How to detect an Arduino Yún / Yún shield IP address on a LAN - ssh

I'm writing code on a server to interact with an Arduino Yún shield via SSH. Is there a way for the server to detect the Yún shield LAN IP address automatically just like the IDE?

I ran into this and found out that the Yún runs a Bonjour compatible daemon called Avahi which sets a domain of arduino.local in your local network which makes the IDE aware of the board existence. I know because I have a Yún shield (not Yún) which by default gets assigned a different Bonjour name so the IDE can't recognize it.
So, if you need to access the Yún by name locally check the Avahi daemon configuration to see what name is used. If you need to access it from outside it's still possible by using a service like noip and opening the port on your router.
Please mark the answer as correct if this answers your question.

It is not possible as your device may get an IP address from the ISP dynamically. Your device has to connect to your server and tell its IP address.
You can try something like, TCP/IP.


Connecting a DVR Tuner to a Plex Server in Hyper-V

is there a way to connect a dvr tuner to a Plex Server hosted in Hyper-V?
I have searched but could not find a Question about this topic.
My build is a Win22 Datacenter Server running Plex in Hyper-V. A Hauppauge dualHD is connected to the Win22 Datacenter Server via USB.
Thanks for your help!
Current Answer
I'm updating my answer as I didn't realize it was a tuner and not a DVR box connected to your TV.
From what I'm seeing online, your best bets are:
use Enhanced Session Mode to connect the device over RDP (which only supports some devices)
use a third-party tool such as Donglify (this is from results on Google. Buy at your own digression) to allow USB passthrough
use a Type 2 hypervisor (VirtualBox, VMware) to run your instance of Plex instead
run Plex outside of Hyper-V on the same system with a sandboxed user
run Plex on another device entirely, such as a Raspberry Pi.
I can't help with the first, as it requires some gpedit.msc magic I cannot do, or second as I have never used one.
3rd option will reduce program speeds which may cause slowdown if multiple people stream at once.
4th option is my personal recommendation, as you bypass the need to use a hypervisor entirely and keep on the same device.
5th is only good if you use a USB-based drive and have a decent bit of experience with Linux.
Old Answer
Kept for the sake of archival.
You'll want to use Powershell and the Add-NetNatStaticMapping cmdlet to allow inbound connections to the Hyper-V server. This will need a vNAT adapter set up. See the linked blog post (not mine) if you need help with that, too.
Assuming the vEthernet connection has an internal IP of and a NAT network name of NATSwitch, with Plex on the default port of 32400:
Add-NetNatStaticMapping -ExternalIPAddress "" -ExternalPort 32400 -Protocol TCP -InternalIPAddress "" -InternalPort 32400 -NatName NATNetwork
You will most likely need to replace the internal IP, port, and NAT name.
After this is set up, you'll need to point your DVR to the IP of the Windows Server box.
Sites referenced:
Plex support page on ports to forward
A GitHub user's blog, specifically a post on port forwarding

Reset IP on an Avocent DSR2035

Got this legacy Avocent DSR2035 KVM over IP. Works! Anyone knows how I edit the TCPIP setting on this machine? I have access to the console, it works, but there is no IP settings in any of the menu!
It took some time to figure this out. I had to upgrade firmware first and that was done through the setup port in the back and using a special cable that I built. After the fw update, there were network settings in the standard interface.

Remote connection to embedded device in field

I would like to ask about the way how to establish remote connection to Linux based embedded device in the field.
I have a small linux board I want to place in remote location. It has an internet access through ethernet. Than I have a Linux server with public IP to be able to tunnel connection.
And finally, I want to connect from my PC to this device.
I don't feel yet competent enough to code my own tcp sockets etc. to reroute the connection :) So what would be the easiest way to do that only with available linux tools? And BusyBox toolset on endpoints.
Thank's a lot!
I think that using OpenVPN would be a easy way to tunnel to the device. You can cross compile it and set it up as a client on the embedded device. Then you install it on your Linux box and set it up as a server.
Finally you install it on your work PC and set up as a client there.
It gives you a virtual network where all clients can talk to each other like they would be on a local network.

How to scan network for devices, using C Obj C or Swift

I have a server running on a Raspberry Pi and a client running on my Mac and iPhone (soon Apple Watch). I would like to connect to my server automatically without finding the Raspberry pi's Ip-address.
Is there a way to lookup all the devices on the network, and select by Mac-address, name or something else? I know that the first 3 bytes of the mac-address is the same for all Pies. (B8:27:EB) Maby i can use that information.
I have been looking for a solution for this issue a while but i can't seem to find one.
Zeroconf (aka Bonjour)
IMO, the best way to do this is to have your Raspberry Pi advertise itself on the network using Zeroconf (aka. Bonjour).
On the Raspberry Pi, install avahi-daemon and configure it to advertise whichever service you'd like to connect to connect to, for example, if you're connecting via SSH, you'll need to do something like this.
In Cocoa, you can use NSNetServiceBrowser to find the advertised service.
Possible MAC Address solution
Alternatively, if Avahi-daemon is not an option, you may be able to use the MAC address. I will not go into the specifics in Objective-C, just a high-level overview using the command-line.
In terminal, type ping You will get back ping packets from every device on the local network. For each IP address, send an individual ping e.g. ping -c 1 192.168.x.x. Then, type arp -a. You will see the MAC address for each IP on the local network. From here, you can perhaps use your MAC address filter to find Raspberry Pis.
Why does this work? Well, the first command ping sends a ping in an IP packet to the 'broadcast' address, which means all machines on the local network respond. When you ping the individual IP addresses, the low-level networking stack uses ARP to find the MAC address of the IP to directly send a ping to it. In doing so, the ARP tables on the local machine are updated with the cached values.
Maybe you can use this method in your app to discover local Raspberry Pis.

how to transmit serial data from GPS device to computer through IP?

Well..I have found some third party application regarding sending data from com port to IP. but I have not found any basic tutorial regarding them. so can anyone help me with this? I have a GPS device which I will connect to my laptop through usb to serial adapter.Now I need to send that data from a laptop to another laptop on same network. Can I use putty to view that data in another laptop(receiver)? Is virtual serial port driver meant for this kind of application?
If you do not want to write your own tool for it, you can simply use ncat and set up a daemon that reads piped data from one process and broadcasts it to all connected clients.
If you want something that reads the data from the serial port and then transmits it to clients, you'll need to write a server application that accepts connections and sends data around, but there's entire books on this. It should be easy to do for your purposes as written here, but it depends on the amount of control you need.
Alternatively you can use a virtual serial port application as you had mentioned, which might be the easiest route. The two devices will need to be on the same network unless the application supports TCP based virtualization instead of the common Ethernet based implementation.
This Python script works very well as a free "device server". Just enter the serial port configuration and the IP address and port information.
This can work on both Windows and Linux.
You need pyserial.
You can always try using stand alone hardware such as the SENA LS100 device server.