Why does a .htaccess protected directory work on http but not on https? - apache

I have a domain example.com. example.com links to a Tumblr blog. sub.example.com links to my home's Ubuntu Server's Apache server. I also have SSL optionally enabled throughout sub.example.com (i.e., the user can choose between using http or https for any webpage). sub.example.com/directory is .htaccess protected. I can access the directory perfectly fine on http://sub.example.com/directory, but not on https://sub.example.com/directory. On the https version, I get prompted for my login info. Once I entered my credentials in, I got this error:
Error: File Not Found
File Not Found.
I'm not sure what's going wrong. Below is the full /var/www/html/directory/.htaccess file and a selected portion of the /etc/apache2/apache2.conf file.
AuthType Basic
AuthName "Password Protected Area"
AuthUserFile /var/www/.htpasswd
Require valid-user
<Directory /var/www/>
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride All
Require all granted
I'm on Ubuntu 14.10 and Apache 2.4.10

Try checking these steps below
Make sure your HTTPS is working without password.
Make sure your .htaccess point to the correct .htpasswd path.
I think your apache2.conf is fine but check config files in sites-enabled and conf-available if there any incorrect for port 443.

Like so many things with computers, a reboot fixed my issues. So, I probably didn't restart some service.


apache basic auth across multiple virtualhosts

I have a few staging sites as virtual hosts on a server, plus a couple of public-facing virtual host sites. The stating sites are all under a single directory (e.g., /var/www/staging-sites/[site-document-root]).
Up to now I've been configuring HTTP Basic Auth for each virtual host, but it seems like there should be a way to do it once for all of them.
The question "apache global basic auth" indicates that I could place Basic Auth directives in a <Directory /var/www/staging-sites> container in the main apache config file, but doing so doesn't cause the browser to prompt for credentials.
Here's the output of tail -n 7 /etc/apache2/apache2.conf:
<Directory "/var/www/staging-sites/">
AuthType Basic
AuthName "Authentication Required"
AuthBasicProvider file
AuthUserFile /var/www/staging-sites/.htpasswd
Require valid-user
I've verified that /var/www/staging-sites/.htpasswd exists, and that the site foo.mydomain.com uses the Document Root /var/www/staging-sites/foo.
I've restarted apache to ensure the new config gets loaded.
However, when I open http://foo.mydomain.com, the site is displayed without prompting for Basic Auth credentials.
What am I doing wrong?
Solved. The problem was this section in the virtualhost configuration itself:
<Directory /var/www/staging-sites/foo>
Require all granted
Apparently all the virtualhosts were created with an equivalent configuration. As might be expected, Require all granted in the virtualhost config outdoes Require valid-user in the global config.
Removing that line allows the Basic Auth, as configured above, to work properly.
You can also leave Require all granted but add Satisfy all

Allow subdirectory Apache 2.4

I'm struggling with the htaccess system of apache.
My apache directories are set as follow:
www/ (Protected via /var/www/.htaccess)
www/public/ (Supposed to be unprotected via /var/www/public/.htaccess)
However i still can't access the public folder without the need to log in via my AuthType Basic from my www/.htaccess...
AuthType Basic
AuthName "Acces restreint"
AuthUserFile "/var/www/.htpasswd"
Require valid-user
AuthType None
Require All Granted
I really am not an expert in Apache so I may have missed the obvious.
Ok, I just figured out that what I was doing works but using H5AI as browser it needed to access the files.
I simply added a rule in the apache2.conf to prevent him being overwritten by the main directory .htaccess and all worked fine.

Htaccess password authentication Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

When I upgraded my VPS from Ubuntu 13.10 to 14.04 password protected directories are now giving the error below even if the correct password is entered.
Unauthorized: This server could not verify that you are authorized
to access the document requested. Either you supplied the wrong
credentials (e.g., bad password), or your browser doesn't understand
how to supply the credentials required.
Apache error.log says "No requires line available"
Files are as follows:-
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName example.com
DocumentRoot /var/www/mysite
<Directory /var/www/mysite>
Options -Indexes
AllowOverride AuthConfig
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
AuthType Basic
AuthName "Protected"
AuthUserFile /var/www/mysite/.htpasswd
require valid-user
Please will you help me to get authentication working again.
It appears apache 2.4 has added new values for the auth* modules. A grant is required now to return similar behavior. This is performed such as :
Require all granted
Some of this is outlined on the Apache HTTPd documentation site:
I suggest referencing that if you are having similar messages in your log entries.
For Ubuntu 14.04 just edit the .htaccess file as below. It works for me:
AuthType Basic
AuthName "Restricted Files"
AuthUserFile /var/www/mysite/.htpasswd
Require valid-user

How to upload a htaccess file with htpasswd?

I am trying to protect my directory with apache password protection, basically their is a subdirectory named reg in my /var/www folder. now, I have .htaccess in the /var/www/reg folder and the content is
AuthUserFile /var/www/.htpasswd
AuthName "Please Log In"
AuthType Basic
require valid-user
and a .htpasswd file in /var/www folder and the content is
but when I try to access the folder typing localhost/reg no pop up box appear asking for username and password. Where am I wrong?
I have .htaccess file like this:
AuthUserFile /data/www/.../http-users
AuthType Basic
AuthName "private"
require user cf
And it works. What you could do:
Detect the possible cause by looking into the error log. In many cases you have access to it even on hosting environments
Make sure AllowOverride AuthConfig is set. You cannot set it in .htaccess, you must do it in the server configuration file. In a hosting environment, you have to ask your hosting provider.
Not very likely, but it could be the dot - try to rename the .htpasswd file to htpasswd
Its definitelly not caused by missing the <directory> container as noted in the discussion

htaccess: only do [some lines of code] for one domain, no others

Say I have a htaccess file shared by "dev.server" and "server.site.com".
The first domain should allow all users to access it unchallenged (it only exists on my local development server).
The second domain I want to authenticate users with Apache (NOT by database).
The code to authenticate users is:
AuthType Basic
AuthName "Server Admin"
AuthUserFile "/path/to/passwd"
require valid-user
What I can't do is make those 4 lines only matter if the domain is "server.site.com". How can I do this?
I searched for something like <IfEnv HTTP_HOST "site.server.com"> but had no luck.
This appears to work, still need to do some testing on it though.
Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all
SetEnvIf Host domain.for.no.auth dev
Allow from env=dev
AuthUserFile .pwd
AuthType Basic
AuthName MySite
Require valid-user
Satisfy Any
As far as I know, this can't be done in a .htaccess file. You'd have to put this into a Directory or VirtualHost section, both of which can't be used in a .htaccess file.
You would have to define it in two separate files, or directly in the server's configuration in the VirtualHost section.