SocketError: Connection refused using py2neo to a remote server - authentication

While this issue has been addressed a couple of times in the past at SO and I tried all the suggestions, the problem still remains and I am hoping someone would shine a light on this.
My company set up a neo4j (v2.1.6) graph database at a remote ubuntu server.
In order to modify and update data into the server, I am using a python package, py2neo.
The server's endpoint address is and the authentication Id/password are 'fakeId' and 'fakePassWord'.
In order to access the remote database, in my local machine python terminal,
I tried the following:
from py2neo import authenticate, Graph
authenticate("", "fakeId", "fakePassWord")
graph = Graph("")
result = graph.cypher.execute("CREATE (a:Color)")
Unfortunately, the above command resulted in the following error message.
/opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/py2neo/cypher/core.pyc in execute(self, statement, parameters, **kwparameters)
107 """
108 if self.transaction_uri:
--> 109 tx = CypherTransaction(self.transaction_uri)
110 tx.append(statement, parameters, **kwparameters)
111 results = tx.commit()
/opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/py2neo/cypher/core.pyc in __init__(self, uri)
180 self.__commit = None
181 self.__finished = False
--> 182 self.graph = self.__begin.graph
184 def __enter__(self):
/opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/py2neo/core.pyc in graph(self)
211 :rtype: :class:`.Graph`
212 """
--> 213 return self.__service_root.graph
215 #property
/opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/py2neo/core.pyc in graph(self)
523 if self.__graph is None:
524 try:
--> 525 uri = self.resource.metadata["data"]
526 except KeyError:
527 if "authentication" in self.resource.metadata:
/opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/py2neo/core.pyc in metadata(self)
226 if self.__initial_metadata is not None:
227 return self.__initial_metadata
--> 228 self.get()
229 return self.__last_get_response.content
/opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/py2neo/core.pyc in get(self, headers, redirect_limit, **kwargs)
271 kwargs.update(cache=True)
272 try:
--> 273 response = self.__base.get(headers=headers, redirect_limit=redirect_limit, **kwargs)
274 except (ClientError, ServerError) as error:
275 if error.status_code == UNAUTHORIZED:
/opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/py2neo/packages/httpstream/http.pyc in get(self, if_modified_since, headers, redirect_limit, **kwargs)
964 object from which content can be read
965 """
--> 966 return self.__get_or_head("GET", if_modified_since, headers, redirect_limit, **kwargs)
968 def put(self, body=None, headers=None, **kwargs):
/opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/py2neo/packages/httpstream/http.pyc in __get_or_head(self, method, if_modified_since, headers, redirect_limit, **kwargs)
941 headers["If-Modified-Since"] = formatdate(datetime_to_timestamp(if_modified_since), usegmt=True)
942 rq = Request(method, self.uri, None, headers)
--> 943 return rq.submit(redirect_limit=redirect_limit, **kwargs)
945 def head(self, if_modified_since=None, headers=None, redirect_limit=5, **kwargs):
/opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/py2neo/packages/httpstream/http.pyc in submit(self, redirect_limit, **response_kwargs)
431 uri = self.uri
432 while True:
--> 433 http, rs = submit(self.method, uri, self.body, self.headers)
434 status_class = rs.status // 100
435 if status_class == 3:
/opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/py2neo/packages/httpstream/http.pyc in submit(method, uri, body, headers)
360 host_port=uri.host_port)
361 else:
--> 362 raise SocketError(code, description, host_port=uri.host_port)
363 else:
364 return http, response
SocketError: Connection refused
Sorry about the long error message and I greatly appreciate any suggestions.

The issue has been resolved. The problem must have been in the authentication in py2neo. With the newest version of py2neo (2.0.4), the connection was properly made.


How to understand read_excel in Pandas

I'm trying to import some public data from the web but can't understand the error.
My code:
import pandas as pd
df2022 = pd.read_excel("")
It returns this:
IndexError Traceback (most recent call last)
/var/folders/v_/yq26pm194xj5ckqy8p_njwc00000gn/T/ipykernel_89117/ in <module>
----> 1 df2022 = pd.read_excel("")
~/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pandas/util/ in wrapper(*args, **kwargs)
209 else:
210 kwargs[new_arg_name] = new_arg_value
--> 211 return func(*args, **kwargs)
213 return cast(F, wrapper)
~/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pandas/util/ in wrapper(*args, **kwargs)
329 stacklevel=find_stack_level(),
330 )
--> 331 return func(*args, **kwargs)
333 # error: "Callable[[VarArg(Any), KwArg(Any)], Any]" has no
~/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pandas/io/excel/ in read_excel(io, sheet_name, header, names, index_col, usecols, squeeze, dtype, engine, converters, true_values, false_values, skiprows, nrows, na_values, keep_default_na, na_filter, verbose, parse_dates, date_parser, thousands, decimal, comment, skipfooter, convert_float, mangle_dupe_cols, storage_options)
480 if not isinstance(io, ExcelFile):
481 should_close = True
--> 482 io = ExcelFile(io, storage_options=storage_options, engine=engine)
483 elif engine and engine != io.engine:
484 raise ValueError(
~/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pandas/io/excel/ in __init__(self, path_or_buffer, engine, storage_options)
1693 self.storage_options = storage_options
-> 1695 self._reader = self._engines[engine](self._io, storage_options=storage_options)
1697 def __fspath__(self):
~/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pandas/io/excel/ in __init__(self, filepath_or_buffer, storage_options)
555 """
556 import_optional_dependency("openpyxl")
--> 557 super().__init__(filepath_or_buffer, storage_options=storage_options)
559 #property
~/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pandas/io/excel/ in __init__(self, filepath_or_buffer, storage_options)
544 try:
--> 545 = self.load_workbook(self.handles.handle)
546 except Exception:
547 self.close()
~/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pandas/io/excel/ in load_workbook(self, filepath_or_buffer)
566 from openpyxl import load_workbook
--> 568 return load_workbook(
569 filepath_or_buffer, read_only=True, data_only=True, keep_links=False
570 )
~/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/openpyxl/reader/ in load_workbook(filename, read_only, keep_vba, data_only, keep_links)
315 reader = ExcelReader(filename, read_only, keep_vba,
316 data_only, keep_links)
--> 317
318 return reader.wb
~/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/openpyxl/reader/ in read(self)
281 apply_stylesheet(self.archive, self.wb)
282 self.read_worksheets()
--> 283 self.parser.assign_names()
284 if not self.read_only:
285 self.archive.close()
~/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/openpyxl/reader/ in assign_names(self)
100 reserved = defn.is_reserved
101 if reserved in ("Print_Titles", "Print_Area"):
--> 102 sheet = self.wb._sheets[defn.localSheetId]
103 if reserved == "Print_Titles":
104 rows, cols = _unpack_print_titles(defn)
IndexError: list index out of range
At this point I would traditonally download and convert to CSV but I want to access straight from web.
The sheet (which I guess I could access as sheetname="Q27 Providers (benchmarked)") doesn't work.
It looks like xlsx file is broken, therefore u can't download it. Did u try to open that xlsx file?

How to load a dataframe to postgresql 14

i have tried to load my dataframe to postgresql and especially to the server postgresql 14( i have 2 servers postgresql 9.3 running on port 5434 , and the other one is postgresql 14 running on port 5433) with this command :
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
engine = create_engine('postgresql://postgres:password#localhost:5433/MYDATABASE')
df.to_sql('My_Table', engine)
this is the error i get , also i've tried with more ways but its always the same error , i guess its related to the two servers i'm using :
OperationalError Traceback (most recent call last)
File ~\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\engine\, in Engine._wrap_pool_connect(self, fn, connection)
3279 try:
-> 3280 return fn()
3281 except dialect.dbapi.Error as e:
File ~\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\pool\, in Pool.connect(self)
303 """Return a DBAPI connection from the pool.
305 The connection is instrumented such that when its
309 """
--> 310 return _ConnectionFairy._checkout(self)
File ~\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\pool\, in _ConnectionFairy._checkout(cls, pool, threadconns, fairy)
867 if not fairy:
--> 868 fairy = _ConnectionRecord.checkout(pool)
870 fairy._pool = pool
File ~\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\pool\, in _ConnectionRecord.checkout(cls, pool)
474 #classmethod
475 def checkout(cls, pool):
--> 476 rec = pool._do_get()
477 try:
File ~\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\pool\, in QueuePool._do_get(self)
144 except:
--> 145 with util.safe_reraise():
146 self._dec_overflow()
File ~\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\util\, in safe_reraise.__exit__(self, type_, value, traceback)
69 if not self.warn_only:
---> 70 compat.raise_(
71 exc_value,
72 with_traceback=exc_tb,
73 )
74 else:
File ~\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\util\, in raise_(***failed resolving arguments***)
206 try:
--> 207 raise exception
208 finally:
209 # credit to
210 #
211 # as the __traceback__ object creates a cycle
File ~\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\pool\, in QueuePool._do_get(self)
142 try:
--> 143 return self._create_connection()
144 except:
File ~\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\pool\, in Pool._create_connection(self)
254 """Called by subclasses to create a new ConnectionRecord."""
--> 256 return _ConnectionRecord(self)
File ~\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\pool\, in _ConnectionRecord.__init__(self, pool, connect)
370 if connect:
--> 371 self.__connect()
372 self.finalize_callback = deque()
File ~\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\pool\, in _ConnectionRecord.__connect(self)
664 except Exception as e:
--> 665 with util.safe_reraise():
666 pool.logger.debug("Error on connect(): %s", e)
File ~\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\util\, in safe_reraise.__exit__(self, type_, value, traceback)
69 if not self.warn_only:
---> 70 compat.raise_(
71 exc_value,
72 with_traceback=exc_tb,
73 )
74 else:
File ~\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\util\, in raise_(***failed resolving arguments***)
206 try:
--> 207 raise exception
208 finally:
209 # credit to
210 #
211 # as the __traceback__ object creates a cycle
File ~\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\pool\, in _ConnectionRecord.__connect(self)
660 self.starttime = time.time()
--> 661 self.dbapi_connection = connection = pool._invoke_creator(self)
662 pool.logger.debug("Created new connection %r", connection)
File ~\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\engine\, in create_engine.<locals>.connect(connection_record)
589 return connection
--> 590 return dialect.connect(*cargs, **cparams)
File ~\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\engine\, in DefaultDialect.connect(self, *cargs, **cparams)
595 def connect(self, *cargs, **cparams):
596 # inherits the docstring from interfaces.Dialect.connect
--> 597 return self.dbapi.connect(*cargs, **cparams)
File ~\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\psycopg2\, in connect(dsn, connection_factory, cursor_factory, **kwargs)
121 dsn = _ext.make_dsn(dsn, **kwargs)
--> 122 conn = _connect(dsn, connection_factory=connection_factory, **kwasync)
123 if cursor_factory is not None:
The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
OperationalError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [105], in <cell line: 3>()
1 from sqlalchemy import create_engine
2 engine = create_engine('postgresql://postgres:password#localhost:5433/MYDATABASE')
----> 3 df.to_sql('My_Table', engine)
File ~\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\, in NDFrame.to_sql(self, name, con, schema, if_exists, index, index_label, chunksize, dtype, method)
2794 """
2795 Write records stored in a DataFrame to a SQL database.
2947 [(1,), (None,), (2,)]
2948 """ # noqa:E501
2949 from import sql
-> 2951 return sql.to_sql(
2952 self,
2953 name,
2954 con,
2955 schema=schema,
2956 if_exists=if_exists,
2957 index=index,
2958 index_label=index_label,
2959 chunksize=chunksize,
2960 dtype=dtype,
2961 method=method,
2962 )
File ~\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\pandas\io\, in to_sql(frame, name, con, schema, if_exists, index, index_label, chunksize, dtype, method, engine, **engine_kwargs)
692 elif not isinstance(frame, DataFrame):
693 raise NotImplementedError(
694 "'frame' argument should be either a Series or a DataFrame"
695 )
--> 697 return pandas_sql.to_sql(
698 frame,
699 name,
700 if_exists=if_exists,
701 index=index,
702 index_label=index_label,
703 schema=schema,
704 chunksize=chunksize,
705 dtype=dtype,
706 method=method,
707 engine=engine,
708 **engine_kwargs,
709 )
File ~\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\pandas\io\, in SQLDatabase.to_sql(self, frame, name, if_exists, index, index_label, schema, chunksize, dtype, method, engine, **engine_kwargs)
1679 """
1680 Write records stored in a DataFrame to a SQL database.
1725 Any additional kwargs are passed to the engine.
1726 """
1727 sql_engine = get_engine(engine)
-> 1729 table = self.prep_table(
1730 frame=frame,
1731 name=name,
1732 if_exists=if_exists,
1733 index=index,
1734 index_label=index_label,
1735 schema=schema,
1736 dtype=dtype,
1737 )
1739 total_inserted = sql_engine.insert_records(
1740 table=table,
1741 con=self.connectable,
1748 **engine_kwargs,
1749 )
1751 self.check_case_sensitive(name=name, schema=schema)
File ~\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\pandas\io\, in SQLDatabase.prep_table(self, frame, name, if_exists, index, index_label, schema, dtype)
1616 raise ValueError(f"The type of {col} is not a SQLAlchemy type")
1618 table = SQLTable(
1619 name,
1620 self,
1626 dtype=dtype,
1627 )
-> 1628 table.create()
1629 return table
File ~\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\pandas\io\, in SQLTable.create(self)
830 def create(self):
--> 831 if self.exists():
832 if self.if_exists == "fail":
833 raise ValueError(f"Table '{}' already exists.")
File ~\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\pandas\io\, in SQLTable.exists(self)
814 def exists(self):
--> 815 return self.pd_sql.has_table(, self.schema)
File ~\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\pandas\io\, in SQLDatabase.has_table(self, name, schema)
1759 if _gt14():
1760 from sqlalchemy import inspect
-> 1762 insp = inspect(self.connectable)
1763 return insp.has_table(name, schema or self.meta.schema)
1764 else:
File ~\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\, in inspect(subject, raiseerr)
62 if reg is True:
63 return subject
---> 64 ret = reg(subject)
65 if ret is not None:
66 break
File ~\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\engine\, in Inspector._engine_insp(bind)
180 #inspection._inspects(Engine)
181 def _engine_insp(bind):
--> 182 return Inspector._construct(Inspector._init_engine, bind)
File ~\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\engine\, in Inspector._construct(cls, init, bind)
114 cls = bind.dialect.inspector
116 self = cls.__new__(cls)
--> 117 init(self, bind)
118 return self
File ~\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\engine\, in Inspector._init_engine(self, engine)
126 def _init_engine(self, engine):
127 self.bind = self.engine = engine
--> 128 engine.connect().close()
129 self._op_context_requires_connect = True
130 self.dialect = self.engine.dialect
File ~\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\engine\, in Engine.connect(self, close_with_result)
3219 def connect(self, close_with_result=False):
3220 """Return a new :class:`_engine.Connection` object.
3222 The :class:`_engine.Connection` object is a facade that uses a DBAPI
3232 """
-> 3234 return self._connection_cls(self, close_with_result=close_with_result)
File ~\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\engine\, in Connection.__init__(self, engine, connection, close_with_result, _branch_from, _execution_options, _dispatch, _has_events, _allow_revalidate)
91 self._has_events = _branch_from._has_events
92 else:
93 self._dbapi_connection = (
94 connection
95 if connection is not None
---> 96 else engine.raw_connection()
97 )
99 self._transaction = self._nested_transaction = None
100 self.__savepoint_seq = 0
File ~\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\engine\, in Engine.raw_connection(self, _connection)
3291 def raw_connection(self, _connection=None):
3292 """Return a "raw" DBAPI connection from the connection pool.
3294 The returned object is a proxied version of the DBAPI
3312 """
-> 3313 return self._wrap_pool_connect(self.pool.connect, _connection)
File ~\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\engine\, in Engine._wrap_pool_connect(self, fn, connection)
3281 except dialect.dbapi.Error as e:
3282 if connection is None:
-> 3283 Connection._handle_dbapi_exception_noconnection(
3284 e, dialect, self
3285 )
3286 else:
3287 util.raise_(
3288 sys.exc_info()[1], with_traceback=sys.exc_info()[2]
3289 )
File ~\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\engine\, in Connection._handle_dbapi_exception_noconnection(cls, e, dialect, engine)
2115 util.raise_(newraise, with_traceback=exc_info[2], from_=e)
2116 elif should_wrap:
-> 2117 util.raise_(
2118 sqlalchemy_exception, with_traceback=exc_info[2], from_=e
2119 )
2120 else:
2121 util.raise_(exc_info[1], with_traceback=exc_info[2])
File ~\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\util\, in raise_(***failed resolving arguments***)
204 exception.__cause__ = replace_context
206 try:
--> 207 raise exception
208 finally:
209 # credit to
210 #
211 # as the __traceback__ object creates a cycle
212 del exception, replace_context, from_, with_traceback
File ~\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\engine\, in Engine._wrap_pool_connect(self, fn, connection)
3278 dialect = self.dialect
3279 try:
-> 3280 return fn()
3281 except dialect.dbapi.Error as e:
3282 if connection is None:
File ~\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\pool\, in Pool.connect(self)
302 def connect(self):
303 """Return a DBAPI connection from the pool.
305 The connection is instrumented such that when its
309 """
--> 310 return _ConnectionFairy._checkout(self)
File ~\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\pool\, in _ConnectionFairy._checkout(cls, pool, threadconns, fairy)
865 #classmethod
866 def _checkout(cls, pool, threadconns=None, fairy=None):
867 if not fairy:
--> 868 fairy = _ConnectionRecord.checkout(pool)
870 fairy._pool = pool
871 fairy._counter = 0
File ~\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\pool\, in _ConnectionRecord.checkout(cls, pool)
474 #classmethod
475 def checkout(cls, pool):
--> 476 rec = pool._do_get()
477 try:
478 dbapi_connection = rec.get_connection()
File ~\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\pool\, in QueuePool._do_get(self)
143 return self._create_connection()
144 except:
--> 145 with util.safe_reraise():
146 self._dec_overflow()
147 else:
File ~\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\util\, in safe_reraise.__exit__(self, type_, value, traceback)
68 self._exc_info = None # remove potential circular references
69 if not self.warn_only:
---> 70 compat.raise_(
71 exc_value,
72 with_traceback=exc_tb,
73 )
74 else:
75 if not compat.py3k and self._exc_info and self._exc_info[1]:
76 # emulate Py3K's behavior of telling us when an exception
77 # occurs in an exception handler.
File ~\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\util\, in raise_(***failed resolving arguments***)
204 exception.__cause__ = replace_context
206 try:
--> 207 raise exception
208 finally:
209 # credit to
210 #
211 # as the __traceback__ object creates a cycle
212 del exception, replace_context, from_, with_traceback
File ~\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\pool\, in QueuePool._do_get(self)
141 if self._inc_overflow():
142 try:
--> 143 return self._create_connection()
144 except:
145 with util.safe_reraise():
File ~\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\pool\, in Pool._create_connection(self)
253 def _create_connection(self):
254 """Called by subclasses to create a new ConnectionRecord."""
--> 256 return _ConnectionRecord(self)
File ~\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\pool\, in _ConnectionRecord.__init__(self, pool, connect)
369 self.__pool = pool
370 if connect:
--> 371 self.__connect()
372 self.finalize_callback = deque()
File ~\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\pool\, in _ConnectionRecord.__connect(self)
663 self.fresh = True
664 except Exception as e:
--> 665 with util.safe_reraise():
666 pool.logger.debug("Error on connect(): %s", e)
667 else:
668 # in SQLAlchemy 1.4 the first_connect event is not used by
669 # the engine, so this will usually not be set
File ~\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\util\, in safe_reraise.__exit__(self, type_, value, traceback)
68 self._exc_info = None # remove potential circular references
69 if not self.warn_only:
---> 70 compat.raise_(
71 exc_value,
72 with_traceback=exc_tb,
73 )
74 else:
75 if not compat.py3k and self._exc_info and self._exc_info[1]:
76 # emulate Py3K's behavior of telling us when an exception
77 # occurs in an exception handler.
File ~\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\util\, in raise_(***failed resolving arguments***)
204 exception.__cause__ = replace_context
206 try:
--> 207 raise exception
208 finally:
209 # credit to
210 #
211 # as the __traceback__ object creates a cycle
212 del exception, replace_context, from_, with_traceback
File ~\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\pool\, in _ConnectionRecord.__connect(self)
659 try:
660 self.starttime = time.time()
--> 661 self.dbapi_connection = connection = pool._invoke_creator(self)
662 pool.logger.debug("Created new connection %r", connection)
663 self.fresh = True
File ~\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\engine\, in create_engine.<locals>.connect(connection_record)
588 if connection is not None:
589 return connection
--> 590 return dialect.connect(*cargs, **cparams)
File ~\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\engine\, in DefaultDialect.connect(self, *cargs, **cparams)
595 def connect(self, *cargs, **cparams):
596 # inherits the docstring from interfaces.Dialect.connect
--> 597 return self.dbapi.connect(*cargs, **cparams)
File ~\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\psycopg2\, in connect(dsn, connection_factory, cursor_factory, **kwargs)
119 kwasync['async_'] = kwargs.pop('async_')
121 dsn = _ext.make_dsn(dsn, **kwargs)
--> 122 conn = _connect(dsn, connection_factory=connection_factory, **kwasync)
123 if cursor_factory is not None:
124 conn.cursor_factory = cursor_factory
OperationalError: (psycopg2.OperationalError)
(Background on this error at:

Google Sheets API - Timeout

I regularly use gspread and lately I've been getting these read timeout errors but only on certain sheets. Sometimes I'll be able to read & write to a sheet for a bit and then it'll hang until I get this read timeout error and then all subsequent attempts to read from that sheet will hang immediately and again give me this error.
timeout Traceback (most recent call last)
~/envs/jupyter/lib/python3.6/site-packages/urllib3/ in _make_request(self, conn, method, url, timeout, chunked, **httplib_request_kw)
444 # Otherwise it looks like a bug in the code.
--> 445 six.raise_from(e, None)
446 except (SocketTimeout, BaseSSLError, SocketError) as e:
~/envs/jupyter/lib/python3.6/site-packages/urllib3/packages/ in raise_from(value, from_value)
~/envs/jupyter/lib/python3.6/site-packages/urllib3/ in _make_request(self, conn, method, url, timeout, chunked, **httplib_request_kw)
439 try:
--> 440 httplib_response = conn.getresponse()
441 except BaseException as e:
/usr/lib/python3.6/http/ in getresponse(self)
1372 try:
-> 1373 response.begin()
1374 except ConnectionError:
/usr/lib/python3.6/http/ in begin(self)
310 while True:
--> 311 version, status, reason = self._read_status()
312 if status != CONTINUE:
/usr/lib/python3.6/http/ in _read_status(self)
271 def _read_status(self):
--> 272 line = str(self.fp.readline(_MAXLINE + 1), "iso-8859-1")
273 if len(line) > _MAXLINE:
/usr/lib/python3.6/ in readinto(self, b)
585 try:
--> 586 return self._sock.recv_into(b)
587 except timeout:
/usr/lib/python3.6/ in recv_into(self, buffer, nbytes, flags)
1011 self.__class__)
-> 1012 return, buffer)
1013 else:
/usr/lib/python3.6/ in read(self, len, buffer)
873 try:
--> 874 return, buffer)
875 except SSLError as x:
/usr/lib/python3.6/ in read(self, len, buffer)
630 if buffer is not None:
--> 631 v =, buffer)
632 else:
timeout: The read operation timed out
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
ReadTimeoutError Traceback (most recent call last)
~/envs/jupyter/lib/python3.6/site-packages/requests/ in send(self, request, stream, timeout, verify, cert, proxies)
448 retries=self.max_retries,
--> 449 timeout=timeout
450 )
~/envs/jupyter/lib/python3.6/site-packages/urllib3/ in urlopen(self, method, url, body, headers, retries, redirect, assert_same_host, timeout, pool_timeout, release_conn, chunked, body_pos, **response_kw)
755 retries = retries.increment(
--> 756 method, url, error=e, _pool=self, _stacktrace=sys.exc_info()[2]
757 )
~/envs/jupyter/lib/python3.6/site-packages/urllib3/util/ in increment(self, method, url, response, error, _pool, _stacktrace)
531 if read is False or not self._is_method_retryable(method):
--> 532 raise six.reraise(type(error), error, _stacktrace)
533 elif read is not None:
~/envs/jupyter/lib/python3.6/site-packages/urllib3/packages/ in reraise(tp, value, tb)
734 raise value.with_traceback(tb)
--> 735 raise value
736 finally:
~/envs/jupyter/lib/python3.6/site-packages/urllib3/ in urlopen(self, method, url, body, headers, retries, redirect, assert_same_host, timeout, pool_timeout, release_conn, chunked, body_pos, **response_kw)
705 headers=headers,
--> 706 chunked=chunked,
707 )
~/envs/jupyter/lib/python3.6/site-packages/urllib3/ in _make_request(self, conn, method, url, timeout, chunked, **httplib_request_kw)
446 except (SocketTimeout, BaseSSLError, SocketError) as e:
--> 447 self._raise_timeout(err=e, url=url, timeout_value=read_timeout)
448 raise
~/envs/jupyter/lib/python3.6/site-packages/urllib3/ in _raise_timeout(self, err, url, timeout_value)
336 raise ReadTimeoutError(
--> 337 self, url, "Read timed out. (read timeout=%s)" % timeout_value
338 )
ReadTimeoutError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Read timed out. (read timeout=120)
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
ReadTimeout Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-70-dc10e6e8ee1a> in <module>
----> 1 max_sheet.range('A1:B1')
~/envs/jupyter/lib/python3.6/site-packages/gspread/ in wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs)
396 pass
--> 398 return method(self, *args, **kwargs)
400 return wrapper
~/envs/jupyter/lib/python3.6/site-packages/gspread/ in range(self, name)
686 range_label = absolute_range_name(self.title, name)
--> 688 data = self.spreadsheet.values_get(range_label)
690 start, end = name.split(':')
~/envs/jupyter/lib/python3.6/site-packages/gspread/ in values_get(self, range, params)
190 """
191 url = SPREADSHEET_VALUES_URL % (, quote(range))
--> 192 r = self.client.request('get', url, params=params)
193 return r.json()
~/envs/jupyter/lib/python3.6/site-packages/gspread/ in request(self, method, endpoint, params, data, json, files, headers)
68 data=data,
69 files=files,
---> 70 headers=headers,
71 )
~/envs/jupyter/lib/python3.6/site-packages/requests/ in get(self, url, **kwargs)
554 kwargs.setdefault('allow_redirects', True)
--> 555 return self.request('GET', url, **kwargs)
557 def options(self, url, **kwargs):
~/envs/jupyter/lib/python3.6/site-packages/google/auth/transport/ in request(self, method, url, data, headers, max_allowed_time, timeout, **kwargs)
486 headers=request_headers,
487 timeout=timeout,
--> 488 **kwargs
489 )
490 remaining_time = guard.remaining_timeout
~/envs/jupyter/lib/python3.6/site-packages/requests/ in request(self, method, url, params, data, headers, cookies, files, auth, timeout, allow_redirects, proxies, hooks, stream, verify, cert, json)
540 }
541 send_kwargs.update(settings)
--> 542 resp = self.send(prep, **send_kwargs)
544 return resp
~/envs/jupyter/lib/python3.6/site-packages/requests/ in send(self, request, **kwargs)
654 # Send the request
--> 655 r = adapter.send(request, **kwargs)
657 # Total elapsed time of the request (approximately)
~/envs/jupyter/lib/python3.6/site-packages/requests/ in send(self, request, stream, timeout, verify, cert, proxies)
527 raise SSLError(e, request=request)
528 elif isinstance(e, ReadTimeoutError):
--> 529 raise ReadTimeout(e, request=request)
530 else:
531 raise
ReadTimeout: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Read timed out. (read timeout=120)
I tried taking gspread out of it for troubleshooting but it still gives me the same issue even when I'm using code from the python quickstart example from (below). The timeout issue is the same whether I do it from my local machine or my jupyter server on digitalocean.
from googleapiclient.discovery import build
from google.oauth2.service_account import Credentials
creds = Credentials.from_service_account_file('XXXXXXX', scopes=SCOPES)
service = build('sheets', 'v4', credentials=creds)
sheet = service.spreadsheets()
result = sheet.values().get(spreadsheetId='XXXXXXX',
range='Active Accounts - working copy!A1:A2').execute()
values = result.get('values', [])
The above code results in this:
timeout Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-95-5c352599e283> in <module>
1 sheet = service.spreadsheets()
2 result = sheet.values().get(spreadsheetId='XXXXXX',
----> 3 range='Active Accounts - working copy!A1:A2').execute()
4 values = result.get('values', [])
~/envs/jupyter/lib/python3.6/site-packages/googleapiclient/ in positional_wrapper(*args, **kwargs)
132 elif positional_parameters_enforcement == POSITIONAL_WARNING:
133 logger.warning(message)
--> 134 return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
136 return positional_wrapper
~/envs/jupyter/lib/python3.6/site-packages/googleapiclient/ in execute(self, http, num_retries)
899 method=str(self.method),
900 body=self.body,
--> 901 headers=self.headers,
902 )
~/envs/jupyter/lib/python3.6/site-packages/googleapiclient/ in _retry_request(http, num_retries, req_type, sleep, rand, uri, method, *args, **kwargs)
202 if exception:
203 if retry_num == num_retries:
--> 204 raise exception
205 else:
206 continue
~/envs/jupyter/lib/python3.6/site-packages/googleapiclient/ in _retry_request(http, num_retries, req_type, sleep, rand, uri, method, *args, **kwargs)
175 try:
176 exception = None
--> 177 resp, content = http.request(uri, method, *args, **kwargs)
178 # Retry on SSL errors and socket timeout errors.
179 except _ssl_SSLError as ssl_error:
~/envs/jupyter/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ in request(self, uri, method, body, headers, **kwargs)
196 # Make the request.
197 response, content = self.http.request(
--> 198 uri, method, body=body, headers=request_headers, **kwargs)
200 # If the response indicated that the credentials needed to be
~/envs/jupyter/lib/python3.6/site-packages/httplib2/ in request(self, uri, method, body, headers, redirections, connection_type)
1989 headers,
1990 redirections,
-> 1991 cachekey,
1992 )
1993 except Exception as e:
~/envs/jupyter/lib/python3.6/site-packages/httplib2/ in _request(self, conn, host, absolute_uri, request_uri, method, body, headers, redirections, cachekey)
1650 (response, content) = self._conn_request(
-> 1651 conn, request_uri, method, body, headers
1652 )
~/envs/jupyter/lib/python3.6/site-packages/httplib2/ in _conn_request(self, conn, request_uri, method, body, headers)
1587 pass
1588 try:
-> 1589 response = conn.getresponse()
1590 except (http.client.BadStatusLine, http.client.ResponseNotReady):
1591 # If we get a BadStatusLine on the first try then that means
/usr/lib/python3.6/http/ in getresponse(self)
1371 try:
1372 try:
-> 1373 response.begin()
1374 except ConnectionError:
1375 self.close()
/usr/lib/python3.6/http/ in begin(self)
309 # read until we get a non-100 response
310 while True:
--> 311 version, status, reason = self._read_status()
312 if status != CONTINUE:
313 break
/usr/lib/python3.6/http/ in _read_status(self)
271 def _read_status(self):
--> 272 line = str(self.fp.readline(_MAXLINE + 1), "iso-8859-1")
273 if len(line) > _MAXLINE:
274 raise LineTooLong("status line")
/usr/lib/python3.6/ in readinto(self, b)
584 while True:
585 try:
--> 586 return self._sock.recv_into(b)
587 except timeout:
588 self._timeout_occurred = True
/usr/lib/python3.6/ in recv_into(self, buffer, nbytes, flags)
1010 "non-zero flags not allowed in calls to recv_into() on %s" %
1011 self.__class__)
-> 1012 return, buffer)
1013 else:
1014 return socket.recv_into(self, buffer, nbytes, flags)
/usr/lib/python3.6/ in read(self, len, buffer)
872 raise ValueError("Read on closed or unwrapped SSL socket.")
873 try:
--> 874 return, buffer)
875 except SSLError as x:
876 if x.args[0] == SSL_ERROR_EOF and self.suppress_ragged_eofs:
/usr/lib/python3.6/ in read(self, len, buffer)
629 """
630 if buffer is not None:
--> 631 v =, buffer)
632 else:
633 v =
timeout: The read operation timed out

Dask Cluster: AttributeError: 'DataFrame' object has no attribute '_data'

I'm working with a Dask Cluster on GCP. I'm using this code to deploy it:
from dask_cloudprovider.gcp import GCPCluster
from dask.distributed import Client
enviroment_vars = {
cluster = GCPCluster(
client = Client(cluster)
Then I read csv files, with the following code:
import dask.dataframe as dd
import csv
col_dtypes = {
'var1': 'float64',
'var2': 'object',
'var3': 'object',
'var4': 'float64'
df = dd.read_csv('gs://my_bucket/files-*.csv', blocksize=None, dtype= col_dtypes)
df = df.persist()
Everything works fine, but when I try to do some queries, or calculation, I get an error. For instance this piece of code:
This is the output:
AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-14-711a7c21ed42> in <module>
----> 1 df.var1.value_counts().compute()
/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dask/ in compute(self, **kwargs)
279 dask.base.compute
280 """
--> 281 (result,) = compute(self, traverse=False, **kwargs)
282 return result
/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dask/ in compute(*args, **kwargs)
561 postcomputes.append(x.__dask_postcompute__())
--> 563 results = schedule(dsk, keys, **kwargs)
564 return repack([f(r, *a) for r, (f, a) in zip(results, postcomputes)])
/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/distributed/ in get(self, dsk, keys, workers, allow_other_workers, resources, sync, asynchronous, direct, retries, priority, fifo_timeout, actors, **kwargs)
2653 should_rejoin = False
2654 try:
-> 2655 results = self.gather(packed, asynchronous=asynchronous, direct=direct)
2656 finally:
2657 for f in futures.values():
/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/distributed/ in gather(self, futures, errors, direct, asynchronous)
1962 else:
1963 local_worker = None
-> 1964 return self.sync(
1965 self._gather,
1966 futures,
/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/distributed/ in sync(self, func, asynchronous, callback_timeout, *args, **kwargs)
836 return future
837 else:
--> 838 return sync(
839 self.loop, func, *args, callback_timeout=callback_timeout, **kwargs
840 )
/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/distributed/ in sync(loop, func, callback_timeout, *args, **kwargs)
338 if error[0]:
339 typ, exc, tb = error[0]
--> 340 raise exc.with_traceback(tb)
341 else:
342 return result[0]
/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/distributed/ in f()
322 if callback_timeout is not None:
323 future = asyncio.wait_for(future, callback_timeout)
--> 324 result[0] = yield future
325 except Exception as exc:
326 error[0] = sys.exc_info()
/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/tornado/ in run(self)
761 try:
--> 762 value = future.result()
763 except Exception:
764 exc_info = sys.exc_info()
/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/distributed/ in _gather(self, futures, errors, direct, local_worker)
1827 exc = CancelledError(key)
1828 else:
-> 1829 raise exception.with_traceback(traceback)
1830 raise exc
1831 if errors == "skip":
/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dask/ in __call__()
961 if not len(args) == len(self.inkeys):
962 raise ValueError("Expected %d args, got %d" % (len(self.inkeys), len(args)))
--> 963 return core.get(self.dsk, self.outkey, dict(zip(self.inkeys, args)))
965 def __reduce__(self):
/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dask/ in get()
149 for key in toposort(dsk):
150 task = dsk[key]
--> 151 result = _execute_task(task, cache)
152 cache[key] = result
153 result = _execute_task(out, cache)
/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dask/ in _execute_task()
119 # temporaries by their reference count and can execute certain
120 # operations in-place.
--> 121 return func(*(_execute_task(a, cache) for a in args))
122 elif not ishashable(arg):
123 return arg
/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dask/ in apply()
33 def apply(func, args, kwargs=None):
34 if kwargs:
---> 35 return func(*args, **kwargs)
36 else:
37 return func(*args)
/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dask/dataframe/ in apply_and_enforce()
5474 return meta
5475 if is_dataframe_like(df):
-> 5476 check_matching_columns(meta, df)
5477 c = meta.columns
5478 else:
/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dask/dataframe/ in check_matching_columns()
690 def check_matching_columns(meta, actual):
691 # Need nan_to_num otherwise nan comparison gives False
--> 692 if not np.array_equal(np.nan_to_num(meta.columns), np.nan_to_num(actual.columns)):
693 extra = methods.tolist(actual.columns.difference(meta.columns))
694 missing = methods.tolist(meta.columns.difference(actual.columns))
/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/ in __getattr__()
5268 or name in self._accessors
5269 ):
-> 5270 return object.__getattribute__(self, name)
5271 else:
5272 if self._info_axis._can_hold_identifiers_and_holds_name(name):
pandas/_libs/properties.pyx in
/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/ in __getattr__()
5268 or name in self._accessors
5269 ):
-> 5270 return object.__getattribute__(self, name)
5271 else:
5272 if self._info_axis._can_hold_identifiers_and_holds_name(name):
AttributeError: 'DataFrame' object has no attribute '_data'
The version of Pandas in my docker file is 1.0.1, so I already try upgrading Pandas (to version 1.2.2), but it didn't work, what am I doing wrong?
My guess is that you have a version mismatch somewhere. What does client.get_versions(check=True) say?

Folium Choropleth + GeoJSON raises AttributeError: 'NoneType'

I'm trying to do a choropleth using folium which offers a great link between GeoJSON, Pandas and leaflet.
GeoJSON format is like below :
"coordinates":[[[-1.6704591323124895,49.62681486270549], .....
Pandas DataFrame :
Code_commune_INSEE CP_count
0 75120 723
1 75115 698
2 75112 671
3 75118 627
4 75111 622
"Code_communes_INSEE" corresponds to the attribute "insee" in the GeoJSON. I'd like to do a choropleth using the variable "CP_count" in the above DataFrame.
Here is my code (snippet from this notebook)
map_france = folium.Map(location=[47.000000, 2.000000], zoom_start=6)
geo_str=open(geo_path + 'simplified_communes100m.json').read(),
columns=['Code_commune_INSEE', 'CP_count'],
) + 'choro_test1.html')
I'm still getting this error again and again :
AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-83-ea0fd2c1c207> in <module>()
8 fill_color='YlGn',
9 )
---> 10'/media/flo/Stockage/Data/MesAides/map/choro_test1.html')
/home/flo/.virtualenvs/mesaides/lib/python3.4/site-packages/folium/ in save(self, outfile, close_file, **kwargs)
152 root = self.get_root()
--> 153 html = root.render(**kwargs)
154 fid.write(html.encode('utf8'))
155 if close_file:
/home/flo/.virtualenvs/mesaides/lib/python3.4/site-packages/folium/ in render(self, **kwargs)
357 """Renders the HTML representation of the element."""
358 for name, child in self._children.items():
--> 359 child.render(**kwargs)
360 return self._template.render(this=self, kwargs=kwargs)
/home/flo/.virtualenvs/mesaides/lib/python3.4/site-packages/folium/ in render(self, **kwargs)
666 for name, element in self._children.items():
--> 667 element.render(**kwargs)
/home/flo/.virtualenvs/mesaides/lib/python3.4/site-packages/folium/ in render(self, **kwargs)
661 script = self._template.module.__dict__.get('script', None)
662 if script is not None:
--> 663 figure.script.add_children(Element(script(self, kwargs)),
664 name=self.get_name())
/home/flo/.virtualenvs/mesaides/lib/python3.4/site-packages/jinja2/ in __call__(self, *args, **kwargs)
434 raise TypeError('macro %r takes not more than %d argument(s)' %
435 (, len(self.arguments)))
--> 436 return self._func(*arguments)
438 def __repr__(self):
<template> in macro(l_this, l_kwargs)
/home/flo/.virtualenvs/mesaides/lib/python3.4/site-packages/jinja2/ in call(_Context__self, _Context__obj, *args, **kwargs)
194 args = (__self.environment,) + args
195 try:
--> 196 return __obj(*args, **kwargs)
197 except StopIteration:
198 return __self.environment.undefined('value was undefined because '
/home/flo/.virtualenvs/mesaides/lib/python3.4/site-packages/folium/ in style_data(self)
353 for feature in['features']:
--> 354 feature.setdefault('properties', {}).setdefault('style', {}).update(self.style_function(feature)) # noqa
355 return json.dumps(, sort_keys=True)
/home/flo/.virtualenvs/mesaides/lib/python3.4/site-packages/folium/ in style_function(x)
671 "color": line_color,
672 "fillOpacity": fill_opacity,
--> 673 "fillColor": color_scale_fun(x)
674 }
/home/flo/.virtualenvs/mesaides/lib/python3.4/site-packages/folium/ in color_scale_fun(x)
659 def color_scale_fun(x):
660 return color_range[len(
--> 661 [u for u in color_domain if
662 u <= color_data[get_by_key(x, key_on)]])]
663 else:
/home/flo/.virtualenvs/mesaides/lib/python3.4/site-packages/folium/ in <listcomp>(.0)
660 return color_range[len(
661 [u for u in color_domain if
--> 662 u <= color_data[get_by_key(x, key_on)]])]
663 else:
664 def color_scale_fun(x):
/home/flo/.virtualenvs/mesaides/lib/python3.4/site-packages/folium/ in get_by_key(obj, key)
655 return (obj.get(key, None) if len(key.split('.')) <= 1 else
656 get_by_key(obj.get(key.split('.')[0], None),
--> 657 '.'.join(key.split('.')[1:])))
659 def color_scale_fun(x):
/home/flo/.virtualenvs/mesaides/lib/python3.4/site-packages/folium/ in get_by_key(obj, key)
655 return (obj.get(key, None) if len(key.split('.')) <= 1 else
656 get_by_key(obj.get(key.split('.')[0], None),
--> 657 '.'.join(key.split('.')[1:])))
659 def color_scale_fun(x):
/home/flo/.virtualenvs/mesaides/lib/python3.4/site-packages/folium/ in get_by_key(obj, key)
654 def get_by_key(obj, key):
--> 655 return (obj.get(key, None) if len(key.split('.')) <= 1 else
656 get_by_key(obj.get(key.split('.')[0], None),
657 '.'.join(key.split('.')[1:])))
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get'
I tried playing with key_on='' without any success.
There were 2 problems :
1 - The correct access to 'insee' parameters is : key_on=''
The best way to find the right key_on is to play with the geoJSON dict to make sure you are calling the right properties.
2- Once you have the right key_on parameters, you need to make sure that all the available keys in the geoJSON are contained in your Pandas DataFrame (otherwise it will raise a KeyError)
In this case, I used the following command line to get all the insee keys contained by my geoJSON:
ogrinfo -ro -al communes-20150101-100m.shp -geom=NO | grep insee > list_code_insee.txt
If you are experiencing the same issue, this should solve your problem.
I had the same problem on JupyterLab (on using Folium 0.5.0. Then I copied my code and ran it in PyCharm, and it worked! I don't understand why, perhaps there is some backend issue (?)
If you want to display a folium map outside of a Jupyter notebook, you have to save the map to html:'map_france.html')
and open the html in your browser.