Counting multiple columns with the same criteria - sql

I would like to count multiple columns based on their contents. Each column I want to count(alpha,bravo and charlie) has either 'T' or 'F', I only want to count those with a 'T'.
So far i have:
select, count(t1.alpha), count(t1.bravo), count(t1.charlie)
from t1
where alpha='T',
or bravo='t'
or charlie='t'
group by name
order by name asc;
However the figures i am getting dont match what I get if i run
select count(*)
from t1
where name='test'
and alpha='t';
this example would need to be run in 16 different configurations to get the results i am seeking hence it not being a practical solution to write multiple versions of it.

Remove the where clause and use Conditional Aggregate instead, which will help you to count the rows only when data is T.
count(case when t1.alpha ='T' then 1 end),
count(case when t1.bravo='T' then 1 end),
count(case when t1.charlie='T' then 1 end)
from t1
group by name
order by name asc;


TSQL "where ... group by ..." issue that needs solution like "having ..."

I have 3 sub-tables of different formats joined together with unions if this affects anything into full-table. There I have columns "location", "amount" and "time". Then to keep generality for my later needs I union full-table with location-table that has all possible "location" values and other fields are null into master-table.
I query master-table,
select location, sum(amount)
from master-table
where (time...)
group by location
However some "location" values are dropped because sum(amount) is 0 for those "location"s but I really want to have full list of those "location"s for my further steps.
Alternative would be to use HAVING clause but from what I understand HAVING is impossible here because i filter on "time" while grouping on "location" and I would need to add "time" in grouping which destroys the purpose. Keep in mind that the goal here is to get sum(amount) in each "location"
select location, sum(amount)
from master-table
group by location, time
having (time...)
To view the output:
with the first code I get
loc1, 5
loc3, 10
loc6, 1
but I want to get
loc1, 5
loc2, 0
loc3, 10
loc4, 0
loc5, 0
loc6, 1
Any suggestions on what can be done with this structure of master-table? Alternative solution to which I have no idea how to code would be to add numbers from the first query result to location-table (as a query, not actual table) with the final result query that I've posted above.
What you want will require a complete list of locations, then a left-outer join using that table and your calculated values, and IsNull (for tsql) to ensure you see the 0s you expect. You can do this with some CTEs, which I find valuable for clarity during development, or you can work on "putting it all together" in a more traditional SELECT...FROM... statement. The CTE approach might look like this:
WITH loc AS (
FROM location_table
), summary_data as (
SELECT LocationID, SUM(amount) AS location_sum
FROM master-table
SELECT loc.LocationID, IsNull(location_sum,0) AS location_sum
FROM loc
LEFT OUTER JOIN summary_data ON loc.LocationID = summary_data.LocationID
See if that gets you a step or two closer to the results you're looking for.
I can think of 2 options:
You could move the WHERE to a CASE WHEN construction:
-- Option 1
sum(CASE WHEN time <'16:00' THEN amount ELSE 0 END)
from master_table
group by location
Or you could JOIN with the possible values of location (which is my first ever RIGHT JOIN in a very long time 😉):
-- Option 2
sum(CASE WHEN m.time <'16:00' THEN m.amount ELSE 0 END)
from master_table m
right join (select distinct location from master_table) x ON x.location = m.location
group by x.location
The version using T-SQL without CTEs would be:
SELECT l.location ,
ISNULL(m.location_sum, 0) as location_sum
FROM master-table l
SELECT location,
SUM(amount) as location_sum
FROM master-table
WHERE (time ... )
GROUP BY location
) m ON l.location = m.location
This assumes that you still have your initial UNION in place that ensures that master-table has all possible locations included.
It is the where clause that excludes some locations. To ensure you retain every location you could introduce "conditional aggregation" instead of using the where clause: e.g.
select location, sum(case when (time...) then amount else 0 end) as location_sum
from master-table
group by location
i.e. instead of excluding some rows from the result, place the conditions inside the sum function that equate to the conditions you would have used in the where clause. If those conditions are true, then it will aggregate the amount, but if the conditions evaluate to false then 0 is summed, but the location is retained in the result.

How do I count the rows with a where clause in SQL Server?

I am pretty much stuck with a problem I am facing with SQL Server. I want to show in a query the amount of times that specific value occurs. This is pretty easy to do, but I want to take it a step further and I think the best way to explain on what I am trying to achieve is to explain it using images.
I have two tables:
Plant and
As you can see with the chest the column 'hoeveelheid' tells how full the chest is, 'vol' == 1 and 3/4 is == 0,75. In the plant table there is a column 'Hoeveelheidperkist' which tells how much plants there can be in 1 chest.
select DISTINCT kist.Plantnaam, kist.Plantmaat, count(*) AS 'Amount'
from kist
group by kist.plantnaam, kist.Plantmaat
This query counts all the chests, but it does not seperate the count of 'Vol' chests and '3/4' chests. It only does This. What I want to achieve is this. But I have no idea how. Any help would be much appreciated.
If you use group by you don't need distinct
and if you want the seprated count for hoeveelheid you ust add to the group by clause
select DISTINCT kist.Plantnaam, kist.Plantmaat, kist.hoeveelheid, count(*) AS 'Amount'
from kist
group by kist.plantnaam, kist.Plantmaat, hoeveelheid
or if you want all the 3 count ond the samw rowx you could use a condition aggreagtion eg:
select DISTINCT kist.Plantnaam, kist.Plantmaat
, sum(case when kist.hoeveelheid ='Vol' then 1 else 0 end) vol
, sum(case when kist.hoeveelheid ='3/3' then 1 else 0 end) 3_4
, count(*) AS 'Amount'
from kist
group by kist.plantnaam, kist.Plantmaat
When you want to filter the data on the counts you have to use having clause. When ever you are using aggregate functions(sum, count, min, max) and you want to filter them on aggregation basis, use having clause
select DISTINCT kist.Plantnaam, kist.Plantmaat, count(*) AS 'Amount'
from kist
group by kist.plantnaam, kist.Plantmaat having count(*) = 1 -- or provide necessary conditions

SQLite3 database conditional summing

I am looking to order a list of keys based on the number of orders placed from a database containing order requests. Basically, on table, call it orders(o_partkey, o_returnflag) I am trying to get the total number of returns for each order. I have tried many variations of the following snippet with the goal schema returnlist(partkey, numreturns):
select O.o_partkey as partkey,
count(case when O.o_returnflag = 'R' then 1 else 0 end) as numreturns
from orders O
orderby quantity_returned desc;
I am very new to SQLite and am just jumping into the basics. This is an adjustment of a homework question (the actual question is more complex) but I have simplified down the issue I am having.
Consider using a derived table subquery with SUM() as the aggregate function:
SELECT dT.partkey, dT.numreturns
(SELECT O.o_partkey as partkey,
SUM(CASE WHEN O.o_returnflag = 'R' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as numreturns
GROUP BY O.o_partkey) AS dT
ORDER BY dT.numreturns DESC;
Be sure to bracket name of table as [ORDER] is an SQLite key word.
Your problem is that COUNT counts rows, so it counts both 0 and 1 values.
You are not interested in any other rows, so you can just filter out the returns with WHERE:
SELECT o_partkey AS partkey,
COUNT(*) AS numreturns
FROM orders
WHERE o_returnflag = 'R'

SQL command to join and count differnt items in a column grouping them

select t1.ks, t1.[# Tasks], coalesce(t2.[# Late], 0) as [# Late]
(SELECT ks, COUNT(*) AS '# Tasks' FROM Table GROUP BY ks) t1
left join
(SELECT ks, COUNT(*) AS '# Late' FROM Table GROUP BY ks) t2
on t1.ks = t2.ks
this commands works well with only two columns but on my project i want 2 display up to eight columns of data. Can anyone help with such a command that produces results in the same manner as the one above but for eight columns.
You need logic to determine what makes something late. Then, you can do what you want with conditional aggregation, because the fields you want appear to be from the same table:
select ks, count(*) as numprojects,
sum(case when ***late condition goes there *** then 1 else 0 end) as numlate
from table t
group by ks;

SQL query - Selecting distinct values from a table

I have a table in which i have multiple entries against a FK. I want to find out the value of FK which do not have certain entries e.g
my table has following entries.
PK----------------FK-----------------Column entries
Now, from this table i want to filter all those FK which do not have ab3 or ab4 in them. Certainly, i expect distinct values i.e. in this case result would be FK= 100 and 200.
The query which i am using is
select distinct(FK)
from table1
where column_entries != 'ab3'
or column_entries != 'ab4';
Certainly, this query is not fetching the desired result.
try the following :-
select distinct fk_col from table1
(select distinct fk_col from table1 where col_entry='ab3'
select distinct fk_col from table1 where col_entry='ab4')
This will show all those FKs which do not have 'ab3' and 'ab4'. i.e. 100 and 200 in your case
The below script may be the solution if I got your question in a right way.
WHERE TableForeignKey NOT IN (
SELECT T1.TableForeignKey
FROM Test T1 INNER JOIN Test T2 ON T1.TableForeignKey = T2.TableForeignKey
WHERE T1.TableEntry = 'ab3' AND T2.TableEntry = 'ab4')
SQLFiddle Demo
You could use GROUP BY with conditional aggregation in HAVING:
FROM table1
HAVING COUNT(CASE column_entries WHEN 'ab3' THEN 1 END) = 0
OR COUNT(CASE column_entries WHEN 'ab4' THEN 1 END) = 0
The two conditional aggregates count 'ab3' and 'ab4' entries separately. If both end up with results greater than 0, then the corresponding FK has both 'ab3' and 'ab4' and is thus not returned. If at least one of the counts evaluates to 0, then FK is considered satisfying the requirements.