IntelliJ align multiple lines of code vertically - intellij-idea

I am wondering how to align (the keyboard shortcut) a line or a block of code with the previous line, so that they have the same indention or starting from the same column in IntelliJ and PyCharm.

I think that "Emacs Tab" could help you. You can use setting search to find it or you can go Preferences -> Appearance & Behaviour -> Keymap. It is editor action and in some Keymap settings it doesn't have assigned key shortcut. I personally prefer remap Tab key to this action.


Intellij Idea - how to get rid of thick caret/cursor

I pressed something in Intellij and my caret shape changed to this. How to revert to the normal thickness? Using Intellij 2016.1.
Compare to this, normal thickness should be that of a bold vertical line:
Update: On Android Studio 2.1 beta, same machine, same font settings, cursor is visibly thinner.
You can .. but it's not pixel perfect. I mean -- for me the value does not seem to control thickness in pixels but rather some index (which gets applied to some predefined values) -- at least this is my impression on what I see my computer.
In any case:
Help | Find Action...
Search for registry action
Once in Registry window -- look for editor.caret.width entry
Set the new value (for me the default was 2) -- make sure that field went bold (move to another entry) to ensure that new value was accepted.
Restart IDE (this option requires it)
UPDATE (2017/04/06):
You may also try ThinCaret plugin:
Makes your editor caret 1 pixel thin (for retina users)
You can change it under Settings -> Editor -> General -> Appearance -> Use Block caret
Other caret settings are under Settings -> Editor -> Colors & Fonts -> General. Then if you scroll down to the editor section on the right, there is a caret item in the list with font/color settings.
Please check the Picture for solution.
If you got here because of the thick cursor (block cursor) that behaves differently than the normal thin one. Just press the insert (Ins) button once and you are good to go.
Go to the Keymaps section of the Preferences and add your own Keyboard shortcut if you are using a Mac. Windows users can just enable/disable Insert mode on their keyboard.

How to set default show line number and white space in PhpStorm 2016.1

How to make line number visible in PhpStorm 2016.1?
I can't find setting in preferences.
Use CMD+SHIFT+A (on Mac) to search for actions across the IDE, including the preference pane. In this instance, typing "Line Numbers" into the search box takes you right to the preference pane for that option, with it highlighted nicely for you ( This works for any settings you can't find, or want to find quickly.
Preferences if your are on Mac | Editor --> (General) --> Appearance --> Show line numbers.
File->Setting->Editor->Appearance->show line numbers for Windows users
PhpStorm 2016.1 for Active Editor only
Main Menu:
View -> Active Editor -> Show Line Numbers
PhpStorm 2016.1 for all tabs
Main Menu
File -> Settings:

Cycle through autocomplete suggestions without arrows

I'm really impressed with the autocomplete feature of the IntelliJ IDE so far.
What I'd like to do, is cycle through the autocomplete suggestions I get when hitting Ctrl + Space without using the arrow keys (↑, ↓).
The reason for this is that I prefer to keep my fingers on the home row (I'm using IntelliJ's Vim emulator additionally).
For example, how would I select sortThis instead of sorted without using the arrow keys or the mouse?
Peter Gromov's answer brought me to a satisfying solution:
In IntelliJ's settings, for Keymap → Editor Actions → Down I set a custom shortcut: Ctrl + J.
This way I can cycle forward through the suggestions.
Setting a shortcut for Down with Selection or Scroll Line Down in the IdeaVim-specific shortcuts did not affect the selection of autocomplete suggestions though.
The answer here: led me to discover that Ctrl+n & Ctrl+p allow navigation of the auto-complete options without having to modify any settings
For macOS the IDE will give a hint that "^↑ and ^↓ will move caret up and down in the editor". These clearly do not work.
There are a few extra steps that are needed after following #matthias-braun's solution.
Here is the full list of step that I use:
Go to Preferences -> Keymap
Expand Editor Actions (not Plug-ins -> IdeaVim)
Select Down
Click the pencil icon or right-click
Select Add Keyboard Shortcut
Press the shortcut (I use ^N)*
Repeat for 3-6 for Up (I use ^P)
Click Ok**
Go to Preferences -> Other Settings -> Vim Emulation
In the drop-down under the Handler column for the row containing Down, select Vim***
Do the same thing for Up
* If you are warned about the key binding already existing then remove it. You can always reset back to the defaults by clicking the little cog icon up the very top to the right of the drop-down menu.
** The Vim Emulation doesn't seem to be populated correctly until you reopen the Preferences.
*** I'm not sure why the Handler should be Vim. This seems backwards to me but it works.
If you're able to scroll up/down in editor with some IdeaVIM-specific shortcuts, they should also work in the completion list.
In this particular case, I'd just type another "t" so that "sortThis" becomes selected (and the only) variant.
I have done the same thing with mapping the arrows but in a more logical way:
I mapped them that when I press 'Alt' 'J' is left, 'L' is right, 'I' is up, and 'k' is down. that way I can have easy access to the arrows while my fingers are on the home row and I don't need to move them nearly as much...
I'm posting it just so people who search it on google can have that idea.

Change intellij/android studio tool window quick access shortcuts

Is it possible to change the quick access shortcut numbers for a tool window?
i.e. the numbers next to a tool window name, used by the keyboard shortcut to toggle the window, talked about here
Yep. They are listed in Keymap. MainMenu -> View -> ToolWindows.
P.S.: Idea has a nice Find by shortcut function in Keymap settings page, I used it, to answer your question.
In Android Studio, you can change the Keymap this way:
Preferences -> Keymap
Then open Tool Windows. You may need to scroll down to see all the options.
Right-click on the element you want to assign a new key-stroke. Select Add Keyboard Shortcut. Make sure that the rectangle with a plus in it is selected (use your mouse) and press the key-stroke that you want for this item.
Android Studio will warn you if that key-stroke is already assigned. Click OK to reassign that key-stroke to the item. It'll warn you one more time that you will need to remove the previous assignment for that key-stroke. Click Remove to proceed. You should see the updated keystroke in the right-most column.

How to disable help in IntelliJ Idea?

I have mapped 'tilde' key (under escape on mac) to autocomplete, I just find it easier that way. At times I instead hit F1 accidentally and the IntellJ help pops up. Is there a way that I can disable F1 from activating help?
Yes. Press Ctrl+Alt+S and go to the Keymap tab in settings. Then find the "Context Help" node in All Actions/Other/Context help, and remove the shortcut.
You can look for other bound shortcuts in the future (by the key used to activate them) using the "filter" icon to the right of the search box.