the property directly. Properties are evaluated and passed as values whether or not ByRef is specified.
When passing a Customer object, you can add the property directly within the receiving function (DataObjectOrValue.Name), but doing so would require extra logic to handle multiple properties in the same function.
You can also pass the property name and use CallByName to keep the function flexible.
See the example below.
Public Sub CustomerFormIO4()
Dim CurCustomer As Customer
Dim IOType As String
Set CurCustomer = New Customer
IOType = "I"
Call ObjectIO("X", CurCustomer, "Name", IOType)
Call ObjectIO("Y", CurCustomer, "Territory", IOType)
ObjectIO "Z", CurCustomer, "Rep", IOType
End Sub
Public Function ObjectIO(FormObject As String, _
ByRef DataObjectOrValue As Variant, PropName As String, _
Optional IOType As String) As Variant
If IOType = "I" Then
CallByName DataObjectOrValue, PropName, VbLet, FormObject
Else '"O"
CallByName DataObjectOrValue, PropName, VbGet, FormObject
End If
ObjectIO = True
End Function
You can verify that the issue is not unique to user-defined classes by trying the same approach with a worksheet object:
Sub wsNameByRefTest()
Dim ws As Object
Set ws = Sheets.Add
ws.Name = "It failed!"
changeNameByRef ws.Name
End Sub
Sub changeNameByRef(ByRef wsName As String)
wsName = "It worked!"
End Sub
For reference, see this MSDN Article. It's officially documentation on VBScript, but I've tested in VBA, and all points in the article apply. (ByRef is the default for parameters in both, for example.) I could find no similar reference for VBA specifically.
ByRef Parameters Passed by Value
If the parameter is specified as ByRef, the argument can still be passed by value. This occurs if one of the following is true:
The argument is in parentheses, and the parentheses do not apply to the argument list.
The variable sent as an argument is in a class.
The argument being passed is not a variable, for example, 12.


3 Dimentional Dictionary

I'm trying make to a 3 Dimension Dictionary to store the data in the form of tools(material)(part)(attribute), and I have managed to create the Dictionary like this:
Dim Tools As New Dictionary(Of String, Dictionary(Of String, Dictionary(Of String, Decimal)))
And what I basically want to do is have some subs that manage that for me instead of dealing with that mess, and I want it to be like this like this:
Add_Attribute("Iron", "Pickaxe Head", "Durability", 204)
Get_Attribute("Stone", "Pickaxe Head", "Mining Speed")
Any answers would be greatly be appreciated.
My comment was not worded properly.
Create a class with add/get attributes function that accepts 3 parameters.
Concatenate the parameters and use it as dictionary key.
Option Explicit
Dim oDict As Dictionary
Public Function Add_Attribute(psParam1 As String, psParam2 As String, psParam3 As String, psValue As String)
Dim sKey As String
sKey = BuildKey(psParam1, psParam2, psParam3)
If oDict.Exists(sKey) Then
oDict.Item(sKey) = psValue
oDict.Add sKey, psValue
End If
End Function
Public Function Get_Attribute(psParam1 As String, psParam2 As String, psParam3 As String) As String
Dim sKey As String
sKey = BuildKey(psParam1, psParam2, psParam3)
If oDict.Exists(sKey) Then
Get_Attribute = oDict.Item(sKey)
Get_Attribute = ""
End If
End Function
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set oDict = New Dictionary
End Sub
Private Function BuildKey(psParam1 As String, psParam2 As String, psParam3 As String) As String
BuildKey = Join(Array(psParam1, psParam2, psParam3), "#")
End Function
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
Set oDict = Nothing
End Sub
Jules' answer of a custom class and concatenation of the three strings as a key will work very nicely for you and is a neat solution to your problem.
I'm posting another answer here for anyone who wants more of a dot notation style of solution. So one of the lines in your example could look something like:
mTools("Pickaxe Head").Attr("Durability").Material("Iron") = 204
I'm guessing you're deriving the values from a comboxbox or something similar, so working with strings might serve you fine. However, if you wished, you could go one stage further and create objects for the Attributes and Material parameters to achieve true dot notation (I didn't do the Parts parameter but you could do that one too):
mTools("Pickaxe Head").Durability.OnIron = 204
From a development point of view, the time consuming part would be to create all the parameter objects and keys, but if you are intending to manipulate the data anything more than trivially, it could make your life easier further down the track.
For your own project, are you certain that the data is genuinely 3 dimensional? Perhaps it's just the variable names that you've picked, but it seems as though you have one main object, ie the part (Pickaxe Head) which has some attributes (Durability and Mining Speed) which themselves have values based on the material they're operating on (Stone and Iron). Structurally, could it look like this?:
In terms of the code for this solution, create three classes. I've called them clsKeys, clsMaterials and clsPart.
For your clsKeys, the code is simply your field names:
Public Durability As String
Public MiningSpeed As String
Public Iron As String
Public Stone As String
For clsPart, the code contains the object names and a means of accessing them by string:
Public Name As String
Public Durability As New clsMaterials
Public MiningSpeed As New clsMaterials
Private mProperties As New Collection
Public Property Get Attr(field As String) As clsMaterials
Set Attr = mProperties(field)
End Property
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
With Keys
mProperties.Add Durability, .Durability
mProperties.Add MiningSpeed, .MiningSpeed
End With
End Sub
clsMaterials is similar:
Public OnStone As Integer
Public OnIron As Integer
Private mProperties As New Collection
Public Property Let Material(field As String, value As Variant)
mProperties.Remove field
mProperties.Add value, field
End Property
Public Property Get Material(field As String) As Variant
Material = mProperties(field)
End Property
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
With Keys
mProperties.Add OnStone, .Stone
mProperties.Add OnIron, .Iron
End With
End Sub
These classes can take as many objects as you like. You'll note I've instantiated the objects in the declaration which isn't best form but I've done it in the interest of space.
Finally, in a Module you need 3 routines: one to create the field keys, one to populate the data and one to retrieve it.
For the keys:
Option Explicit
Public Keys As clsKeys
Private mTools As Collection
Sub CreateKeys()
Set Keys = New clsKeys
With Keys
.Durability = "Durability"
.MiningSpeed = "Mining Speed"
.Iron = "Iron"
.Stone = "Stone"
End With
End Sub
For data population:
Sub PopulateData()
Dim oPart As clsPart
Set mTools = New Collection
Set oPart = New clsPart
With oPart
.Name = "Pickaxe Head"
'You could use dot notation
.Durability.OnIron = 204
.Durability.OnStone = 100
'Or plain strings
.Attr("Mining Speed").Material("Stone") = 50
.Attr("Mining Speed").Material("Iron") = 200
mTools.Add oPart, .Name
End With
End Sub
and for data retrieval:
Sub RetrieveValue()
Dim oPart As clsPart
Dim v As Variant
Set oPart = mTools("Pickaxe Head")
With oPart
'Using dot notation
v = oPart.Durability.OnIron
Debug.Print v
'Using plain strings
v = oPart.Attr("Durability").Material("Stone")
Debug.Print v
End With
'Or even without assigning the oPart variable
v = mTools("Pickaxe Head").Attr("Mining Speed").Material("Iron")
Debug.Print v
End Sub

List of user made Object not updating values indivudally

I'm pretty sure this problem is really obvious, but I can't seem to make due. I have a list of a user defined object (not by me, but I can look into editing if need be). I tried to declare it to have 14 blank objects. That way when I go to listname(5).setvalues(), it only edits that value. Instead it edits all of them (i.e. all 14) in the list or leaves them to be null.
Here's the code:
Dim currentProperties As New List(Of ExtendedCamObject)
'create a blank list
For i As Integer = 0 To 13
' Dim exp As New ExtendedCamObject
' currentProperties.Add(exp)
currentProperties.Add(New ExtendedCamObject)
propVal = "4012"
currentProperties(8).SetValues(ExtendedCamObject.PropertyTypes.Max_Bitrate, propVal)
This leaves them to null. If I do the commented out version instead (removing the other line in the for loop), it sets them all to the same value. Here's the set value's definition in the class definition:
Private m_strValue As String
Private m_PropertyType As String
Public Sub SetValues(ByVal ExtendedProperty As PropertyTypes,
ByVal strValue As String)
m_PropertyType = CType(ExtendedProperty, PropertyTypes)
m_strValue = strValue
End Sub
I didn't write this user object, but I noticed that there aren't any 'get/set' property items from the original coder. Is that why my values are not being set correctly?
You could use some code clean up here:
Public Class ExtendedCamObject
Private _strValue As String
Private _PropertyType As ExtendedProperty
Public Sub SetValues(ByVal ExtendedProperty As PropertyTypes, ByVal strValue As String)
_PropertyType = ExtendedProperty
_strValue = strValue
End Sub
End Class

VBA calling class let method, compile error

Beginner to excel class modules here. I am having trouble with the basics-
When I set (let) the property, I get "Compile error: Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assessment" with the .Name property:
Sub test()
Dim acc As account
Set acc = New account
MsgBox (acc.Name("First Account").rowNum())
End Sub
And this is the "account" class module:
Private strAccName As String
Private mlngRowNum As Long
Public Property Let Name(strN As String)
strAccName = strN
End Property
Public Property Get rowNum(exists As Boolean)
dim rowNum as Long
'...some logic here...
getRowNum = rowNum
End Property
So supposedly I am going wrong in the Let method? Advice greatly appreciated
you can assign a value to a property LET (for normal dataTypes) or property SET (for Object) by the equal sign, not vith parenthesis (used for method instead), or read a property GET assigning the value to another variable, like this:
acc.Name = "xyz"
MsgBox acc.Name
This might help you:
Sub test_class()
Dim acc As account
Set acc = New account
acc.Name = "First Account"
MsgBox acc.rowNum(1)
End Sub
class (account):
Private strAccName As String
Private mlngRowNum As Long
Public Property Let Name(strN As String)
strAccName = strN
End Property
Public Property Get rowNum(exists As Boolean)
'Dim rowNum As Long
'...some logic here...
If exists Then
'getRowNum = rowNum
rowNum = 5
rowNum = 10
End If
End Property

Accessing custom property's value gives 'Out of Memory' error when value is null

I'm trying to create a custom property in an excel sheet, then retrieve its value. This is fine when I don't use an empty string, i.e. "". When I use the empty string, I get this error:
Run-time error '7':
Out of memory
Here's the code I'm using:
Sub proptest()
Dim cprop As CustomProperty
Dim sht As Worksheet
Set sht = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("control")
sht.CustomProperties.Add "path", ""
For Each cprop In ThisWorkbook.Sheets("control").CustomProperties
If cprop.Name = "path" Then
Debug.Print cprop.Value
End If
End Sub
The code fails at Debug.Print cprop.value. Shouldn't I be able to set the property to "" initially?
With vbNullChar it works, sample:
Sub proptest()
Dim sht As Worksheet
Set sht = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("control")
' On Error Resume Next
' On Error GoTo 0
Dim pathValue As Variant
pathValue = vbNullChar
Dim pathCustomProperty As CustomProperty
Set pathCustomProperty = sht.CustomProperties.Add("path", pathValue)
Dim cprop As CustomProperty
For Each cprop In ThisWorkbook.Sheets("control").CustomProperties
If cprop.Name = "path" Then
Debug.Print cprop.Value
End If
End Sub
I think from the comments and the answer from Daniel Dusek it is clear that this cannot be done. The property should have at least 1 character to be valid, an empty string just isnt allowed and will give an error when the .Value is called.
So you Add this property with a length 1 or more string and you Delete the property again when no actual value is to be assigned to it.
As already mentioned it is not possible to set empty strings.
An easy workaround is to use a magic word or character, such as ~Empty (or whatever seems proof enough for you):
Dim MyProperty As Excel.CustomProperty = ...
Dim PropertyValue As String = If(MyProperty.Value = "~Empty", String.Empty, MyPropertyValue)
A slightly more expensive workaround but 100% safe is to start all the values of your custom properties with a character that you then always strip off. When accessing the value, systematically remove the first character:
Dim MyProperty As Excel.CustomProperty = ...
Dim PropertyValue As String = Strings.Mid(MyProperty.Value, 2)
You can write an extension to make your life easier:
Function ValueTrim(MyProperty as Excel.CustomProperty) As String
Return Strings.Mid(MyProperty.Value, 2)
End Function
Now you can use it like this: Dim MyValue As String = MyProperty.ValueTrim
Use a reversed principle when you add a custom property:
Function AddTrim(MyProperties As Excel.CustomProperties, Name As String, Value As String) as Excel.CustomProperty
Dim ModifiedValue As String = String.Concat("~", Value) 'Use ~ or whatever character you lie / Note Strig.Concat is the least expensive way to join two strings together.
Dim NewProperty As Excel.CustomProperty = MyProperties.Add(Name, ModifiedValue)
Return NewProperty
End Function
To use like this: MyProperties.AddTrim(Name, Value)
Hope this helps other people who come across the issue..
Based on the other answers and some trial and error, I wrote a class to wrap a Worksheet.CustomProperty.
Sets and Gets the value of a Worksheet.CustomProperty and tests if a Worksheet has the CustomProperty
Attribute VB_Name = "WorksheetProperty"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = False
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
Option Explicit
Private Type TMembers
Name As String
Worksheet As Worksheet
End Type
Private this As TMembers
Public Property Get Create(pWorksheet As Worksheet, pName As String) As WorksheetProperty
With New WorksheetProperty
Set .Worksheet = pWorksheet
.Name = pName
Set Create = .Self
End With
End Property
Public Property Get Self() As WorksheetProperty
Set Self = Me
End Property
Public Property Get Worksheet() As Worksheet
Set Worksheet = this.Worksheet
End Property
Public Property Set Worksheet(ByVal pValue As Worksheet)
Set this.Worksheet = pValue
End Property
Public Property Get Name() As String
Name = this.Name
End Property
Public Property Let Name(ByVal pValue As String)
this.Name = pValue
End Property
Public Property Get Value() As String
Dim P As CustomProperty
For Each P In Worksheet.CustomProperties
If P.Name = Name Then
Value = P.Value
Exit Property
End If
End Property
Public Property Let Value(ByVal pValue As String)
Worksheet.CustomProperties.Add Name:=Name, Value:=pValue
End Property
Public Property Get hasCustomProperty(pWorksheet As Worksheet, pName As String) As Boolean
Dim P As CustomProperty
For Each P In pWorksheet.CustomProperties
If P.Name = pName Then
hasCustomProperty = True
Exit Property
End If
End Property
Public Sub Delete()
Dim P As CustomProperty
For Each P In Worksheet.CustomProperties
If P.Name = Name Then
Exit For
End If
End Sub
I have several properties of my custom Unit class return a WorksheetProperty. It makes it really easy to sync my database with my worksheets.
Public Function hasMeta(Ws As Worksheet) As Boolean
hasMeta = WorksheetProperty.hasCustomProperty(Ws, MetaName)
End Function
Public Property Get Id() As WorksheetProperty
Set Id = WorksheetProperty.Create(this.Worksheet, "id")
End Property
Public Property Get CourseID() As WorksheetProperty
Set CourseID = WorksheetProperty.Create(this.Worksheet, "course_id")
End Property
Public Property Get Name() As WorksheetProperty
Set Name = WorksheetProperty.Create(this.Worksheet, "unit_name")
End Property
Simple Usage
'ActiveSheet has a CustomProperty
Debug.Print WorksheetProperty.hasCustomProperty(ActiveSheet, "LastDateSynced")
'Set a CustomProperty
WorksheetProperty.Create(ActiveSheet, "LastDateSynced").Value = Now
'Retrieve a CustomProperty
Debug.Print WorksheetProperty.Create(ActiveSheet, "LastDateSynced").Value

Get the name of the object passed in a byref parameter vb.net

How can I get the name of the object that was passed byref into a method?
Dim myobject as object
sub mymethod(byref o as object)
end sub
sub main()
'outputs "myobject" NOT "o"
end sub
I'm using this for logging. I use one method multiple times and it would be nice to log the name of the variable that I passed to it. Since I'm passing it byref, I should be able to get this name, right?
For minitech who provided the answer:
This would give you the parameter name in the method and it's type, but not the name of the variable that was passed byref.
using system.reflection
Dim mb As MethodBase = MethodInfo.GetCurrentMethod()
For Each pi As ParameterInfo In mb.GetParameters()
Debug.Print("Parameter: Type={0}, Name={1}", pi.ParameterType, pi.Name)
If you put that in "mymethod" above you'd get "o" and "Object".
That's impossible. Names of variables are not stored in IL, only names of class members or namespace classes. Passing it by reference makes absolutely zero difference. You wouldn't even be able to get it to print out "o".
Besides, why would you ever want to do that?
Alternatively you could get the 'Type' of the object using reflection.
Example: (Use LinqPad to execute)
Sub Main
Dim myDate As DateTime = DateTime.Now
Dim something As New Something
End Sub
Public Class Something
Public Sub New
Me.MyProperty = "Hello"
End Sub
Public Property MyProperty As String
End Class
Sub MyMethod(Byref o As Object)
End Sub
Sorry to say, but this is your solution. I left (ByVal o As Object) in the method signature in case you're doing more with it.
Sub MyMethod(ByVal o As Object, ByVal name As String)
End Sub
Sub Main()
MyMethod(MyObject, "MyObject")
End Sub
Alternatively you could create an interface, but this would only allow you to use MyMethod with classes you design. You can probably do more to improve it, but as this code stands you can only set the RealName at creation.
Interface INamedObject
Public ReadOnly Property RealName As String
End Interface
Class MyClass
Implements INamedObject
Public Sub New(ByVal RealName As String)
_RealName = RealName
End Sub
Private ReadOnly Property RealName As String Implements INamedObject.RealName
Return _RealName
End Get
End Property
Private _RealName As String
End Class
Module Main
Sub MyMethod(ByVal o As INamedObject)
End Sub
Sub Main()
Dim MyObject As New MyClass("MyObject")
End Sub
End Module
If your program is still in the same place relative to the code that made it, this may work:
' First get the Stack Trace, depth is how far up the calling tree you want to go
Dim stackTrace As String = Environment.StackTrace
Dim depth As Integer = 4
' Next parse out the location of the code
Dim delim As Char() = {vbCr, vbLf}
Dim traceLine As String() = stackTrace.Split(delim, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
Dim filePath As String = Regex.Replace(traceLine(depth), "^[^)]+\) in ", "")
filePath = Regex.Replace(filePath, ":line [0-9]+$", "")
Dim lineNumber As String = Regex.Replace(traceLine(depth), "^.*:line ", "")
' Now read the file
Dim program As String = __.GetStringFromFile(filePath, "")
' Next parse out the line from the class file
Dim codeLine As String() = program.Split(delim)
Dim originLine As String = codeLine(lineNumber * 2 - 2)
' Now get the name of the method doing the calling, it will be one level shallower
Dim methodLine As String = Regex.Replace(traceLine(depth - 1), "^ at ", "")
Dim methodName = Regex.Replace(methodLine, "\(.*\).*$", "")
methodName = Regex.Replace(methodName, "^.*\.", "")
' And parse out the variables from the method
Dim variables As String = Regex.Replace(originLine, "^.*" & methodName & "\(", "")
variables = Regex.Replace(variables, "\).*$", "")
You control the depth that this digs into the stack trace with the depth parameter. 4 works for my needs. You might need to use a 1 2 or 3.
This is the apparently how Visual Basic controls handle the problem.
They have a base control class that in addition to any other common properties these controls may have has a name property.
For Example:
Public MustInherit Class NamedBase
Public name As String
End Class
Public Class MyNamedType
Inherits NamedBase
public Value1 as string
public Value2 as Integer
End Class
dim x as New MyNamedType
x.name = "x"
x.Value1 = "Hello, This variable is name 'x'."
x.Value2 = 75
public sub MySubroutine(y as MyNamedType)
debug.print("My variable's name is: " & y.name)
end sub
The output in the intermediate window should be:
My variable's name is: x