Get text of listBox.selectedItems? - vba

I have a listBox that displays members of a distribution group. I have the listbox setup for multisimple selection to select more than one member. I'm trying to do a loop to get the text of the selected items(index's). Here is my code which works fine for the first item. On the second item it crashes and says "Index was outside the bounds of the array." I will be taking these members and placing them in the To: field of a meeting request. So I need to to be formatted like this: member1;member2. I'm just using the MsgBox to test what I'm getting back. But I'm guessing I would need to add to an array. Please help!
For i = 0 To (myListBox.Items.Count - 1)
If myListBox.GetSelected(i) Then
End If

Re-read the question and I think you want to store this as a string. This should do what you are looking for:
Documentation on ListBox.Selected()
Dim MailStr as String
MailStr = ""
If myListBox.SelectedItems.Count = 0 Then
MsgBox "No User Selected"
Exit Sub
End If
For i = 0 to (myListBox.Items.Count - 1)
If myListBox.Selected(i) Then
MailStr = MailStr & myListBox.Items.Item(i) & "; "
End If
Next i
You can also try:
Dim assets As String
assets = ""
For Each item In assetListBox.SelectedItems
If assets = Nothing Then
assets = item
'Outputs 1 item "Member1"
assets = assets & "; " & item
'Outputs 2 items in format "member1; member2"
End If

This is what worked the way I want it.
Dim assets As String
assets = ""
For Each item In assetListBox.SelectedItems
If assets = Nothing Then
assets = item
'Outputs 1 item "Member1"
assets = assets & "; " & item
'Outputs 2 items in format "member1; member2"
End If

Related position cursor one space greater than text box length

I have a TextBox and it contains this text "File Was Created"
I would like to place the cursor one space over from the end of this text in the TextBox
I am trying to NOT say Simple Enough Task BUT I have wasted 2 hours with no solution
YES I know if I change the text to this "File Was Created " it will work NOT a solution
Here is the code mess I have tried
Dim L As Integer
L = tbMessage.Text.Length
L += 1
'tbMessage.Text = CStr(L)
'tbHaveTwo.Text = frmOne.vR
'Me.ActiveControl = tbMessage
'tbMessage.SelectionStart = tbMessage.Text.Length
tbMessage.SelectionStart = L
Here is Two updated ways to solve this issue Jimi way less code
tbMessage.Text = "File Was Created"
'This Code involves more code
'Dim str As String
'str = Mid(tbMessage.Text, tbMessage.Text.Length)
'If str <> " " Then
' tbMessage.Text = tbMessage.Text & " "
'End If
'Answer from Jimi Works Great
tbMessage.SelectionStart = tbMessage.Text.Length
So you don't end up with a ton of spaces on the end of your message?
tbMessage.AppendText(If(tbMessage.Text.EndsWith(" "), "", " "))
tbMessage.SelectionStart = tbMessage.TextLength

Listbox.List(i) error - Method or Data Member not Found

I'm trying to use a multi-select listbox so users can select cleaning tasks they have completed and mark them as done. While looping through the list I want to see if the item is selected and create a record if so. When I try to use the .List method to return the data from a specific row, I keep getting the method not found error.
I originally did not have the forms 2.0 library loaded so I thought that was the issue, but that did not resolve the problem. I've also compacted and repaired thinking it might just be an odd fluke, but that did not help either.
'loop through values in listbox since its a multi-select
For i = 0 To listCleaningTasks.ListCount - 1
If listCleaningTasks.Selected(i) Then
'add entry to cleaning log
Set rsCleaning = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM cleaning_log;")
With rsCleaning
.Fields("cleaning_task_id") = Form_frmCleaning.listCleaningTasks.List(i)
.Fields("employee_id") = Me.cmbUser
.Fields("cleanroom_id") = Me.cmbCleanroom
.Fields("cleaning_time") = Now()
End With
End If
Next i
Any ideas?
Use .listCleaningTasks.ItemData(r) to pull bound column value from row specified by index.
Use .listCleaningTasks.Column(c, r) to pull value specified by column and row indices.
Open and close recordset only one time, outside loop.
Really just need to loop through selected items, not the entire list.
Dim varItem As Variant
If Me.listCleaningTasks.ItemsSelected.Count <> 0 Then
Set rsCleaning = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM cleaning_log")
With rsCleaning
For Each varItem In Me.listCleaningTasks.ItemsSelected
`your code to create record
.Fields("cleaning_task_ID") = Me.listCleaningTasks.ItemData(varItem)
End With
MsgBox "No items selected.", vbInformation
End If
Of course the solution of June7 is correct. If you need to store the selected items and then later recall and re-select the list box items, consider to get the selected items comma delimited using this function
Public Function GetSelectedItems(combo As ListBox) As String
Dim result As String, varItem As Variant
For Each varItem In combo.ItemsSelected
result = result & "," & combo.ItemData(varItem)
GetSelectedItems = Mid(result, 2)
End Function
Store it into one column of a table and after reading it back pass it to this sub:
Public Sub CreateComboBoxSelections(combo As ListBox, selections As String)
Dim N As Integer, i As Integer
Dim selectionsArray() As String
selectionsArray = Split(selections, ",")
For i = LBound(selectionsArray) To UBound(selectionsArray)
With combo
For N = .ListCount - 1 To 0 Step -1
If .ItemData(N) = selectionsArray(i) Then
.Selected(N) = True
Exit For
End If
Next N
End With
Next i
End Sub
This will select items in your ListBox as they were before.

how to check if dataset contains specific value in

I have a dataset that contains multiple values. I want to take those rows from that dataset that contains "the specific value" and firstly I want to display those in a MessageBox.
Furtheron, I try to view them in a datagridview called ErrorsDgV.
I already searched this topic and found a good function, but unfortunately, all I get from the MessageBox is an empty box.
ErrorsDgV.DataSource = Srchdataset.Tables("blubb")
LineLabel.Text = "Lines: " &
ErrorsDgV.Sort(ErrorsDgV.Columns(1), System.ComponentModel.ListSortDirection.Ascending)
ErrorsDgV.AutoSizeColumnsMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnsMode.AllCells
ErrorsDgV.Columns(1).DefaultCellStyle.Format = "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss.fff"
Dim answer As String = ""
Dim SearchRows() As Data.DataRow
SearchRows = Srchdataset.Tables("blubb").Select("Data = 'the specific value'")
answer = ""
For k As Integer = 0 To SearchRows.Length - 1
If answer = "" Then
answer = SearchRows(k).Item("Data")
answer = answer & vbNewLine & SearchRows(k).Item("Data")
End If
MsgBox(" " & answer)
I debugged also and got to know that SearchRows is empty, even if the specific value is inlcuded in that DataSet.

Access vba filter button

I am trying to make a form with two filter buttons.
First button will + 1 to the filter and
second button will -1 to the filter.
so far I have.
Dim ADD As String
If Me.TypeID Is Empty Then
'empty TypeID, do nothing
ADD = Me.TypeID + 1
DoCmd.ApplyFilter "", "[TypeID] = " & ADD
End If
I am getting
error 2427
because I can't trap if the next TypeID doesn't exist.
For example, I have now 4 records as TypeId. If I add 1, I will have 5 which I don't have.
Thank you.
Find it.
Dim Add As String
Dim LastID As Integer
LastID = DMax("TypeID", "tblType")
If Me.TypeID = LastID Then
'Empty TypeID, Do Nothing...
Add = Me.TypeID + 1
DoCmd.ApplyFilter "", "[TypeID] = " & Add
End If
Do not forget to set:
Me.filter on = true

If a listbox contains an item LIKE

Is there anywhere to check whether a listbox contains an item which is similar to a string?
I have tried to use a Like statement but this doesn't work.
I have tried:
For i As Integer = 0 To TopicListBox.Items.Count - 1
If (TopicListBox.Items(i).ToString.Contains(Record.Item("Keyphrase2"))) Then
Dim Item As String = TopicListBox.Items(i).ToString
If Item Like "Questions related to:" & Record.Item("Keyphrase2") & ": |*| Qs" Then
Dim ItemSplit() As String = Item.Split(New Char() {"|"c})
Dim AmountOfQuestionsAfter As Integer = AmountOfQuestions + CInt(ItemSplit(1))
Item = ItemSplit(0) & AmountOfQuestionsAfter & ItemSplit(1)
TopicListBox.Items.Add("Questions related to:" & Record.Item("Keyphrase2") & ": |" & AmountOfQuestions & "| Qs")
Exit For
End If
End If
I don't really understand what you are trying to accomplish, but here is a LINQ function to return all the items that contain a certain string.
Dim lb As New ListBox
'' find all items in the ListBox that contain the string "asdf"
Dim found = lb.Items.Cast(Of String).Where(Function(f) f.Contains("asdf"))
For Each s In found
'' do something with those items
Can't you just do
If Item.Contains("Questions related to:" & Record.Item("Keyphrase2")) Then
End If
If Item.StartsWith("Questions related to:" & Record.Item("Keyphrase2")) Then
End If
Dim Found = (From Result In lb.Items Where Result.ToString = "Value" Select Result)
If (Found.Count > 0) Then
' your code
End If