JIRA REST API to get work log - "You do not have the permission to see the specified issue" - error-handling

I want to get work log of a specified issue on Jira. According to this document https://docs.atlassian.com/jira/REST/latest/#d2e774 I'm using this format giving my issue id:
Although I have logged in Jira, I got this error:
{"errorMessages":["You do not have the permission to see the specified issue.","Login Required"],"errors":{}}
Besides, I can see work log on Jira's interface. I don't think there is an permission constraint. Any help to solve?

You REST API request need to be authenticated. Please read Authentication paragraph (4th from the top): https://docs.atlassian.com/jira/REST/latest/
The easiest way is to use /rest/auth/1/session: https://docs.atlassian.com/jira/REST/latest/#d2e3737

I hit this issue when trying to use Cookie-Based authentication, I was following this guide from Atalassian; https://developer.atlassian.com/jiradev/jira-apis/jira-rest-apis/jira-rest-api-tutorials/jira-rest-api-example-cookie-based-authentication
The guide mentions the need for JSESSIONID but does not mention you'll also need to supply studio.crowd.tokenkey, really check what cookie elements you get back when you authenticate in case they change it again, and don't update documentation.
For my own sake I noted down all the code here.


Google Home "Couldn't update the setting. Check your connection.'

So this type of error is being reported on a lot of community boards over the course of the last year with no acceptable answer we could find. We have just started our journey integrating with Google Home and created a Home Automation Action and we are getting a similar error …
insertId: "10wvnj2fyb1thy"
logName: "projects/bitdog-home-f69bd/logs/actions.googleapis.com%2Factions"
Show matching entries
Hide matching entries
Add field to summary line
receiveTimestamp: "2018-12-06T13:28:13.939975519Z"
resource: {
labels: {
action_id: "SMART_HOME_SYNC"
project_id: "bitdog-home-f69bd"
version_id: ""
type: "assistant_action"
severity: "ERROR"
textPayload: "SYNC: Request ID 742344561631232315 failed with code: OPEN_AUTH_FAILURE"
timestamp: "2018-12-06T13:28:13.931998358Z"
This shows on Google Home app as "Couldn't update the setting, check your connection"
The OAuth service logs show a successful account linking and a successful refresh_token request. Google does not attempt a SYNC call to the Action handler from what we can tell.
We have other systems using the OAuth server and they are working well and we are little lost on how to proceed to debug this issue. We created a support ticket today but I don't feel confident that we will get meaningful help.
We have also tried using the Google Home app on Android and iOS. We have tried changing the default browser from Chrome to Firefox. Nothing has changed the outcome. We also made sure that our access_token was in JWT format to see if google was sensitive to token size or format and nothing worked. We even made sure that the Google Home app user matched the user logged into the browser.
I did get it working. It was already working with an Amazon Echo Skill but it seems that Google's implementation (OpenAuth) is a bit more strict. I changed my access_token from a proprietary encrypted token format to a legit signed JWT token. I also removed expires_in from the response and it started working, not sure if it was the access_token JWT token format or removal of expires_in. I'm happy I can move on. If I get a chance, I will test to see which change made it work and comment here again.
Thank you.
To anyone with this problem–
I had to take multiple steps to resolve this issue, which are not clearly outlined in any documentation.
As per Google support:
Please adjust your account linking implementation from implicit to auth code flow then perform test again.
On the documentation for OAuth account linking, it says there are two methods of authentication: implicit and auth code. Apparently, only the auth code flow works for smart home.
I am using the Actions on Google Node.js library. While poking through the documentation, I found that:
[The SYNC request fulfillment] should return a valid response or a Promise that resolves to valid response.
The problem is that I was doing a database operation (which took time), so I couldn't simply return a value when it was ready; I had to return a Promise insead, then fulfill that promise later.
Hopefully this is helpful to anyone stuck on this reoccurring issue! Basically, check your auth flow and make SYNC is returning a valid JS object on time.
I was facing the same issue from last 2 weeks and was wonder when saw it is a 3 steps problem.
Check your SYNC intent is properly parsed
Incorrect Response Structure (Verify here-Smart Home SYNC Data Validator)
Device Response time-out should be less than 5 sec.
You can check Link
My problem started when I connected by Sonoff Bridge.
So I got it working by removing my 'Sonoff Bridge' and connecting it to Google Home. (All mu light are now working). Added the Bridge again to Sonoff and using IFTTT to connect to my Bridge

How do you enable token refresh in Google Actions?

Successfully implemented OAuth flow within Google Actions context via account linking. However, after token expiration, it asks for user to link the account. Is there a configuration in Google Actions for token auto-refresh in this context so that the user is not re-prompted to link account after doing so already?
There are multiple problems with the app, to the point I'm a little surprised it got approved.
The first is that if you're using https://stackoverflow.com/a/44296039/1204142, then you should look at the update which indicates that Google is no longer allowing their endpoints to be used for account linking. This may explain why the card doesn't go away. Since it didn't prompt me for scopes after I authenticated myself... I'm not actually sure what it thinks it's doing.
But some code must have been sent, since the Assistant thinks we're linked. Even if the card doesn't go away.
However, when I connect, it prompts me with
OK, would you like anything else?
for the initial prompt. Which doesn't make sense in this context. But if I say "yes" it says
Sorry, I don't understand what you're asking. Say "help" to know how I can assist you.
If I ask for help, it says
Here's how piggy piggy can help.
and then leaves the mic open without saying anything further.
Your server can send an error code that will tell Google's OAuth server to send a request for a new access token using their refresh token.

Access forbidden error while creating sendGrid API Key

When I am creating General API key on SendGrid its saying access Frobidden, I am not getting what to do, I opened ticket for that, Hope any one knows about this issue.
Please Help me.
Have you tried to log out and log back in and then try creating an API key again? Perhaps your session expired.
Is it possible that this happens because your account is still being provisioned?
In my case, the Multiple User Credentials account was being used. You have to use main account in order to create API keys.

How to get current user permissions using JIRA SOAP API?

I'm developing a JIRA Client using the SOAP API and I want to check in advance what features the user will have available.
For example I don't want to show a button to comment on an issue if the user doesn't have Add Comments RemotePermission.
I tried with getAllPermissions method, but it seems it gets all permissions int the application, not the ones that the user has.
Not easy. There is a method for checking comment permission in 4.4 but not for all permissions in general, IIRC.
http://docs.atlassian.com/rpc-jira-plugin/4.4/com/atlassian/jira/rpc/soap/JiraSoapService.html#hasPermissionToEditComment(java.lang.String, com.atlassian.jira.rpc.soap.beans.RemoteComment)
Better to go with REST if you can.

How to get Google cookies having the user and the password?

The tool I'm developing would do a thing similar to when you join Facebook and they ask your GMail username and password and with it they can grab all your contacts.
But my tool doesn't use a browser, therefore it is difficult to get the proper headers. I assume that the Google application (Orkut) checks only my Cookies and Identity(ip, machine name, user-agent) as authentication method. In this case all I need is to get the proper cookies.
I tried to call https://www.google.com/accounts/ServiceLoginAuth?service=orkut with the parameters Passwd=realPasswordHere&Email=mymail#gmail.com . But the response was a similar HTML with Set-Cookie: GALX=A9iBuq7y5xU;Path=/accounts;Secure
None of these cookies are the real thing. Have you tried it yourself? Do you know how to do it? Have you ever seen an open source project that does it?
Consider using OAuth -- the URL I just gave details how to use OAuth to authorize the OpenSocial REST interface on Orkut, and this one has detailed specs on the RPC interface to OpenSocial, if that's what you prefer (the authorization part is basically the same, anyway).
If you are just looking for the contacts check out the provided API:
other google APIs
If you need source code to view how to do this you can check out the following project.
hope that helps, and good luck!
Perhaps you could check the source code of a Google tool that does this: