How to navigate to parent of subtask in YouTrack? - youtrack

In YouTrack, an issue can be a subtask of only a single "parent" issue.
How can we quickly navigate via keyboard to this parent from the "full issue view" of the subtask?

There's no shortcut for this operation now, but here's the respective feature request:


Manually Loading Deferred slot/components in spartacus

I ran into an issue, my lazy loaded PDP module having issue with deferred loadingof componnets
I used deferLoading: DeferLoadingStrategy.INSTANT but didnt work.
actually,I want to scroll down to a slot by clicking on button in top of the screen, like for review/rating componnets from top to bottom scroll.
Can I load deferred slot/components using any service on button click ?
INSTANT is the default deferred loading configuration. If you are specifically working on the review/rating component, you might want to look into the above-the-fold loading
More information can be found here -

Maintaining view state when navigating to another view

I have one VuesJS view with two components in it that have a main-detail relationship. The user can click on an item in the main component (the item gets highlighted) and the details component will show the related detail items.
The user can edit a detail item and I want that to take place using a separate view containing the necessary components to edit the detail item.
I want the user to be able to navigate back to the products.vue view (say after finishing the editing process) with its state as it was when the initiated the editing operation.
I tried wrapping each of main and details in <keep-alive></keep-alive> but that did not seem to do the trick.
I have also read a few posts where <keep-alive></keep-alive> is used with the include property around the <router-view></router-view> but I'm not sure what to include in the include in my case.
Any thoughts on whether this is possible or what I'm doing wrong?
To persist state beyond route changes the state needs to either be stored:
in a component that is a parent to the <router-view> (such as <App>)
in a new vue instance with shared state that you import into the required components
in the official state management library Vuex (recommended)

How to permanently add an event like (touchStart) to all elements in WebStorm/IntelliJ (with Angular)

In WebStorm with Angular, the "Undefined binding" inspection will flag undefined events on elements. How do we permanently add specific exceptions to this? For example, in the following, the (touchstart) event gets flagged:
<button class="keypad-button" (touchstart)="onKeypadKeyPress($event, '1')">1</button>
But we use this (touchstart) event handler everywhere, in hundreds of files and projects. And we can't simply disable the inspection -- we want it to work normally everywhere else.
Is there a way to add this particular event to an exception list permanently, across all files across all projects? Or can we update WebStorm's definition of a valid element's events?
Please follow WEB-44387 for updates; for now, I can only suggest suppressing the inspection by adding <!--suppress AngularUndefinedBinding --> to the top of your file

Detect when child component is rerendered

I have a link element injected into translation string that I later consume via aurelia-i18n plugin. I need to listen for a click event on this link. As far as I researched it is not possible to add click.trigger="function() to an html element in translation string.
So I ended up just manually assigning a listener to the link DOM element in attached method of parent component. However when language updates, link updates as well and my listener is gone. Is there a way to know when component has been updated so I could reassign the listener there?
Or is a better solution to this issues?

Attempt to get node but dynatree tree don't reload completely yet

Everybody hi
Have such script template
so, it reloads tree and then get focus for special node.
But get such situation - activateKey starts when tree is reloading and don't get node we need because it doesn't load yet...
how it could be fixed? how launch activateKey when tree guaranted reloaded completely?
You could try to call activateKey() in the onPostInit event.